-- SchemaNutImpl.mesa -- Last edited by -- John Maxwell on June 7, 1982 10:55 am -- Rick Cattell on June 6, 1983 1:13 pm -- Willie-Sue on February 22, 1983 4:26 pm -- Jim Donahue, July 17, 1984 5:23:14 pm PDT -- Margaret Butler, June 26, 1984 5:40:04 pm PDT DIRECTORY Buttons USING [Button, ButtonProc], Convert USING [IntFromRope, RopeFromInt], DB, Labels USING [Label], Menus USING [Menu], MessageWindow, Nut, NutOps USING [GetRefAttributes, GetRelation ], NutViewer, Rope, SchemaNut, ViewerClasses USING [Viewer], ViewerOps, ViewerTools USING [GetContents, SetContents]; SchemaNutImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Convert, DB, MessageWindow, Nut, NutOps, NutViewer, Rope, SchemaNut, ViewerOps, ViewerTools EXPORTS SchemaNut = BEGIN OPEN DB, ViewerTools, SchemaNut; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; Viewer: TYPE = ViewerClasses.Viewer; DisplayAttribute: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[r: Relation, a: Attribute, lastV: Viewer, segment: DB.Segment _ NIL] RETURNS[info: AttributeInfo] = BEGIN -- r # NIL means that we are displaying a PROPERTY -- [name: ] type: uniqueness: OptionalKey length: info _ NEW[AttributeInfoRecord]; info.relation _ r; info.nameLabel _ NutViewer.MakeButton[ q: NutViewer.DBQueue[], name: "name:", proc: NewAttribute, sib: lastV, border: TRUE, newLine: TRUE]; info.name _ NutViewer.NextRightTextViewer[info.nameLabel, 110]; info.typeLabel _ NutViewer.MakeLabel["type:", info.name]; info.type _ NutViewer.NextRightTextViewer[info.typeLabel, 130]; info.uniqueness _ NutViewer.MakeButton[ NutViewer.DBQueue[], OptionalKeyLabel, ToggleUniqueness, info.type]; info.lengthLabel _ NutViewer.MakeLabel["length:", info.uniqueness]; info.length _ NutViewer.NextRightTextViewer[info.lengthLabel, 50]; IF a = NIL THEN {SetContents[info.uniqueness, GetUniquenessLabel[None]]; RETURN}; SetContents[info.name, GetName[IF r # NIL THEN r ELSE a]]; SetContents[info.type, GetName[V2E[GetP[a, aTypeIs]]]]; SetContents[info.uniqueness, GetUniquenessLabel[V2U[GetP[a, aUniquenessIs]]]]; SetContents[info.length, GetLengthString[a]]; END; AddAttribute: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[button: Viewer, segment: DB.Segment, oldList: LIST OF AttributeInfo] RETURNS[newList: LIST OF AttributeInfo] = BEGIN y: INTEGER; found: BOOLEAN; attribute: AttributeInfo; MoveChild: ViewerOps.EnumProc = { IF v.wy > y THEN ViewerOps.MoveViewer[v, v.wx, v.wy + dy, v.ww, v.wh, FALSE]}; -- move everything below it down y _ button.wy + 5; ViewerOps.EnumerateChildren[button.parent, MoveChild]; -- append a new attribute line on the screen AND in the list attribute _ DisplayAttribute[NIL, NIL, button, segment]; found _ FALSE; FOR list: LIST OF AttributeInfo _ oldList, list.rest WHILE list # NIL DO IF list.first.nameLabel # button THEN LOOP; list.rest _ CONS[attribute, list.rest]; found _ TRUE; EXIT; ENDLOOP; IF ~found THEN oldList _ CONS[attribute, oldList]; RETURN[oldList]; END; dy: INTEGER _ 17; RemoveAttribute: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[button: Viewer, oldList: LIST OF AttributeInfo] RETURNS[newList: LIST OF AttributeInfo, relation: Relation] = BEGIN y: INTEGER; parent: Viewer; found: BOOLEAN; attribute: AttributeInfo; MoveChild: ViewerOps.EnumProc = { IF v.wy > y THEN ViewerOps.MoveViewer[v, v.wx, v.wy - dy, v.ww, v.wh, FALSE]}; -- remove attribute from list found _ FALSE; IF oldList = NIL THEN RETURN[NIL, NIL]; FOR list: LIST OF AttributeInfo _ oldList, list.rest DO IF list.rest = NIL THEN EXIT; IF list.rest.first.nameLabel # button THEN LOOP; attribute _ list.rest.first; list.rest _ list.rest.rest; found _ TRUE; EXIT; ENDLOOP; IF ~found THEN { IF oldList.first.nameLabel # button THEN RETURN[oldList, NIL]; attribute _ oldList.first; oldList _ oldList.rest}; -- remove attribute from display y _ button.wy + 5; parent _ button.parent; ViewerOps.DestroyViewer[attribute.nameLabel, FALSE]; ViewerOps.DestroyViewer[attribute.name, FALSE]; ViewerOps.DestroyViewer[attribute.typeLabel, FALSE]; ViewerOps.DestroyViewer[attribute.type, FALSE]; ViewerOps.DestroyViewer[attribute.uniqueness, FALSE]; ViewerOps.DestroyViewer[attribute.lengthLabel, FALSE]; ViewerOps.DestroyViewer[attribute.length, FALSE]; -- move everything below it up a line ViewerOps.EnumerateChildren[parent, MoveChild]; RETURN[oldList, attribute.relation]; END; NewAttribute: PUBLIC Buttons.ButtonProc = { property: Relation; viewer: Viewer = NARROW[parent]; dInfo: DomainInfo = NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[viewer.parent, $DomainInfo]]; rInfo: RelationInfo = NARROW[ViewerOps.FetchProp[viewer.parent, $RelationInfo]]; segment: DB.Segment = Nut.GetNutInfo[viewer.parent].segment; IF dInfo # NIL THEN IF mouseButton = red THEN dInfo.properties _ AddAttribute[viewer, segment, dInfo.properties] ELSE { [dInfo.properties, property] _ RemoveAttribute[viewer, dInfo.properties]; IF property # NIL THEN dInfo.deleted _ CONS[property, dInfo.deleted]}; IF rInfo # NIL THEN IF mouseButton = red THEN rInfo.attributes _ AddAttribute[viewer, segment, rInfo.attributes] ELSE rInfo.attributes _ RemoveAttribute[viewer, rInfo.attributes].newList; ViewerOps.PaintViewer[viewer.parent, client] }; GetDataType: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[type: ROPE, segment: DB.Segment] RETURNS[dt: DataType] = BEGIN dt _ FetchEntity[DomainDomain, type, segment]; IF dt = NIL THEN dt _ FetchEntity[DataTypeDomain, type, segment]; IF dt = NIL AND Rope.Equal[type, "AnyDomainType", FALSE] THEN dt _ AnyDomainType; IF dt = NIL THEN MessageWindow.Append[Rope.Cat["INVALID TYPE: ", type]]; END; GetLengthNumber: PROCEDURE[rope: ROPE] RETURNS[length: INT _ 0] = INLINE BEGIN ENABLE ANY => {MessageWindow.Append[Rope.Cat["BAD NUMBER: ", rope]]; CONTINUE}; IF rope.Length[] = 0 THEN RETURN[0]; length _ Convert.IntFromRope[rope]; END; GetLengthString: PROCEDURE[a: Attribute] RETURNS[length: ROPE] = {length _ Convert.RopeFromInt[from: V2I[GetP[a, aLengthIs]]]}; KeyLabel: ROPE = "uniqueness: Key"; OptionalKeyLabel: ROPE = "uniqueness: OptionalKey"; NoneLabel: ROPE = "uniqueness: NonKey"; GetUniquenessValue: PROCEDURE[rope: ROPE] RETURNS[Uniqueness] = BEGIN SELECT TRUE FROM rope = KeyLabel => RETURN[Key]; rope = OptionalKeyLabel => RETURN[OptionalKey]; rope = NoneLabel => RETURN[None]; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; GetUniquenessLabel: PROCEDURE[uniqueness: Uniqueness] RETURNS[ROPE] = BEGIN SELECT uniqueness FROM Key => RETURN[KeyLabel]; OptionalKey => RETURN[OptionalKeyLabel]; None => RETURN[NoneLabel]; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; ToggleUniqueness: Buttons.ButtonProc =TRUSTED BEGIN viewer: Viewer_ NARROW[parent]; SELECT GetUniquenessValue[viewer.name] FROM None => SetContents[viewer, KeyLabel]; Key => SetContents[viewer, OptionalKeyLabel]; OptionalKey => SetContents[viewer, NoneLabel]; ENDCASE => ERROR; viewer.newVersion _ TRUE; END; NextName: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[list: ROPE] RETURNS[token, newList: ROPE, ok: BOOLEAN _ TRUE] = BEGIN comma, length: INT; -- remove leading spaces WHILE TRUE DO IF list.Length[] = 0 THEN RETURN[NIL, NIL, TRUE]; IF list.Fetch[0] = ' THEN list _ list.Substr[1] ELSE EXIT; ENDLOOP; length _ list.Length[]; -- find the terminator comma _ Rope.Find[list, ","]; IF comma = -1 THEN comma _ Rope.Find[list, " "]; IF comma = -1 THEN comma _ length; token _ list.Substr[0, comma]; IF comma+1 >= length THEN newList _ NIL ELSE newList _ list.Substr[comma+1, length]; END; RemoveDeleted: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[d: Domain, info: AttributeInfo, relations: LIST OF Relation] RETURNS[LIST OF Relation] = BEGIN -- look for properties that have been deleted and then reinserted. name: ROPE; relation: Relation; last: LIST OF Relation; segment: DB.Segment; IF relations = NIL THEN RETURN[relations]; IF NoChange[info] THEN RETURN[relations]; IF NOT DB.Null[info.relation] THEN RETURN[relations]; name _ GetContents[info.name]; IF name.Length[] = 0 THEN RETURN[relations]; segment _ DB.SegmentOf[d]; -- they must all be in the same segment relation _ DB.DeclareRelation[name: name, segment: segment, version: OldOnly]; IF relation = NIL THEN RETURN[relations]; FOR list: LIST OF Relation _ relations, list.rest WHILE list # NIL DO IF ~Eq[relation, list.first] THEN {last _ list; LOOP}; -- we found it! info.relation _ relation; IF list = relations THEN RETURN[relations.rest]; last.rest _ list.rest; RETURN[relations]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[relations]; END; CheckProperty: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[d: Domain, info: AttributeInfo, deleted: LIST OF Relation] RETURNS[ok: BOOLEAN _ TRUE] = BEGIN length: INT; name: ROPE = GetContents[info.name]; segment: DB.Segment = DB.SegmentOf[d]; old: Relation; type: DataType; property: Attribute; uniqueness: Uniqueness; IF name.Length[] = 0 OR NoChange[info] THEN RETURN[TRUE]; -- does a relation of this name already exist? old _ DeclareRelation[name, segment, OldOnly]; IF old # NIL AND ~Eq[old, info.relation] THEN { MessageWindow.Append[Rope.Cat[name, " PROPERTY ALREADY EXISTS."]]; RETURN[FALSE]}; -- check the new property type _ GetDataType[GetContents[info.type], segment]; IF type = NIL THEN RETURN[FALSE]; length _ GetLengthNumber[GetContents[info.length]]; uniqueness _ GetUniquenessValue[info.uniqueness.name]; property _ DeclareProperty["xxyxx", d, type, segment, uniqueness ! Error => {ok _ FALSE; CONTINUE} ]; DestroyRelation[DeclareRelation["xxyxx", segment, OldOnly]]; RETURN[ok] END; SaveProperty: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[d: Domain, info: AttributeInfo] = BEGIN length: INT; name: ROPE = GetContents[info.name]; segment: DB.Segment = DB.SegmentOf[d]; type: DataType; property: Attribute; old, new: Relation; uniqueness: Uniqueness; IF NoChange[info] OR name.Length[] = 0 THEN RETURN; -- create the new property old _ info.relation; type _ GetDataType[GetContents[info.type], segment]; length _ GetLengthNumber[GetContents[info.length]]; uniqueness _ GetUniquenessValue[info.uniqueness.name]; property _ DeclareProperty[IF old = NIL THEN name ELSE "xxyxx", d, type, segment, uniqueness]; -- destroy the old property (might have a different name) IF old # NIL THEN { new _ DeclareRelation["xxyxx", segment, OldOnly]; SchemaNut.CopyRelships[old, new]; DestroyRelation[old]; SetName[new, name]}; END; NoChange: PROCEDURE[info: AttributeInfo] RETURNS[BOOLEAN] = INLINE BEGIN RETURN[~info.name.newVersion AND ~info.uniqueness.newVersion AND ~info.type.newVersion AND ~info.length.newVersion]; END; Optimized: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[d: Domain] RETURNS[opt: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN rs: RelshipSet; relation: Relation; uniqueness: Uniqueness; attributes: AttributeList; attributes _ NutOps.GetRefAttributes[d]; FOR attributes _ attributes, attributes.rest WHILE attributes # NIL DO IF Null[attributes.first] THEN LOOP; uniqueness _ V2U[GetP[attributes.first, aUniquenessIs]]; IF uniqueness # Key THEN LOOP; relation _ NutOps.GetRelation[attributes.first]; IF ~V2B[GetP[relation, DB.r1to1Prop]] THEN LOOP; rs _ RelationSubset[relation]; opt _ ~Null[NextRelship[rs]]; ReleaseRelshipSet[rs]; IF opt THEN RETURN[TRUE]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[FALSE]; END; Reverse: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[old: LIST OF AttributeInfo] RETURNS[new: LIST OF AttributeInfo]= BEGIN FOR old _ old, old.rest WHILE old # NIL DO new _ CONS[old.first, new]; ENDLOOP; END; END . . Change log Changed by Cattell on August 10, 1982 1:52 pm: Removed refn to DBViewPrivate.r1to1Prop. Removed 10-line using list for DBView. Change log. Willie-Sue December 13, 1982: aFooProp => aFooIs, for new system properties Cattell February 24, 1983 5:05 pm: fixed overlapping last item on domain editor. Also need to pass segment to various procedures. Also need to catch NotImplemented and RESUME on DeclareSubType. Butler, June 26, 1984: Name changed to SchemaNut to reflect new organization. ĘɘJšĖĪc(œ*œ)œœĪk œ žœ!žœžœ žœžœ*žœUžœ&žœ/žœžœžœžœYžœžœžœžœžœžœžœ žœĪnœžœž œ4žœ žœžœžœ4œLœ žœĩžœ žœÔžœžœžœ:žœ&žœžœžœžœËžœŸ œžœž œžœžœžœžœ žœžœžœžœ žœMžœ žœ6žœ!œV=œ!žœžœ žœžœžœžœ$žœžœžœžœžœžœžœ'žœ žœžœžœžœ žœžœžœ žœ Ÿœžœž œžœžœžœ žœžœ+žœžœ!žœMžœ žœ6žœœ žœžœ žœžœžœžœ žœžœžœ$žœžœ žœžœžœ žœ$žœžœXžœ žœžœžœžœ žœ"žœžœV!œdžœ/žœ4žœ/žœ5žœ6žœ1žœ&œ8žœ#žœžœEžœ"žœMžœzžœ žœžœžœžœNžœ`žœ žœžœžœ žœ žœžœžœžœNžœ‚Ÿ œžœž œžœ žœ žœžœ8žœžœžœ6žœžœžœ#žœžœžœžœžœ=žœ Ÿœž œžœžœ žœ žœžœžœžœ;žœžœžœžœ1žœŸœž œžœ žœXžœ*žœ+žœŸœž œžœžœžœžœžœžœžœ(žœ)žœžœžœžœŸœž œžœžœžœžœ žœžœ"žœ#žœžœžœžœ-žœžœžœžœ!žœĄžœžœžœžœ Ÿœžœž œžœžœžœžœžœžœžœœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœ žœžœžœžœ žœ"œ&žœ žœ#žœ žœ8žœžœ žœžœ-žœ Ÿ œžœž œ,žœžœ žœžœžœžœCœ žœ$žœžœ(žœ žœžœžœžœžœžœ/žœžœ4žœžœžœŦžœ žœžœžœžœžœžœ!žœžœžœžœžœžœ œ(žœžœžœ7žœžœžœžœŸ œžœž œ*žœžœžœžœžœžœ žœ žœĻžœžœžœžœžœ/œ7žœžœžœžœTžœžœœ=žœžœžœžœžœŲžœžœYžœŸ œžœž œ'žœ žœ žœĢžœžœžœžœœéžœžœžœžœ-:œžœžœžœĸžœŸœž œžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœŸ œžœž œ žœžœžœ™žœ*žœžœžœžœžœžœIžœžœžœAžœžœ žœžœržœžœžœžœ žœžœžœžœ Ÿœžœž œžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœ žœ›žœc˜īd—…—2r9A