// Band Bucket entries

structure BEChar :
//Band Entry for Character
ICCbit 15//Internal Character Code
Xbit 4// Offset within band
Ybit 12//Address on scan line

structure BERectangle :
//Rectangle ("rule")
H word// = BERectangleH
X bit 4
Y bit 12
mHeightword// -Height
WidthM1word// Width-1

structure BEEnd :
H word// = BEEndH
spare word

structure BEControl:
// "Branching" activities
Hword =
comBit bit// 0
onCopy bit 10// desired copy, for type BEBranchH
type bit 5// command code
displacement word// "branch" distance, for BEBranchH
manifest lenBEControl = size BEControl/16

//Op codes for BE’s that are not chars (BEH.Type):

BEBranchH = 4//Only on copy "branch"

BEMaxSize=6//Maximum size of a BE entry (plus a little!).
// December 3, 1978 4:37 PM derived from Spruce.