// Bcpl SpruceSpool.Bcpl // Use EFTP protocol to accept and queue Press Files //get "Spruce.d" makes too many "get" files get "SpruceInLdOutLd.d" // InLd/OutLd messages for spooler <-> service communication get "SprucePrinters.d" get "SpruceDoc.d" // get "Sprucefont.d" // get "Spruceband.d" get "spruceMisc.d" get "SpruceFiles.d" get "pupEftp.decl" external // defined here [ InitSpool PrepareToSpool SomeoneIsKnocking SpoolAFile ] external // external [ // SpruceQueue AddToQueue CleanupQueue FullQueue InitializeQueue // SpruceUser Post // SpruceFiles, SpruceStreams CreateSpruceFile CreateSpruceSubfile CurPosition ForgetSpruceFile InitSpruceFile ResetSpruceFile WindowCreateStream WindowNextPage WindowWriteBlock // SpruceUtils CursorChar CursorDigit FillInNames FSGetX Reclaim VpageToRpage // SprucePLists ParsePrintInstanceParams GenPrinterCapabilities GenJobStatus // EFTP CloseEFTPSoc InitEFTPPackage OpenEFTPSoc ReceiveEFTPPacket SendEFTPAbort // Pup Package AppendStringToPup CompletePup ExchangePorts InitPupLevel1 OpenLevel1Socket ReleasePBI // Queue Dequeue Enqueue // Contexts Block InitializeContext // OS Closes Endofs MoveBlock Puts Zero // statics Capabilities freeFile maxQueued numFilesSpooled numMustPrint pressFileIndex printerName reasonVec SpoolFile SpoolVec spooling spoolSocket SpruceZone ] static [ statusSocket; PostStr ] // File-wide structure and manifest declarations. manifest [ STATStackSize = 200 // enough 7-17-79 // 100 8-3-77 EFTPFailed = -10 EFTPServerFailed = -11 MediumWaitAbort = 7 LongWaitAbort = 6 socketPrinterStatus = #21 typePrinterStatusRequest = #200 typePrinterStatusReply = #201 typePrCapabilityRequest = #202 typePrCapabilityReply = #203 typeJobStatusRequest = #204 typeJobStatusReply = #205 InterPupTimeout = 1200 // 12 seconds, then check for other requests maxTimeouts = 3 // after this many, abort transfer anyhow nahSpool = 3 PrInstPass0 = #125314 PrInstPass1 = #170377 ] // This module uses PupEFTP, and underlying Pup packages, along with the SpruceQueue module to // manage the spool queue, to listen to the Ethernet, respond to status requests, and spool incoming // Press files. // PupEFTP has been modestly modified from the publicly available version, allowing better access to // the pbi-level and to error management. // The main routine (see Sprouller() in Spruce.bcpl) calls SomeoneIsKnocking until someone is, // then SpoolAFile to get one. PrepareToSpool is called, to start EFTP listening, as soon as possible after // the previous file is in. // ------------------------------------------------------ let SomeoneIsKnocking() = valof // ------------------------------------------------------ // Filter out non-EFTP data requests directed to spoolSocket (socket 20). // Returns true only if there's an EFTP data request queued on the socket. Does not dequeue! // A simple "ear" function in the Sprint program simulates this function [ let inPbi = spoolSocket>>EFTPSoc.iQ.head // N.B. NOT dequeued yet! unless inPbi do [ Block(); resultis false ] // ~~ if locked on host and not this host, release pbi and continue if inPbi>>PBI.pup.type eq typeEFTPData resultis inPbi // go try it ReleasePBI(Dequeue(lv spoolSocket>>EFTPSoc.iQ)) // ignorable packet ] repeat // until q empty or a good one found // ------------------------------------------------------ and SpoolAFile() = valof // Someone is known to be knocking // ------------------------------------------------------ // Manages the EFTP operation, the queueing operation via SpruceQueue functions, and the // reporting of results to the SpruceUser context via the Post() function. FillInNames(), properly a // Sprint operation, examines the Press directory for Press file information: name, creator, date, // approximate size, etc. This is used in reports at the user terminal and in spooler status packets. // Returns true only if another spool request arrived while spooling (someone else knocked). [ let doc, spoolResult = 0, ECSpoolTerminate test spooling then [ test FullQueue() then [ PostStr = "Sorry, Spruce Spooling Facility Full--Please Try Again." numMustPrint = 3 SendEFTPAbort(spoolSocket, MediumWaitAbort, PostStr) ] or [ CursorChar($E) doc = FetchAFile() ] ] or [ PostStr = (reasonVec!0? reasonVec, "Sorry, Spruce Service not Available -- Please Try Again Later.") SendEFTPAbort(spoolSocket, LongWaitAbort, PostStr) ] CloseEFTPSoc(spoolSocket) let someoneElseKnocked = spoolSocket>>EFTPSoc.SomeoneElseWaiting if doc then [ PostStr = "" // No information to relate let spooledFile = doc>>DocG.PressFile CleanupQueue(spooledFile>>SPruceFile.numPages, false) // Eliminate obliterated entries if doc>>DocG.reportCode eq 0 then [ pressFileIndex = pressFileIndex+1 // Revamp fileCode generation // spooledFile>>SPruceFile.fileCode = FILEPress+1+(pressFileIndex rem FILEPressMask) spooledFile>>SPruceFile.fileCode = pressFileIndex InitSpruceFile(spooledFile, 1, 3); FillInNames(0, doc, spooledFile) // fill in stuff from Press dir. ResetSpruceFile(spooledFile) AddToQueue(doc) if numFilesSpooled ge maxQueued-(maxQueued rshift 2) % // check queue near-full freeFile>>SPruceFile.numPages le (SpoolFile>>SPruceFile.numPages rshift 2) then numMustPrint = 1 PostStr, spoolResult = "Received from remote host", 0 ] ] // doc Post(doc, spoolResult, PostStr) Reclaim() PrepareToSpool(someoneElseKnocked? $I, $R) // Ready, denote whether others at the door resultis someoneElseKnocked ] // ------------------------------------------------------ and PrepareToSpool(cursorChar; numargs na) be // Spruce spooler, that is // ------------------------------------------------------ // Assumes socket has been initialized, and is at present closed. Called by SpoolAFile() after // complete processing of a previously-spooled file, and from Sprouller() in Spruce to begin listening on // initial startup or after returning from Sprint. cursorChar is typically $R (received), or $I // (interference -- someone else knocked). The cursor will contain this letter and the low order digit of // the number of files left. This simple, largely vestigial code, assists in status display. [ let foreignPort = vec lenPort; Zero(foreignPort, lenPort) let localPort = vec lenPort; Zero(localPort, lenPort) localPort>>Port.socket^2 = socketEFTPReceive // #20 OpenEFTPSoc(spoolSocket, localPort, foreignPort) CursorChar(na? cursorChar, $R) CursorDigit(numFilesSpooled rem 10) ] // ------------------------------------------------------ and FetchAFile() = valof // ------------------------------------------------------ // It is known that at least one EFTP data packet is queued. Use PupEFTP to attempt to spool a file. // Handle all error communication with remote host. Return any spooled subfile and a success report. // Returns a DocG structure, with non-empty fields: // reportCode: // 0: successfully received a file. // otherwise: EFTP abort code. // PressFile: // The subfile of freeFile (of SpoolFile) consumed by the spooling attempt, successful or not // (used by caller to adjust queue, etc.) // FileHost: network and host of requesting user // spoolSocket still contains state information concerning the transfer. [ let numTimeouts, byteCount = maxTimeouts, nil let doc = FSGetX(lenDocG, SpruceZone, 0) doc>>DocG.duplex = (Capabilities & mDuplex) ne 0 doc>>DocG.FileHost = @(lv(spoolSocket>>EFTPSoc.iQ.head)>>PBI.pup.sPort.net) let s = WindowCreateStream(freeFile, ksTypeWriteBeforeRead, charItem, 0, 0, nahSpool) // Eftp away, storing into stream [ let str, inPbi = nil, 0 byteCount = ReceiveEFTPPacket(spoolSocket, InterPupTimeout, lv inPbi) switchon byteCount into [ default: // >0 (or 0 and not end -- empty packet), got something [ let wordCount = byteCount rshift 1 let addr = lv inPbi>>PBI.pup.words^1 if addr!0 eq PrInstPass0 & addr!1 eq PrInstPass1 then if ParsePrintInstanceParams(addr+2, inPbi>>PBI.pup.length-pupOvBytes-4, doc) then [ ReleasePBI(inPbi) if doc>>DocG.nPages ge freeFile>>SPruceFile.numPages then [ str = "Sorry, Spruce Spooling Facility Full -- Please Try Again Later." numMustPrint = 3 byteCount = EFTPAbortSent docase EFTPServerFailed ] doc>>DocG.nPages = 0 loop ] let wordsWrit = WindowWriteBlock(s, addr, wordCount) let chr = addr>>Byte^byteCount // in case odd ReleasePBI(inPbi) if wordCount ne wordsWrit do [ str = PostStr; numMustPrint = 3 byteCount = EFTPAbortSent docase EFTPServerFailed ] if (byteCount&1) ne 0 then Puts(s, chr) // only works if last in file!!!! endcase ] case 0: // EFTPEndReceived (all done) or 0 (empty packet), depending on pbi existence test inPbi then docase 1 or break case EFTPTimeout: numTimeouts = numTimeouts-1 if numTimeouts ge 0 & // if traffic is heavy, quit -- else be more tolerant not spoolSocket>>EFTPSoc.SomeoneElseWaiting endcase // wait a while str = "Receiver timed out...."; docase EFTPFailed case EFTPAbortSent: str = "Abort had to be sent from receiver...."; docase EFTPFailed case EFTPAbortReceived: str = "EFTPAbort received while receiving...."; docase EFTPFailed case EFTPResetReceived: str = "Reset Request ... expect a restart" spoolSocket>>EFTPSoc.SomeoneElseWaiting = true docase EFTPFailed case EFTPNotFirstSynch: str = "First Packet Received out of synch"; docase EFTPFailed case EFTPServerFailed: SendEFTPAbort(spoolSocket, ExternalReceiverAbort, str) // -- Abort, then Fall Thru -- case EFTPFailed: unless numMustPrint do numMustPrint = 1 MoveBlock(lv doc>>DocG.FileStr, str, size DocG.FileStr/16) break ] ] repeat let numChars = CurPosition(s) let numUsed = Endofs(s)? freeFile>>SPruceFile.numPages, WindowNextPage(s) -1 if not numChars & numUsed then numChars = freeFile>>SPruceFile.pageSize lshift 1 doc>>DocG.PressFile = CreateSpruceSubfile(lv freeFile, 1, numUsed, numChars) Closes(s) doc>>DocG.reportCode = byteCount unless spoolSocket>>EFTPSoc.TransferNotStarted do doc>>DocG.FileHost = @(lv spoolSocket>>EFTPSoc.frnPort.net) resultis doc ] // ------------------------------------------------------ and PrinterStatus() be // Respond to status requests // ------------------------------------------------------ // Listens on socket 21 for "Ears Protocol" status requests. Responds as directed by the protocol. [ Block() repeatwhile statusSocket>>PupSoc.iQ.head eq 0 let pbi = Dequeue(lv statusSocket>>PupSoc.iQ) switchon pbi>>PBI.pup.type into [ default: ReleasePBI(pbi); endcase case typePrinterStatusRequest: [ ExchangePorts(pbi) // prepare to respond let response = not spooling? 1, 2+(spoolSocket>>EFTPSoc.TransferNotStarted? 0, 1) pbi>>PBI.pup.words^1 = response let charPos = 3 App(pbi,printerName, lv charPos) App(pbi," is ",lv charPos) App(pbi, selecton response into [ case 1: "Unavailable " case 2: "Spooling and waiting" case 3: "Spooling and busy (file transfer in progress)" ] , lv charPos) if response eq 1 then App(pbi,reasonVec,lv charPos) App(pbi,"*N",lv charPos) CompletePup(pbi, typePrinterStatusReply) endcase ] // Install UID stuff here case typePrCapabilityRequest: [ ExchangePorts(pbi) // prepare to respond let length = GenPrinterCapabilities(lv pbi>>PBI.pup.bytes)+pupOvBytes CompletePup(pbi, typePrCapabilityReply, length) endcase ] case typeJobStatusRequest: [ ExchangePorts(pbi) // prepare to respond let length = GenJobStatus(lv pbi>>PBI.pup.bytes)+pupOvBytes CompletePup(pbi, typeJobStatusReply, length) endcase ] ] ] repeat // ------------------------------------------------------ and InitSpool(spruceCtxq) be // ------------------------------------------------------ // Initialize SproullerQ (spool queue), and spoolSocket (thus EFTP and Pup level 1.) // Start up the Status-listener context. spruceCtxq is the queue of contexts run in Spruce. [ // Allocate SpoolVec if it doesnt exist (no files spooled). unless SpoolVec do SpoolVec = FSGetX(maxSpooled, SpruceZone, 0) InitializeQueue() // Spooling queue spoolSocket = 0 InitPupLevel1(SpruceZone, spruceCtxq, 10) // up to 10 buffers -- for now InitEFTPPackage() spoolSocket = FSGetX(lenEFTPSoc, SpruceZone, 0) statusSocket = FSGetX(lenPupSoc) OpenLevel1Socket(statusSocket, table [ 0; 0; socketPrinterStatus ]) Enqueue(spruceCtxq, InitializeContext(FSGetX(STATStackSize), STATStackSize, PrinterStatus)) // The spooler itself runs in the main program context (SproullerMain) ] // ------- Spooling utilities ------- // ------------------------------------------------------ and App(pbi, str, pCharPos) be // ------------------------------------------------------ // Pup error strings are placed in Pup data, with characters even-byte aligned, and no length. // This function interfaces with the Pup level 1 utility for setting them up. It maintains a current // end-of-string count that the utility requires but does not maintain. [ AppendStringToPup(pbi, @pCharPos, str) @pCharPos = @pCharPos + str>>STR.length ] // compileif false then [ // ------------------------------------------------------ // let PrintAbortPBI(pbi) be // ------------------------------------------------------ // ~~ PrintAbortPBI(...) is a good idea -- the posting equiv. (from abort case) // [ // Puts(dsp,$*N); Wo(pbi>>PBI.pup.words^1); Ws(" - Abort: ") // for i = 3 to (3 + (pbi>>PBI.pup.length-(pupOvBytes+2)) - 1) do // Puts(dsp, pbi>>PBI.pup.bytes^i) // ] // ] // ~~ depending on complexity, could use in Uint post activity // ------- History . . . // DCS, July 15, 1977 4:53 PM, derived from SpruceSpool // July 16, 1977 4:01 PM, tune for real environment // July 18, 1977 6:41 PM, revisions for use with real main loop // July 25, 1977 1:25 PM, assign fileCodes to spooled subfiles // August 1, 1977 10:23 AM, add PrintStatus function // August 3, 1977 1:42 PM, implement freeFile/spooled files invariants // August 22, 1977 5:40 PM, fill in names after file arrives // August 28, 1977 8:10 AM, Spruce->Sprint, Sprouller->Spruce // September 7, 1977 12:34 PM, add Queue control (numMustPrint) code // October 25, 1977 10:27 AM, upgrade spool error reporting, queue management // November 3, 1977 8:26 PM, upgrade stand-alone printing, v4.(2,7) // December 16, 1977 11:41 AM, post code releases doc after spool error // December 16, 1977 11:41 AM, report sending host better // January 6, 1978 5:39 PM, improve cursor reporting // January 17, 1978 3:32 PM, Zero-length EFTP Data packet is OK // January 23, 1978 8:28 AM, pressFileIndex wrap-around repaired // May 15, 1978 9:40 PM, fix numMustPrint bug -- was far too conservative // August 30, 1978 9:10 AM, massive revision, to use "queue object", clean up spooler // September 1, 1978 11:04 AM, report full, not spooling reporting to end user // September 3, 1978 6:55 PM, use static address in subfile creation -- create rel. other subfile // September 5, 1978 9:56 AM, one more full file bug // September 20, 1978 12:56 PM, document, reformat // September 23, 1978 1:58 AM, use printerName instead of "Spruce" in status report // October 15, 1978 4:38 PM, account for fast files // April 25, 1979 11:28 AM use Spruce*.d names // July 18, 1979 1:23 AM PLists for printer capabilities & print instance params // January 18, 1980 1:47 PM, set DocG.duplex to mDuplex value before PList check // March 4, 1980 9:41 AM, use static firstDCB to prevent loss of display stream // March 4, 1980 1:00 PM, if there is a reason for not spooling, send it and echo on screen // May 1, 1980, 12:46 PM, implement new protocol stuff // February 3, 1981 2:41 PM, change handling of pressFileIndex (635)\636v11V169b9B539b10B3539b32B83b51B440b11B4409v11V1512b26B760b127B