File: SVInterfaceTypes.mesa
Last edited by: Eric Bier on May 27, 1987 1:15:38 pm PDT
Copyright © 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Contents: Defining these types in the modules which use them just doesn't seem to work. Compilation dependencies reign. Many objects wish to contain pointers to these records, which in turn wish to contain objects of that type. Let's try putting them all in one place.
AtomButtonsTypes, BufferedRefresh, BufferedRefreshTypes, Containers, Imager, ImagerBackdoor, ImagerFont, IO, Rope, SlackProcess, SV2d, SV3d, SVBasicTypes, SVModelTypes, SVRayTypes, SVSceneTypes, SVCatScan, ViewerClasses;
Slice: TYPE = SVSceneTypes.Slice;
BoundBox: TYPE = SVBasicTypes.BoundBox;
Camera: TYPE = SVModelTypes.Camera;
Color: TYPE = Imager.Color;
CoordSystem: TYPE = SVModelTypes.CoordSystem;
CSGTree: TYPE = SVRayTypes.CSGTree;
FeedbackData: TYPE = AtomButtonsTypes.FeedbackData;
Matrix4by4: TYPE = SV3d.Matrix4by4;
Path: TYPE = SV2d.Path;
Point2d: TYPE = SV2d.Point2d;
Point3d: TYPE = SV3d.Point3d;
PointSetOp: TYPE = SVRayTypes.PointSetOp;
Primitive: TYPE = SVRayTypes.Primitive;
Scene: TYPE = SVSceneTypes.Scene;
SelectMode: TYPE = SVSceneTypes.SelectMode;
CatScan: TYPE = SVCatScan.CatScan;
SliceDescriptor: TYPE = SVSceneTypes.SliceDescriptor;
Vector3d: TYPE = SV3d.Vector3d;
Viewer: TYPE = ViewerClasses.Viewer;
SolidContainer: TYPE = Viewer;
DisplayContextProc: TYPE = PROC [Imager.Context];
RefreshData: TYPE = RECORD [
suppressRefresh: BOOLFALSE,
paintAction: ATOM,
paintProc: DisplayContextProc,
sandwich: BufferedRefreshTypes.Sandwich,
caretIsMoving: BOOLFALSE,
dragInProgress: BOOLFALSE,
overlayList: LIST OF SliceDescriptor,
orderedOverlayList: LIST OF SliceDescriptor, -- NIL => must rebuild ordered list
addedObject: REF ANYNIL, -- used to implement GGRefresh.FinishedAdding
slice: Slice,
spotPoint: Point2d, -- in CAMERA coords. For TestGravity.
hitPoint: Point3d, -- in WORLD coords. For TestGravity.
startBoundBox: BoundBox ← NIL,
currentY, minX, minY, maxX, maxY: REAL -- RayCastProgress indicators
DragData: TYPE = RECORD [
assembly: Slice ← NIL, -- The corresponding assembly (if any).
planeDepth: REAL, -- in Target coordinates
cameraVector: Vector3d,
target: Slice ← NIL,
startSkitter: Matrix4by4, -- in WORLD coords
transform: Matrix4by4, -- in WORLD coords
currentPoint: Point2d, -- in CAMERA coords
selectState: SelectMode ← joint, -- what are we in the process of selecting?
extendMode: SelectMode ← joint, -- what are we extending to?
savedCaret: Skitter,
startPoint: Point3d -- in WORLD coords
GravityType: TYPE = {off, pointsPreferred, linesPreferred, strictDistance};
Filters: TYPE = REF FiltersObj;
FiltersObj: TYPE = RECORD [
tolerance: REAL ← 25.0, -- the tolerance for hit testing
criticalR: REAL ← 25.0, -- see GGGravity.Map
innerR: REAL ← 12.0, -- see GGGravity.InnerCircle
triggerBag: TriggerBag,
alignBag: ObjectBag,
sceneBag: TriggerBag,
oldSceneBag: TriggerBag,
hitCount: NAT ← 0,
gravityType: GravityType,
gravityTypeMenu: AtomButtonsTypes.EnumTypeRef, -- initialized in SVWindowImpl
gravityExtentButton: AtomButtonsTypes.GraphicsState,
gravButton: AtomButtonsTypes.TwoState,
midpointButton: AtomButtonsTypes.TwoState,
heuristicsButton: AtomButtonsTypes.TwoState,
slopeHeader: AtomButtons.ScalarButtonHandle,
slopeCount: NAT ← 0,
angleHeader: AtomButtons.ScalarButtonHandle,
angleCount: NAT ← 0,
radiusHeader: AtomButtons.ScalarButtonHandle,
radiusCount: NAT ← 0,
radiusCircleCache: GGCircleCache.Cache,
distanceHeader: AtomButtons.ScalarButtonHandle,
distanceCount: NAT ← 0,
scaleUnit: REAL ← 72.0, -- value of one scale unit, in screen dots. Initially set to 72.0 (1 inch)
horizontalDegrees: REAL -- slope considered horizontal. Initialized to 0 degrees (screen horizontal)
DebugData: TYPE = RECORD [
typescript: Viewer,
lastMessage: Rope.ROPENIL,
logFileName: Rope.ROPE,
logStream: IO.STREAM
GravityExtentData: TYPE = REF GravityExtentDataObj;
GravityExtentDataObj: TYPE = RECORD [
extent: REAL
AbortFlags: TYPE = {refresh, playback, gravitytest, bags, spare2, spare3};
SVData: TYPE = REF SVDataObj;
Allocated in SVViewerImpl.CreateViewerTool
outer: SolidContainerNIL,
actionArea: Viewer ← NIL,
feedback: FeedbackData,
height: CARDINAL ← 0,
yBounded: LIST OF Viewer ← NIL, -- used in SVViewerToolImpl for viewer resizing.
xBounded: LIST OF Viewer ← NIL,
originalWDir: Rope.ROPE,
currentWDir: Rope.ROPE,
mouseMode, state: ATOM,
scene: Scene, -- the collection of 3d objects we are looking at
camera: Camera, -- our point of view
drag: DragData,
refresh: RefreshData,
hitTest: Filters,
debug: DebugData,
slackHandle: SlackProcess.SlackHandle,
Unique to Gargoyle3d
textSection: ViewerTextData,
editToolData: EditToolData,
sceneStyleIndex: NAT, -- corresponds to
baseCS: CoordSystem, -- ****
mode: InteractionMode,
showCoordSys: BOOL,
doubleBuffer: BOOL
ViewerTextData: TYPE = RECORD [
activateLabel: Viewer ← NIL,
viewStyle: Viewer ← NIL,
xyz: Viewer ← NIL,
doubleBuffer: Viewer ← NIL,
showCoords: Viewer ← NIL,
selected: Viewer ← NIL,
isSelected: BOOL
InteractionMode: TYPE = {select, cast};
DCProc: TYPE = PROC [Imager.Context];
Hit Testing
TriggerBag: TYPE = REF TriggerBagObj;
TriggerBagObj: TYPE = RECORD [
tree: CSGTree,
scene: Scene,
slices: LIST OF FeatureData,
anchor: FeatureData
AlignBag: TYPE = REF AlignBagObj;
AlignBagObj: TYPE = RECORD [
slopeLines: LIST OF FeatureData,
angleLines: LIST OF FeatureData,
radiiCircles: LIST OF FeatureData,
distanceLines: LIST OF FeatureData,
midpoints: LIST OF FeatureData,
intersectionPoints: LIST OF FeatureData,
anchor: FeatureData
AlignmentPoint: TYPE = REF AlignmentPointObj;
AlignmentPointObj: TYPE = RECORD [
point: Point2d,
tangent: BOOL, -- is this a point of tangency? (for Describe purposes)
curve1: FeatureData,
curve2: FeatureData
AlignmentObject: TYPE = REF ANY; -- types: AlignmentLine, AlignmentCircle, AlignmentPoint, SliceDescriptor
FeatureData: TYPE = REF FeatureDataObj;
FeatureDataObj: TYPE = RECORD [
type: FeatureType,
shape: AlignmentObject
FeatureType: TYPE = {slice, distanceLine, slopeLine, angleLine, symmetryLine, radiiCircle, intersectionPoint, midpoint, anchor};
ResultFeatureType: TYPE = {slice, distanceLine, slopeLine, angleLine, symmetryLine, radiiCircle, intersectionPoint, midpoint, anchor};
The EditTool
EditToolData: TYPE = REF EditToolDataObj;
EditToolDataObj: TYPE = RECORD [
outer: Containers.Container ← NIL,
height: CARDINAL ← 0,
printFont: ImagerFont.Font,
screenFont: ImagerFont.Font,
skitter: Skitter,
sceneSection: CurrentSceneSectionData,
sphereSection: SphereSectionData,
blockSection: BlockSectionData,
cylinderSection: CylinderSectionData,
coneSection: ConeSectionData,
torusSection: TorusSectionData,
linSection: LinSectionData,
transformSection: TransformSectionData,
cameraSection: CameraSectionData,
cameraOrderSection: CameraOrderSectionData,
shadowSection: ShadowSectionData,
artworkSection: ArtworkSectionData,
artworkTransformSection: ArtworkTransformSectionData,
lightSection: LightSectionData,
utilitySection: UtilitySectionData,
scratchpad: Viewer,
artworkTool: Viewer,
messages: Viewer,
allViewers: LIST OF ViewerCell,
currentSVData: SVData,
originalWorkingDirectory: Rope.ROPE
ViewerCell: TYPE = REF ViewerCellObj;
ViewerCellObj: TYPE = RECORD [
scene: Scene,
viewersOnScene: Viewer]; -- viewersOnScene is a list of viewers since each viewer has a link to the next one.
CurrentSceneSectionData: TYPE = RECORD [
defaultScene: Scene,
currentScene: Scene ← NIL,
sceneName: Viewer ← NIL,
current: Viewer ← NIL,
text1: Viewer ← NIL,
text2: Viewer ← NIL,
source: Viewer ← NIL,
target: Viewer ← NIL,
new: Viewer ← NIL,
parent: Viewer ← NIL,
plane: Viewer ← NIL,
opLabel: Viewer ← NIL,
op: PointSetOp];
SphereSectionData: TYPE = RECORD [
radius: Viewer ← NIL];
BlockSectionData: TYPE = RECORD [
xyz: Viewer ← NIL];
CylinderSectionData: TYPE = RECORD [
radius: Viewer ← NIL,
height: Viewer ← NIL];
ConeSectionData: TYPE = RECORD [
radius: Viewer ← NIL,
height: Viewer ← NIL];
TorusSectionData: TYPE = RECORD [
bigRadius: Viewer ← NIL,
sectionRadius: Viewer ← NIL];
LinSectionData: TYPE = RECORD [
depth: Viewer ← NIL];
TransformSectionData: TYPE = RECORD [
degrees: Viewer ← NIL,
transXYZ: Viewer ← NIL,
scaleXYZ: Viewer ← NIL,
scalar: Viewer ← NIL];
CameraSectionData: TYPE = RECORD [
name: Viewer ← NIL,
origin: Viewer ← NIL,
focusPoint: Viewer ← NIL,
slant: Viewer ← NIL,
resolution: Viewer ← NIL,
focalLength: Viewer ← NIL,
projection: Viewer ← NIL,
projectionValue: NAT ← 1,
frame: Viewer ← NIL,
clippingPlanes: Viewer ← NIL,
visibleAssemblies: Viewer ← NIL];
CameraOrderSectionData: TYPE = RECORD [
order: Viewer ← NIL];
ShadowSectionData: TYPE = RECORD [
shadowLabel: Viewer ← NIL,
shadowValue: BOOLFALSE];
ArtworkSectionData: TYPE = RECORD [
tubeHeight: Viewer ← NIL,
tubeRadius: Viewer ← NIL,
boxXYZ: Viewer ← NIL,
picName: Viewer ← NIL,
material: Viewer ← NIL,
materialValue: NAT ← 1,
resolution: Viewer ← NIL,
isColor: Viewer ← NIL,
rgb: Viewer ← NIL,
oMapLabel: Viewer ← NIL];
ArtworkTransformSectionData: TYPE = RECORD [
degrees: Viewer ← NIL];
LightSectionData: TYPE = RECORD [
name: Viewer ← NIL,
position: Viewer ← NIL,
color: Viewer ← NIL];
UtilitySectionData: TYPE = RECORD [
stuffNum: Viewer ← NIL];
Skitter: TYPE = REF SkitterObj;
SkitterObj: TYPE = SVSceneTypes.SkitterObj;
Selection: TYPE = REF SelectionObj;
SelectionObj: TYPE = RECORD [
coincident: Slice, -- the hook jack, floater jack, or sitting-in for coordSys referents.
indirect: Slice, -- the assembly we claim to be sitting on if we are a hook, NIL otherwise.
svData: SVData,
referentType: ReferentType,
selectionType: SelectionType];
ReferentType: TYPE = {hook, coordSys};
SelectionType: TYPE = {target, movee, plane};
SelectionGenerator: TYPE = REF SelectionGeneratorObj;
SelectionGeneratorObj: TYPE = RECORD [
currentPtr: LIST OF Selection
Artwork Tool
Artwork: TYPE = SVModelTypes.Artwork;
ArtworkToolData: TYPE = REF ArtworkToolDataObj;
ArtworkToolDataObj: TYPE = RECORD [
outer: Containers.Container ← NIL,
editToolData: EditToolData,
height: CARDINAL ← 0,
picture: Viewer ← NIL,
textSection: TextSectionData,
origin: Point2d,
scalar: REAL,
proc: PROC [dc: Imager.Context],
artwork: Artwork,
paintColor: Color];
TextSectionData: TYPE = RECORD [
scalar: Viewer ← NIL,
color: Viewer ← NIL
ScratchViewerData: TYPE = REF ScratchViewerDataObj;
ScratchViewerDataObj: TYPE = RECORD [
outer: Containers.Container ← NIL, -- handle for the enclosing container
height: CARDINAL ← 0,
textSection: ScratchTextSectionData,
scratchpad: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL,
editToolData: EditToolData
ScratchTextSectionData: TYPE = REF TextSectionDataObj;
TextSectionDataObj: TYPE = RECORD [
degrees: ViewerClasses.Viewer ← NIL];
ScratchpadData: TYPE = REF ScratchpadDataObj;
ScratchpadDataObj: TYPE = RECORD [
origin: Point2d,
path: Path,
catScan: CatScan,
mode: ScratchpadMode,
index: NAT,
scratchViewerData: ScratchViewerData,
proc: ImagerProc,
imager: Imager.Context];
ImagerProc: TYPE = PROC [dc: Imager.Context];
ScratchpadMode: TYPE = {off, pointAt, drawLin, drawRevo, drawCatScan};