<> <> <> <> <<>> DIRECTORY Imager, SV3d, SVModelTypes; SVMasterObjectTypes: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN Artwork: TYPE = SVModelTypes.Artwork; Color: TYPE = Imager.Color; Edge3d: TYPE = SV3d.Edge3d; Poly3d: TYPE = SV3d.Poly3d; SphereRec: TYPE = REF SphereRecObj; SphereRecObj: TYPE = RECORD [ radius: REAL]; Box3d: TYPE = RECORD [ loX, loY, loZ, hiX, hiY, hiZ: REAL ]; BlockData: TYPE = REF BlockDataObj; BlockDataObj: TYPE = RECORD [ box: Box3d, faces: ARRAY [0..6) OF Face, segments: ARRAY [0..12) OF Segment ]; CylinderRec: TYPE = REF CylinderRecObj; CylinderRecObj: TYPE = RECORD [ radius, height: REAL]; ConeRec: TYPE = REF ConeRecObj; ConeRecObj: TYPE = RECORD [ radius, height: REAL]; TorusRec: TYPE = REF TorusRecObj; TorusRecObj: TYPE = RECORD [ bigRadius: REAL, sectionRadius: REAL]; Face: TYPE = REF FaceObj; FaceObj: TYPE = RECORD [ poly: Poly3d, artwork: Artwork ]; Segment: TYPE = REF SegmentObj; SegmentObj: TYPE = RECORD [ edge: Edge3d, color: Color ]; END.