DIRECTORY Rope, SVModelTypes, SVRayTypes, SVSceneTypes; SVScenePrivate: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN Scene: TYPE = SVSceneTypes.Scene; Slice: TYPE = SVSceneTypes.Slice; SliceList: TYPE = SVSceneTypes.SliceList; LightSourceList: TYPE = SVModelTypes.LightSourceList; -- LIST OF LightSource; LightSource: TYPE = SVModelTypes.LightSource; MasterObject: TYPE = SVSceneTypes.MasterObject; MasterObjectList: TYPE = LIST OF MasterObject; TemporaryRemoveFromAssemblyList: PROC [a: Slice, al: SliceList, scene: Scene] RETURNS [newAl: SliceList, success: BOOL]; FindMasterObjectAndNeighborsFromName: PROC [moName: Rope.ROPE, moList: MasterObjectList] RETURNS [beforeMo, mo, afterMo: MasterObjectList, found: BOOL]; FindLightSourceAndNeighborsFromName: PROC [lsName: Rope.ROPE, lsList: LightSourceList] RETURNS [beforeLS, ls, afterLS: LightSourceList]; LightSourceNotFound: SIGNAL; CopyNeededMasterObjects: PROC [assembly: Slice, fromScene, toScene: Scene] RETURNS [success: BOOL]; RemoveDuplicateMOs: PROC [moList: MasterObjectList] RETURNS [uniqueList: MasterObjectList]; MoListMinusMoList: PROC [moList1, moList2: MasterObjectList] RETURNS [moList1MinusmoList2: MasterObjectList]; CopyMasterObjectList: PROC [moList: MasterObjectList] RETURNS [copy: MasterObjectList]; END. ώFile: SVScenePrivate.mesa Author: Eric Bier on August 6, 1983 3:04 pm Copyright c 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Last edited by Bier on February 24, 1987 5:33:41 pm PST Contents: List Auxiliaries for use by SVScene Procedures DisplayList Types Databases, Scenes, Assemblies, and Lightsources Master Object Types Delete Parts of the Scene Tree In DisplayList3dImplB.mesa A simple list remove operation. Does not break up the assembly and its sons, nor does it delete their coordinate systems. This routine is called by MoveToFrontOfAssembly to splice an assembly out of an SliceList. Find Scene Entities from their Names In DisplayList3dImplA Restructure the Tree In DisplayList3dImplB Other List Auxiliaries In DisplayList3dImplB.mesa Κ˜Ihead™J™+Jšœ Οmœ1™