-- File: Squirrel.config -- Last edited by: -- Cattell on January 16, 1984 11:32 ampm -- Willie-Sue on February 10, 1983 1:52 pm -- Donahue on August 8, 1983 2:37 pm Squirrel: CONFIGURATION LINKS: CODE IMPORTS Atom, Booting, FS, CommandTool, Commander, DBIcons, Graphics, IO, MBQueue, Process, Rope, SafeStorage, List, UserProfile, VTables, Buttons, BasicTime, TypeScript, VM, IOClasses, Convert, PrincOpsUtils, ViewerEvents, ViewerLocks, BasicTime, RuntimeError, Terminal, InputFocus, Interminal, Cursors, InputFocus, Icons, Labels, Menus, MessageWindow, Rules, Containers, Ascii, TiogaOps, TIPUser, VFonts, ViewerBLT, ViewerOps, ViewerIO, VirtualDesktops, IconManager, DB, DBEnvironment, TiogaMenuOps, PressPrinter, ShowPress, PupDefs, EFTPDefs, PupStream EXPORTS Nut, NutViewer, NutOps, Whiteboard, DBNames, DBIcons, WhiteboardNutImpl CONTROL SquirrelToolImpl, DBIconsImpl, DBNamesImpl, NutImpl, NutOpsImpl, DomainNutImpl, RelationNutImpl, SchemaImpl, NutViewerImpl, WhiteboardNutImpl, WhiteboardToolImpl, NutViewerMiscImpl, NutDefaultImpl = BEGIN -- Basic Nut manager NutImpl; NutViewerPrivateImpl; NutViewerMiscImpl; NutViewerImpl; NutOpsImpl; -- Default displayer & editor NutDefaultImpl; TuplesEditorImpl; EntityEditorImpl; NoteEditorImpl; VTablesImpl; DBIconsImpl; PressPrinterImpl; -- Data schema nut implementation DomainNutImpl; RelationNutImpl; SchemaImpl; SchemaCopyImpl; -- Whiteboard nut implementation WhiteboardNutImpl; WhiteboardImpl; WhiteboardToolImpl; -- Squirrel window and associated functions NutDumpImpl; NutLoadImpl; SquirrelToolImpl; MBWindowsImpl; -- Handling cross segment references (will be superseded) DBNamesImpl; END.