DIRECTORY Atom, FS USING [Error], DB, DBEnvironment, DBIcons USING [GetIcon, IsRegistered, Failed, RegisterIcon], Icons USING [IconFlavor, NewIconFromFile], IO, Labels USING [Create], MessageWindow, NutOps USING [IsSystemDomain, SafeNameOf, SafeSegmentOf, SafeDomainOf, EntityToName, DecomposeName], NutViewer, Rope USING [Cat, Concat, Equal, Length, ROPE, SkipTo], ViewerClasses, ViewerLocks, ViewerOps, VirtualDesktops; NutViewerImpl: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS Atom, FS, DB, DBEnvironment, DBIcons, Icons, IO, NutOps, NutViewer, Rope, ViewerLocks, ViewerOps, VirtualDesktops, MessageWindow, Labels EXPORTS NutViewer SHARES ViewerLocks = BEGIN OPEN IO, DB; ViewerRec: TYPE = ViewerClasses.ViewerRec; Viewer: TYPE = ViewerClasses.Viewer; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; -- ****************** converting from viewer to entity **************** ToolViewer: PUBLIC Rope.ROPE _ "ToolViewer"; TextViewer: PUBLIC Rope.ROPE _ "TextViewer"; ToolInfo: TYPE = RECORD[ tool: ATOM, icon: ATOM _ NIL, commandLine: ROPE ]; squirrel: PUBLIC Viewer; squirrelOut: PUBLIC IO.STREAM _ IO.noWhereStream; stopped: PUBLIC BOOLEAN; GetNutInfo: PUBLIC PROC[v: Viewer] RETURNS[segment: Segment, domain: Domain, entity: ROPE] = { -- Returns segment, domain, and entity name (if any) using the $Segment, $DomainName, -- and $EntityName properties set up by CreateNut. entity_ NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[v, $EntityName]]; segment_ NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[v, $Segment]]; domain_ DB.DeclareDomain[V2S[ ViewerOps.FetchProp[v, $DomainName]], segment, OldOnly ! DBEnvironment.Error => CHECKED { domain _ NIL; CONTINUE } ]; }; Create: PROCEDURE[ d: Domain, eName: ROPE, seg: DB.Segment _ NIL, column: ViewerClasses.Column _ left ] RETURNS [v: Viewer] = BEGIN segment: DB.Segment = IF NutOps.IsSystemDomain[d] THEN seg ELSE NutOps.SafeSegmentOf[d]; defaultLabel: ROPE = Rope.Cat[ NutOps.SafeNameOf[d], ": ", eName, NIL]; -- following line WAS part of function call -- IF Nut.debug THEN Rope.Cat[ " (", Atom.GetPName[segment], " segment)" ] ELSE NIL ]; info: ViewerClasses.ViewerRec = [name: defaultLabel, iconic: FALSE, column: column]; RETURN[ViewerOps.CreateViewer[flavor: $Container, info: info, paint: FALSE]] END; CheckViewer: PROCEDURE[newV: Viewer, oldV: Viewer, eName: ROPE, e: Entity, d: Domain, seg: Segment] RETURNS[Viewer] = BEGIN SetUpNewViewer: PROC[] = BEGIN -- Add $Entity, used by whiteboards when AddSelected, and $EntityHandle (not used?) IF e # NIL THEN BEGIN ViewerOps.AddProp[newV, $Entity, NutOps.EntityToName[e, seg]]; ViewerOps.AddProp[ newV, $EntityHandle, e ]; ViewerOps.AddProp[ newV, $DomainName, NutOps.SafeNameOf[d] ]; END; ViewerOps.AddProp[ newV, $Segment, seg ]; ViewerOps.AddProp[ newV, $EntityName, eName ]; IF newV.icon = tool THEN -- Set the icon if the create proc left it as default (tool) icon newV.icon _ IF e#NIL THEN GetIcon[e, seg] -- use icon for specific entity ELSE GetIcon[d, seg] END; -- use icon for domain { ENABLE UNWIND => ViewerLocks.ReleaseWriteLock[newV]; ViewerLocks.CallUnderWriteLock[SetUpNewViewer, newV] }; IF newV = oldV THEN RETURN[newV]; -- just replacing existing viewer IF oldV=NIL OR newV.column # oldV.column THEN { IF NOT newV.iconic THEN ViewerOps.ComputeColumn[newV.column]; RETURN[newV]}; IF newV.iconic # oldV.iconic THEN ViewerOps.OpenIcon[icon: IF newV.iconic THEN newV ELSE oldV, paint: FALSE]; IF NOT newV.iconic THEN ViewerOps.ReplaceViewer[new: newV, old: oldV] ELSE { -- ViewerOps.ReplaceViewer doesn't work well with a pair of icons ViewerOps.DestroyViewer[oldV] }; RETURN[newV] END; SpawnViewer: PUBLIC ENTRY PROCEDURE[ eName: ROPE _ NIL, e: Entity, d: Domain _ NIL, seg: Segment _ NIL, parent: Viewer _ NIL] RETURNS[newV: Viewer] = BEGIN oldV: Viewer _ FindSpawned[parent]; IF oldV # NIL AND oldV.newVersion THEN oldV _ NIL; IF d = NIL THEN d _ DB.DomainOf[e]; IF seg = NIL THEN seg _ NutOps.SafeSegmentOf[d]; IF eName = NIL THEN eName _ NutOps.SafeNameOf[e]; newV _ Create[d, eName, seg, IF oldV = NIL THEN left ELSE oldV.column]; IF newV = NIL THEN RETURN[NIL] ELSE BEGIN SetSpawned[parent, newV]; RETURN[CheckViewer[newV, oldV, eName, e, d, seg]]; END; END; OneViewer: PUBLIC ENTRY PROCEDURE[ eName: ROPE _ NIL, e: Entity, d: Domain _ NIL, seg: Segment _ NIL, parent: Viewer _ NIL] RETURNS[newV: Viewer] = BEGIN oldV: Viewer _ FindSpawned[parent]; IF d = NIL THEN d _ DB.DomainOf[e]; IF (oldV # NIL AND oldV.newVersion) OR (oldV = NIL) THEN oldV _ FindViewer[d, eName, seg]; IF oldV # NIL AND oldV.newVersion THEN oldV _ NIL; IF seg = NIL THEN seg _ NutOps.SafeSegmentOf[d]; IF eName = NIL THEN eName _ NutOps.SafeNameOf[e]; newV _ Create[d, eName, seg, IF oldV = NIL THEN left ELSE oldV.column]; IF newV = NIL THEN RETURN[NIL] ELSE RETURN[ CheckViewer[newV, oldV, eName, e, d, seg] ]; END; ReplaceViewer: PUBLIC ENTRY PROCEDURE[ eName: ROPE _ NIL, e: Entity, d: Domain _ NIL, seg: Segment _ NIL, parent: Viewer _ NIL] RETURNS[newV: Viewer] = BEGIN oldV: Viewer _ parent; IF oldV # NIL AND oldV.newVersion THEN oldV _ NIL; IF d = NIL THEN d _ DB.DomainOf[e]; IF seg = NIL THEN seg _ NutOps.SafeSegmentOf[d]; IF eName = NIL THEN eName _ NutOps.SafeNameOf[e]; newV _ Create[d, eName, seg, IF oldV = NIL THEN left ELSE oldV.column]; IF newV = NIL THEN RETURN[NIL] ELSE RETURN[ CheckViewer[newV, oldV, eName, e, d, seg] ]; END; -- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * FindViewer: INTERNAL PROCEDURE [ domain: DB.Domain, eName: Rope.ROPE, seg: DB.Segment] RETURNS[Viewer] = BEGIN entity: Rope.ROPE = Rope.Cat[Atom.GetPName[seg], "!", NutOps.SafeNameOf[domain], "!", eName]; FOR nL: LIST OF Viewer _ GetNutList[], UNTIL nL=NIL DO typeProp: REF ANY = ViewerOps.FetchProp[ nL.first, $NutType ]; --nutType: NutType = IF typeProp = NIL THEN displayer --ELSE NARROW[typeProp, REF NutType]^; --IF nutType # type THEN LOOP; IF NOT Rope.Equal[entity, NARROW[ ViewerOps.FetchProp[nL.first, $Entity]]] THEN LOOP; IF nL.first.destroyed THEN LOOP; RETURN[nL.first]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[NIL]; END; FindSpawned: PROC[v: Viewer] RETURNS[Viewer] = BEGIN IF v = NIL THEN RETURN[NIL]; { spawn: Viewer = NARROW[ ViewerOps.FetchProp[ v, $LastSpawned ], Viewer ]; IF spawn = NIL OR spawn.destroyed THEN RETURN[ NIL ]; IF ViewerOps.FetchProp[spawn, $Frozen] = NIL THEN RETURN[ spawn ]; RETURN[ NIL ] } END; SetSpawned: PROC[parent, spawned: Viewer] = BEGIN IF parent = NIL THEN RETURN; ViewerOps.AddProp[ parent, $LastSpawned, spawned ]; IF spawned # NIL THEN ViewerOps.AddProp[ spawned, $WhoSpawnedMe, parent ]; END; GetNutList: INTERNAL PROC RETURNS[nL: LIST OF Viewer] = BEGIN enum: ViewerOps.EnumProc = { name: Rope.ROPE = NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[v, $Entity]]; IF name # NIL THEN nL_ CONS[v, nL]; RETURN[TRUE] }; VirtualDesktops.EnumerateViewers[enum]; END; -- ****************** setting/getting icons for entities **************** -- works for Entities or Domains acorn: Icons.IconFlavor_ NewIcon["Nut.icons", 3]; SetIcon: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[e: Entity, iconFile: ROPE, fileIndex: CARDINAL] = BEGIN name: ROPE = IF DB.Eq[NutOps.SafeDomainOf[e], DomainDomain] THEN NutOps.SafeNameOf[e] ELSE NutOps.EntityToName[e, NutOps.SafeSegmentOf[e]]; IF DBIcons.IsRegistered[name].file = NIL THEN DBIcons.RegisterIcon[ name, iconFile, fileIndex ] END; GetIcon: PUBLIC PROC[e: Entity, seg: Segment _ NIL] RETURNS[icon: Icons.IconFlavor] = BEGIN IF e = NIL THEN RETURN[acorn]; { d: Domain = NutOps.SafeDomainOf[e]; segment: DB.Segment = IF NutOps.IsSystemDomain[d] THEN seg ELSE NutOps.SafeSegmentOf[e]; dName: ROPE _ NutOps.SafeNameOf[d]; isTool: BOOL = Rope.Equal[dName, ToolViewer]; eName: ROPE = IF isTool THEN NutOps.SafeNameOf[e] ELSE NutOps.EntityToName[e, segment]; IF dName.Equal["TextViewer"] THEN RETURN[document]; icon _ unInit; icon _ DBIcons.GetIcon[eName, IF isTool THEN tool ELSE unInit ! DBIcons.Failed => CONTINUE]; IF icon # unInit THEN RETURN; IF dName.Equal["Domain"] THEN dName_ NutOps.SafeNameOf[e]; -- Use domain icon for domain entity icon _ DBIcons.GetIcon[dName, acorn] } END; GetIconFromName: PUBLIC PROC[ name: ROPE ] RETURNS[icon: Icons.IconFlavor] = { domain, entity: ROPE; isTool: BOOLEAN; [, domain, entity] _ NutOps.DecomposeName[name]; IF Rope.Equal[domain, "TextViewer"] THEN RETURN[document]; isTool _ Rope.Equal[domain, ToolViewer]; IF isTool THEN name _ entity; icon _ DBIcons.GetIcon[name, IF isTool THEN tool ELSE unInit ! DBIcons.Failed => { icon _ unInit; CONTINUE } ]; IF icon # unInit THEN RETURN; icon _ DBIcons.GetIcon[domain, acorn] }; icons: IconList; IconList: TYPE = LIST OF RECORD[file: ROPE, index: INTEGER, icon: Icons.IconFlavor]; NewIcon: PUBLIC PROC[file: ROPE, index: INTEGER] RETURNS[icon: Icons.IconFlavor _ acorn] = BEGIN ENABLE FS.Error => TRUSTED {IF = bug OR = environment THEN REJECT ELSE GOTO notFound}; FOR list: IconList _ icons, WHILE list # NIL DO IF list.first.index # index THEN LOOP; IF ~Rope.Equal[list.first.file, file] THEN LOOP; RETURN[list.first.icon]; ENDLOOP; icon _ Icons.NewIconFromFile[file, index]; icons _ CONS[[file, index, icon], icons]; EXITS notFound => -- if not given full path name, then try [Indigo]Icons>file BEGIN ENABLE FS.Error => TRUSTED {IF = bug OR = environment THEN REJECT ELSE CONTINUE}; IF file.SkipTo[pos: 0, skip: "[/"] # file.Length[] THEN RETURN; --given full path, give up icon _ Icons.NewIconFromFile[Rope.Cat["[Indigo]Icons>", file], index]; icons _ CONS[[file, index, icon], icons]; END; END; xFudge: INTEGER = 4; entryHeight: INTEGER = 14; Initialize: PUBLIC PROC[parent: Viewer] RETURNS [nV: Viewer] = -- Makes a label which is the first one in a viewer, at standard Y value BEGIN NutViewer.CheckAborted[parent]; nV_ ViewerOps.CreateViewer[ flavor: $Label, info: [parent: parent, ww: 0, wh: 0, wy: 1, wx: IF parent.scrollable THEN 0 ELSE xFudge, border: FALSE]] END; MakeLabel: PUBLIC PROC[ name: ROPE, sib: Viewer_ NIL, newLine: BOOL_ FALSE] RETURNS [nV: Viewer] = BEGIN -- ly: INTEGER_ sib.wy; -- IF sib.class.flavor = $Text THEN ly_ ly - yTextFudge; info: ViewerRec_ [name: name, parent: sib.parent, wy: sib.wy, wh: entryHeight, border: FALSE]; NutViewer.CheckAborted[sib]; IF newLine THEN { info.wx_ IF sib.parent.scrollable THEN 0 ELSE xFudge; info.wy_ info.wy + sib.wh; } ELSE info.wx_ sib.wx+sib.ww; nV_ Labels.Create[info: info]; END; Message: PUBLIC PROC[v: Viewer, msg1, msg2, msg3, msg4: ROPE_ NIL] = -- Print msgs in v's typescript if there is one, else in Squirrel window if there is one, -- else in message window. BEGIN out: IO.STREAM = GetTypescript[v]; IF out=NIL THEN {MessageWindow.Clear[]; MessageWindow.Append[Rope.Cat[msg1, msg2, msg3, msg4]]} ELSE { out.Put[IO.rope[msg1], IO.rope[msg2], IO.rope[Rope.Concat[msg3,msg4]]]; out.PutChar[IO.CR]}; END; MessageRope: PUBLIC PROC[v: Viewer, msg: ROPE_ NIL] = BEGIN out: IO.STREAM = GetTypescript[v]; IF out=NIL THEN {MessageWindow.Append[msg]} ELSE {out.Put[IO.rope[msg]]}; END; Error: PUBLIC PROC[v: Viewer, msg1, msg2, msg3, msg4: ROPE_ NIL] = -- Same as Message, but blinks to get user's attention. {MessageWindow.Blink[]; Message[v, msg1, msg2, msg3, msg4]}; GetTypescript: PROC [v: Viewer] RETURNS [out: IO.STREAM] = { IF v=NIL THEN IF (v_ NutViewer.squirrel)=NIL THEN RETURN[NIL] ELSE IF v.iconic THEN ViewerOps.BlinkIcon[v] ELSE v_ GetTopLevel[v]; RETURN[NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[GetTopLevel[v], $Typescript]]]; }; GetTopLevel: PROC [v: Viewer] RETURNS [top: Viewer] = {FOR top_ v, top.parent UNTIL top.parent=NIL DO ENDLOOP}; END. NutViewerImpl.mesa -- Last edit by -- Maxwell on September 30, 1982 10:35 am -- Willie-Sue, January 21, 1983 8:50 am -- Cattell, August 9, 1983 10:41 am -- Donahue, August 1, 1983 4:04 pm -- Widom, June 15, 1984 1:35:04 pm PDT -- Butler, June 26, 1984 5:07:05 pm PDT --Creates a viewer to operate on the entity whose name is eName --Determines the iconicness of a viewer. Sets properties for a new -- viewer and returns the viewer -- used to only be done if viewer was a displayer -- ViewerOps.AddProp[ newV, $NutType, NEW[NutType_ type] ]; --Creates and returns a new viewer that is spawned from parent --Creates and returns a new viewer and ensures only one exists --Creates and returns a new viewer that replaces parent -- locally used procedures Ê N˜Jšœ–™–JšAœÏk œœœœ!œ:œ$œ;œvœœgœœœ œœ!œ`œ œœœœœœ&œœœœÏcIœ œœ œœ˜…J˜Jš5œ œœœœœœœœœœœœœÏn œœœœ+œ žVœž3œ œ3œ/œiœ œœ˜¾š Ðbnœ œœœ œ*œ˜€J™?š˜Jš œ œ œœœ˜XJšœœ0œ˜GJšž„˜„Jšœ=œ˜TJšœ?œ˜LJšœ˜——šŸ œ œ$œ&œ ˜uJ™BJ™ Jš˜˜šŸœœ˜Jš˜JšžS˜Sšœ1™1šœœœ˜Jšœ>˜>Jšœ,˜,Jšœ=˜=Jšœ˜—Jšœ)˜)Jšœ.˜.Jšœ;™;šœ˜Jš žBœ œœœž œ˜ —Jšœž˜——J˜Jš7œœœeœ œœÐci!žœœœœœœ œ'œ œœœ œœœœœ œ/œžBœ$œœ˜ç—J˜—šŸ œœœ œ˜$Jš œœœœœœ˜Yšœ˜J™>š˜J˜#Jš œœœœœ˜3Jšœœœœ ˜#Jšœœœ˜0Jšœ œœ˜1Jš œœœœœ˜GJš œœœœœ˜šœ˜ Jšœ˜Jšœ,˜2Jšœ˜—Jšœ˜J˜——J˜—šŸ œœ˜"Jš œœœœœœ˜Yšœ˜J™>š˜J˜#Jšœœœœ ˜#š œ œœœ œ˜4Jšœ"˜&—Jš œœœœœ˜3Jšœœœ˜0Jšœ œœ˜1Jš œœœœœ˜GJš œœœœœ˜Jš œ.˜9Jšœ˜——J˜—šŸ œœ˜&Jš œœœœœœ˜YJšœ˜™7š˜J˜Jš œœœœœ˜3Jšœœœœ ˜#Jšœœœ˜0Jšœ œœ˜1Jš œœœœœ˜GJš œœœœœ˜Jš œ.˜9Jšœ˜———J˜J˜JšžJ˜JJšœ™JšÁœŸ œœ œ œœœ œœœOœœœ œœœœœ3ž6œ ž'œžœœœœ+œœœœœœœœœœŸ œœ œœœœœœœœ8œ œœœœœœ'œœœœœœŸ œœœœ œœœ:œ œœ8œŸ œœœœœœ œ0œœ*œœœœœœ0œžJœž"œ4Ÿœœ œœ œ œ œœœ*œ œ1˜ôJšœœ#œ˜0Jšòœ9œŸœœœœœœœœœœCœ œœœ'œ'œ/œœœ/œ(œœœEœœœ%œ œœœœœž%œ1œŸœœœœœ0œ œ9œ"œœ;œœ0œœœ6œ œœœNœœœœœ œŸœœœœ œœ'œœœœœœœœ œœœ#œœœœœœ œ$œœ œœ=œ"œžFœœœœœœœœœœœ œ1œœžœgœ$œœ œœŸ œœœžLœœŒœœœœœ˜¦JšƒœŸ œœœ œœ œœœœžœž;œ_œ&œ œœœœ3œ=œÏbœ œ$ œœ&œœœWœeœ¢ œ œ œœ&œœœœœ¢œ œ$ œ~¢œœ œœœœœ œœœœ œ œœœœ:¢ œœ œœœ œœœœ˜à —…—/Ä=