File: [Indigo]Doc>8-10-82.minutes Created by: Willie-Sue Later edited by: Cattell, September 27, 1982 Minutes of Cedar Database applications group, 8-10-82 Attendants: Mark Brown, Rick Cattell, Jim Donahue, John Maxwell, Willie-Sue Haugeland AGENDA: * Set up TaskList of things not yet done, with people's names attached. * Got sidetracked on a discussion of Walnut performance (Grapevine, database, transactions) WHAT TO DO AND WHO IS TO DO IT * Nuttons: standardize on new buttons use (Willie-Sue) * Schema change tool (Jim) * Selective dump/load (John*) * DB changes * Convenience View level changes: new Property scheme, etc. (Rick) * Multiple-segment databases phase one: no cross-references * Storage level changes (Mark*) * View level changes (Rick*) * Squirrel changes (John*) * Multiple-segment databases phase two (attempt to design: John & Rick) * Multiple transactions (deferred) * Relation indexes (Rick*) * AnyDomainType as full-fledged entity (deferred) * Client-defined relations on dictionary entities (Rick) * Track down B-tree problems (Rick*) * REF object datatype (deferred) * Documentation for CedarDB (Rick*) * Walnut Queryer (simple one - Rick, simple general queryer - Jim*) * Squirrel - commands instead of window interaction (John*) * Clear programmer's interface to Walnut (?) * Convert Squirrel into a general "novice" user system, w/documentation (?) * Convert Palm Editor to use buttons instead of text viewers (?) * General Print Entity facility for Squirrel (?) * DBShow integration into PrintTV for debugging (deferred) * Uniform user interface for windows on sets of entities: EventSets, MsgSets (?) * Improve performance of Walnut (independent log: Willie-Sue*, analysis: ?*) * Improve performance of CedarDB (?*) Items Rick believes to be highest priority marked with "*" after person's name