File: SVBoundBoxImpl.mesa
Last edited by Bier on July 22, 1987 5:20:02 pm PDT
Copyright © 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Contents: Procedures for creating bounding polyhedra of master objects, and for deriving "3-d" bounding boxes from these polyhedra. Procedures for combining these bounding boxes with union, intersection and difference operators.
SVCoordSys, SVGraphics, Imager, SV2d, SV3d, SVAssembly, SVBasicTypes, SVBoundBox, SVModelTypes, SVPolygon3d, SVSceneTypes, SVSelect, SVVector3d;
IMPORTS SVCoordSys, SVGraphics, Imager, SVAssembly, SVPolygon3d, SVSelect, SVVector3d
BoundBox: TYPE = REF BoundBoxObj;
BoundBoxObj: TYPE = SVBasicTypes.BoundBoxObj; 
BoundHedron: TYPE = REF BoundHedronObj;
BoundHedronObj: TYPE = SVBasicTypes.BoundHedronObj;
Camera: TYPE = SVModelTypes.Camera;
CoordSystem: TYPE = SVModelTypes.CoordSystem;
Point2d: TYPE = SV2d.Point2d;
Point3d: TYPE = SV3d.Point3d;
PointSetOp: TYPE = SVSceneTypes.PointSetOp;
Poly3d: TYPE = SV3d.Poly3d;
Scene: TYPE = SVSceneTypes.Scene;
SelectionClass: TYPE = SVSelect.SelectionClass;
SliceDescriptor: TYPE = SVSceneTypes.SliceDescriptor;
SliceDescriptorGenerator: TYPE = SVSceneTypes.SliceDescriptorGenerator;
Vector3d: TYPE = SV3d.Vector3d;
Creating a BoundHedron
CreateBoundHedron: PUBLIC PROC [len: NAT] RETURNS [bh: BoundHedron] = {
bh ← NEW[BoundHedronObj[len]];
bh.len ← 0;
AddBoundHedronPoint: PUBLIC PROC [bh: BoundHedron, point: Point3d] = {
IF bh.len = bh.maxVerts THEN ERROR
bh[bh.len] ← point;
bh.len ← bh.len + 1;
}; -- end of AddBoundHedronPoint
AddBoundHedronPoly: PUBLIC PROC [bh: BoundHedron, poly: Poly3d] = {
FOR i: NAT IN[0..poly.len) DO
AddBoundHedronPoint[bh, poly[i]];
RectangularBoundHedron: PUBLIC PROC [sx, sy, sz: REAL] RETURNS [bh: BoundHedron] = {
sx2, sy2, sz2: REAL;
sx2 ← sx/2;
sy2 ← sy/2;
sz2 ← sz/2;
bh ← CreateBoundHedron[8];
AddBoundHedronPoint[bh, [-sx2, sy2, sz2]];
AddBoundHedronPoint[bh, [-sx2, sy2, -sz2]];
AddBoundHedronPoint[bh, [sx2, sy2, -sz2]];
AddBoundHedronPoint[bh, [sx2, sy2, sz2]];
AddBoundHedronPoint[bh, [-sx2, -sy2, sz2]];
AddBoundHedronPoint[bh, [-sx2, -sy2, -sz2]];
AddBoundHedronPoint[bh, [sx2, -sy2, -sz2]];
AddBoundHedronPoint[bh, [sx2, -sy2, sz2]];
}; -- end of RectangularBoundHedron
RectangularBoundHedron2: PUBLIC PROC [x1, x2, y1, y2, z1, z2: REAL] RETURNS [bh: BoundHedron] = {
bh ← CreateBoundHedron[8];
AddBoundHedronPoint[bh, [x1, y2, z2]];
AddBoundHedronPoint[bh, [x1, y2, z1]];
AddBoundHedronPoint[bh, [x2, y2, z1]];
AddBoundHedronPoint[bh, [x2, y2, z2]];
AddBoundHedronPoint[bh, [x1, y1, z2]];
AddBoundHedronPoint[bh, [x1, y1, z1]];
AddBoundHedronPoint[bh, [x2, y1, z1]];
AddBoundHedronPoint[bh, [x2, y1, z2]];
}; -- end of RectangularBoundHedron2
PyramidBoundHedron: PUBLIC PROC [sx, sy, sz: REAL] RETURNS [bh: BoundHedron] = {
A pyramid with base of size sx by sz on the y=0 plane and tip at [0, sy, 0].
sx2, sz2: REAL;
sx2 ← sx/2;
sz2 ← sz/2;
bh ← CreateBoundHedron[5];
AddBoundHedronPoint[bh, [-sx2, 0, sz2]];
AddBoundHedronPoint[bh, [-sx2, 0, -sz2]];
AddBoundHedronPoint[bh, [sx2, 0, -sz2]];
AddBoundHedronPoint[bh, [sx2, 0, sz2]];
AddBoundHedronPoint[bh, [0, sy, 0]];
}; -- end of PyramidBoundHedron
HexagonalBoundHedron: PUBLIC PROC [r, hOver2: REAL] RETURNS [bh: BoundHedron] = {
topPoly, bottomPoly: Poly3d;
bh ← CreateBoundHedron[12];
topPoly ← SVPolygon3d.CircumHexagon[hOver2, r];
bottomPoly ← SVPolygon3d.CircumHexagon[-hOver2, r];
AddBoundHedronPoly[bh, topPoly];
AddBoundHedronPoly[bh, bottomPoly];
HexPyramidBoundHedron: PUBLIC PROC [r, h: REAL] RETURNS [bh: BoundHedron] = {
A pyramid having base a hexagon around the circle (of radius r centered on [0, 0, 0] on the y=0 plane) and having tip at [0, h, 0].
base: Poly3d;
base ← SVPolygon3d.CircumHexagon[0, r];
bh ← CreateBoundHedron[7];
AddBoundHedronPoly[bh, base];
AddBoundHedronPoint[bh, [0, h, 0]];
}; -- end of HexPyramidBoundHedron
GeneralConeBoundHedron: PUBLIC PROC [r1, h1, r2, h2: REAL] RETURNS [bh: BoundHedron] = {
Bounds a cone slice (cone around y axis) with radius r1 at y=h1 and radius r2 at y = h2. Currently uses two hexagons. Octagons may follow.
poly: Poly3d;
bh ← CreateBoundHedron[12];
poly ← SVPolygon3d.CircumHexagon[h1, r1];
AddBoundHedronPoly[bh, poly];
poly ← SVPolygon3d.CircumHexagon[h2, r2];
AddBoundHedronPoly[bh, poly];
}; -- end of GeneralConeBoundHedron
DiskBoundHedron: PUBLIC PROC [r, h: REAL] RETURNS [bh: BoundHedron] = {
Bounds a disk (centered on y axis) with radius r at y = h;
poly: Poly3d;
bh ← CreateBoundHedron[6];
poly ← SVPolygon3d.CircumHexagon[h, r];
AddBoundHedronPoly[bh, poly];
}; -- end of DiskBoundHedron
ClearBoundHedron: PUBLIC PROC [bh: BoundHedron] = {
bh.len ← 0;
DrawBoundHedron: PUBLIC PROC [dc: Imager.Context, bh: BoundHedron, localWRTWorld: CoordSystem, camera: Camera, screen: CoordSystem] = {
A boundHedron is expressed in local coordinates.
For now, draw a line from each point to every other.
IF i#j THEN {
SVGraphics.SetCP[dc, bh[i], camera, SVCoordSys.WRTCamera[localWRTWorld, camera.coordSys]];
SVGraphics.DrawTo[dc, bh[j], camera, SVCoordSys.WRTCamera[localWRTWorld, camera.coordSys]];};
CenterOfMassBoundHedron: PUBLIC PROC [bh: BoundHedron] RETURNS [cm: Point3d] = {
Find the average of all of the points in the boundhedron.
sum: Vector3d;
realLen: REAL;
sum ← [0,0,0];
sum ← SVVector3d.Add[sum, bh[i]];
realLen ← bh.len;
cm ← SVVector3d.Scale[sum, 1.0/realLen];
BoundBoxFromBoundHedron: PUBLIC PROC [bh: BoundHedron, camera: Camera, localCS: CoordSystem] RETURNS [boundBox: BoundBox] = {
IF bh = NIL THEN {boundBox ← NIL; RETURN};
boundBox ← NEW[BoundBoxObj];
FillBoundBoxFromBoundHedron[bh, camera, localCS, boundBox];
FillBoundBoxFromBoundHedron: PUBLIC PROC [bh: BoundHedron, camera: Camera, localCS: CoordSystem, boundBox: BoundBox] = {
For each point of the bound hedron, find its perspective or orthogonal projection into camera coordinates. Do not project z. Find min x, y, z and max x, y, z as you go.
minX, minY, maxX, maxY: REAL;
localPt, cameraPt: Point3d;
projectPt: Point2d;
IF bh = NIL THEN {boundBox.infinite ← TRUE; RETURN};
Initialize minX, minY, and minZ to the values for the first boundhedron point.
localPt ← bh[0];
cameraPt ← SVGraphics.LocalToCamera[localPt, localCS, camera.coordSys];
projectPt ← SVGraphics.DoProjection[cameraPt, camera];
minX ← maxX ← projectPt[1];
minY ← maxY ← projectPt[2];
Now look at the rest of the points.
localPt ← bh[i];
cameraPt ← SVGraphics.LocalToCamera[localPt, localCS, camera.coordSys];
projectPt ← SVGraphics.DoProjection[cameraPt, camera];
IF projectPt[1] < minX THEN minX ← projectPt[1]
ELSE IF projectPt[1] > maxX THEN maxX ← projectPt[1];
IF projectPt[2] < minY THEN minY ← projectPt[2]
ELSE IF projectPt[2] > maxY THEN maxY ← projectPt[2];
boundBox.loX ← minX;
boundBox.loY ← minY;
boundBox.hiX ← maxX;
boundBox.hiY ← maxY;
boundBox.null ← boundBox.infinite ← FALSE;
}; -- end of BoundBoxFromBoundHedron
Creating a BoundBox
BoundBoxFromValues: PUBLIC PROC [minX, minY, maxX, maxY: REAL] RETURNS [boundBox: BoundBox] = {
boundBox ← NEW[BoundBoxObj];
boundBox.loX ← minX;
boundBox.loY ← minY;
boundBox.hiX ← maxX;
boundBox.hiY ← maxY;
boundBox.null ← boundBox.infinite ← FALSE;
}; -- end of BoundBoxFromValues
BoundBoxFromRectangle: PUBLIC PROC [rect: Imager.Rectangle, camera: Camera] RETURNS [bBox: BoundBox] = {
lo, hi: Point2d;
bBox ← NEW[BoundBoxObj ← [rect.x, rect.y, rect.x + rect.w, rect.y + rect.h, FALSE, FALSE]];
lo ← SVCoordSys.ScreenToCamera[[bBox.loX, bBox.loY], camera.screenCS];
hi ← SVCoordSys.ScreenToCamera[[bBox.hiX, bBox.hiY], camera.screenCS];
bBox.loX ← lo[1]; bBox.loY ← lo[2];
bBox.hiX ← hi[1]; bBox.hiY ← hi[2];
NullBoundBox: PUBLIC PROC [] RETURNS [bBox: BoundBox] = {
bBox ← NEW[BoundBoxObj ← [0,0,0,0, TRUE, FALSE]];
EnlargeByBox: PUBLIC PROC [bBox: BoundBox, by: BoundBox] = {
IF bBox.infinite OR by.null THEN RETURN;
IF by.infinite THEN {bBox.infinite ← TRUE; bBox.null ← FALSE; RETURN};
IF bBox.null THEN {bBox^ ← by^; RETURN};
bBox.loX ← MIN[bBox.loX, by.loX];
bBox.hiX ← MAX[bBox.hiX, by.hiX];
bBox.loY ← MIN[bBox.loY, by.loY];
bBox.hiY ← MAX[bBox.hiY, by.hiY];
BoundBoxOfMoving: PUBLIC PROC [scene: Scene, camera: Camera] RETURNS [bigBox: BoundBox] = {
routine called to calculate the boundBox of all objects that are about to move; that is, all selected slices, selected CPs, selected joints AND the dangling segments of selected joints AND the segments of selected CPs.
sGen: SliceDescriptorGenerator;
sliceD: SliceDescriptor;
nextBox: BoundBox;
bigBox ← NullBoundBox[];
sGen ← SVSelect.SelectedSlices[scene, normal];
FOR sliceD ← SVSelect.NextSliceDescriptor[sGen], SVSelect.NextSliceDescriptor[sGen] UNTIL sliceD = NIL DO
overlay, rubber, drag, movingParts: SliceDescriptor;
[----, overlay, rubber, drag] ← SVAssembly.MovingParts[sliceD.slice,];
movingParts ← SVAssembly.UnionParts[overlay, rubber];
movingParts ← SVAssembly.UnionParts[movingParts, drag];
nextBox ← SVAssembly.GetBoundBox[sliceD.slice,, camera];
EnlargeByBox[bBox: bigBox, by: nextBox];
BoundBoxOfSelected: PUBLIC PROC [scene: Scene, camera: Camera, selectClass: SelectionClass] RETURNS [bigBox: BoundBox] = {
sGen: SliceDescriptorGenerator;
nextBox: BoundBox;
bigBox ← NullBoundBox[];
sGen ← SVSelect.SelectedSlices[scene, selectClass];
FOR sliceD: SliceDescriptor ← SVSelect.NextSliceDescriptor[sGen], SVSelect.NextSliceDescriptor[sGen] UNTIL sliceD = NIL DO
nextBox ← SVAssembly.GetBoundBox[sliceD.slice,, camera];
EnlargeByBox[bBox: bigBox, by: nextBox];
PointInBoundBox: PUBLIC PROC [cameraPoint: Point2d, boundBox: BoundBox] RETURNS [BOOL] = {
Boundbox is in camera coords so this is easy.
IF boundBox = NIL OR boundBox.infinite THEN RETURN[TRUE]; -- NIL means infinite
IF boundBox.null THEN RETURN[FALSE];
boundBox.loX <= cameraPoint[1] AND cameraPoint[1]<=boundBox.hiX
boundBox.loY <= cameraPoint[2] AND cameraPoint[2]<=boundBox.hiY]
}; -- end of PointInBoundBox
UnionCombineBoundBoxes: PUBLIC PROC [bb1, bb2: BoundBox] RETURNS [newBB: BoundBox] = {
IF bb1 = NIL OR bb2 = NIL THEN {newBB ← NIL; RETURN};
newBB ← NEW[BoundBoxObj];
newBB.loX ← bb2.loX;
newBB.loX ← MIN[bb1.loX, bb2.loX];
newBB.hiX ← MAX[bb1.hiX, bb2.hiX];
newBB.loY ← bb2.loY;
newBB.loY ← MIN[bb1.loY, bb2.loY];
newBB.hiY ← MAX[bb1.hiY, bb2.hiY];
}; -- end of UnionCombineBoundBoxes
IntersectionCombineBoundBoxes: PUBLIC PROC [bb1, bb2: BoundBox] RETURNS [newBB: BoundBox] = {
IF bb1 = NIL AND bb2 = NIL THEN {newBB ← NIL; RETURN};
newBB ← NEW[BoundBoxObj];
bb1 = NIL => {
newBB.loX ← bb2.loX;
newBB.hiX ← bb2.hiX;
newBB.loY ← bb2.loY;
newBB.hiY ← bb2.hiY;
bb2 = NIL => {
newBB.loX ← bb1.loX;
newBB.hiX ← bb1.hiX;
newBB.loY ← bb1.loY;
newBB.hiY ← bb1.hiY;
newBB.loX ← MAX[bb1.loX, bb2.loX];
newBB.hiX ← MIN[bb1.hiX, bb2.hiX];
newBB.loY ← MAX[bb1.loY, bb2.loY];
newBB.hiY ← MIN[bb1.hiY, bb2.hiY];
}; -- end of IntersectionCombineBoundBoxes
DifferenceCombineBoundBoxes: PUBLIC PROC [bb1, bb2: BoundBox] RETURNS [newBB: BoundBox] = {
IF bb1 = NIL THEN {newBB ← NIL; RETURN};
newBB ← NEW[BoundBoxObj];
newBB.loX ← bb1.loX;
newBB.hiX ← bb1.hiX;
newBB.loY ← bb1.loY;
newBB.hiY ← bb1.hiY;
}; -- end of DifferenceCombineBoundBoxes
OutsideOf: PUBLIC PROC [test, bound: BoundBox] RETURNS [BOOL] = {
test.hiX < bound.loX OR test.loX > bound.hiX OR
test.hiY < bound.loY OR test.loY > bound.hiY ];
DrawBoundBox: PUBLIC PROC [dc: Imager.Context, boundBox: BoundBox, screen: CoordSystem] = {
Bound box is in perspective camera coords. Convert to screen and draw.
lowerLeft, upperLeft, upperRight, lowerRight: Point2d;
RectanglePath: Imager.PathProc = {
moveTo[[lowerLeft[1], lowerLeft[2]]];
lineTo[[upperLeft[1], upperLeft[2]]];
lineTo[[ upperRight[1], upperRight[2]]];
lineTo[[ lowerRight[1], lowerRight[2]]];
lineTo[[lowerLeft[1], lowerLeft[2]]];
IF boundBox = NIL OR boundBox.null OR boundBox.infinite THEN RETURN;
lowerLeft ← SVCoordSys.CameraToScreen[[boundBox.loX, boundBox.loY], screen];
upperLeft ← SVCoordSys.CameraToScreen[[boundBox.loX, boundBox.hiY], screen];
upperRight ← SVCoordSys.CameraToScreen[[boundBox.hiX, boundBox.hiY], screen];
lowerRight ← SVCoordSys.CameraToScreen[[boundBox.hiX, boundBox.loY], screen];
Imager.SetStrokeWidth[dc, 1.0];
Imager.MaskStroke[dc, RectanglePath, TRUE];
}; -- end of DrawBoundBox
EraseWithinBoundBox: PUBLIC PROC [dc: Imager.Context, boundBox: BoundBox, screen: CoordSystem] = {
Bound box is in perspective camera coords. Convert to screen and draw.
EraseWithinBoundBoxAux: PROC = {
rect: Imager.Rectangle ← [x: lowerLeft[1], y: lowerLeft[2], w: upperRight[1]-lowerLeft[1], h: upperRight[2]-lowerLeft[2]];
Imager.SetColor[dc, Imager.white];
Imager.MaskRectangle[dc, rect];
lowerLeft, upperRight: Point2d;
IF boundBox = NIL OR boundBox.null OR boundBox.infinite THEN RETURN;
lowerLeft ← SVCoordSys.CameraToScreen[[boundBox.loX, boundBox.loY], screen];
upperRight ← SVCoordSys.CameraToScreen[[boundBox.hiX, boundBox.hiY], screen];
Imager.DoSaveAll[dc, EraseWithinBoundBoxAux];
}; -- end of DrawBoundBox
Clip: PUBLIC PROC [dc: Imager.Context, bBox: BoundBox, screen: CoordSystem] = {
lowerLeft, upperRight: Point2d;
IF bBox.null THEN ERROR;
IF bBox.infinite THEN RETURN;
lowerLeft ← SVCoordSys.CameraToScreen[[bBox.loX, bBox.loY], screen];
upperRight ← SVCoordSys.CameraToScreen[[bBox.hiX, bBox.hiY], screen];
Imager.ClipRectangle[dc, [lowerLeft[1], lowerLeft[2], (upperRight[1]-lowerLeft[1]), (upperRight[2]-lowerLeft[2])]];