DIRECTORY FS USING [Error, StreamOpen], Booting USING [CheckpointProc, RegisterProcs, RollbackProc], Convert USING [RopeFromCard], DB, DBIcons, IO, Basics USING[LowHalf], IOClasses USING [CreateCommentFilterStream ], NutOps USING[ EntityToName, Separator ], Icons USING [NewIconFromFile, IconFlavor], List USING[ DotCons, DottedPair, AList ], MessageWindow USING [Append, Blink], Process USING[Ticks, SecondsToTicks, Detach, Pause], VM USING [AddressFault], Rope USING [Cat, Equal, Length, SkipTo, ROPE], UserProfile USING [ Token ] ; DBIconsImpl: CEDAR MONITOR IMPORTS Basics, Booting, FS, Convert, IO, MessageWindow, VM, Process, Rope, Icons, DB, List, UserProfile, NutOps, IOClasses EXPORTS DBIcons = BEGIN OPEN DB, Rope; Failed: PUBLIC ERROR [why: DBIcons.Failure, reason: Rope.ROPE] = CODE; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; IconDomain: DB.Domain; -- the domain of icons IconRelation: DB.Relation; -- the relation giving the properties of an icon IconFileAttr: DB.Attribute; -- the name of the file for an icon IconIndexAttr: DB.Attribute; -- the index in the file IconIsAttr: DB.Attribute; -- the icon itself (the other attributes are treated as properties) iconCache: List.AList _ NIL; -- the internal cache of mappings from icon names to flavors IconDB: PUBLIC ROPE _ NIL; readOnly: PUBLIC BOOLEAN _ TRUE; -- true if the segment is readonly activity: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; -- true if a database operation has been performed recently ticksToWait: Process.Ticks _ Process.SecondsToTicks[5*60]; schemaSet: CONDITION; EstablishIconDB: PUBLIC PROC [file: Rope.ROPE _ NIL] = { IconDB _ IF file = NIL THEN UserProfile.Token[key: "Icons.Segment", default: "[Luther.Alpine]Icons.Segment"] ELSE file; ResetSchema[]; iconCache _ NIL }; WatchDBActivity: PROC[] = { WHILE TRUE DO Process.Pause[ticksToWait]; CheckConnection[] ENDLOOP }; CheckConnection: ENTRY PROC[] = { IF NOT activity THEN { trans: DB.Transaction = DB.TransactionOf[$Icons]; IF trans # NIL THEN DB.CloseTransaction[trans] }; -- don't keep the connection open too long activity _ FALSE; }; RegisterIcon: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [iconName: Rope.ROPE, fileName: Rope.ROPE, index: CARDINAL] = { [] _ InternalRegisterIcon[iconName, fileName, index] }; GetIcon: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [iconName: Rope.ROPE, default: Icons.IconFlavor _ unInit] RETURNS [Icons.IconFlavor] = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; cachedFlavor: REF ANY = CheckCache[iconName, iconCache]; flavor: Icons.IconFlavor _ unInit; success: BOOL; DoGetIcon: PROC[] = { icon: Entity = DeclareEntity[IconDomain, iconName, OldOnly]; IF icon = NIL THEN {flavor _ default; RETURN}; { fileName: ROPE = V2S[ GetP[ icon, IconFileAttr, IconIsAttr ] ]; index: CARDINAL = Basics.LowHalf[LOOPHOLE[V2I[GetP[icon, IconIndexAttr, IconIsAttr]]]]; flavor _ Icons.NewIconFromFile[fileName, index ! FS.Error => IF default # unInit THEN flavor _ default ELSE ERROR Failed[fileNotFound, fileName]; VM.AddressFault => IF default # unInit THEN flavor _ default ELSE ERROR Failed[invalidIndex, Convert.RopeFromCard[index]]]; -- NewIconFromFile raises this if given badindex. } }; IF cachedFlavor # NIL THEN RETURN[NARROW[cachedFlavor, REF Icons.IconFlavor]^]; IF IconDB = NIL THEN RETURN[default]; success _ CarefullyApply[DoGetIcon]; IF NOT success THEN RETURN[default]; IF flavor # unInit THEN { iconCache _ Cache[ List.DotCons[iconName, NEW[Icons.IconFlavor _ flavor]], iconCache ]; RETURN[flavor] }; IF default # unInit THEN RETURN[default]; ERROR Failed[noSuchIcon, iconName] }; acorn: Icons.IconFlavor_ NewIcon["Nut.icons", 3]; SetIcon: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[e: Entity, iconFile: ROPE, fileIndex: CARDINAL] = BEGIN name: ROPE = IF DB.Eq[DomainOf[e], DomainDomain] THEN DB.NameOf[e] ELSE NutOps.EntityToName[e, DB.SegmentOf[e]]; IF IsRegistered[name].file = NIL THEN RegisterIcon[ name, iconFile, fileIndex ] END; icons: IconList; IconList: TYPE = LIST OF RECORD[file: ROPE, index: INTEGER, icon: Icons.IconFlavor]; NewIcon: PUBLIC PROC[file: ROPE, index: INTEGER] RETURNS[icon: Icons.IconFlavor _ acorn] = BEGIN ENABLE FS.Error => TRUSTED {IF = bug OR = environment THEN REJECT ELSE GOTO notFound}; FOR list: IconList _ icons, WHILE list # NIL DO IF list.first.index # index THEN LOOP; IF ~Rope.Equal[list.first.file, file] THEN LOOP; RETURN[list.first.icon]; ENDLOOP; icon _ Icons.NewIconFromFile[file, index]; icons _ CONS[[file, index, icon], icons]; EXITS notFound => -- if not given full path name, then try [Indigo]Icons>file BEGIN ENABLE FS.Error => TRUSTED {IF = bug OR = environment THEN REJECT ELSE CONTINUE}; IF file.SkipTo[pos: 0, skip: "[/"] # file.Length[] THEN RETURN; --given full path, give up icon _ Icons.NewIconFromFile[Rope.Cat["[Indigo]Icons>", file], index]; icons _ CONS[[file, index, icon], icons]; END; END; Cache: INTERNAL PROC[ pair: List.DottedPair, aList: List.AList ] RETURNS[ List.AList ] = { x, x1: List.AList _ NIL; x _ aList; UNTIL x = NIL DO IF Rope.Equal[NARROW[x.first.key, ROPE], NARROW[pair.key, ROPE]] THEN BEGIN x.first.val _ pair.val; RETURN[aList]; END; x1_x; x _; ENDLOOP; x _ CONS[pair, NIL]; IF x1 = NIL THEN RETURN[x] ELSE IF = NIL THEN _ x -- add at end ELSE ERROR ; -- defensive programming RETURN[aList]; }; CheckCache: INTERNAL PROC[ name: Rope.ROPE, in: List.AList ] RETURNS[ val: REF ANY ] = { UNTIL in = NIL DO IF Rope.Equal[NARROW[in.first.key, Rope.ROPE], name] THEN RETURN[in.first.val]; in _; ENDLOOP; RETURN[NIL]}; IsRegistered: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[iconName: Rope.ROPE _ NIL, fileName: Rope.ROPE _ NIL, index: CARDINAL _ LAST[CARDINAL]] RETURNS[name: Rope.ROPE, file: Rope.ROPE, i: CARDINAL] = { DoRegisterCheck: PROC[] = { IF iconName # NIL THEN { icon: Entity = DeclareEntity[IconDomain, iconName, OldOnly]; IF icon = NIL THEN { file _ NIL; name _ NIL; i _ 0 } ELSE { file _ V2S[ GetP[ icon, IconFileAttr, IconIsAttr ] ]; i _ Basics.LowHalf[LOOPHOLE[V2I[GetP[icon, IconIndexAttr, IconIsAttr]]]] } } ELSE {iconRels: RelshipSet = RelationSubset[IconRelation, LIST[AttributeValue[IconFileAttr, S2V[fileName]], AttributeValue[IconIndexAttr, U2V[index]]]]; iconRel: Relship = NextRelship[iconRels]; IF iconRel = NIL THEN { ReleaseRelshipSet[iconRels]; file _ NIL; name _ NIL; i _ 0 } ELSE { name _ DB.NameOf[V2E[GetF[iconRel, IconIsAttr]]]; file _ fileName; i _ index; ReleaseRelshipSet[iconRels] } } }; IF NOT CarefullyApply[DoRegisterCheck] THEN RETURN[NIL, NIL, 0] }; InvalidateCache: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [iconName: Rope.ROPE _ NIL] = { IF iconName = NIL THEN iconCache _ NIL ELSE iconCache _ Cache[ List.DotCons[iconName, NIL], iconCache ] }; InternalRegisterIcon: INTERNAL PROC[iconName: Rope.ROPE, fileName: Rope.ROPE, index: CARDINAL] RETURNS[success: BOOLEAN] = { p: SAFE PROCESS _ NIL; DoRegisterIcon: PROC[] = { icon: DB.Entity = DeclareEntity[IconDomain, iconName]; iconRel: Relship = DeclareRelship[ IconRelation, LIST[AttributeValue[IconIsAttr, icon]] ]; SetF[iconRel, IconFileAttr, S2V[fileName]]; SetF[iconRel, IconIndexAttr, U2V[index]] }; IF readOnly OR IconDB = NIL THEN RETURN; -- can't register things in this segment p _ FORK ResetSchema[]; TRUSTED {JOIN p}; success _ CarefullyApply[DoRegisterIcon] }; Parse: INTERNAL PROCEDURE[ stream: IO.STREAM, errlog: IO.STREAM ] = { OPEN IO; error: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; { ENABLE IO.EndOfStream => GOTO Out; DO sepCount: INT; DBNameProc: IO.BreakProc = { IF char = NutOps.Separator THEN { sepCount _ sepCount+1; RETURN[other] }; IF char = ': AND (sepCount = 2 OR sepCount = 0) THEN RETURN[sepr]; RETURN[other] }; whiteSpace: IO.BreakProc = { RETURN[ SELECT char FROM CR => break, IO.SP, IO.ESC, IO.LF, IO.TAB, ',, ':, '; => sepr, ENDCASE => other ] }; isACR: IO.BreakProc = { RETURN[IF char = CR THEN break ELSE other] }; tokenProc: IO.BreakProc = { RETURN[SELECT char FROM IO.SP, IO.TAB, ', => sepr, IO.CR => break, ENDCASE => other ]; }; iconName, fileName: Rope.ROPE; index: CARDINAL; position: INT; [] _ IO.SkipWhitespace[stream]; position _ stream.GetIndex[]; sepCount _ 0; iconName _ IO.GetTokenRope[stream, DBNameProc].token; fileName _ IO.GetTokenRope[stream, whiteSpace].token; index _ IO.GetCard[stream]; IF NOT InternalRegisterIcon[iconName, fileName, index] THEN { error _ TRUE; Report[msg: Rope.Cat["Transaction Aborted at: ", Convert.RopeFromCard[position]], errLog: errlog]; GOTO Out } ENDLOOP; EXITS Out => NULL; }; IF error THEN { MessageWindow.Append["problems encountered in reading icon file."]; MessageWindow.Blink[]; IF errlog # NIL THEN errlog.Close[]; }; }; WriteCatalogue: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC [file: Rope.ROPE] = { stream: IO.STREAM; InternalWrite: PROC[] = { OPEN IO; icons: EntitySet = DomainSubset[IconDomain]; FOR e: Entity _ NextEntity[icons], NextEntity[icons] UNTIL e = NIL DO fileName: ROPE = V2S[ GetP[e, IconFileAttr, IconIsAttr] ]; index: CARDINAL = Basics.LowHalf[LOOPHOLE[V2I[GetP[e, IconIndexAttr, IconIsAttr]]]]; stream.PutF["\n%g: %g %d", rope[DB.NameOf[e]], rope[fileName], int[index]]; ENDLOOP; stream.Close[] }; stream _ FS.StreamOpen[file, $append ! FS.Error => {stream _ NIL; CONTINUE}]; IF stream # NIL THEN [] _ CarefullyApply[InternalWrite] }; Report: INTERNAL PROCEDURE [msg: Rope.ROPE, errLog: IO.STREAM] = { OPEN IO; IF errLog # NIL THEN errLog.PutF["\n\n%g", rope[msg]]; }; OpenUp: Booting.RollbackProc = { DB.Initialize[nCachePages: 256]; InvalidateCache[] }; CloseTrans: Booting.CheckpointProc = { DB.CloseTransaction[trans: DB.TransactionOf[segment: $Icons]] }; ResetSchema: ENTRY PROC[] = { success: BOOLEAN; activity _ TRUE; IF DB.TransactionOf[$Icons] # NIL THEN RETURN; [success, readOnly] _ SetUpSegment[]; IF NOT success THEN RETURN; IF NOT DB.Null[IconDomain] THEN { BROADCAST schemaSet; RETURN }; -- all is well, don't bother flushing cache IconDomain _ DeclareDomain["Icon", $Icons]; IconRelation _ DeclareRelation[ "IconInfo", $Icons ]; IconFileAttr _ DeclareAttribute[IconRelation, "file", RopeType]; IconIndexAttr _ DeclareAttribute[IconRelation, "index", IntType]; IconIsAttr _ DeclareAttribute[IconRelation, "of", IconDomain, Key]; iconCache _ NIL; BROADCAST schemaSet }; ReadCatalogue: PUBLIC ENTRY PROC[file: Rope.ROPE, errlog: IO.STREAM _ NIL] = TRUSTED { stream: IO.STREAM; stream _ FS.StreamOpen[file ! FS.Error => { stream _ NIL; CONTINUE }]; IF stream = NIL THEN RETURN; stream _ IOClasses.CreateCommentFilterStream[stream]; Parse[ stream, errlog ]; DB.MarkTransaction[DB.TransactionOf[$Icons]] }; CarefullyApply: INTERNAL PROC [proc: PROC[]] RETURNS [succeeded: BOOL] ~ { ENABLE DB.Error, DB.Failure, DB.Aborted => {succeeded _ FALSE; GOTO Quit}; p: SAFE PROCESS _ NIL; transactionToBeAborted: DB.Transaction _ NIL; succeeded _ TRUE; proc[ ! DB.Aborted => { DB.AbortTransaction[trans]; succeeded _ FALSE; CONTINUE }; DB.Error => {IF code # TransactionNotOpen THEN REJECT; succeeded _ FALSE; CONTINUE} ]; IF succeeded = TRUE THEN RETURN; -- no aborted occurred, things either succeeded or failed IF transactionToBeAborted # NIL THEN DB.AbortTransaction[transactionToBeAborted]; TRUSTED { Process.Detach[ FORK ResetSchema[] ] }; WAIT schemaSet; -- ResetSchema is doing its job since we forked it proc[]; -- don't bother trying to restart here -- EXITS Quit => NULL; }; SetUpSegment: INTERNAL PROC [] RETURNS [success: BOOL, readOnly: BOOL] ~ { ENABLE DB.Aborted, DB.Failure, DB.Error => {success _ FALSE; CONTINUE}; segment: ATOM = $Icons; readOnly _ FALSE; success _ TRUE; DB.Initialize[nCachePages: 256]; IF DB.TransactionOf[segment] # NIL THEN {readOnly_ DB.GetSegmentInfo[segment].readOnly; RETURN}; DB.DeclareSegment[IconDB, segment, 140B, FALSE]; DB.OpenTransaction[segment ! DB.Error => TRUSTED { success_ FALSE; SELECT code FROM ProtectionViolation => {readOnly _ TRUE; CONTINUE}; ENDCASE => GOTO AlreadyDone} ]; IF success THEN GOTO AlreadyDone; DB.CloseTransaction[DB.TransactionOf[segment]]; DB.DeclareSegment[IconDB, segment, 140B, TRUE]; DB.OpenTransaction[segment]; IF NOT success THEN DB.CloseTransaction[DB.TransactionOf[segment]] EXITS AlreadyDone => NULL }; TRUSTED { Booting.RegisterProcs[c: CloseTrans, r: OpenUp]; EstablishIconDB[]; Process.Detach[ FORK WatchDBActivity[] ] }; END. θFile: DBIconsImpl.mesa -- Edited by Teitelman on April 12, 1983 4:53 pm -- Last Edited by: Donahue, August 11, 1983 2:28 pm -- Last Edited by: Widom, July 2, 1984 11:23:50 am PDT Types Global variables for accessing the database The tuples in the relation have the structure IconRelation[ IconIsAttr: IconDomain, IconFileAttr: ROPE, IconIndexAttr: INT, IconFlavorAttr: Icons.IconFlavor ] (where the flavor is stored as an UNSPECIFIED) Establishing the database Accessing Icons Changes RegisteredIcons.Catalogue to reflect the indicated association. This definition will replace any previous definition. comments are for inclusion in the catalogue to help the user figure out what the icon looks like. Obtain an icon flavor for the icon associated with iconName. Create a new icon flavor if one has not previously been created. If for some reason it could not obtain the icon, and default # unInit, returns the default. Otherwise, raises Error (defined below) with appropriate parameters. ****************** setting/getting icons for entities **************** -- works for Entities or Domains key not found on x Can be called with either iconName, or fileName and index; does not force creation of icon flavor (only GetIcon does that). If an iconFlavor was previous created for this icon, discard the flavor, i.e. the next call to GetIcon will create a new flavor. If iconName = NIL, do this for all registered icons. For use by iconeditor. Parsing Icon Catalogues find a colon after seeing zero or two separators (one for the domain, one for the segment Reporting errors Opening, closing segment, making/reading catalogue wait for the reset to finish and then try again readOnly must be true to get here; try opening the segment for reading Initialization Κƒ˜JšΟiœΟn3œ6™²J˜šΟk ˜ JšŸœŸœ˜JšœŸœ/˜