DIRECTORY Atom USING [GetPropFromList], BasicTime USING [GMT], Buttons USING [ButtonProc, ReLabel], DB, DBEnvironment, IO, Menus USING[ MouseButton ], Nut, NutOps, NutViewer USING [Error, Message], Rope, TuplesEditor, VFonts USING[CharWidth, FontHeight], ViewerOps USING [AddProp, FetchProp, FetchViewerClass, PaintViewer], Containers, ViewerTools USING [GetContents, SetContents, SetSelection], ViewerClasses, VTables; TuplesEditorImpl: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS Atom, Buttons, DB, DBEnvironment, IO, Nut, NutOps, NutViewer, Rope, VTables, VFonts, ViewerOps, ViewerTools EXPORTS TuplesEditor = { OPEN DB, Rope, Nut, ViewerClasses, VTables; PosPair: TYPE = RECORD[ row: CARDINAL, col: CARDINAL]; anyErrors: BOOL; -- Set if any procedure discovered user errors in saving the new entries defaultOld: PUBLIC BOOL_ TRUE; -- FALSE => attributes start in NewOrOld mode, else OldOnly updateList: AttributeValueList; allFieldsNull: BOOLEAN; relTable: Viewer; relRows: CARDINAL; newRelship, oldRelship: Relship; DisplayTuples: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[e: Entity, attrList: AttributeList, parent: Viewer] RETURNS[ TuplesTable: VTable ] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; row: CARDINAL _ 0; TuplesTable _ Create[ parent: parent, rows: Length[attrList]+1, columns: 1 ]; FOR attrL: AttributeList _ attrList, UNTIL attrL = NIL DO { tupleList: LIST OF Relship = IF e = NIL THEN NIL ELSE NutOps.GetTuples[e, attrL.first]; relTable: VTable = Create[ rows: 1, columns: 3, parent: TuplesTable ]; IF tupleList = NIL THEN AddRow[ relTable, attrL.first ] ELSE FOR tlT: LIST OF Relship _ tupleList, UNTIL tlT=NIL DO AddRow[ relTable, attrL.first, tlT.first ] ENDLOOP; SetTableEntry[table: TuplesTable, row: row, flavor: $Viewer, clientData: relTable, border: NullBorder ]; row _ row+1 } ENDLOOP; ViewerOps.AddProp[ TuplesTable, $Entity, e ]; Install[TuplesTable, FALSE] }; AddRow: PROC[ table: VTable, attribute: Attribute, relship: Relship _ NIL ] = { row: CARDINAL _ GetRowsAndColumns[table: table].rows-1; r: Relation = NutOps.GetRelation[attribute]; allAttrs: LIST OF Attribute _ NutOps.AttributesOf[r]; firstRow: BOOLEAN _ TRUE; displayAttrs: LIST OF Attribute = NutOps.RemoveAttribute[attribute, allAttrs]; howLong: INT = Length[displayAttrs]; howMuchSpace: INT = IF howLong MOD 2 = 0 THEN howLong/2 ELSE (howLong/2)+1; i: INT _ 1; -- the index of the next column to be updated SetTableEntry[ table: table, row: row, column: 0, flavor: $Button, name: GetName[r], clientData: attribute, proc: RelProc, border: NullBorder ]; { relViewer: Viewer = GetTableEntry[ table: table, row: row, column: 0 ]; ViewerOps.AddProp[ relViewer, $newLine, NEW[BOOLEAN _ TRUE] ]; ViewerOps.AddProp[ viewer: relViewer, prop: $relShip, val: relship ]; ViewerOps.AddProp[ viewer: relViewer, prop: $r, val: r]; ViewerOps.AddProp[ viewer: relViewer, prop: $a, val: attribute ]; ViewerOps.AddProp[ viewer: relViewer, prop: $row, val: NEW[ INT _ row ] ] }; SetRowsAndColumns[ table: table, rows: row+1+howMuchSpace, columns: 3 ]; FOR da: LIST OF Attribute _ displayAttrs, UNTIL da = NIL DO nextAttr: Attribute = da.first; attrViewer: VTable = Create[ parent: table, columns: 4 ]; ViewerOps.AddProp[ attrViewer, $attr, nextAttr ]; ViewerOps.AddProp[ attrViewer, $which, NEW[ INT_ IF defaultOld THEN 2 ELSE 0 ] ]; VTables.SetTableEntry[ table: attrViewer, column: 0, flavor: $Button, proc: AttrProc, clientData: attrViewer, name: Rope.Cat[DB.NameOf[nextAttr], ":"], border: NullBorder]; IF NutOps.EntityValued[nextAttr] THEN { VTables.SetTableEntry[ table: attrViewer, column: 2, name: IF defaultOld THEN "O" ELSE "", flavor: $Button, w: VFonts.CharWidth['O]+5, border: NullBorder, clientData: attrViewer, proc: CycleNewOld ]; VTables.GetTableEntry[ table: attrViewer, column: 2].border _ TRUE }; VTables.SetTableEntry[ table: attrViewer, column: 3, useMaxSize: TRUE, border: NullBorder, w: 20*VFonts.CharWidth['A], flavor: $Text ]; VTables.GetTableEntry[ table: attrViewer, column: 3 ].scrollable _ TRUE; IF relship # NIL THEN ViewerTools.SetContents[ viewer: GetTableEntry[ table: attrViewer, column: 3 ], contents: GetFS[ relship, nextAttr ], paint: FALSE ]; Install[ attrViewer, FALSE ]; VTables.SetTableEntry[ table: table, row: row, column: i, flavor: $Viewer, clientData: attrViewer, border: NullBorder, useMaxSize: TRUE ]; i _ (i+1) MOD 3; IF i = 0 THEN -- it's time for a new row { row _ row + 1; SetTableEntry[ table: table, row: row, column: 0, name: "", border: NullBorder ]; ViewerOps.AddProp[ GetTableEntry[ table, row, 0 ], $newLine, NEW[BOOLEAN _ FALSE] ]; i _ i+1 } ENDLOOP; VTables.Install[ table, FALSE ] }; Length: PROC[ l: LIST OF Attribute ] RETURNS[ n: INT ] = { n _ 0; UNTIL l = NIL DO n _ n+1; l _ ENDLOOP }; AttrProc: Buttons.ButtonProc = TRUSTED { viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer = NARROW[ parent, ViewerClasses.Viewer ]; attrViewer: VTable = NARROW[ clientData, VTable ]; textViewer: Viewer = GetTableEntry[ table: attrViewer, column: 3 ]; attr: Attribute = V2E[ViewerOps.FetchProp[attrViewer, $attr]]; domain: Domain = V2E[GetP[attr, aTypeIs, aTypeOf]]; entity: Entity; SELECT mouseButton FROM Menus.MouseButton[red] => ViewerTools.SetSelection[ textViewer, NIL ]; Menus.MouseButton[yellow] => { entity _ DeclareEntity[ domain, ViewerTools.GetContents[textViewer], Version[OldOnly] ! DB.Error => { entity _ NIL; CONTINUE } ]; IF entity # NIL THEN Nut.Display[ e: entity, d: domain ] ELSE NutViewer.Message[viewer, ViewerTools.GetContents[textViewer], " not found!"] }; ENDCASE => ViewerTools.SetSelection[ textViewer, NIL ] }; RelProc: Buttons.ButtonProc = TRUSTED { viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer = NARROW[ parent, ViewerClasses.Viewer ]; attribute: Attribute = V2E[clientData]; relTable: VTable _ viewer.parent; TuplesTable: VTable = relTable.parent; SELECT mouseButton FROM Menus.MouseButton[red] => { u: Uniqueness = V2U[GetP[attribute, aUniquenessIs, aUniquenessOf]]; IF u = Key OR u = OptionalKey THEN {anyErrors_ TRUE; NutViewer.Message[viewer, "Only one allowed!"]} ELSE AddRow[ relTable, attribute ] }; Menus.MouseButton[blue] => { row: INT _ (NARROW[ ViewerOps.FetchProp[ viewer, $row ], REF INT ])^; newLine: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; UNTIL newLine DO FOR i: NAT IN [0..2) DO { attrViewer: VTable = GetTableEntry[ relTable, row, i+1 ]; IF attrViewer # NIL THEN { textViewer: Viewer _ GetTableEntry[ attrViewer, 0, 3 ]; attrButton: Viewer _ GetTableEntry[ attrViewer, 0, 0 ]; xoff, yoff: INTEGER; text: ROPE = ViewerTools.GetContents[ textViewer ]; textHeight: INT = textViewer.wh; newTextViewer: Viewer; [xoff, yoff] _ GetEntryOffset[ table: relTable, row: row, column: 0 ]; SetTableEntry[ table: attrViewer, column: 3, flavor: $Text, border: NullBorder, useMaxSize: TRUE, w: 20*VFonts.CharWidth['A], h: textHeight+VFonts.FontHeight[]+1 ]; newTextViewer _ GetTableEntry[ table: attrViewer, column: 3 ]; newTextViewer.scrollable _ TRUE; ViewerTools.SetContents[ viewer: newTextViewer, contents: text, paint: FALSE ]; Install[ attrViewer, FALSE ]; newTextViewer.newVersion _ textViewer.newVersion; SetEntryOffset[ table: relTable, row: row, column: 0, yoff: GetEntryOffset[ table: attrViewer, column: 0 ].yoff ]; Install[ relTable, FALSE ] } } ENDLOOP; row _ row + 1; IF row = GetRowsAndColumns[relTable].rows-1 THEN EXIT; { relViewer: VTable = GetTableEntry[ relTable, row, 0 ]; newLineProp: REF BOOLEAN = IF relViewer = NIL THEN NIL ELSE NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[relViewer, $newLine]]; newLine _ IF newLineProp = NIL THEN TRUE ELSE newLineProp^ } ENDLOOP; Install[ relTable, FALSE ] }; Menus.MouseButton[yellow] => { row: INT _ (NARROW[ ViewerOps.FetchProp[ viewer, $row ], REF INT ])^; newLine: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; UNTIL newLine DO FOR i: NAT IN [0..2) DO { attrViewer: VTable = GetTableEntry[ relTable, row, i+1 ]; IF attrViewer # NIL THEN { attr: Attribute = V2E[ViewerOps.FetchProp[attrViewer, $attr]]; type: Entity = V2E[GetP[attr, aTypeIs, aTypeOf]]; SetTableEntry[ table: attrViewer, row: 0, column: 1, name: TypeLabel[type], border: NullBorder ]; Install[ attrViewer, FALSE ] } } ENDLOOP; row _ row + 1; IF row = GetRowsAndColumns[relTable].rows-1 THEN EXIT; { relViewer: VTable = GetTableEntry[ relTable, row, 0 ]; newLineProp: REF BOOLEAN = IF relViewer = NIL THEN NIL ELSE NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[relViewer, $newLine]]; newLine _ IF newLineProp = NIL THEN TRUE ELSE newLineProp^ } ENDLOOP; Install[ relTable, FALSE ] }; ENDCASE; InstallAll[ TuplesTable] }; InstallAll: PROC[ viewer: Viewer ] = { tableClass: ViewerClasses.ViewerClass = ViewerOps.FetchViewerClass[$VTable]; IF viewer = NIL THEN RETURN; UNTIL viewer.parent = NIL DO IF viewer.class = tableClass THEN Install[viewer, FALSE]; viewer _ viewer.parent; ENDLOOP; ViewerOps.PaintViewer[viewer, all] }; TypeLabel: PROC[ type: Entity ] RETURNS[ Rope.ROPE ] = { IF DB.Eq[type, DB.RopeType] THEN RETURN["(String)"] ELSE IF DB.Eq[type, DB.IntType] THEN RETURN["(Int)"] ELSE IF DB.Eq[type, DB.BoolType] THEN RETURN["(Bool)"] ELSE IF DB.Eq[type, DB.TimeType] THEN RETURN["(Time)"] ELSE RETURN[ Rope.Cat["(", GetName[type], ")"] ] }; CycleNewOld: Buttons.ButtonProc = TRUSTED { viewer: ViewerClasses.Viewer = NARROW[ parent, ViewerClasses.Viewer ]; Labels: ARRAY[0..3) OF ROPE = ["", "N", "O"]; attrViewer: VTable = viewer.parent; relRow: VTable = attrViewer.parent; TuplesTable: VTable = relRow.parent; EventTable: VTable = TuplesTable.parent; attr: Attribute = V2E[ ViewerOps.FetchProp[ attrViewer, $attr ] ]; which: REF INT = NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[attrViewer, $which], REF INT]; IF NOT NutOps.EntityValued[attr] THEN RETURN; which^ _ (which^ + 1) MOD 3; Buttons.ReLabel[viewer, Labels[which^] ]; ViewerOps.AddProp[attrViewer, $which, which ]; Install[ relRow, FALSE ]; Install[ TuplesTable, FALSE ]; Install[ EventTable, TRUE ] }; SaveTuples: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[viewer: VTable, newEntity: Entity _ NIL ] RETURNS [errors: BOOL] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; tupleRows: CARDINAL = GetRowsAndColumns[ viewer ].rows; oldEntity: DB.Entity = V2E[ViewerOps.FetchProp[viewer, $Entity]]; update: BOOLEAN = NOT DB.Null[oldEntity] AND DB.Eq[oldEntity, newEntity]; destroy: BOOLEAN = NOT DB.Null[oldEntity] AND newEntity = NIL; create: BOOLEAN = NOT DB.Null[newEntity] AND oldEntity = NIL; copy: BOOLEAN = NOT (destroy OR create OR update); parent: Viewer = viewer.parent; anyErrors_ FALSE; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..tupleRows-1) DO j: CARDINAL _ 0; relTable _ GetTableEntry[ table: viewer, row: i, column: 0 ]; relRows _ GetRowsAndColumns[ relTable ].rows; WHILE j < relRows-1 DO relViewer: Viewer = GetTableEntry[relTable, j, 0]; rel: Relation = V2E[ViewerOps.FetchProp[relViewer, $r ] ]; attr: Attribute = V2E[ViewerOps.FetchProp[ relViewer, $a ] ]; oldRelship_ V2E[ViewerOps.FetchProp[relViewer, $relShip ] ]; updateList_ NIL; allFieldsNull_ TRUE; newRelship_ NIL; DO AddFields[ parent: parent, row: j, copy: NOT (destroy OR create OR update) ]; IF PastLastRowOfTuple[j_ j + 1, relRows, relTable] THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; IF destroy THEN {IF NOT DB.Null[oldRelship] THEN DB.DestroyRelship[oldRelship]} ELSE IF updateList#NIL THEN -- Continue only if user modified something in this tuple.. IF update AND NOT DB.Null[oldRelship] THEN IF allFieldsNull THEN DB.DestroyRelship[oldRelship] ELSE UpdateTuple[oldRelship, updateList] ELSE IF NOT allFieldsNull THEN { updateList _ CONS[ AttributeValue[ attribute: attr, lo: newEntity], updateList ]; UpdateTuple[CreateRelship[rel], updateList]; ViewerOps.AddProp[ relViewer, $relShip, newRelship ] }; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; RETURN[anyErrors] }; PastLastRowOfTuple: PROC[j: CARDINAL, relRows: CARDINAL, relTable: VTable ] RETURNS [BOOL] = { RETURN[ j >= relRows-1 OR NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[GetTableEntry[relTable, j, 0], $newLine], REF BOOL]^]}; UpdateTuple: PROC[ t: Relship, updateList: AttributeValueList ] = { FOR ul: AttributeValueList _ updateList, UNTIL ul = NIL DO av: AttributeValue = ul.first; u: Uniqueness = V2U[GetP[av.attribute, aUniquenessIs]]; IF u = Key THEN SetF[ t, av.attribute, av.lo ] ENDLOOP; FOR ul: AttributeValueList _ updateList, UNTIL ul = NIL DO av: AttributeValue = ul.first; u: Uniqueness = V2U[GetP[av.attribute, aUniquenessIs]]; IF u # Key THEN SetF[ t, av.attribute, av.lo ] ENDLOOP }; PropertyValueList: TYPE = LIST OF PropertyValue; PropertyValue: TYPE = RECORD[ from: Attribute, -- entity-valued attribute of a relation avl: AttributeValueList -- value contraints on other attributes of same relation ]; QueryTuples: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[ viewer: VTable, domain: Domain ] RETURNS [el: LIST OF Entity] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; tupleRows: CARDINAL = GetRowsAndColumns[ viewer ].rows; queryList: PropertyValueList_ NIL; parent: Viewer = viewer.parent; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [0..tupleRows-1) DO j: CARDINAL _ 0; relTable _ GetTableEntry[ table: viewer, row: i, column: 0 ]; relRows _ GetRowsAndColumns[ relTable ].rows; WHILE j < relRows-1 DO relViewer: Viewer = GetTableEntry[relTable, j, 0]; rel: Relation = V2E[ViewerOps.FetchProp[relViewer, $r ] ]; attr: Attribute = V2E[ViewerOps.FetchProp[ relViewer, $a ] ]; updateList_ NIL; allFieldsNull_ TRUE; DO AddFields[ parent: parent, row: j, copy: FALSE ]; IF PastLastRowOfTuple[j_ j + 1, relRows, relTable] THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; IF updateList#NIL AND NOT allFieldsNull THEN queryList_ CONS[[from: attr, avl: updateList], queryList]; ENDLOOP; -- WHILE j < relRows-1 ENDLOOP; -- FOR i: CARDINAL RETURN[EntityQuery[queryList]]; }; EntityQuery: PROC[pvl: PropertyValueList] RETURNS[LIST OF Entity] = { f: Attribute_ pvl.first.from; r: Relation_ V2E[GetP[f, aRelationIs]]; elNew: LIST OF Entity_ NIL; nestedRS: RelshipSet_ RelationSubset[r, pvl.first.avl]; FOR t: Relship_ NextRelship[nestedRS], NextRelship[nestedRS] UNTIL t=NIL DO elNew_ CONS[V2E[GetF[t, f]], elNew] ENDLOOP; ReleaseRelshipSet[nestedRS]; RETURN[NestedEntityQuery[elNew,]] }; NestedEntityQuery: PROC[elOld: LIST OF Entity, pvl: PropertyValueList] RETURNS[LIST OF Entity] = { IF pvl=NIL THEN RETURN[elOld] ELSE { f: Attribute_ pvl.first.from; r: Relation_ V2E[GetP[f, aRelationIs]]; elNew, elEnd: LIST OF Entity_ NIL; -- will equal those in elOld that satisfy pvl.first FOR elOldT: LIST OF Entity_ elOld, UNTIL elOldT=NIL DO nestedRS: RelshipSet_ RelationSubset[r, CONS[ [f, elOldT.first], pvl.first.avl]]; IF NextRelship[nestedRS] #NIL THEN IF elNew=NIL THEN elEnd_ elNew_ CONS[elOldT.first, NIL] ELSE elEnd_ elEnd.rest_ CONS[elOldT.first, NIL]; ReleaseRelshipSet[nestedRS]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[NestedEntityQuery[elNew,]]; }}; AddFields: PROC[parent: Viewer, row: CARDINAL, copy: BOOL] = { FOR i: INT IN [0..2) DO attrViewer: VTable = GetTableEntry[relTable, row, i+1]; IF attrViewer # NIL THEN { attr: Attribute = V2E[ViewerOps.FetchProp[attrViewer, $attr]]; newOld: INT = NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[attrViewer, $which], REF INT]^; textViewer: Viewer = GetTableEntry[table: attrViewer, column: 3]; contents: ROPE = ViewerTools.GetContents[textViewer]; type: Entity = V2E[GetP[attr, aTypeIs, aTypeOf]]; value: DB.Value; IF NOT textViewer.newVersion THEN IF oldRelship=NIL OR NOT copy THEN LOOP; IF NOT Rope.Equal[contents, ""] THEN allFieldsNull_ FALSE; SELECT type FROM IntType => { val: INT = IF Rope.Equal[contents, ""] THEN 0 ELSE IO.GetInt[ IO.RIS[contents] ]; value _ I2V[val]}; RopeType => value _ S2V[ contents ]; BoolType => value _ B2V[ Rope.Equal[contents, "TRUE"] ]; TimeType => { time: DB.GMT; time.time _ IO.GetTime[IO.RIS[contents] ! IO.Error => TRUSTED { anyErrors_ TRUE; NutViewer.Error[parent, "Unintelligible time/date: ", contents]}]; value _ T2V[time] }; ENDCASE => IF Rope.Equal[contents, ""] THEN value_ NIL ELSE SELECT newOld FROM 0 => -- NewOrOld { value _ DeclareEntity[ d: type, name: contents, version: OldOnly ]; IF value = NIL THEN { NutViewer.Message[parent, "Automatically creating ", contents]; value _ DeclareEntity[ d: type, name: contents ]; IF value = NIL THEN { allFieldsNull_ TRUE; -- pretend this tuple didn't happen anyErrors_ TRUE; NutViewer.Error[parent, " Error: ", contents, " could not be created automatically."]; } } }; 1 => -- NewOnly { value _ CreateEntity[ d: type, name: contents ! DBEnvironment.Error => TRUSTED { codeRef: REF DBEnvironment.ErrorCode ~ NEW[DBEnvironment.ErrorCode _ code]; NutViewer.Error[parent, IO.PutFR["%g", IO.refAny[codeRef]], " Error trying to create \"", contents, "\" entity."]; allFieldsNull_ TRUE; -- pretend this tuple didn't happen anyErrors_ TRUE; CONTINUE}]}; 2 => -- OldOnly { value _ DeclareEntity[ type, contents, Version[OldOnly] ]; IF value = NIL THEN { allFieldsNull_ TRUE; -- pretend this tuple didn't happen anyErrors_ TRUE; NutViewer.Error[parent, " Error: ", contents, " does not exist."] }}; ENDCASE; updateList _ CONS[ AttributeValue[attribute: attr, lo: value], updateList ] } ENDLOOP }; }. Change Log: Changed by Cattell April 6, 1983 1:12 pm: The CONS in AddRow's first loop was causing it to reverse the order of the attributes to be displayed from the order in the database. Changed loop to destructively modify list, more efficient anyway since no space allocation. Changed by Cattell April 15, 1983 11:08 am: Numerous changes and bug fixes to SaveTuples. Reduced complexity of inner loop from 22 to 11 lines! €File: TuplesEditorImpl.mesa Created by Donahue November 16, 1982 2:38 pm Last edited by: Donahue, April 14, 1983 10:15 am Cattell, June 24, 1983 3:09 pm Butler, June 20, 1984 4:46:37 pm PDT Last Edited by: Beach, March 28, 1984 9:25:58 pm PST Main procedure in this module: puts up a subviewer in the parent viewer containing all the tuples that do or could refer to the entity e. Main loop goes through all attributes potentially referencing e's domain, and calls AddRow to add a blank tuple if the tupleList referencing e is empty for that attribute, or the tupleList if it is not empty. Add a row to the table, where the entity being displayed is assumed to be the value of the attribute supplied. If a relship is supplied, take the values of the other fields from it; otherwise, display empty fields. The structure of the table now is to have three columns; the first is the name of the relation (or blank if in succeeding rows), while the second and third give two attributes of the relation set the first entry expand the table to contain as many rows as it will need for the display attributes Called to update the relationships for an entity. If newEntity is NIL, then destroy all the relationships for the oldEntity (previously associated with $Entity property of the viewer). If oldEntity was NIL, then create a new entity with the relationships that have been filled in by the user. If newEntity=oldEntity, update the relationships that were modified by the user. Finally, if NIL#newEntity#oldEntity#NIL, then copy all of oldEntities relationships to reference newEntity (leaves oldEntity intact). Returns TRUE if any errors were reported to the user as a result of bad entries. The relRows is the number of rows with relationships from relation rel; for each tuple (maybe >1 row), we want to destroy, create, or update the relationship as specified. Advance j through attributes of this tuple, AddFields picking off two at a time, to see what the attributes are and which we might have to change. NOTE: AddFields modifies global updateList and allFieldsNull as side effect Now we want to either create, destroy, or update the relationship. Destroy this relationship. We've already advanced j to skip over its rows. Update mode, and there was an existing relationship: modify or delete it. Either we are adding relship to a new entity, or updating old entity with no existing oldRelship: create new tuple, including first attr (that refs entity) in update list. Used only by SaveTuples above, to decide when cross tuple boundaries in VTable. Returns TRUE if j has passed the last row in one of the tuples for the given relation relTable. Since $newLine is only attached to the relation button, this is true iff $newLine is attached to this entry, or j is greater than the last row in the relTable. Changes the Relship t as specified by updateList. If ALL of the values in the update list are NILs, then just destroy the whole Relship, 'cause user has left all blanks. First set all of the key values Now set all of the non-key attributes Given a table set up by DisplayTuples, finds all the entities in the given domain that satisfy the query filled into the table by the user. Inner loop similar to SaveTuples, but must create PropertyValueList instead of updating tuples. The relRows is the number of rows with relationships from relation rel; for each tuple (maybe >1 row), we want to handle the relationship as specified. Advance j through attributes of this tuple, AddFields picking off two at a time, to see what the attributes are and which we might have to change. NOTE: AddFields modifies global updateList and allFieldsNull as side effect Continue only if user modified and put something in this tuple.. A handy procedure for finding all the entities of a domain that have the given property values. Finds all the entities which, for each PropertyValue in the PropertyValueList list, there exists at least one relationship whose "from" attribute equals the entity and whose other attributes satisfy the attribute value list. Finds the entities in elOld that satisfy pvl. We do this recursively as follows. For each entity in elOld, we do a RelationSubset to find the tuples that satisfy pvl.first and also reference the entity. If this list is not empty, we can keep that entity in a new list elNew; otherwise we toss it. When all the entities in elOld that also satisfy pvl.first have been added to elNew in this way, we recursively call NestedEntityQuery, returning the entities in elNew which also satisfy The nestedRS contains tuples that reference e and also satisfy first element of pvl. We can keep elOldT.first in the elNew list iff this list is non-empty. NOTE THIS PROCEDURE UPDATES GLOBAL VARIABLES AS A SIDE EFFECT. THE MONITOR ON THIS MODULE IS TO PROTECT THESE GLOBAL VARIABLES. Adds to updateList the attributes in row that need to be assigned in order to create the relationship. Caller must add the first attribute (that refs the entity), if desired. If the user does not modify a field, it does not appear in the updateList unless there was an existing relationship and we are in "copy" mode. Thus updateList=NIL if the user modified no fields of a tuple. Sets allFieldsNull to FALSE if any of the fields are non-null. Skip this guy unless copying and there was an existing relationship Edited on March 21, 1984 9:17:51 pm PST, by Beach added Cedar formatting via TiogaMesa. changes to: AddFields to detect errors more often when creating entities automatically. Edited on March 28, 1984 9:25:52 pm PST, by Beach cosmetic changes to the {} conventions and indentation. changes to: RelProc to preserve the newVersion status when expanding a relation row with the blue button. Κp˜Jšœ™Jšœ,™,šœ™Jšœ ™ Jšœ™J™$J™4J˜—šΟk ˜ Jšœœ˜Jšœ œœ˜Jšœœ˜$Jšœ˜J˜Jšœ˜Jšœœ˜J˜J˜Jšœ œ˜!J˜J˜ Jšœœ˜$Jšœ œ5˜DJ˜ Jšœ œ*˜;J˜J˜šœœœ˜ Jš˜Jšœœœ˜3J˜9Jšœ˜J˜——Jšœœœ$˜.˜Jš œ œœœœ˜6J˜Jšœ œΟcH˜YJšœ œœœž;˜ZJ˜Jšœœ˜J˜Jšœ œ˜J˜ J˜—šΟn œœœœ4˜TJšœ˜ JšœR™RJšœR™RJšœT™TJšœU™UJšœ ™ šœœœœ˜Jšœœ˜J˜Nšœ-œ œ˜Dšœ œœ œœœœœ"˜YJ˜FJšœ œœ ˜7šœ˜š œœœœœ˜?Jšœ+œ˜3——˜=J˜+—J˜ —Jšœ˜J˜-Jšœœ˜J˜———šŸœœ:œ˜MJšœV™VJšœ_™_Jšœ ™ šœœ*˜9J˜,Jšœ œœ$˜5Jšœ œœ˜Jšœœœ9˜NJšœ œ˜$Jš œœœ œœ œ˜KJšœœž-˜:J˜Jšœ^™^JšœW™WJšœ™J˜Jšœ™˜TJ˜;—˜IJšœ(œœœ˜>J˜EJ˜8J˜AJšœ7œœ ˜L—JšœS™SJ˜Hš œœœ#œœ˜CJ˜J˜9J˜1Jš œ'œœœ œœ˜Q˜J˜>Jšœ'œ-˜V—šœ˜%šœ=œ œœ˜\J˜AJ˜,Jšœ>œ˜E——šœAœ˜ZJ˜,—JšœCœ˜Hšœ œœ˜˜OJšœ-œ˜5——Jšœœ˜˜bJšœ œ˜'—Jšœ œ˜šœœž˜(˜J˜QJšœ=œœœ˜TJ˜ ——Jšœ˜—šœœ˜"J˜———š Ÿœœœœ œœ˜8Jš œ œœœœ˜8J˜—šŸœ˜&šœ!œ!˜HJšœœ˜2J˜CJ˜>J˜3J˜šœ ˜˜Jšœ&œ˜,—˜˜YJšœœœ˜)Jšœ œœ$˜8JšœQ˜U——Jšœ*œ˜9—J˜——šŸœ˜%šœ!œ!˜HJ˜'J˜!J˜&šœ ˜˜˜Ešœ œ˜"Jšœ œ1˜A—Jšœ!˜%——˜š œœœ'œœ˜GJšœ œœ˜šœ ˜šœœœ˜˜;šœœ˜˜9J˜7Jšœ œ˜Jšœœ)˜3Jšœ œ˜ Jšœ˜JšœG˜GJšœ\œD˜€Jšœ>˜>Jšœœ˜ JšœGœ˜OJšœœ˜Jšœ1˜1J˜rJšœœ˜———Jšœ˜—J˜šœ*œœ˜6˜8šœ œœ˜Jšœ œœ˜Jšœœ+˜6—Jš œ œœœœœ˜<——Jšœ˜—Jšœœ˜——˜š œœœ'œœ˜GJšœ œœ˜šœ ˜šœœœ˜˜;šœœ˜˜@J˜1J˜aJšœœ˜ ———Jšœ˜—J˜šœ*œœ˜6˜8šœ œœ˜Jšœ œœ˜Jšœœ+˜6—Jš œ œœœœœ˜<——Jšœ˜—Jšœœ˜——Jšœ˜—J˜—J˜—šŸ œœ˜&J˜LJšœ œœœ˜šœœ˜Jšœœœ˜9Jšœ˜Jšœ˜—J˜%J˜—šŸ œœœœ˜6š œœœ œ œœ ˜5Jš œœœ œ œœ ˜4Jš œœœ œ œœ ˜6Jš œœœ œ œœ ˜6Jšœœ(˜3—J˜—šŸ œ˜)šœ!œ!˜HJšœœœœ˜-J˜#J˜#J˜$J˜(J˜CJš œœœœ*œœ˜JJšœœœœ˜-Jšœœ˜J˜)J˜.Jšœœ˜Jšœœ˜Jšœœ˜J˜——šŸ œœœœ%œœ œ˜`JšœT™TJšœT™TJšœV™VJšœW™WJšœN™NJšœW™WJšœP™Pšœœœœ˜Jšœ œ$˜7Jšœ œ4˜AJš œœœœœœ˜IJš œ œœœœ œ˜>Jš œœœœœ œ˜=Jš œœœ œœ ˜2J˜Jšœ œ˜šœœœ˜&Jšœœ˜J˜=J˜-šœ˜JšœP™PJšœZ™ZJ˜2J˜:J˜=J˜™>š˜šœ)œ œœ ˜MJšœK™K—Jšœ1œœ˜=Jšœ˜—JšœD™Dšœ œ˜JšœK™KJš œœœœœœ˜?—š œœ œœž;˜Wš œœœœ˜*JšœI™IJšœœœ˜3Jšœ$˜(—šœœœ˜JšœU™UJšœU™Ušœœ@˜SJ˜,J˜7———Jšœ˜—Jšœ˜—Jšœ ˜šœ˜J˜———š Ÿœœœ œœœ˜\JšœO™OJšœ_™_JšœQ™QJšœN™Nšœœ˜Jšœ?œœ˜RJ˜——šŸ œœ0˜AJšœZ™ZJšœO™Ošœ˜Jšœ™šœ.œœ˜BJ˜J˜7Jšœ œ˜.Jšœ˜—Jšœ%™%šœ.œœ˜BJ˜J˜7Jšœ œ˜.Jšœ˜ J˜———Jšœœœœ˜0šœœœ˜Jšœž(˜9Jšœž8˜PJ˜J˜—šŸ œœœœ"˜@Jšœœœ ˜JšœQ™QJšœ\™\Jšœ=™=šœœœœ˜Jšœ œ$˜7Jšœœ˜"J˜J˜šœœœ˜&Jšœœ˜J˜=J˜-šœ˜JšœP™PJšœF™FJ˜2J˜:J˜=Jšœ œœ˜%JšœU™UJšœ>™>š˜šœ)œ˜1JšœK™K—Jšœ1œœ˜=Jšœ˜—š œ œœœ˜,Jšœ@™@Jšœ œ+˜:—Jšœž˜!—Jšœž˜—Jšœ˜J˜J˜——š Ÿ œœœœœ ˜CJšœN™NJšœM™MJšœD™DJšœI™IJšœ™šœ˜J˜'Jšœœœ œ˜J˜7šœ:œœ˜KJšœœœ˜,—J˜Jšœ$˜*Jšœ˜—J˜—šŸœœœœ ˜FJšœœœ ˜JšœQ™QJšœZ™ZJšœW™WJšœO™OJšœK™KJšœP™Pš œœœœœ˜$šœ˜J˜'Jšœœœ œž3˜Vš œ œœœœ˜BJšœ(œ%˜QJšœT™TJšœF™Fšœœ˜"š œœœœœ˜7Jšœœœ˜0——J˜Jšœ˜—Jšœ%˜+J˜——J˜—šŸ œœœœ˜™>Jšœ@™@JšœU™UJšœN™NJšœV™VJšœD™DJšœU™UJšœ(™(šœ˜Jšœœœ˜J˜7šœœ˜J˜@Jš œœœ*œœ˜HJ˜AJšœ œ'˜5J˜1Jšœœ˜šœœ˜!JšœC™CJš œ œœœœœ˜)—Jšœœœœ˜:šœ˜˜ Jšœœœœœœ œœ ˜QJ˜—˜ J˜—˜ J˜,—˜ Jšœœœ˜š œ œ œœ œ œ˜?Jšœ œ˜J˜B—J˜—šœ˜ Jšœœ˜+šœœ˜šœž ˜J˜Fšœ œœ˜J˜?J˜2šœ œœ˜Jšœœž#˜8Jšœ œ˜Jšœ]˜]———šœž ˜J˜1šœœ˜ Jšœ œœ!˜KJšœœ œI˜rJšœœž#˜8Jšœ œ˜Jšœ˜ ——šœž ˜J˜<šœ œœ˜Jšœœž#˜8Jšœ œ˜J˜E——Jšœ˜——Jšœ œ<˜M——Jš˜—Jšœ˜J˜J˜—J˜J˜J˜ J˜Jšœ/œΪ˜J˜J˜J˜™1J™%Jšœ Οr œB™W—™1J™7Jšœ  œV™i—J™J™J™J™—…—Bψlθ