// InLd/OutLd messages for spooler <-> service communication get "SpruceInLdOutLdEC.d" structure TOSpoolerMsg: // printer to spooler [ numPrinted word // This is still tentative! lastPrintedCode word // fileCode of last doc printed inProgressCode word // fileCode of doc in progress, if any completionCode word // Why printing terminated ** reportFailed byte // Couldn't write report level *** errorClass byte // Severity and general nature of error **** params^1,12 word // error params, assumes lInLdMessage = 18 *** stopsPrinting word // printing cannot continue until output tray cleared ] // ** Completion codes manifest [ CCInit =0 // return from OutLd, no printing yet CCFinished = 1 // correctly printed all numSpooled docs. CCKnock = 2 // someone knocked while printing numPrinted +1 CCRestart = 3 // Spruce restarted -- revive queue maxCCOK = 10 // anything above this is an error code // else error code -- error while printing numPrinted+1 ] // *** Error parameters // If any of these are strings, their values will not be correct in the InLd // message returned to the spooler. They should be correct in the LEVReport checkpoint // information, unless reportFailed is true in the InLd version. ~~ not impl. reasonable? structure TOPrinterMsg: // spooler to printer [ fprd word 5 // (lFP) // Printer uses this file address to return inProgress word // Hint to continue previous fileCode word // File to continue numSpooled word // Update this and following if non-zero numMustPrint word // (on complete swap return from spooler) DebugSystem word // May have been changed from debug in spooler blank word 17-10 Capabilities word //might have changed via user interaction ] // Message posting format structure POstedMsg: [ link word pDoc word // if message relates to a spooled file condition word // condition value from SpruceCondition call str^1,1 word // remainder is a string ] manifest minLenPOstedMsg = (offset POstedMsg.str^1)/16 manifest lenErrStr = 35 // Size of temp vectors for generating error strings // December 3, 1978 4:37 PM derived from Spruce.d // July 29, 1979 3:27 PM removed Error codes to SpruceInLdOutLdEC.d // July 31, 1979 11:07 PM, added bins stuff // August 9, 1979 9:57 AM, add Capabilities to TOPrinterMsg // August 29, 1979 12:21 PM, removed bins stuff z20598(1792)