Minutes of Database Applications Group June 29, 1982
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Inter-Office Memorandum
ToDatabase Interest GroupDateJuly 12, 1982
FromJim DonahueLocationPalo Alto
SubjectMinutes of Database ApplicationsOrganizationCSL
Group meeting, June 29, 1982
Filed on: [Indigo]<Squirrel>Doc>6-29-82.minutes

Attendees: Rick Cattell, Jim Donahue, John Maxwell, Willie-Sue Haugeland
The meeting was a discussion of a proposal to adopt a uniform interpretation of the mouse buttons when performing selections on database entities. The proposal was

Red Yellow Blue
selectopenextend (contiguous)
(smallest possible)

shift-click "paste text"

delete (if implemented)

multiple "bigger selection"

Anything in quotes is "application dependent" -- there is no fixed interpretation, but each application should do what is most reasonable for it. And, any holes can be dealt with as seems reasonable.

There were no objections from the collected throng.