-- File: PhoneRegistryImpl.mesa
-- Implements: PhoneRegistry operations to create and query whitepages database
-- Last edited by:
-- Cattell, January 16, 1984 3:17 pm
-- Elabbadi, August 4, 1983 12:50 pm

 FS USING[StreamOpen, Error],
 NutOps USING[SetUpSegment],
 TiogaOps USING [StepForward, SetNodeFormat, Ref],
 TiogaExtraOps USING [GetFile,PutFile, FreeTree],
 UserCredentials USING[Get],
 ViewerIO USING[CreateViewerStreams],
PhoneRegistryImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM

IMPORTS DB, DBQ, IO, FS, NutOps, PhoneRegistry, Rope,
 TiogaExtraOps, TiogaOps, UserCredentials, ViewerIO
EXPORTS PhoneRegistry
OPEN DB, Rope;

-- Global variables for accessing the database
PersonDomain: DB.Domain;   --the domain of persons; each entity has a unique name
          --formed from the concat of lastname,firstname<rName>
NameRelation: DB.Relation;   -- The tuples in the relation have the structure:
          --NameRelation[ Person: PersonDomain,
--last: ROPE, LastNameSoundex: ROPE ,
           --first:ROPE, FirstNameSoundex: ROPE]
 PersonAttrNameRel: DB.Attribute; --The person entity's unique name( pointer)
 LastNameAttr: DB.Attribute;
 LastNameSoundexAttr: DB.Attribute;
 FirstNameAttr: DB.Attribute;
 FirstNameSoundexAttr: DB.Attribute;
RNameRelation: DB.Relation;   --The relation containing the rnames of persons
           --The tuples in the relation have the structure:
           --RNameRelation[Person: PersonDomain,
           --RName:ROPE, RNameSoundex: Rope]
 PersonAttrRNameRel: DB.Attribute;
 RNameAttr: DB.Attribute;
 RNameSoundexAttr: DB.Attribute; 
PhoneRelation: DB.Relation;  --The relation containing the phones of a Person.
           --The tuples in the relation have the structure:
Person: PersonDomain,
Phone: ROPE, PhoneKind: ROPE]
 PersonAttrPhoneRel: DB.Attribute;
 PhoneAttr: DB.Attribute;  
 PhoneKindAttr: DB.Attribute;

segment: ATOM;

Failed: PUBLIC ERROR[why: PhoneRegistry.Failure, reason: Rope.ROPE] = CODE;

-- Accessing Phone database
Initialization: PUBLIC PROC ={
-- Set up the database with:
-- Domain: Person,
 -- Relations: Phone, Name.

-- on both private and public segments.
 in, out: IO.STREAM;
 localFile: ROPE← Rope.Cat["[Luther.Alpine]<", UserCredentials.Get[].name, ">Squirrel.segment"];
 [in, out] ← ViewerIO.CreateViewerStreams["PhoneRegistryLog"];
IF NOT NutOps.SetUpSegment[segmentFile: localFile, seg: $Squirrel].success THEN
  out.PutF["Can\'t open %g", IO.rope[localFile]];
IF NOT NutOps.SetUpSegment[ -- Will open for writing if user so priviledged
  segmentFile: "[Luther.Alpine]<Grapenut>Grapenut.segment", seg: $Grapenut].success THEN
  out.PutF["Can\'t open %[Luther.Alpine]<Grapenut>Grapenut.segment"];
-- If writing to public segment, put the following in reverse order
GetPhoneNumber: PUBLIC PROC[
rName: Rope.ROPENIL, last: Rope.ROPENIL, first: Rope.ROPENIL,
phoneKind: Rope.ROPENIL] RETURNS [Rope.ROPE] = {
-- If RName/last name/firstname exists return associated PhoneNumber
-- of the requested type. Return "None" if none exist.
 -- At Least one of
rName, last, first must not be NIL
 -- If more than one person exists corresponding to given RName/last name/
 -- (in both segments) return list of persons names.
 -- Give all phone numbers associated with a person irrispective of duplication.
 phoneRelship: --phone--DB.Relship;
 t: DB.Relship;
 nextRel: DB.Relship;
 PhoneNumbers: DB.RelshipSet;
 probablePersons: DB.RelshipSet; --set of candidate persons associated with given name
 constrain: DB.AttributeValueList;
 phone: Rope.ROPENIL;
 p: DB.Entity;
 person: DB.Entity;
 name: Rope.ROPE;
 personAttr: DB.Attribute;
 soundexAttr: DB.Attribute;
 attr: DB.Attribute;
 rel: DB.Relation;
 segName: Rope.ROPE;
 list, uniqueList: LIST OF DB.Entity;
 length: INT;
SegOf: PROC[phoneRelship: DB.Relship]RETURNS[Rope.ROPE]={
  IF DB.SegmentOf[phoneRelship] = $Squirrel THEN RETURN[" Private"]
                ELSE RETURN[" Public"];

  rName#NIL => {
probablePersons ← DBQ.QRelationSubset[RNameRelation,
LIST[ AttributeValue[RNameAttr, S2V[rName]]]];
attr ← PersonAttrRNameRel
  last#NIL, first#NIL => {
   probablePersons ← DBQ.QRelationSubset[NameRelation, LIST[
   AttributeValue[LastNameAttr, S2V[last]], AttributeValue[FirstNameAttr, S2V[first]]]];  
   attr ← PersonAttrNameRel
  last#NIL => {
   probablePersons ← DBQ.QRelationSubset[NameRelation, LIST[
    AttributeValue[LastNameAttr, S2V[last]]]];
   attr ← PersonAttrNameRel
  first#NIL => {
   probablePersons ← DBQ.QRelationSubset[NameRelation, LIST[
    AttributeValue[FirstNameAttr, S2V[first]]]];
   attr ← PersonAttrNameRel
 t← DBQ.QNextRelship[probablePersons];
   -- Eliminate same person but in different segments
 p← V2E[DBQ.QGetF[t, attr]];
 list← LIST[p];
WHILE (nextRel ← DBQ.QNextRelship[probablePersons]) #NIL DO
  list← CONS[V2E[DBQ.QGetF[nextRel, attr]], list] ENDLOOP;
 [uniqueList, length]← UniqueList[list];
  IF length > 1 THEN RETURN[RopeList[uniqueList]];
  person← V2E[DBQ.QGetF[t, attr]];
  IF (Rope.Equal[phoneKind, "All"] OR Rope.Equal[phoneKind, NIL])
    THEN constrain← LIST[ AttributeValue[PersonAttrPhoneRel, person]]
    ELSE constrain← LIST[ AttributeValue[PersonAttrPhoneRel, person],
               AttributeValue[PhoneKindAttr, S2V[phoneKind]]];
 PhoneNumbers← DBQ.QRelationSubset[PhoneRelation, constrain];
IF (phoneRelship←DBQ.QNextRelship[PhoneNumbers] )= NIL THEN RETURN["None"];
-- Only one person exists=> find his phonenumbers
 phone�t[V2S[DBQ.QGetF[phoneRelship, PhoneAttr]],
      " ",
      V2S[DBQ.QGetF[phoneRelship, PhoneKindAttr]],
WHILE ( phoneRelship ← DBQ.QNextRelship[PhoneNumbers])#NIL DO
    phone�t[" ",
      " ",
RETURN [phone]
-- Wrong information try soundex alternatives
   last#NIL => {name ← last;
      soundexAttr ← LastNameSoundexAttr;
      personAttr ← PersonAttrNameRel;
      rel← NameRelation};
   first#NIL => {name ← first;
      soundexAttr ← FirstNameSoundexAttr;
      personAttr ← PersonAttrNameRel;
      rel← NameRelation};
   rName#NIL => {name ← rName;
       soundexAttr ← RNameSoundexAttr;
       personAttr ← PersonAttrRNameRel;
       rel← RNameRelation};
  RETURN[SuggestNames[name, personAttr, soundexAttr, rel]]  
UniqueList: PROC[list: LIST OF Entity] RETURNS[list1: LIST OF Entity, length: INT]={
-- Given list generate list1 with no multiple entries, return in length the number
-- of entities in list1.I am using an O(n square) algorithm for simplicity. A more efficient
-- way would perform sorting and then check for duplicates.
  node, n: DB.Entity;
  l: LIST OF Entity;
  unique: BOOL;
  length← 0;
  list1← NIL;
IF list = NIL THEN RETURN[list1, length];
   node← list.first;
   unique← TRUE;
   IF (l← list.rest) #NIL THEN {
     n← l.first;
     IF Rope.Equal[DB.NameOf[node], DB.NameOf[n]] THEN unique← FALSE;
     IF (l← l.rest ) = NIL THEN EXIT;
   IF unique THEN{
     list1←CONS[node, list1];
     length← length+1;
   IF (list←list.rest ) = NIL THEN EXIT;
RETURN[list1, length]
RopeList: PROC[list: LIST OF Entity] RETURNS[names: Rope.ROPE]={
node: DB.Entity;
names← NIL;
FOR list← list, list.rest UNTIL list = NIL DO
 node← list.first;
 names← Rope.Cat[names, " ", DB.NameOf[node]]
GetName: PUBLIC PROC[rName:Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [Rope.ROPE] = {
-- If RName exists return associated Name.
-- Return "None" if none exist.
 -- If RName doesn't exist return suggested names using soundex code
 name: Rope.ROPE;
 nameSet: DB.RelshipSet;
 nameRelship: DB.Relship;
 constrain: DB.AttributeValueList;
 firstTime: BOOLTRUE;
 personRelship: DB.Entity;
 person: DB.Entity;
 segName: Rope.ROPE;
 list, uniqueList: LIST OF DB.Entity;
 length: INT;
personRelship← DBQ.QDeclareRelship[
RNameRelation, LIST[AttributeValue[RNameAttr, S2V[rName]]], OldOnly];
IF personRelship#NIL THEN {
  person ← V2E[DBQ.QGetF[personRelship,PersonAttrRNameRel]];
  constrain← LIST[ AttributeValue[PersonAttrNameRel, person]];
  nameSet ← DBQ.QRelationSubset[ NameRelation, constrain];
   WHILE ( nameRelship ← DBQ.QNextRelship[nameSet])#NIL DO
    list←CONS[V2E[DBQ.QGetF[nameRelship, PersonAttrNameRel]], list];
  [uniqueList, length]← UniqueList[list];
  FOR uniqueList← uniqueList, uniqueList.rest UNTIL uniqueList=NIL DO
   person ← uniqueList.first;
    IF DB.SegmentOf[person] = $Squirrel THEN segName ← " Private"
                ELSE segName ← " Public";
    IF firstTime THEN firstTime←FALSE ELSE name𡤌oncat[name," "];
   name�t[name, DB.NameOf[person], segName];
  RETURN[SuggestNames[rName, PersonAttrRNameRel, RNameSoundexAttr, RNameRelation]]
GetRName: PUBLIC PROC[last: Rope.ROPENIL, first: Rope.ROPENIL] RETURNS [Rope.ROPE] = {
-- If last/first names exist return associated RName
-- Return "None" if no RName exists.
 -- Suggest other alternative names if given info is not accurate
 name: Rope.ROPE;
 rNameRelship: DB.Relship;
 probablePersons: RelshipSet;
 constrain: AttributeValueList;
 firstTime: BOOLTRUE;
 person: DB.Entity;
 entityName: Rope.ROPE;
 attr: DB.Attribute;
 t: DB.Relship;
 nextRel: DB.Relship; 
 suggestedRNames: Rope.ROPE;
 segName: Rope.ROPE;
  last#NIL, first#NIL => {
probablePersons ← DBQ.QRelationSubset[NameRelation,LIST[
AttributeValue[LastNameAttr, S2V[last]], AttributeValue[FirstNameAttr, S2V[first]]]];  
attr ← PersonAttrNameRel
  last#NIL => {
   probablePersons ← DBQ.QRelationSubset[NameRelation, LIST[
   AttributeValue[LastNameAttr, S2V[last]]]];
   attr ← PersonAttrNameRel
  first#NIL => {
   probablePersons ← DBQ.QRelationSubset[NameRelation, LIST[
   AttributeValue[FirstNameAttr, S2V[first]]]];
   attr ← PersonAttrNameRel
 t← DBQ.QNextRelship[probablePersons];
nextRel← DBQ.QNextRelship[probablePersons];
IF nextRel#NIL THEN {
-- More than one possible person
UNTIL (nextRel ← DBQ.QNextRelship[probablePersons])#NIL DO
   IF firstTime THEN{
    suggestedRNames ← Concat[NameOf[V2E[DBQ.QGetF[ t, attr]]]," "]}
   suggestedRNames𡤌oncat[suggestedRNames," "];
   IF DB.SegmentOf[nextRel] = $Squirrel THEN segName ← "Private"
   ELSE segName ← "Public";
   suggestedRNames,NameOf[V2E[DBQ.QGetF[nextRel, attr]]], segName];
 entityName ← NameOf[V2E[DBQ.QGetF[t, attr]]];
 person ← DBQ.QFetchEntity[ PersonDomain, entityName, $All];
IF person#NIL THEN {
   constrain← LIST[ AttributeValue[RNameRelation, person]];
  rNameRelship← DBQ.QDeclareRelship[ RNameRelation, constrain];
   IF rNameRelship = NIL THEN RETURN["No RName associated"];       
   RETURN [V2S[DBQ.QGetF[rNameRelship,RNameAttr]]]
-- Try SoundexCode
   last#NIL => {name ← last; attr ← LastNameSoundexAttr};
   first#NIL => {name ← first; attr ← FirstNameSoundexAttr};
   ENDCASE => ERROR;--shouldn't happen--
RETURN[SuggestNames[name, PersonAttrNameRel, attr, NameRelation]]  
SuggestNames: PROC[
name: Rope.ROPE, personAttr: DB.Attribute,soundexAttr: DB.Attribute, rel: DB.Relation]
-- Return all names that have same soundex code as name in rel for the attribute attr.
soundexCode: Rope.ROPE;
soundexRelship: DB.Relship;
constrain: AttributeValueList;
probablePersons: RelshipSet;
suggestedNames: Rope.ROPENIL; --The names of probable Pesons
firstTime: BOOL;
segName: Rope.ROPE;
 soundexCode← Encode[name];
 constrain← LIST[ AttributeValue[soundexAttr, S2V[soundexCode]]];
 probablePersons ← DBQ.QRelationSubset[ rel, constrain];
IF probablePersons = NIL THEN RETURN["No such name, Misspells checked"]; 
WHILE ( soundexRelship ← DBQ.QNextRelship[probablePersons])#NIL DO
  IF firstTime THEN firstTime←FALSE ELSE suggestedNames𡤌oncat[suggestedNames," "];
  IF DB.SegmentOf[soundexRelship] = $Squirrel THEN segName ← "Private"
  ELSE segName ← "Public";
  suggestedNames← Cat[
   NameOf[V2E[DBQ.QGetF[soundexRelship, personAttr]]],
RETURN [suggestedNames]
AddFileToDB: PUBLIC PROC[newList:Rope.ROPE] = {
-- Register all entries in newList in the DB. Entries have to be of the same format
-- as WhitePages.CNF is. as specified before.
 -- Errors still have to be handled
 stream: IO.STREAM;
header,data : Rope.ROPE;
rName,name,phone : Rope.ROPE;
in, out: IO.STREAM;
ENABLE{IO.EndOfStream => GOTO Out};
 stream ← FS.StreamOpen[ newList
  ! FS.Error => ERROR PhoneRegistry.Failed[ NoInputFile, newList]];
 [in, out] ← ViewerIO.CreateViewerStreams["Trace"];
  [header, data] ← LexicalAnalyzer[stream];
IF header = NIL THEN EXIT;
  Rope.Equal[ header,"Rname"] => {
    rName ← data;
    out.PutF[ "The Count is %g\n", IO.rope[data]];
    IF NOT( CheckRNameValidity[rName] ) THEN
           ERROR PhoneRegistry.Failed[ NoSuchRName, rName];
  Rope.Equal[ header, "Name"] => {
    name ← data;
    []←RegisterPerson[name, rName];
  Rope.Equal[ header, "Office Number"] => {
     phone ← data;
     IF (CheckPhoneValidity[phone]) THEN RegisterPhone[rName, name, phone, header]
     ERROR PhoneRegistry.Failed[NoSuchPhone, phone];
  Rope.Equal[ header, "Office Public Number"]  => {
    phone ← data;
    IF (CheckPhoneValidity[phone]) THEN RegisterPhone[rName,name,phone,header]
     ERROR PhoneRegistry.Failed[NoSuchPhone, phone];
  Out => NULL;
IF stream # NIL THEN stream.Close[];
LexicalAnalyzer: PROC[
stream: IO.STREAM] RETURNS[header: Rope.ROPENIL, data: Rope.ROPE] ={
-- Analyse a stream that is of the form header: data
-- and return both header and data. Any line (a sequence of characters ending with a CR)
 -- containing no : is disregarded. No checking of validity of header is done. Any : following
 -- the first one is not taken into consideration.
 begin: INT;
 headerOrData: Rope.ROPE;
 []← IO.SkipWhitespace[stream];
WHILE header = NIL DO
  headerOrData ← IO.GetTokenRope[stream, TokenFinder].token;
  begin ← Rope.SkipOver[s: headerOrData, skip: " "];
  headerOrData ← Rope.Substr[headerOrData, begin, Rope.Length[headerOrData] - begin + 1];
  separator ← IO.GetTokenRope[stream, TokenFinder].token;
  IF Rope.Equal[separator, ":"] THEN header ← headerOrData;
 []← IO.SkipWhitespace[stream];
data ← IO.GetLineRope[stream];
RETURN[header, data]
TokenFinder: IO.BreakProc = {
  RETURN[ IF char = IO.CR OR char= ': THEN break ELSE other ] };

lowLName, highLName: Rope.ROPENIL, phoneKind: Rope.ROPE← "All"] = {
-- Make a list of LastNames with their associated phone numbers of the kind noted,
-- in the specified range from lowRName to highRName in lexicographical order.
-- If no range is specified list the entire phone registry particular order.
-- If no phone kind is given list all phones associated.
 root: TiogaOps.Ref;
 nameRelshipSet: DB.RelshipSet;
 personRelship: DB.Relship;
 first, last: Rope.ROPE;
 phone: Rope.ROPE;
 listStream: IO.STREAM← FS.StreamOpen[fileName: "PersonList", accessOptions: $create];
 nameRelshipSet ← DBQ.QRelationSubset[NameRelation,
LIST[AttributeValue[LastNameAttr,S2V[lowLName], S2V[highLName]]] ];
IF nameRelshipSet = NIL
  THEN listStream.PutF["\n%-g",IO.rope[ "NO RNames in the specified range"]];
WHILE (personRelship← DBQ.QNextRelship[nameRelshipSet]) # NIL DO
  last ← V2S[DBQ.QGetF[personRelship,LastNameAttr]];
  first ← V2S[DBQ.QGetF[personRelship,FirstNameAttr]];
  phone← GetPhoneNumber[NIL,last, first, phoneKind];
  listStream.PutF["\n%g %g",
   IO.rope[NameOf[V2E[DBQ.QGetF[personRelship, PersonAttrNameRel]]]], IO.rope[phone]];
 root← TiogaExtraOps.GetFile["PersonList"];
FOR r:TiogaOps.Ref← TiogaOps.StepForward[root], TiogaOps.StepForward[r]
  UNTIL r = NIL OR r = root DO
 TiogaExtraOps.PutFile["PersonList", root];
InitPrivate: PROC = {
-- Set up the private DB, using standard $Squirrel segment
 PersonDomain ← DeclareDomain[ "Person", $Squirrel];
 NameRelation ← DeclareRelation[ "name-info", $Squirrel];
 PersonAttrNameRel ← DeclareAttribute[NameRelation, "Person", PersonDomain];
 LastNameAttr ← DeclareAttribute[NameRelation, "last", RopeType];
 LastNameSoundexAttr ← DeclareAttribute[NameRelation, "last-soundex", RopeType];
 FirstNameAttr ← DeclareAttribute[NameRelation, "first", RopeType];
 FirstNameSoundexAttr← DeclareAttribute[NameRelation, "first-soundex", RopeType];
 RNameRelation ← DeclareRelation[ "RName", $Squirrel];
 PersonAttrRNameRel ← DeclareAttribute[RNameRelation, "of", PersonDomain];
 RNameAttr ← DeclareAttribute[RNameRelation, "is", RopeType];
 RNameSoundexAttr← DeclareAttribute[RNameRelation, "soundex", RopeType];
 PhoneRelation ← DeclareRelation[ "phone", $Squirrel];
 PersonAttrPhoneRel← DeclareAttribute[PhoneRelation, "of", PersonDomain];
 PhoneAttr ← DeclareAttribute[PhoneRelation, "is", RopeType];
 PhoneKindAttr �lareAttribute[PhoneRelation, "at", RopeType];
 segment ← $Squirrel;
InitPublic: PROC = {
-- Set up Public DB, $Grapenut
 PersonDomain ← DeclareDomain[ "Person", $Grapenut];
 NameRelation ← DeclareRelation[ "name-info", $Grapenut];
 PersonAttrNameRel ← DeclareAttribute[NameRelation, "Person", PersonDomain];
 LastNameAttr ← DeclareAttribute[NameRelation, "last", RopeType];
 LastNameSoundexAttr ← DeclareAttribute[NameRelation, "last-soundex", RopeType];
 FirstNameAttr ← DeclareAttribute[NameRelation, "first", RopeType];
 FirstNameSoundexAttr← DeclareAttribute[NameRelation, "first-soundex", RopeType];
 RNameRelation ← DeclareRelation[ "RName", $Grapenut];
 PersonAttrRNameRel ← DeclareAttribute[RNameRelation, "of", PersonDomain];
 RNameAttr ← DeclareAttribute[RNameRelation, "is", RopeType];
 RNameSoundexAttr← DeclareAttribute[RNameRelation, "soundex", RopeType];
 PhoneRelation ← DeclareRelation[ "phone", $Grapenut];
 PersonAttrPhoneRel← DeclareAttribute[PhoneRelation, "of", PersonDomain];
 PhoneAttr ← DeclareAttribute[PhoneRelation, "is", RopeType];
 PhoneKindAttr �lareAttribute[PhoneRelation, "at", RopeType];
 segment ← $Grapenut;
RegisterPerson: PUBLIC PROC [
name: Rope.ROPENIL, rName: Rope.ROPENIL] RETURNS[person: DB.Entity]= {
 -- If Rname exists check first and last names , update them to new values and
 -- change Person Entity name. If it doesn't exist, check if last, first names exist,
 -- check and create person if required . If rName specified override any existing entries.
 last, first: Rope.ROPE;
 personRelship: DB.Relship;
 [last, first] ← ParseName[name];
IF rName # NIL THEN {  
  personRelship ← DB.DeclareRelship[
   RNameRelation, LIST[AttributeValue[RNameAttr, S2V[rName]]], OldOnly];
  IF personRelship#NIL THEN --person exists verify given info
   {person ← V2E[DBQ.QGetF[personRelship, PersonAttrRNameRel]];
    IF ~Rope.Equal[name, NIL] THEN VerifyPerson[person, rName, last, first]
   ELSE -- Person doesn't exist=> create him
   person← InternalRegisterPerson[rName, last, first];
ELSE{-- Now the names turn
   personRelship ← DeclareRelship[
    AttributeValue[LastNameAttr, S2V[last]], AttributeValue[FirstNameAttr, S2V[first]]],
   IF personRelship # NIL THEN
    RETURN -- person exists and no changes
-- person doesn't exist => create him
    []← InternalRegisterPerson[rName, last, first]; 
InternalRegisterPerson: PROC[
rName: Rope.ROPE, last: Rope.ROPE, first: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS[Entity] = {
 entityName: Rope.ROPE;
 entityName ← FormEntityName[rName, last, first];
 person← DeclareEntity[PersonDomain, entityName];
IF rName#NIL THEN InternalRegisterRName[person, rName];
IF last#NIL OR first# NIL THEN InternalRegisterName[person, last, first];
InternalRegisterRName: PROC[
person: Entity, rName: Rope.ROPE] ={
-- Register in RNameRelation the Person with the appropriate RName
 avList: AttributeValueList;
 rNameSoundexCode: Rope.ROPE;
IF ~CheckRNameValidity[rName] THEN ERROR PhoneRegistry.Failed[ NoSuchRName, rName];
 rNameSoundexCode ← Encode[rName];
 avList ← LIST[
  AttributeValue[PersonAttrRNameRel, person],
  AttributeValue[RNameAttr, S2V[rName]],
  AttributeValue[RNameSoundexAttr, S2V[rNameSoundexCode]]];
 []�lareRelship[RNameRelation, avList ];
InternalRegisterName: PROC[person: Entity, last: Rope.ROPE, first: Rope.ROPE] ={
-- Register in NameRelation the Person with the appropriate last and first names
 avList: AttributeValueList;
 lastSoundexCode: Rope.ROPE;
 firstSoundexCode: Rope.ROPE;
IF last#NIL THEN lastSoundexCode ← Encode[last];
IF first#NIL THEN firstSoundexCode ← Encode[first];
 avList ← LIST[
  AttributeValue[PersonAttrNameRel, person],
  AttributeValue[LastNameAttr, S2V[last]],
  AttributeValue[FirstNameAttr, S2V[first]],
  AttributeValue[LastNameSoundexAttr, S2V[lastSoundexCode]],
  AttributeValue[FirstNameSoundexAttr, S2V[firstSoundexCode]] ];
 []�lareRelship[NameRelation, avList ];
InternalRegisterPhone: PROC[person: Entity, phone: Rope.ROPE, kind: Rope.ROPE] ={
-- Register in NameRelation the Person with the appropriate last and first names
 avList: AttributeValueList ← LIST[
  AttributeValue[PersonAttrPhoneRel, person],
  AttributeValue[PhoneAttr, S2V[phone]],
  AttributeValue[PhoneKindAttr, S2V[kind]] ];
 []�lareRelship[PhoneRelation, avList ];
FormEntityName: PROC[
rName: Rope.ROPE, last:Rope.ROPE, first: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS[Rope.ROPE]={
  {IF ~CheckRNameValidity[rName] THEN
   ERROR PhoneRegistry.Failed[ NoSuchRName, rName];
  rName ← Cat["<", rName, ">"]};
IF last#NIL AND first#NIL THEN RETURN[Cat[ last, ",", first, rName]]
         ELSE RETURN[Cat[last,first,rName]];
VerifyPerson: PROC[person: Entity, rName:Rope.ROPE, last: Rope.ROPE, first: Rope.ROPE] ={
-- Verify that this person has the given last and first names. If he doesn't override
-- existing information.
 relship: Relship;
 avList: AttributeValueList;
 regLast, regFirst: Rope.ROPE;
 newName: Rope.ROPE;
 avList ← LIST[AttributeValue[PersonAttrNameRel, person]];
 relship←DBQ.QDeclareRelship[NameRelation, avList, OldOnly ];
IF relship # NIL THEN {
  regLast ← V2S[DB.GetF[ relship, LastNameAttr]];
  regFirst ← V2S[DB.GetF[ relship, FirstNameAttr]];
  IF Rope.Equal[regLast, last] AND Rope.Equal[regFirst, first] THEN RETURN
 newName ← FormEntityName[rName, last, first];
 ChangeName[person, newName];
IF last#NIL OR first# NIL THEN InternalRegisterName[person, last, first];
ParseName: PROC[
name: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS[last: Rope.ROPE , first: Rope.ROPE ] ={
-- Name is given in the format .. last, first ..any information right of the , is
-- concidered part of the first name( this should be changed according to application).
 letter: Rope.ROPE;
 firstHalf: BOOLTRUE;
 position: INT; 
 last← NIL;
FOR position IN [0..Rope.Length[name]) DO
  letter← Rope.Substr[name, position,1];
  IF Rope.Equal[letter , "," ]THEN firstHalf ← FALSE
  ELSE IF firstHalf THEN last ← Concat[last, letter]
  ELSE first ← Concat[first, letter]   
RETURN[last, first];
RegisterPhone: PUBLIC PROC[
rName: Rope.ROPENIL, name: Rope.ROPENIL, phone: Rope.ROPE, phoneKind: Rope.ROPE] = {
-- Create person with given RName if one doesn't already exist.
 -- Register Phone, and its type in PhoneRelation.
 -- Check validity of Phone Number
person: DB.Entity ← RegisterPerson[ name, rName];
IF (CheckPhoneValidity[phone]) THEN InternalRegisterPhone[person, phone, phoneKind]
ELSE ERROR PhoneRegistry.Failed[NoSuchPhone, phone];
Encode: PROC[rName: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS[soundexCode: Rope.ROPE]= {
  -- Encode the given rName using the Soundex mapping and return it in soundexCode.
  -- ref Knuth Vol.3
  position: INT;
  letter: CHAR;
  number, previousNumber: Rope.ROPE;
  Code: PROC [letter: CHAR] RETURNS[Rope.ROPE] = {
   SELECT letter FROM
    'b => RETURN["1"];
    'f => RETURN ["1"];
    'p => RETURN ["1"];
    'v => RETURN["1"];
    'c => RETURN["2"];
    'g => RETURN["2"];
    'j => RETURN["2"];
    'k => RETURN["2"];
    'q => RETURN["2"];
    's => RETURN["2"];
    'x => RETURN["2"];
    'z => RETURN["2"];
    'd => RETURN["3"];
    't => RETURN["3"];
    'l => RETURN["4"];
    'm => RETURN["5"];
    'n => RETURN["5"];
    'r => RETURN["6"];
    ENDCASE => RETURN["0"];
   soundexCode ← Rope.Substr[rName, 0, 1];
   previousNumber ← Code[soundexCode.Fetch[0]];
   FOR position IN [1..Rope.Length[rName]) DO
    letter← Rope.Fetch[rName, position];
    number ← Code[letter];
    IF number.Equal[previousNumber] THEN number ← "0";
    IF NOT number.Equal["0"] THEN
     {soundexCode← Concat[soundexCode, number]; previousNumber← number};
   IF Rope.Length[soundexCode] >= 4 THEN RETURN[Rope.Substr[soundexCode, 0, 4]];
   FOR position IN [Rope.Length[soundexCode]..4) DO
    soundexCode ← Rope.Concat[soundexCode, "0"];
CheckRNameValidity: PROC[rName:Rope.ROPE] RETURNS[BOOL] = {
-- No Checking is done now, the code is here for that purpose, but what do we
-- do if there is an error.
-- Allowed: GVNames.StampInfo ← individual;
-- IF ( GVNames.CheckStamp[rName] = allowed )

CheckPhoneValidity: PROC[phone:Rope.ROPE] RETURNS[BOOL] = {
-- Check if numbers have "8" or "9" followed by 7 or 10 digits.
-- No Checking is done now, the code is here for that purpose, but what do we
 -- do if there is an error
--numberOfDigits: INT ← 0;
--position: INT;
--FOR position IN [0..Rope.Length[phone])
  --IF Rope.Digit[Rope.Fetch[phone,position] ]
--   THEN numberOfDigits ← numberOfDigits + 1;
  --Rope.Fetch[phone] = '8 =>IF numberOfDigits = 8 OR
--           numberOfDigits = 11 THEN RETURN[TRUE]
--                 ELSE RETURN[FALSE];  
  --Rope.Fetch[phone] = '9 =>IF numberOfDigits = 8 OR
--           numberOfDigits = 11 THEN RETURN[TRUE]
--                 ELSE RETURN[FALSE];