-- File: SquirrelImpl.mesa -- Created December, 1981 by Willie-Sue Haugeland & Rick Cattell -- Last edit by: -- Rick on: August 11, 1982 12:10 pm -- Willie-Sue on: August 12, 1982 3:19 pm -- Maxwell on: July 16, 1982 12:03 pm DIRECTORY Buttons USING [ButtonProc], CedarSnapshot USING [Deregister, Register, CheckpointProc, RollbackProc], CIFS USING [Error], Containers USING [ChildXBound], DBView, FileIO, Icons, IO, Menus USING [CreateMenu, InsertMenuEntry, Menu, MenuProc], MessageWindow USING [Append, Blink, Confirm, ReadFrom], Nut, NutPrivate, Rope, TypeScript USING [TS], UserExec USING [CommandProc, ExecHandle, RegisterCommand], UserProfile USING[Boolean, CallWhenProfileChanges, ProfileChangedProc, String], ViewerMenus USING [Close, Destroy, Grow, Move], ViewerOps USING [BlinkIcon, CreateViewer, PaintViewer, EstablishViewerPosition], ViewerTools USING [GetContents, SetContents, SetSelection], ViewerIO USING [CreateViewerStreams], ViewerClasses; SquirrelImpl: MONITOR IMPORTS DBView, Nut, Icons, IO, --Process,-- Rope, Menus, MessageWindow, CIFS, CedarSnapshot, Containers, UserProfile, UserExec, ViewerMenus, ViewerOps, ViewerTools, ViewerIO EXPORTS Nut, NutPrivate SHARES Nut, ViewerClasses = BEGIN OPEN IO, FileIO; Viewer: TYPE = ViewerClasses.Viewer; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; StartUpMessage: ROPE ← "... Squirrel 1.4 Release"; databasePathName: PUBLIC ROPE; remoreDBName: ROPE; dbTransactionID: PUBLIC REF FileIO.Trans; dbOpen: BOOL; tsIn, tsOut, logOut: IO.Handle ← NIL; --localDatabaseName: ROPE← NIL; --remoteDatabaseName: ROPE← NIL; createSquirrelWindow: BOOL ← TRUE; -- might be FALSE for Walnut only, for typical user squirrel: Viewer; squirrelIcon: Icons.IconFlavor← tool; squirrelConfirm: CONDITION; userHasResponded, userConfirmed: BOOL← FALSE; tiptoe: PUBLIC BOOL← FALSE; -- TRUE when want as few db accesses as possible BuildSquirrel: PROC = { v: Viewer; typeScript: TypeScript.TS; info: ViewerClasses.ViewerRec← [name: "Squirrel", iconic: TRUE, column: right, scrollable: FALSE, menu: squirrelMenu]; IF squirrelIcon = tool THEN BEGIN ENABLE CIFS.Error => GOTO notFound; squirrelIcon ← Icons.NewIconFromFile["Nut.icons", 0]; EXITS notFound => BEGIN ENABLE CIFS.Error => CONTINUE; squirrelIcon ← Icons.NewIconFromFile["/Indigo/Squirrel/Icons/Nut.icons", 0]; END; END; info.icon← squirrelIcon; squirrel ← ViewerOps.CreateViewer[flavor: $Container, info: info]; v ← BuildSquirrelArea[squirrel]; v ← Nut.MakeRuler[sib: v]; typeScript ← Nut.MakeTypescript[sib: v]; [tsIn, tsOut] ← ViewerIO.CreateViewerStreams[NIL, typeScript]; logOut← IO.CreateFileStream["Squirrel.log"]; logOut.SetLength[0]; tsOut← IO.CreateDribbleStream[tsOut, logOut, 30]; ViewerOps.PaintViewer[squirrel, all]; ViewerTools.SetContents[databaseText, databasePathName]; ViewerTools.SetContents[domainText, "Domain"]; ViewerTools.SetContents[nameEText, "Domain"]; Message[StartUpMessage]; -- destroy Squirrel at checkpoint time CedarSnapshot.Register[c: SquirrelCheckpointProc, r: SquirrelRollbackProc]; }; ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- databaseText: Viewer; -- current database name domainText: Viewer; -- the text argument for Domain nameEText: Viewer; -- the text argument for Name --************************** BuildSquirrelArea: PROC [squirrel: Viewer] RETURNS [Viewer] = { tLabel, bt: Viewer; tLabel ← Nut.FirstButton[name: "DataBase: ", proc: DataBaseNameProc, border: FALSE, parent: squirrel]; databaseText ← Nut.NextRightTextViewer[sib: tLabel, w: squirrel.cw - tLabel.ww]; Containers.ChildXBound[databaseText.parent, databaseText]; tLabel ← Nut.AnotherButton[name: "Domain:", proc: DomainNameProc, border: FALSE, sib: tLabel, newLine: TRUE]; domainText ← Nut.NextRightTextViewer[sib: tLabel, w: squirrel.cw - tLabel.ww]; Containers.ChildXBound[domainText.parent, domainText]; tLabel ← Nut.AnotherButton[name: "Name:", proc: NameNameProc, border: FALSE, sib: tLabel, newLine: TRUE]; nameEText ← Nut.NextRightTextViewer[sib: tLabel, w: squirrel.cw - tLabel.ww]; Containers.ChildXBound[nameEText.parent, nameEText]; bt ← Nut.AnotherButton [name: "* Displayer", proc: DisplayerProc, sib: nameEText, border: TRUE, newLine: TRUE]; bt ← Nut.AnotherButton [name: "o Editor", proc: EditorProc, sib: bt, border: TRUE]; bt ← Nut.AnotherButton [name: "# Query", proc: QueryerProc, sib: bt, border: TRUE]; RETURN [bt] }; Message: PUBLIC PROC [msg1, msg2, msg3, msg4: ROPE ← NIL] = { IF tsOut # NIL THEN {IF msg1 # NIL THEN tsOut.PutRope[msg1]; IF msg2 # NIL THEN tsOut.PutRope[msg2]; IF msg3 # NIL THEN tsOut.PutRope[msg3]; IF msg4 # NIL THEN tsOut.PutRope[msg4]; tsOut.PutChar[IO.CR]} ELSE {MessageWindow.Blink[]; IF msg1 # NIL THEN MessageWindow.Append[msg1, TRUE]; IF msg2 # NIL THEN MessageWindow.Append[msg2]; IF msg3 # NIL THEN MessageWindow.Append[msg3]; IF msg4 # NIL THEN MessageWindow.Append[msg4]} }; MessageRope: PUBLIC PROC [msg1: ROPE] = { IF tsOut # NIL THEN tsOut.PutRope[msg1] ELSE MessageWindow.Append[msg1] }; MessageResponse: PUBLIC PROC [msg1: ROPE] RETURNS [r: ROPE] = { -- Prints msg1, asks the user for a response, and returns the string he types IF tsOut # NIL THEN {tsOut.PutRope[msg1]; RETURN [tsIn.GetLine[]]} ELSE {MessageWindow.Blink[]; MessageWindow.Append[msg1, TRUE]; r ← MessageWindow.ReadFrom[]; RETURN [Rope.Substr[r, 0, r.Length[] - 1]]} }; -- exclude termination char MessageConfirm: PUBLIC INTERNAL PROC [msg1: ROPE] RETURNS [BOOL] = { IF tsOut # NIL THEN { oldM: Menus.Menu← ChangeMainMenu[confirmMenu]; tsOut.PutRope[msg1]; IF squirrel.iconic THEN ViewerOps.BlinkIcon[squirrel]; UNTIL userHasResponded DO WAIT squirrelConfirm; ENDLOOP; userHasResponded← FALSE; tsOut.PutRope[IF userConfirmed THEN "..confirmed\n" ELSE "..NOT confirmed\n"]; []← ChangeMainMenu[oldM]; RETURN[userConfirmed]; }; MessageWindow.Blink[]; RETURN [MessageWindow.Confirm[msg1]] }; -- *********************** squirrelMenu: Menus.Menu ← Menus.CreateMenu[1]; utilityMenu: ViewerClasses.MenuEntry; confirmMenu: Menus.Menu ← Menus.CreateMenu[]; BuildSquirrelMenu: PROC = { Menus.InsertMenuEntry[confirmMenu, "Deny", SqDenyProc, TRUE]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry[confirmMenu, "Confirm", SqConfirmProc, TRUE]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry[confirmMenu, "<-->", ViewerMenus.Move]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry[confirmMenu, "Grow", ViewerMenus.Grow]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry[confirmMenu, "Close", ViewerMenus.Close]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry[squirrelMenu, "UtilityMenu", MyUtilityMenuProc]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry[squirrelMenu, "Open", MyOpenProc, TRUE]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry[squirrelMenu, "Save", MyCommitProc]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry[squirrelMenu, "Reset", MyAbortProc]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry[squirrelMenu, "Destroy", MyDestroyProc, TRUE]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry[squirrelMenu, "<-->", ViewerMenus.Move]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry[squirrelMenu, "Grow", ViewerMenus.Grow]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry[squirrelMenu, "Close", ViewerMenus.Close]; -- build the utilities menu Menus.InsertMenuEntry[squirrelMenu, "EraseAll", EraseAllProc, TRUE, 1]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry[squirrelMenu, "EraseRelation(s)", MyRelationEraseProc, TRUE, 1]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry[squirrelMenu, "EraseDomain(s)", MyDomainEraseProc, TRUE, 1]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry[squirrelMenu, "Dump", MyDumpProc, TRUE, 1]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry[squirrelMenu, "Load", MyLoadProc, TRUE, 1]; Menus.InsertMenuEntry[squirrelMenu, "Debug", DebugProc, FALSE, 1]; utilityMenu ← squirrelMenu.entries[1]; squirrelMenu.entries[1] ← NIL; squirrelMenu.rowsUsed ← 1 }; -- only show the top level to start DebugProc: Menus.MenuProc = {Nut.debug ← NOT Nut.debug}; EraseAllProc: ENTRY Menus.MenuProc = { IF MessageConfirm[" You are about to erase the entire database - please confirm. . ."] THEN {MessageRope["Erasing database. . . "]; InternalEraseDataBase[]} ELSE Message["Database was NOT erased."] }; MyUtilityMenuProc: Menus.MenuProc = { ChangeMenu[viewer, utilityMenu] }; ChangeMenu: PROC [parent: ViewerClasses.Viewer, subMenu: ViewerClasses.MenuEntry] = { -- This proc copied from TEditDocumentsImpl menu: Menus.Menu ← parent.menu; found: BOOLEAN ← FALSE; FOR i: NAT IN [1..menu.rowsUsed) DO -- see if already showing the submenu IF menu.entries[i] = subMenu THEN -- yes, so remove it {FOR j: NAT IN (i..menu.rowsUsed) DO menu.entries[j - 1] ← menu.entries[j] ENDLOOP; menu.rowsUsed ← menu.rowsUsed - 1; found ← TRUE; EXIT} ENDLOOP; IF NOT found THEN -- add it {IF menu.rowsUsed < 3 THEN menu.rowsUsed ← menu.rowsUsed + 1; menu.entries[menu.rowsUsed - 1] ← subMenu}; ViewerOps.EstablishViewerPosition [parent, parent.wx, parent.wy, parent.ww, parent.wh]; ViewerOps.PaintViewer[parent, all] }; ChangeMainMenu: PROC[menu: Menus.Menu] RETURNS[oldM: Menus.Menu] = { oldM← squirrel.menu; squirrel.menu← menu; ViewerOps.EstablishViewerPosition [squirrel, squirrel.wx, squirrel.wy, squirrel.ww, squirrel.wh]; ViewerOps.PaintViewer[squirrel, all]; }; --------------------------- MyDomainEraseProc: Menus.MenuProc = { domainsToDelete: ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetContents[nameEText]; EraseDomains [NameListToEntityList [RopeToNameList[domainsToDelete], DBView.DomainDomain]]; Message["Do Save to commit deletions."] }; MyRelationEraseProc: Menus.MenuProc = { relationsToDelete: ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetContents[nameEText]; EraseRelations [NameListToEntityList [RopeToNameList[relationsToDelete], DBView.RelationDomain]]; Message["Do Save to commit deletions."] }; MyDumpProc: Menus.MenuProc = { domainsToDump: ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetContents[nameEText]; Nut.DumpToFile [NIL -- later change for selective dump --, "DB.dump"]; -- NameListToEntityList[RopeToNameList[domainsToDump] }; MyLoadProc: Menus.MenuProc = { Nut.LoadFromFile["DB.dump"] }; -- for now. . . MyDestroyProc: ENTRY Menus.MenuProc = { IF ~SquirrelCleanup[viewer, clientData, redButton, FALSE] THEN RETURN; CedarSnapshot.Deregister[c: SquirrelCheckpointProc, r: SquirrelRollbackProc]; }; SqDenyProc: ENTRY Menus.MenuProc = { userConfirmed← FALSE; userHasResponded← TRUE; BROADCAST squirrelConfirm}; SqConfirmProc: ENTRY Menus.MenuProc = { userConfirmed← TRUE; userHasResponded← TRUE; BROADCAST squirrelConfirm}; SquirrelCleanup: PROC [viewer: Viewer, clientData: REF ANY← NIL, redButton: BOOL← TRUE, forceDestroy: BOOL] RETURNS[okToQuit: BOOL] = { okToQuit← Nut.DestroyNutList[forceDestroy]; IF ~okToQuit THEN RETURN; Message["\n Closing database. . ."]; Nut.DBNotify[beforeClose]; dbOpen← FALSE; DBView.CloseDatabase [! DBView.RelationOrDomainSubsetsStillOpen, DBView.DatabaseNotOpen => NULL]; domainText ← nameEText ← NIL; -- clear globals -- tsIn.Close[]; tsOut.Close[]; causes crash with Cedar2.6 viewers tsIn ← tsOut ← NIL; squirrel← NIL; -- squirrelMenu ← NIL; may run squirrel again ViewerMenus.Destroy[viewer, clientData, redButton] }; MyOpenProc: ENTRY Menus.MenuProc = BEGIN []← Nut.DestroyNutList[forceDestroy: TRUE]; Message["Committing transactions on ", databasePathName, ". . ."]; Nut.DBNotify[beforeClose]; DBView.CloseDatabase [! DBView.RelationOrDomainSubsetsStillOpen, DBView.DatabaseNotOpen => NULL]; databasePathName ← ViewerTools.GetContents[databaseText]; OpenUpDB[]; END; MyCommitProc: Menus.MenuProc = {CommitDBTransactions[]}; MyAbortProc: Menus.MenuProc = {AbortDBTransactions[]}; CommitDBTransactions: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC = { Nut.DBNotify[beforeCommit]; InternalCommit[]; Nut.DBNotify[afterCommit]; }; AbortDBTransactions: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC = { Nut.DBNotify[beforeAbort]; MessageRope["Aborting transactions. . ."]; DBView.AbortTransaction[]; MessageRope["reopening database. . ."]; dbTransactionID ← NARROW[DBView.OpenDatabase[databasePathName].transID]; Nut.StartNut[]; Message[" done."]; Nut.DBNotify[afterAbort]; }; EraseDataBase: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC = {InternalEraseDataBase[]}; -- If you call this, you really mean to erase the entire Database InternalEraseDataBase: INTERNAL PROC = BEGIN OPEN DBView; Nut.DBNotify[beforeClose]; DBView.CloseDatabase[! RelationOrDomainSubsetsStillOpen => NULL]; dbTransactionID ← NARROW[ OpenDatabase[databaseName: databasePathName, version: NewOnly].transID]; InternalCommit[]; Nut.StartNut[]; -- re-init some Nut variables Nut.DBNotify[afterOpen]; END; InternalCommit: INTERNAL PROC = { MessageRope["Committing transactions. . ."]; DBView.MarkTransaction[]; Message[" done."] }; GetDBTransaction: PUBLIC PROC RETURNS [REF ANY] = { -- Returns database transaction, or NIL if database currently not open. IF dbOpen THEN RETURN[dbTransactionID] ELSE RETURN[NIL] }; ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- DataBaseNameProc: Buttons.ButtonProc = { ViewerTools.SetSelection[databaseText, NIL]}; DomainNameProc: Buttons.ButtonProc = { ViewerTools.SetSelection[domainText, NIL]}; NameNameProc: Buttons.ButtonProc = { ViewerTools.SetSelection[nameEText, NIL]}; DisplayerProc: Buttons.ButtonProc = { domName: ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetContents[domainText]; entName: ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetContents[nameEText]; DisplayEntity[domName, entName]}; DisplayEntity: PROC[domName, entName: ROPE] = { -- Tries to display an entity with name entName in domain domName dom: DBView.Domain ← DBView.GetEntityByName [DBView.DomainDomain, domName ! DBView.NotFound => GO TO BadDomain; DBView.NotImplemented => GO TO NotImplemented]; ent: DBView.Entity; enl: INT← entName.Length[]; IF enl#0 AND entName.Fetch[enl-1]='* THEN BEGIN es: DBView.EntitySet← DBView.DomainSubset[dom, LIST[ [DBView.NameProp, entName.Substr[0, enl-1], entName.Cat[entName.Substr[0, enl-1],"\177"]]] ]; count: INT← 0; UNTIL (ent← DBView.NextEntity[es])=NIL DO count← count+1; IF count>5 THEN {Message["...more than 5; others not displayed"]; EXIT}; []← Nut.Display[ent]; ENDLOOP; IF count=0 THEN Message["No such entity"]; END ELSE BEGIN ent ← DBView.GetEntityByName [dom, entName ! DBView.NotFound => GO TO BadEntity; DBView.NotImplemented => GO TO NotImplemented]; IF DBView.Null[ent] THEN Message["No such entity"] ELSE [] ← Nut.Display[ent] END; EXITS NotImplemented => Message["Not implemented"]; BadDomain => Message[domName, " is not a domain"]; BadEntity => Message[entName, " does not exist in domain ", domName] }; EditorProc: Buttons.ButtonProc = { domName: ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetContents[domainText]; entName: ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetContents[nameEText]; dom: DBView.Domain ← DBView.GetEntityByName [DBView.DomainDomain, domName ! DBView.NotFound => GO TO BadDomain]; Nut.Edit[dom, entName] EXITS BadDomain => Message["No such domain"] }; QueryerProc: Buttons.ButtonProc = { domName: ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetContents[domainText]; entName: ROPE ← ViewerTools.GetContents[nameEText]; dom: DBView.Domain ← DBView.GetEntityByName [DBView.DomainDomain, domName ! DBView.NotFound => GO TO BadDomain]; Nut.Query[dom] EXITS BadDomain => Message["No such domain"] }; -- ********************** NameListToEntityList: PROC [nl: LIST OF ROPE, d: DBView.Domain] RETURNS [el: LIST OF DBView.Entity] = { -- Turns a list of names into a list of entities OPEN DBView; e: Entity; IF nl = NIL THEN RETURN [NIL]; e ← GetEntityByName[d, nl.first ! NotFound => {e ← NIL; CONTINUE}]; IF e = NIL THEN {Message[nl.first, " is not a ", GetName[d]]; RETURN [NameListToEntityList[nl.rest, d]]} ELSE RETURN [CONS[e, NameListToEntityList[nl.rest, d]]] }; RopeToNameList: PROC [s: ROPE] RETURNS [nl: LIST OF ROPE] = { -- takes rope with ","s or " "s in it and breaks up into components name: ROPE; begin, end: INT; IF s.Length[] = 0 THEN RETURN [NIL]; begin ← s.SkipOver[0, ", "]; -- skip any leading blanks or commas IF begin = s.Length[] THEN RETURN [NIL]; -- whole string was blank end ← s.SkipTo[begin, ", "]; -- find next blank or comma after that name ← s.Substr[begin, end - begin]; -- collect string between them RETURN [CONS[name, RopeToNameList[s.Substr[end]]]] }; EraseDomains: PROC [dl: LIST OF DBView.Domain] = { -- Erases all domains in dl, all their entities, and all relations that ref them. Careful. . . al: LIST OF DBView.Attribute; FOR dlT: LIST OF DBView.Domain ← dl, dlT.rest WHILE NOT (dlT = NIL) DO -- First destroy the relations that ref dlT.first (CedarDB would, but we want to tell user) IF (al ← GetDomainDirectRefAttributes[dlT.first]) # NIL THEN {Nut.Message["Erasing Relations referencing ", DBView.GetName[dlT.first], ":"]; EraseAttributesRelations[al]}; Nut.Message["Erasing Domain ", DBView.GetName[dlT.first], ". . ."]; DBView.DestroyDomain[dlT.first] ENDLOOP; Nut.StartNut[] }; -- re-init EraseRelations: PROC [rl: LIST OF DBView.Relation] = { -- Erases all relations in rl, and all their relships. Careful. . . FOR rlT: LIST OF DBView.Relation ← rl, rlT.rest WHILE NOT (rlT = NIL) DO Nut.Message["Erasing Relation ", DBView.GetName[rlT.first], ". . ."]; DBView.DestroyRelation[rlT.first] ENDLOOP; Nut.StartNut[] }; -- re-init EraseAttributesRelations: PROC [al: LIST OF DBView.Attribute] = { -- Erases relations that attributes belong to OPEN DBView; FOR alT: LIST OF Attribute ← al, alT.rest WHILE NOT (alT = NIL) DO IF NOT DBView.Null[alT.first] THEN {r: DBView.Relation ← V2E[GetP[alT.first, aRelationProp]]; Nut.Message["Erasing Relation ", DBView.GetName[r], ". . ."]; DBView.DestroyRelation[r]} ENDLOOP; Nut.StartNut[] }; -- re-init GetDomainDirectRefAttributes: PROC [d: DBView.Domain] RETURNS [al: DBView.AttributeList] = { -- copied from DBViewSetImpl: finds attributes that ref d directly es: DBView.EntitySet; es ← DBView.DomainSubset[DBView.AttributeDomain, LIST[[DBView.aTypeProp, d]]]; RETURN [DBView.EntitySetToList[es]] }; ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- ---- StartSquirrel: PROC[exec: UserExec.ExecHandle] = { r: ROPE; ch: CHAR; h: IO.Handle ← exec.commandLineStream; UserProfile.CallWhenProfileChanges[SetSquirrelProfileVars]; IF (r ← h.GetToken[]) # NIL THEN SELECT ch ← r.Fetch[0] FROM '/ => -- Process a switch SELECT Rope.Lower[h.GetChar[]] FROM 'r => databasePathName ← remoreDBName; 't => tiptoe ← TRUE; ENDCASE => Nut.Message["Unrecognized switch!"]; '[, '< => databasePathName ← Rope.Concat[r, h.GetRope[]] ENDCASE => IF Rope.Letter[ch] THEN databasePathName ← Rope.Concat["[Local]", r] }; OpenUpDB: PROC = { -- Does OpenDatabase call, sets up transaction {ENABLE { DBView.IllegalDatabaseName, DBView.ProtectionViolation, DBView.ServerNotFound => {Message["Can't open database!"]; GO TO Failure}}; MessageRope[Rope.Cat["Opening ", databasePathName, ". . ."]]; dbOpen ← TRUE; dbTransactionID ← NARROW[DBView.OpenDatabase [databaseName: databasePathName, version: OldOnly ! DBView.DatabaseNotFound => {dbOpen ← FALSE; CONTINUE}].transID]; IF NOT dbOpen THEN {Message["\nCan't find database ", databasePathName, ", so creating it. . ."]; dbTransactionID ← NARROW[DBView.OpenDatabase [databaseName: databasePathName, version: NewOnly].transID]; CommitDBTransactions[]; dbOpen← TRUE }; Nut.StartNut[]; Nut.DBNotify[afterOpen]; Message[" done."]} EXITS Failure => NULL }; -- actually ought to take down Squirrel window if its up ---------------------------- SetSquirrelProfileVars: UserProfile.ProfileChangedProc = CHECKED BEGIN remoreDBName← UserProfile.String[key: "RemoteDatabaseName", default: "<CedarDB>DB"]; createSquirrelWindow ← UserProfile.Boolean[key: "SquirrelWindow", default: TRUE]; databasePathName ← UserProfile.String[key: "LocalDatabaseName", default: "[Local]DB"]; END; ---------------------------- SquirrelCheckpointProc: CedarSnapshot.CheckpointProc = { []← SquirrelCleanup[viewer: squirrel, forceDestroy: TRUE]}; SquirrelRollbackProc: CedarSnapshot.RollbackProc = -- assume one doesn't change users at rollback time, if Squirrel is in checkpoint BEGIN IF createSquirrelWindow THEN BuildSquirrel[]; OpenUpDB[]; END; ShowEntityProc: UserExec.CommandProc = TRUSTED -- Read line of the form "ShowEntity DomainName: Entity Name". -- Entity name is everything after ": " and up to CR. BEGIN h: IO.Handle ← exec.commandLineStream; domName: ROPE← h.GetToken[IDBreak]; entName: ROPE← h.GetToken[CRBreak]; DisplayEntity[domName, entName]; END; DumpProc: UserExec.CommandProc = TRUSTED BEGIN Nut.DumpToFile[NIL, "DB.dump"]; END; LoadProc: UserExec.CommandProc = TRUSTED BEGIN Nut.LoadFromFile["DB.dump"]; END; EraseProc: UserExec.CommandProc = TRUSTED BEGIN EraseDataBase[]; END; SquirrelProc: UserExec.CommandProc = TRUSTED BEGIN StartSquirrel[exec]; IF createSquirrelWindow THEN BuildSquirrel[]; OpenUpDB[]; END; BuildSquirrelMenu[]; -- done once UserExec.RegisterCommand["Squirrel", SquirrelProc, "Database application tool"]; UserExec.RegisterCommand["DBShow", ShowEntityProc, "Displays a database entity"]; UserExec.RegisterCommand["DBDump", DumpProc, "Dumps database to db.dump"]; UserExec.RegisterCommand["DBLoad", LoadProc, "Loads database from db.dump"]; UserExec.RegisterCommand["DBEraseAll", EraseProc, "Erases a database (careful!)"]; END. Change Log since August 1, 1982: By Cattell August 5, 1982 7:26 pm: Added GetDBTransaction, logging to Squirrel.log file. By Cattell August 9, 1982 2:55 pm: Set dbOpen in cleanup and db creation. By Cattell August 10, 1982 2:04 pm: Fork the erase relation/domain buttons. By Cattell for Willie-Sue August 11, 1982 10:10 am: Make GetDBTransaction not an ENTRY proc. By Cattell August 11, 1982 12:11 pm: Added "tiptoe" switch.