-- SchemaCopyImpl.mesa -- last edited by -- Maxwell, June 8, 1982 9:30 am -- Willie-Sue on: February 22, 1983 3:58 pm -- Donahue, June 1, 1983 4:25 pm -- Cattell, May 30, 1983 7:08 pm -- Butler, June 28, 1984 10:52:57 am PDT DIRECTORY DB, PrincOpsUtils USING [LowHalf], IO, MessageWindow USING[ Append ], NutOps USING[ AttributesOf, EntityValued, GetRefAttributes, GetRelation ], Rope USING [Cat, Equal, --Length, -- ROPE], SchemaNut USING []; SchemaCopyImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS DB, PrincOpsUtils, MessageWindow, NutOps, Rope EXPORTS SchemaNut = BEGIN OPEN DB, IO; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; debugging: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; -- copying Domains -- PairList: TYPE = LIST OF RECORD[oldR, newR: Relation]; CopyDomainContents: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[oldD, newD: Domain] = BEGIN -- non-destructive copy name: ROPE; es: EntitySet; entity: Entity; pairs: PairList; rs: RelshipSet; subTypeRS: Relship; relations: LIST OF Relation; IF oldD = newD THEN ERROR; -- what could he be doing? IF debugging THEN MessageWindow.Append[Rope.Cat["Copying the contents of ", NameOf[oldD]]]; -- 1) copy the sub and super types rs _ RelationSubset[dSubType, LIST[[dSubTypeOf, oldD]]]; WHILE (subTypeRS _ NextRelship[rs]) # NIL DO DeclareSubType[of: V2E[GetF[subTypeRS, dSubTypeIs]], is: newD]; ENDLOOP; ReleaseRelshipSet[rs]; rs _ RelationSubset[dSubType, LIST[[dSubTypeIs, oldD]]]; WHILE (subTypeRS _ NextRelship[rs]) # NIL DO DeclareSubType[of: newD, is: V2E[GetF[subTypeRS, dSubTypeOf]]]; ENDLOOP; ReleaseRelshipSet[rs]; -- 2) build the new schema relations _ GetRelationsOf[oldD]; FOR relations _ relations, relations.rest WHILE relations # NIL DO pairs _ CONS[[relations.first, NIL], pairs]; pairs.first.newR _ UpdateRelation[relations.first, oldD, newD]; ENDLOOP; -- 3) copy the relships (may create new entities) FOR list: PairList _ pairs, list.rest WHILE list # NIL DO name _ GetName[list.first.oldR]; CopyRelships[list.first.oldR, list.first.newR]; DestroyRelation[list.first.oldR]; SetName[list.first.newR, name]; ENDLOOP; -- 4) copy the entities that were missed by step 2. es _ DomainSubset[d: oldD, searchSubDomains: FALSE]; WHILE (entity _ NextEntity[es]) # NIL DO [] _ DeclareEntity[newD, GetName[entity]]; -- will create it if it doesn't exist ENDLOOP; ReleaseEntitySet[es]; END; GetRelationsOf: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[d: Domain] RETURNS[relations: LIST OF Relation] = BEGIN newR: Relation; found: BOOLEAN; attributes: LIST OF Attribute; attributes _ NutOps.GetRefAttributes[d]; FOR attributes _ attributes, attributes.rest WHILE attributes # NIL DO found _ FALSE; newR _ NutOps.GetRelation[attributes.first]; -- find out if relation is already in the list FOR list: LIST OF Relation _ relations, list.rest WHILE list # NIL DO IF Eq[list.first, newR] THEN {found _ TRUE; EXIT}; ENDLOOP; IF ~found THEN relations _ CONS[newR, relations]; ENDLOOP; END; UpdateRelation: PROCEDURE[r: Relation, oldD, newD: Domain] RETURNS[new: Relation] = BEGIN length: INT; name: ROPE; type: DataType; uniqueness: Uniqueness; new _ DeclareRelation[NIL, NIL]; -- unique anonomous relation FOR list: AttributeList _ NutOps.AttributesOf[r], list.rest WHILE list # NIL DO name _ GetName[list.first]; type _ V2E[GetP[list.first, aTypeIs]]; length _ V2I[GetP[list.first, aLengthIs]]; TRUSTED { ref: REF POINTER = LOOPHOLE[GetP[list.first, aUniquenessIs]]; uniqueness _ LOOPHOLE[PrincOpsUtils.LowHalf[ref^]]}; IF Eq[type, oldD] THEN type _ newD; [] _ DeclareAttribute[new, name, type, uniqueness, length]; ENDLOOP; END; -- copying Relations -- Pair: TYPE = RECORD[oldA, newA: Attribute, oldDT, newDT: Entity, change: TypeChange]; TypeChange: TYPE = {none, new, superType, subType, newData, oldData}; CopyRelships: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[oldR, newR: Relation] = BEGIN error: ROPE; rs: RelshipSet; newName: ROPE; pairs: LIST OF Pair; oldDT, newDT: Entity; oldRS, newRS: Relship; first: BOOLEAN _ TRUE; open: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; oldList, newList: AttributeList; -- construct list of new/old attribute pairs oldList _ NutOps.AttributesOf[oldR]; newList _ NutOps.AttributesOf[newR]; newList _ SortByKey[newList]; FOR newList _ newList, newList.rest WHILE newList # NIL DO pairs _ CONS[[NIL, newList.first, NIL, NIL, new], pairs]; -- find matching old attribute newName _ GetName[newList.first]; FOR list: AttributeList _ oldList, list.rest WHILE list # NIL DO IF ~Rope.Equal[GetName[list.first], newName] THEN LOOP; pairs.first.oldA _ list.first; EXIT; ENDLOOP; -- determine type change IF pairs.first.oldA = NIL THEN LOOP; -- a new attribute oldDT _ pairs.first.oldDT _ V2E[GetP[pairs.first.oldA, aTypeIs]]; newDT _ pairs.first.newDT _ V2E[GetP[pairs.first.newA, aTypeIs]]; SELECT TRUE FROM Eq[oldDT, newDT] => pairs.first.change _ none; ~NutOps.EntityValued[pairs.first.newA] => pairs.first.change _ newData; ~NutOps.EntityValued[pairs.first.oldA] => pairs.first.change _ oldData; newDT = AnyDomainType => pairs.first.change _ subType; oldDT = AnyDomainType => pairs.first.change _ superType; SubType[oldDT, newDT] => pairs.first.change _ subType; SubType[newDT, oldDT] => pairs.first.change _ superType; ENDCASE => pairs.first.change _ oldData; ENDLOOP; -- create new relationships one at a time rs _ RelationSubset[oldR]; WHILE (oldRS _ NextRelship[rs]) # NIL DO first _ TRUE; newRS _ CreateRelship[newR]; -- copy attributes one at a time FOR list: LIST OF Pair _ pairs, list.rest WHILE list # NIL DO BEGIN OPEN list.first; ENABLE DB.Error => -- catch errors { IF code=MismatchedAttributeValueType THEN error _ " is an illegal value." ELSE IF code=NonUniqueKeyValue THEN error _ " already exists." ELSE error _ " has an unknown problem."; GOTO ErrorExit}; SELECT change FROM new => NULL; -- no corresponding attribute in the old relation none => SetF[newRS, newA, GetF[oldRS, oldA]]; -- copy field value subType => SetF[newRS, newA, GetF[oldRS, oldA]]; -- ditto (always legal) newData => SetFS[newRS, newA, GetFS[oldRS, oldA]]; -- coerce to data (dangerous) oldData => SetF[newRS, newA, DeclareEntity[newDT, GetFS[oldRS, oldA]]]; -- coerce superType => { -- the particular entity MAY be valid oldValue: Entity _ V2E[GetF[oldRS, oldA]]; IF SubType[DomainOf[oldValue], newDT] THEN SetF[newRS, newA, oldValue] ELSE SetF[newRS, newA, DeclareEntity[newDT, GetName[oldValue]]]}; ENDCASE => ERROR; EXITS ErrorExit => { }; END; ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; ReleaseRelshipSet[rs]; END; SortByKey: PROCEDURE[list: AttributeList] RETURNS[newList: AttributeList] = BEGIN uniqueness: Uniqueness; noneList, keyList, keyPartList, optionalKeyList: AttributeList; FOR list _ list, list.rest WHILE list # NIL DO uniqueness _ V2U[GetP[list.first, aUniquenessIs]]; SELECT uniqueness FROM None => noneList _ CONS[list.first, noneList]; Key => keyList _ CONS[list.first, keyList]; KeyPart => keyPartList _ CONS[list.first, keyPartList]; OptionalKey => optionalKeyList _ CONS[list.first, optionalKeyList]; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP; newList _ keyList; newList _ Append[list: newList, to: keyPartList]; newList _ Append[list: newList, to: optionalKeyList]; newList _ Append[list: newList, to: noneList]; END; Append: PROCEDURE[list, to: AttributeList] RETURNS[AttributeList] = INLINE BEGIN IF list = NIL THEN RETURN[to]; IF to = NIL THEN RETURN[list]; FOR temp: AttributeList _ to, temp.rest WHILE temp # NIL DO IF temp.rest # NIL THEN LOOP; temp.rest _ list; EXIT; ENDLOOP; RETURN[to]; END; SubType: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[sub, super: Domain] RETURNS[BOOLEAN] = BEGIN rs: RelshipSet; subRS: Relship; IF Eq[sub, super] THEN RETURN[TRUE]; rs _ RelationSubset[dSubType, LIST[[dSubTypeIs, sub]]]; WHILE (subRS _ NextRelship[rs]) # NIL DO IF SubType[V2E[GetF[subRS, dSubTypeOf]], super] THEN RETURN[TRUE]; ENDLOOP; ReleaseRelshipSet[rs]; RETURN[FALSE]; END; END. Change log. Willie-Sue December 13, 1982: aFooProp => aFooIs, for new system properties