-- SakuraRewriteImpl.mesa -- Created by Suzuki: 6-Dec-81 20:47:27 -- Last edited by Suzuki: 19-Apr-82 13:45:07 DIRECTORY Convert, IOStream: TYPE USING [Handle, Close, CreateFileStream, PutChar, SetLength], PPLeaves USING [HTIndex, IdFromRope, LTIndex, LTNode], Rope, SakuraRewrite, SakuraTree, SakuraTreeOps USING [Append, Eq, ExpandList, MakeList, MakeNode, NSons, NthSon, OpName, PopTree, PrintName, PushList, PushNode, PushTree, SetAttr], SymbolTable, TTY; SakuraRewriteImpl: PROGRAM IMPORTS Convert, IOStream, PPLeaves, Rope, SakuraTreeOps, SymbolTable EXPORTS SakuraRewrite = { OPEN Tree: SakuraTree, SakuraTreeOps, PPLeaves, TTY; Direction: TYPE = {Up, Down, Change}; MOSSIMName: TYPE = REF MOSSIMBody; MOSSIMBody: TYPE = RECORD [next: MOSSIMName, name: Rope.Ref]; CR: CHARACTER = 15C; NotImplemented: SIGNAL = CODE; symbolTable: SymbolTable.Ref; Rewrite: PUBLIC PROC [tree: SakuraTree.Link] RETURNS [SakuraTree.Link] = { choiceNum ← 0; symbolTable ← SymbolTable.Create[tableSize: 200]; [tree, , ] ← RewriteBody[tree, Tree.Null, Tree.Null, Tree.Null]; RETURN[tree]}; PutChoiceDecl: PUBLIC PROC [tree: Tree.Link] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = { RETURN[tree]}; RewriteSons: PROC [root: Tree.Handle, in, out, representation: Tree.Link] RETURNS [newTree, decls, stmts: Tree.Link] = { tempdecls, son, tempstmts: Tree.Link; candidate: BOOLEAN ← FALSE; decls ← stmts ← Tree.Null; FOR i: NAT IN [1..SakuraTreeOps.NSons[root]] DO [son, tempdecls, tempstmts] ← RewriteBody[root.son[i], in, out, representation]; IF OpName[son] = list THEN candidate ← TRUE; root.son[i] ← son; decls ← Append[decls, tempdecls]; stmts ← Append[stmts, tempstmts]; ENDLOOP; IF candidate AND OpName[root]=list THEN root ← Flatten[root]; RETURN[root, decls, stmts]}; Flatten: PROC [root: Tree.Handle] RETURNS [Tree.Handle] = { sum: CARDINAL ← 0; FOR i: NAT IN [1..NSons[root]] DO IF OpName[root.son[i]]=list THEN sum ← sum+ExpandList[root.son[i]] ELSE {PushTree[root.son[i]]; sum ← sum+1}; ENDLOOP; RETURN [NARROW[MakeList[sum], Tree.Handle]]}; MOSSIMNames: MOSSIMName ← NIL; AppendMOSSIMFile: PROC [id: Tree.Link] = { temp: MOSSIMName ← NEW[MOSSIMBody]; temp.next ← MOSSIMNames; temp.name ← Name[id]; MOSSIMNames ← temp}; Name: PROC [id: Tree.Link] RETURNS [Rope.Ref] = { WITH id SELECT FROM t: HTIndex => RETURN[t.name]; u: Tree.Handle => IF u.name=dot THEN RETURN[Rope.Concat[Name[u.son[1]], Rope.Concat[".", Name[u.son[2]]]]] ELSE ERROR; ENDCASE => ERROR};-- Name MOSSIMRead: PROC [main, decls, stmts: Tree.Link] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = { initDecl, initApply: Tree.Link; num: CARDINAL ← 0; IF MOSSIMNames = Tree.Null THEN RETURN[main]; -- Otherwise create -- MAIN: PROC = { -- SakuraRT.SIMRead[file1]; SakuraRT.SIMRead[file2]; ...}; -- main -- MAIN[]; -- ... PushProcTCNode["MAIN"]; PushNullNode[]; PushNullNode[]; UNTIL MOSSIMNames=Tree.Null DO PushFuncCall[MakeDot["SakuraRT","SIMRead"], MakeId[Rope.Concat["""", Rope.Concat[MOSSIMNames.name, """"]]]]; num ← num+1; MOSSIMNames ← MOSSIMNames.next; ENDLOOP; PushList[num]; PushNullNode[]; PushNode[body, 4]; initDecl ← MakeNode[decl, 3]; initApply ← MakeFuncCall[MakeId["MAIN"], Tree.Null]; decls ← Append[NthSon[NthSon[main,3],2], decls]; decls ← Append[initDecl, decls]; stmts ← Append[NthSon[NthSon[main,3],3], stmts]; stmts ← Append[initApply, stmts]; LOOPHOLE[NthSon[main,3],Tree.Handle].son[2] ← decls; LOOPHOLE[NthSon[main,3],Tree.Handle].son[3] ← stmts; RETURN [main]}; RewriteBody: PROC [tree, in, out, representation: Tree.Link] RETURNS [newTree, decls, stmts: Tree.Link] = { cond: Tree.Link; IF tree=Tree.Null THEN RETURN[tree, Tree.Null, Tree.Null]; WITH tree SELECT FROM node: Tree.Handle => { SELECT node.name FROM assign => WITH node.son[1] SELECT FROM u: HTIndex => IF Port[u] THEN RETURN CreateConnectorAssign[node, u, in, out, representation] ELSE RETURN RewriteSons[node, in, out, representation]; v: Tree.Handle => RETURN RewriteSons[node, in, out, representation]; ENDCASE => ERROR; block => { [newTree, decls, stmts] ← RewriteDecl[node, node.son[1], in, out, representation]; node.son[1] ← Append[node.son[1], decls]; decls ← Tree.Null}; body => { [newTree, decls, stmts] ← RewriteDecl[node, node.son[2], in, out, representation]; node.son[2] ← Append[node.son[2], decls]; decls ← Tree.Null}; choice => RETURN RewriteChoice[node, in, out, representation]; circuit => RETURN RewriteCircuit[node, in, out]; deviceblock, guardedcommand, guardianblock => ERROR; decl => { device: Tree.Link ← SakuraTreeOps.NthSon[node, 2]; WITH device SELECT FROM d: Tree.Handle => SELECT d.name FROM deviceTC => RETURN RewriteDevice[node]; procTC => RETURN RewriteDecl[node, d.son[1], in, out, representation]; programTC => { [newTree, decls, stmts] ← RewriteSons[node, in, out, representation]; RETURN[MOSSIMRead[newTree, decls, stmts], Tree.Null, Tree.Null]}; ENDCASE => RETURN RewriteSons[node, in, out, representation]; ENDCASE => RETURN[tree, Tree.Null, Tree.Null]}; module => { [newTree, decls, stmts] ← RewriteSons[node, in, out, representation]; RETURN AddChoiceVarDecl[newTree, decls, stmts]}; on => RETURN RewriteOn[node, in, out, representation]; parallel => RETURN RewriteParallel[node, in, out, representation]; step => RETURN[RewriteStep[node, in, out, representation], Tree.Null, Tree.Null]; when => { direction: Direction; n: Tree.Handle; event: Tree.Link ← SakuraTreeOps.NthSon[node,1]; signal: Tree.Link ← SakuraTreeOps.NthSon[event, 1]; n ← NARROW[signal, Tree.Handle]; SELECT n.name FROM upsignal => direction ← Up; downsignal => direction ← Down; ENDCASE => direction ← Change; IF (cond ← SakuraTreeOps.NthSon[event,2])#Tree.Null THEN RETURN CreateWhenLoop[direction, NthSon[signal,1], cond, NthSon[node,2], in, out, representation] ELSE RETURN CreateWhen[direction, NthSon[signal,1], NthSon[node,2], in, out, representation]}; ENDCASE => RETURN RewriteSons[node, in, out, representation]}; u: HTIndex => IF Port[u] THEN RETURN[MakeNarrow[u], Tree.Null, Tree.Null] ELSE RETURN[u, Tree.Null, Tree.Null]; ENDCASE => RETURN[tree, Tree.Null, Tree.Null]}; CreateConnectorAssign: PROC[node: Tree.Handle, left: HTIndex, in, out, representation: Tree.Link] RETURNS [newTree, decls, stmts: Tree.Link] = { node.name ← connectorassign; PushId["NEW"]; PushTree[SymbolTable.Get[symbolTable, left.name].val]; [newTree, decls, stmts] ← RewriteBody[node.son[2], in, out, representation]; PushTree[newTree]; PushNode[assign, 2]; node.son[2] ← MakeNode[apply, 2]; RETURN[node, decls, stmts]}; RewriteStep: PROC [tree: Tree.Handle, in, out, representation: Tree.Link] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = { id: Tree.Link; num: CARDINAL ← 0; EnumerateComps[in]; DO [id, ] ← NextComps[]; IF id=Tree.Null THEN EXIT; IF ~MemReps[id, representation] THEN LOOP; PushOneArgCall["SakuraRT", "SIMSet", NARROW[id, PPLeaves.HTIndex].name]; num ← num+1; ENDLOOP; PushNoArgCall["SakuraRT", "SIMStep"]; EnumerateComps[out]; DO [id, ] ← NextComps[]; IF id=Tree.Null THEN EXIT; IF ~MemReps[id, representation] THEN LOOP; PushOneArgCall["SakuraRT", "SIMGet", NARROW[id, PPLeaves.HTIndex].name]; num ← num+1; ENDLOOP; RETURN[MakeList[num+1]] }; MemReps: PROC [id, representation: Tree.Link] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = { name: Rope.Ref ← NARROW[id, PPLeaves.HTIndex].name; FOR i: NAT IN [1..NSons[representation]] DO IF Rope.Equal[name, NARROW[NthSon[NthSon[representation, i], 2], PPLeaves.HTIndex].name] THEN RETURN [TRUE] ENDLOOP; RETURN [FALSE]}; -- MemReps RewriteDecl: PROC [tree, decl, in, out, representation: Tree.Link] RETURNS [newTree, decls, stmts: Tree.Link] = { IF decl#Tree.Null THEN { SymbolTable.Mark[symbolTable]; IF OpName[decl]=list THEN FOR i: NAT IN [1..NSons[decl]] DO AddDecl[NthSon[decl, i]] ENDLOOP ELSE AddDecl[decl]}; IF OpName[tree]=circuit THEN [newTree, decls, stmts] ← RewriteCircuit[NARROW[tree, Tree.Handle], in, out] ELSE [newTree, decls, stmts] ← RewriteSons[NARROW[tree, Tree.Handle], in, out, representation]; IF decl#Tree.Null THEN SymbolTable.Pop[symbolTable]}; RewriteChoice: PROC [tree, in, out, representation: Tree.Link] RETURNS [newTree, decls, stmts: Tree.Link] = { -- change the choice tree. The side effect is that the declarations are made. choice, guardedcommand, signal, sondecls, sonstmts, temp: Tree.Link; size: CARDINAL ← 1; name: Rope.Ref ← GenSymChoice[]; IF OpName[NthSon[tree, 1]]=list THEN {choice ← NthSon[tree, 1]; size ← NSons[choice]} ELSE choice ← tree; -- push the Register statements FOR i: NAT IN [1..size] DO PushId["SakuraRT"]; SELECT OpName[signal ← NthSon[NthSon[NthSon[choice,i],1],1]] FROM upsignal => PushId["RegisterUp"]; downsignal => PushId["RegisterDown"]; changesignal => PushId["RegisterChange"]; ENDCASE; PushNode[dot, 2]; PushId[name]; PushCARDINAL[i]; PushTree[NthSon[signal,1]]; PushList[3]; PushNode[apply, 2]; ENDLOOP; stmts ← MakeList[size]; -- push case statements PushFuncCall[MakeDot["SakuraRT", "GetChoice"], MakeId[name]]; -- push each leg of the case decls ← Tree.Null; FOR i: NAT IN [1..size] DO -- if there is a condition test after the signal receive, it comes here guardedcommand ← NthSon[choice,i]; IF NSons[NthSon[NthSon[guardedcommand,1],1]]=2 THEN SIGNAL NotImplemented; PushCARDINAL[i]; [temp, sondecls, sonstmts] ← RewriteBody[NthSon[guardedcommand, 2], in, out, representation]; decls ← Append[decls, sondecls]; stmts ← Append[stmts, sonstmts]; PushTree[temp]; PushNode[item, 2]; ENDLOOP; PushList[size]; PushNode[syserror, 0]; RETURN[MakeNode[case, 3], decls, stmts]}; RewriteGuardian: PROC [tree, in, out: Tree.Link] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = { SELECT OpName[NthSon[tree,2]] FROM control => RETURN[RewriteGuardianControl[tree]]; mossim => RETURN[RewriteGuardianMOSSIM[tree,in, out]]; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; RewriteGuardianControl: PROC [tree: Tree.Link] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = { -- Rewrite FROM -- GUARDIANBLOCK {A; B} -- TO -- {guardian: PROC = {A; SakuraRT.ProcessEnd[]}; -- p: PROCESS; -- p ← SakuraRT.Fork[guardian]; -- B; -- [] ← SakuraRT.Join[p]}; -- PushNullNode[]; IF NthSon[tree, 1] = Tree.Null THEN { b: Tree.Link ← NthSon[NthSon[tree, 2], 1]; decl, stmt: Tree.Link; n: CARDINAL; IF OpName[b]#block THEN {decl ← Tree.Null; stmt ← b} ELSE {decl ← NthSon[b,1]; stmt ← NthSon[b,2]}; PushTree[decl]; n ← ExpandList[stmt]; PushProcessEnd[]; PushList[n+1]} ELSE { DeclareGuardian[tree]; -- p ← SakuraRT.Fork[guardian]; PushSakuraRTForkNode[process: "p", body: "guardian"]; -- B; PushTree[NthSon[NthSon[tree, 2], 1]]; -- [] ← SakuraRT.Join[p]; PushSakuraRTJoin["p"]; -- SakuraRT.ProcessEnd[] PushProcessEnd[]; PushList[5]}; AddEnable[]; PushNullNode[]; RETURN[MakeNode[body, 4]]}; RewriteGuardianMOSSIM: PROC [tree, in, out: Tree.Link] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = { --Rewrite FROM -- GUARDIANBLOCK {A; B} -- TO -- { --x guardian: PROC = {A; SakuraRT.ProcessEnd[]}; --x p: PROCESS; --x p ← SakuraRT.Fork[guardian]; -- SakuraRT.SIMMultiConnectInit[B.3, <number>]; -- ... -- B; --x Process.Abort[p]; --x [] ← SakuraRT.Join[p]; -- SakuraRT.ProcessEnd[]} connectNum: CARDINAL; guardian: BOOLEAN; guardStmtNum: CARDINAL = 3; AppendMOSSIMFile[NthSon[NthSon[tree,2],1]]; IF NthSon[tree, 1] = Tree.Null THEN guardian ← FALSE ELSE guardian ← TRUE; IF guardian THEN DeclareGuardian[tree] ELSE PushNullNode[]; --x p ← SakuraRT.Fork[guardian]; IF guardian THEN PushSakuraRTForkNode[process: "p", body: "guardian"]; -- SakuraRT.SIMMultiConnectInit[B.3, <number>]; -- ... connectNum ← PushRepresentation[NthSon[NthSon[tree,2],2]]; -- B.3; PushTree[NthSon[NthSon[tree, 2], 3]]; --x Process.Abort[p]; --x [] ← SakuraRT.Join[p]; IF guardian THEN { PushFuncCall[MakeDot["Process","Abort"], MakeId["p"]]; PushSakuraRTJoin["p"]}; -- SakuraRT.ProcessEnd[] PushProcessEnd[]; PushList[1+connectNum+(IF guardian THEN guardStmtNum+1 ELSE 0)]; AddEnable[]; PushNullNode[]; RETURN[MakeNode[body,4]] }; DeclareGuardian: PROC [tree: Tree.Link] = { -- guardian: PROC = {A}; PushProcTCNode["guardian"]; PushStatementBlock[NthSon[tree, 1]]; PushTree[AppendProcessEnd[]]; AddEnable[]; PushNode[decl, 3]; SetAttrs[TRUE, FALSE, FALSE]; -- p: PROCESS; PushProcessDecl[MakeId["p"]]; SetAttrs[TRUE, FALSE, FALSE]; PushList[2]}; AddEnable: PROC = { -- top of the stack is p -- Replace the top of the stack with -- enable 37 -- catch 0 -- item 44 -- 44 ABORTED -- goto 51 -- Aborted -- NIL -- p -- Then at the end do AddExit[] p: Tree.Link ← PopTree[]; PushId["ABORTED"]; PushId["Aborted"]; PushNode[goto, 1]; PushNode[item, 2]; PushNullNode[]; PushNode[catch, 2]; PushTree[p]; PushNode[enable, 2]; AddExit[]}; AddExit: PROC = { -- top of the stack is p -- Replace the top of the stack with -- label 33 -- p -- item 82 -- 82 Aborted -- apply -- dot -- SakuraRT -- ProcessEnd -- NIL PushId["Aborted"]; PushNoArgCall["SakuraRT", "Abort"]; PushNode[item, 2]; PushNode[label, 2]}; PushRepresentation: PROC [tree: Tree.Link] RETURNS [CARDINAL] = { -- argument is an aliaslist -- Effect: pushes connection statements and returns the number of elements pushed PushRep: PROC [tree: Tree.Link] RETURNS [CARDINAL] = { -- argument is an alias -- Effect: pushes a connection and returns the number of elements pushed real: Tree.Link ← NthSon[tree, 1]; rep: Tree.Link ← NthSon[tree, 2]; IF OpName[real]=list THEN { itemNum: CARDINAL ← NSons[real]; pushed: CARDINAL ← 1; PushTwoArgCall["SakuraRT", "SIMMultiConnectInit", rep, MakeNum[itemNum]]; FOR i: NAT IN [1..itemNum] DO PushThreeArgCall["SakuraRT", "SIMMultiConnectAssign", rep, MakeQuoteName[NthSon[real,i]], MakeNum[i-1]]; pushed ← pushed+1; ENDLOOP; RETURN [pushed]} ELSE { PushTwoArgCall["SakuraRT", "SIMMultiConnect", rep, MakeQuoteName[real]]; RETURN[1]} }; -- PushRep sum: CARDINAL ← 0; IF OpName[tree] = list THEN { FOR i: NAT IN [1..NSons[tree]] DO sum ← sum + PushRep[NthSon[tree, i]]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[sum]} ELSE RETURN PushRep[tree] }; RewriteOn: PROC [tree: Tree.Handle, in, out, representation: Tree.Link] RETURNS [newTree, decls, stmts: Tree.Link] = { -- Rewrite FROM -- ON c UP -> s1 IN s2 -- TO -- {d1: PROC = {WHEN c UP: s1; Process.Abort[p2]}; -- d2: PROC = {ENABLE ABORTED => GOTO End; s2; EXITS End => NULL}; -- p1, p2: PROCESS; -- p1 ← SakuraRT.Fork[d1]; -- p2 ← SakuraRT.Fork[d2]; -- [] ← JOIN p1; -- [] ← JOIN p2}; c, s1, s2: Tree.Link; c ← NthSon[tree, 1]; s1 ← NthSon[tree, 2]; s2 ← NthSon[tree, 3]; -- d1: PROC = {WHEN c UP: s1; Process.Abort[p2]}; PushProcTCNode["d1"]; PushNullNode[]; PushTree[c]; PushTree[s1]; PushNode[when, 2]; PushFuncCall[MakeDot["Process", "Abort"], MakeId["p2"]]; PushList[2]; PushNode[block, 2]; PushNode[decl, 3]; SetAttrs[TRUE, FALSE, FALSE]; -- d2: PROC = {ENABLE ABORTED => GOTO End; s2; EXITS End => NULL}; PushProcTCNode["d2"]; PushNullNode[]; PushNullNode[]; PushId["ABORTED"]; PushId["End"]; PushNode[goto, 1]; PushNode[item, 2]; PushNullNode[]; PushNode[catch, 2]; PushTree[s2]; PushNode[enable, 2]; PushId["End"]; PushNode[void, 0]; PushNode[item, 2]; PushNode[label, 2]; PushNullNode[]; PushNode[body, 4]; PushNode[decl, 3]; SetAttrs[TRUE, FALSE, FALSE]; -- p1, p2: PROCESS; PushId["p1"]; PushId["p2"]; PushProcessDecl[MakeList[2]]; PushList[3]; -- p1 ← SakuraRT.Fork[d1]; PushSakuraRTForkNode[process: "p1", body: "d1"]; -- p2 ← SakuraRT.Fork[d2]; PushSakuraRTForkNode[process: "p2", body: "d2"]; -- [] ← SakuraRT.Join[p1]; PushSakuraRTJoin["p1"]; -- [] ← SakuraRT.Join[p2]; PushSakuraRTJoin["p2"]; PushList[6]; RETURN RewriteBody[MakeNode[block, 2], in, out, representation]}; RewriteParallel: PROC [tree: Tree.Handle, in, out, representation: Tree.Link] RETURNS [newTree, decls, stmts: Tree.Link] = { -- Rewrites FROM -- PAR {s1 // s2} -- TO -- {st1: PROC = {s1; SakuraRT.ProcessEnd[]}; -- st2: PROC = {s2; SakuraRT.ProcessEnd[]}; -- process1: PROCESS ← SakuraRT.Fork[st1]; -- process2: PROCESS ← SakuraRT.Fork[st2]; -- SakuraRT.DecCurrent[]; -- [] ← SakuraRT.Join[process1]; -- [] ← SakuraRT.Join[process2]; -- SakuraRT.IncCurrent[]}; base, tempdecls, tempstmts: Tree.Link; gensymStart, size: CARDINAL; decls ← stmts ← Tree.Null; IF OpName[tree.son[1]]=list THEN {base ← tree.son[1]; size ← NSons[base]} ELSE {base ← tree; size ← 1}; gensymStart ← processNum; -- Create process body declarations FOR i: NAT IN [1..size] DO PushProcTCNode[GensymProcessBody[]]; PushNullNode[]; [newTree, tempdecls, tempstmts] ← RewriteBody[NthSon[base, i], in, out, representation]; decls ← Append[decls, tempdecls]; stmts ← Append[stmts, tempstmts]; PushTree[newTree]; PushTree[AppendProcessEnd[]]; PushNode[block, 2]; AddEnable[]; PushNode[decl, 3]; SetAttrs[TRUE, FALSE, FALSE]; ENDLOOP; -- Create process var declarations FOR i: NAT IN [1..size] DO PushId[GensymProcess[]]; ENDLOOP; PushProcessDecl[MakeList[size]]; SetAttrs[TRUE, FALSE, FALSE]; PushList[size+1]; ResetGensymProcessBody[gensymStart]; -- Create forks ResetGensymProcess[gensymStart]; FOR i: NAT IN [1..size] DO PushSakuraRTForkNode[process: GensymProcess[], body: GensymProcessBody[]]; ENDLOOP; -- Creates DecCurrent PushFuncCall[MakeDot["SakuraRT", "DecCurrent"], Tree.Null]; -- Create joins ResetGensymProcess[gensymStart]; FOR i: NAT IN [1..size] DO PushSakuraRTJoin[process: GensymProcess[]]; ENDLOOP; -- Create IncCurrent PushFuncCall[MakeDot["SakuraRT", "IncCurrent"], Tree.Null]; PushList[3*size+2]; RETURN[MakeNode[block, 2], decls, stmts]}; RewriteCircuit: PROC[t: Tree.Handle, in, out: Tree.Link] RETURNS[Tree.Link, Tree.Link, Tree.Link] = { OPEN SakuraTreeOps; stnum: NAT; declnum: NAT ← PushNodeDecls[t.son[2]]; declnum ← declnum+PushConnections[t.son[4], t.son[1]]; PushList[declnum]; -- decrement currentProcessSize PushFuncCall[MakeDot["SakuraRT", "DecCurrent"], Tree.Null]; stnum ← PushJoins[t.son[1]]; -- increment currentProcessSize PushFuncCall[MakeDot["SakuraRT", "IncCurrent"], Tree.Null]; PushList[stnum+2]; RETURN[MakeNode[block, 2], Tree.Null, Tree.Null]}; RewriteDevice: PROC [tree: Tree.Link] RETURNS [Tree.Link, Tree.Link, Tree.Link] = { OPEN SakuraTreeOps; controlLoc: CARDINAL; devicetc: Tree.Link ← NthSon[tree,2]; args, body, deviceblock, devicebody, guardian, in, out, new, decls, representation, stmts: Tree.Link; entry: BOOLEAN; public: BOOLEAN ← NARROW[tree, Tree.Handle].attr[2]; args ← NthSon[devicetc,1]; IF (body ← NthSon[tree, 3])=Tree.Null THEN { SymbolTable.Mark[symbolTable]; PushTree[NthSon[tree,1]]; PushList[ExpandList[args]]; PushTree[NthSon[devicetc,2]]; PushNode[procTC, 2]; SymbolTable.Pop[symbolTable]; PushNullNode[]; RETURN[MakeNode[decl, 3], Tree.Null, Tree.Null]}; IF (entry ← (OpName[body] = entry)) THEN deviceblock ← NthSon[NthSon[body,1],3] ELSE deviceblock ← NthSon[body,3]; devicebody ← NthSon[deviceblock, 4]; guardian ← NthSon[deviceblock, 3]; in ← NthSon[deviceblock,1]; out ← NthSon[deviceblock,2]; SymbolTable.Mark[symbolTable]; CatalogPorts[in]; CatalogPorts[out]; PushTree[NthSon[tree,1]]; PushList[ExpandList[args]+ExpandNodeList[in, public] +ExpandNodeList[out, public]]; PushTree[NthSon[devicetc,2]]; PushNode[procTC, 2]; IF OpName[devicebody] = mossim THEN { representation ← NthSon[devicebody,2]; controlLoc ← 3} ELSE { representation ← NIL; controlLoc ← 1}; IF guardian=NIL AND devicebody=NIL THEN { PushNullNode[]; SymbolTable.Pop[symbolTable]; PushNode[decl, 3]; SetAttr[2, public]; RETURN[PopTree[], Tree.Null, Tree.Null]}; PushRewriteBody[guardian, in, out, representation]; [new, decls, stmts] ← RewriteBody[NthSon[devicebody, controlLoc], in, out, representation]; LOOPHOLE[devicebody,Tree.Handle].son[controlLoc] ← AppendToBlock[decls, new, stmts]; PushTree[devicebody]; SymbolTable.Pop[symbolTable]; PushTree[RewriteGuardian[MakeNode[guardianblock, 2],in,out]]; IF entry THEN PushNode[entry, 1]; PushNode[decl, 3]; SetAttr[2, public]; RETURN[PopTree[], Tree.Null, Tree.Null]}; Port: PROC [tree: HTIndex] RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = { RETURN[SymbolTable.Get[symbolTable, tree.name].port]}; PushId: PROC [ref: Rope.Ref] = { PushTree[PPLeaves.IdFromRope[ref,0]]}; MakeId: PROC [ref: Rope.Ref] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = { RETURN[PPLeaves.IdFromRope[ref,0]]}; MakeNum: PROC [num: CARDINAL] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = { ret: PPLeaves.LTIndex ← NEW[PPLeaves.LTNode]; ret.index ← 0; ret.value ← NEW[CARDINAL ← num]; ret.literal ← RopeFromCard[num]; RETURN[ret]}; RopeFromCard: PROC [num: CARDINAL] RETURNS [Rope.Ref] = { val: Convert.Value ← [value: signed[num, 10]]; RETURN[Convert.ValueToRope[val]]}; MakeQuoteName: PROC [tree: Tree.Link] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = { val: PPLeaves.HTIndex ← NARROW[tree, PPLeaves.HTIndex]; rope: Rope.Ref ← Rope.Concat["""", val.name]; rope ← Rope.Concat[rope, """"]; RETURN [PPLeaves.IdFromRope[rope, 0]]}; PushIdList: PROC [in, out: Tree.Link] RETURNS [CARDINAL] = { -- result is 1 if in and out are both NIL, else result is 0 idnum: CARDINAL ← 0; PushLocName: PROC [id: Tree.Link] = { PushId[Rope.Concat["loc", NARROW[id,HTIndex].name]]}; id: Tree.Link; EnumerateComps[in]; DO [id,] ← NextComps[]; IF id=Tree.Null THEN EXIT; PushLocName[id]; idnum ← idnum+1; ENDLOOP; EnumerateComps[out]; DO [id,] ← NextComps[]; IF id=Tree.Null THEN EXIT; PushLocName[id]; idnum ← idnum+1; ENDLOOP; IF idnum=0 THEN RETURN [1]; PushList[idnum]; PushId["CARDINAL"]; PushNullNode[]; PushNode[decl, 3]; RETURN [0]}; AddChoiceVarDecl: PROC [tree, oldDecls, oldStmts: Tree.Link] RETURNS [Tree.Link, Tree.Link, Tree.Link] = { decl: Tree.Link ← NthSon[NthSon[NthSon[tree,5],3],2]; oldChoiceNum: CARDINAL; IF choiceNum=0 THEN RETURN[tree, oldDecls, oldStmts]; oldChoiceNum ← choiceNum; choiceNum ← 0; FOR i: NAT IN [1..oldChoiceNum] DO PushId[GenSymChoice[]]; PushDot["SakuraRT", "Choice"]; PushFuncCall[MakeDot["SakuraRT", "CreateChoice"], Tree.Null]; PushNode[decl,3]; ENDLOOP; IF OpName[decl]=list THEN { FOR i: NAT IN [1..NSons[decl]] DO PushTree[NthSon[decl,i]]; ENDLOOP; PushNode[list, choiceNum+NSons[decl]]} ELSE { PushTree[decl]; PushNode[list, choiceNum+1]}; NARROW[NthSon[NthSon[tree,5],3],Tree.Handle].son[2] ← PopTree[]; RETURN[tree, oldDecls, oldStmts]}; CreateWhenLoop: PROC [direction: Direction, left, cond, st, in, out, representation: Tree.Link] RETURNS [newTree, decls, stmts: Tree.Link] = { OPEN SakuraTreeOps; tempbody, tempdecl, tempstmts: Tree.Link; decls ← stmts ← Tree.Null; PushTree[left]; [tempbody, decls, stmts] ← RewriteBody[cond, in, out, representation]; PushTree[tempbody]; IF st=Tree.Null THEN PushNullNode[] ELSE { [tempbody, tempdecl, tempstmts] ← RewriteBody[st, in, out, representation]; PushTree[tempbody]; decls ← Append[decls, tempdecl]; stmts ← Append[stmts, tempstmts]}; RETURN[SELECT direction FROM Up => MakeNode[whenloopup, 3], Down => MakeNode[whenloopdown, 3], ENDCASE => MakeNode[whenloopchange, 3], decls, stmts]}; CreateWhen: PROC [direction: Direction, left, st, in, out, representation: Tree.Link] RETURNS [newTree, decls, stmts: Tree.Link] = { OPEN SakuraTreeOps; tempbody: Tree.Link; decls ← stmts ← Tree.Null; PushTree[left]; IF st=Tree.Null THEN PushNullNode[] ELSE { [tempbody, decls, stmts] ← RewriteBody[st, in, out, representation]; PushTree[tempbody]}; RETURN[SELECT direction FROM Up => MakeNode[whenup, 2], Down => MakeNode[whendown, 2], ENDCASE => MakeNode[whenchange, 2], decls, stmts]}; MakeNarrow: PROC [tree: HTIndex] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = { -- Returns NARROW[SakuraRT.Get[tree], REF type]↑ type: Tree.Link ← SymbolTable.Get[symbolTable, tree.name].val; name: Rope.Ref ← Name[type]; IF Rope.Equal[name, "CARDINAL"] THEN RETURN[MakeFuncCall[MakeDot["SakuraRT", "GetCard"], tree]] ELSE IF Rope.Equal[name, "BOOLEAN"] THEN RETURN[MakeFuncCall[MakeDot["SakuraRT", "GetBool"], tree]] ELSE { PushId["NARROW"]; PushFuncCall[MakeDot["SakuraRT", "Get"], tree]; PushTree[type]; PushNode[refTC, 1]; PushList[2]; PushNode[apply, 2]; RETURN[MakeNode[uparrow, 1]]} }; AddDecl: PROC [tree: Tree.Link] = { AddItem: PROC [name: HTIndex, type: Tree.Link] = { SymbolTable.Add[symbolTable, name.name, type, FALSE]}; IF OpName[tree]#decl AND OpName[tree]#typedecl THEN ERROR; WITH NthSon[tree, 1] SELECT FROM node: Tree.Handle => FOR i: NAT IN [1..node.sonLimit) DO AddItem[NARROW[node.son[i], HTIndex], NthSon[tree, 2]] ENDLOOP; u: HTIndex => AddItem[u, NthSon[tree, 2]]; ENDCASE => ERROR}; choiceNum: CARDINAL ← 0; GenSymChoice: PROC RETURNS [ret: Rope.Ref] = { value: unsigned Convert.Value; choiceNum ← choiceNum+1; value ← [value: unsigned[choiceNum]]; ret ← Rope.Concat["choice", Convert.ValueToRope[value]]}; PushCARDINAL: PROC [num: CARDINAL] = { value: unsigned Convert.Value; value.unsigned ← num; PushTree[NEW[PPLeaves.LTNode ← [index: 0, value: NEW[CARDINAL ← num], literal: Convert.ValueToRope[value]]]]}; PushFuncCall: PROC [name, args: Tree.Link] = { PushTree[name]; PushTree[args]; PushNode[apply, 2]}; PushNoArgCall: PROC [module, function: Rope.Ref] = { -- pushes the call module.function[] PushDot[module, function]; PushNullNode[]; PushNode[apply, 2] }; PushOneArgCall: PROC [module, function: Rope.Ref, p1: Tree.Link] = { -- pushes the call module.function[p1] PushDot[module, function]; PushTree[p1]; PushNode[apply, 2]}; PushTwoArgCall: PROC [module, function: Rope.Ref, p1, p2: Tree.Link] = { -- pushes the call module.function[p1, p2] PushDot[module, function]; PushTree[p1]; PushTree[p2]; PushList[2]; PushNode[apply, 2]}; PushThreeArgCall: PROC [module, function: Rope.Ref, p1, p2, p3: Tree.Link] = { -- pushes the call module.function[p1, p2, p3] PushDot[module, function]; PushTree[p1]; PushTree[p2]; PushTree[p3]; PushList[3]; PushNode[apply, 2]}; MakeFuncCall: PROC [name, args: Tree.Link] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = { PushTree[name]; PushTree[args]; RETURN[MakeNode[apply, 2]]}; PushDot: PROC [left, right: Rope.Ref] = { PushId[left]; PushId[right]; PushNode[dot,2]}; MakeDot: PROC [left, right: Rope.Ref] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = { PushId[left]; PushId[right]; RETURN[MakeNode[dot,2]]}; PushNullNode: PROC = { PushTree[Tree.Null]}; PushProcessEnd: PROC = { -- SakuraRT.ProcessEnd[] PushFuncCall[MakeDot["SakuraRT", "ProcessEnd"], Tree.Null]}; PushSakuraRTIncCurrent: PROC = { -- SakuraRT.IncCurrent[]; PushFuncCall[MakeDot["SakuraRT", "IncCurrent"], Tree.Null]}; PushSakuraRTForkNode: PROC [process, body: Rope.Ref] = { PushId[process]; PushFuncCall[MakeDot["SakuraRT", "Fork"], MakeId[body]]; PushNode[assign, 2]; PushFuncCall[MakeDot["SakuraRT", "CatalogProcId"], MakeId[process]]}; PushSakuraRTJoin: PROC [process: Rope.Ref] = { PushNullNode[]; PushFuncCall[MakeDot["SakuraRT", "Join"], MakeId[process]]; PushNode[extract, 2]}; IdLengthInDecl: PROC [in: Tree.Link] RETURNS [CARDINAL] = { sum: CARDINAL ← 0; id: Tree.Link; EnumerateComps[in]; DO [id,] ← NextComps[]; IF id=Tree.Null THEN RETURN [sum]; sum ← sum+1; ENDLOOP}; PushProcTCNode: PROC [name: Rope.Ref] = { PushId[name]; PushNullNode[]; PushNullNode[]; PushNode[procTC, 2]}; SetAttrs: PROC [attr1, attr2, attr3: BOOLEAN ← FALSE] = BEGIN OPEN SakuraTreeOps; SetAttr[1,attr1]; SetAttr[2,attr2]; SetAttr[3,attr3]; END; PushStatementBlock: PROC [tree: Tree.Link] = { IF OpName[tree]=block THEN PushTree[tree] ELSE { PushNullNode[]; PushTree[tree]; PushNode[block, 2]}}; AppendProcessEnd: PROC RETURNS [Tree.Link] = { -- If the top of the stack is a block, then add a statement SakuraRT.ProcessEnd[] --otherwise create a block with SakuraRT.ProcessEnd[] as the second statement n: CARDINAL; t: Tree.Link ← PopTree[]; IF OpName[t]=block THEN { stmts: Tree.Link ← NthSon[t, 2]; n ← ExpandList[stmts]; PushProcessEnd[]; PushList[n+1]; NARROW[t, Tree.Handle].son[2] ← PopTree[]; RETURN[t]} ELSE { PushNullNode[]; PushTree[t]; PushProcessEnd[]; PushList[2]; RETURN[MakeNode[block, 2]]} }; PushProcessDecl: PROC [name: Tree.Link] = { PushTree[name]; PushNullNode[]; PushNullNode[]; PushNode[processTC, 2]; PushNullNode[]; PushNode[decl, 3]}; processNum: CARDINAL ← 0; GensymProcess: PROC RETURNS [ret: Rope.Ref] = { value: unsigned Convert.Value; processNum ← processNum+1; value ← [value: unsigned[processNum]]; ret ← Rope.Concat["process", Convert.ValueToRope[value]]}; ResetGensymProcess: PROC [num: CARDINAL] = { processNum ← num}; processNumBody: CARDINAL ← 0; GensymProcessBody: PROC RETURNS [ret: Rope.Ref] = { value: unsigned Convert.Value; processNumBody ← processNumBody+1; value ← [value: unsigned[processNumBody]]; ret ← Rope.Concat["st", Convert.ValueToRope[value]]}; ResetGensymProcessBody: PROC [num: CARDINAL] = { processNumBody ← num}; PushNodeDecls: PROC [t: Tree.Link] RETURNS [NAT] = { PushNodeDecl: PROC [t: Tree.Handle] RETURNS [NAT] = { OPEN SakuraTreeOps; ids, base: Tree.Link; nsons: NAT ← 1; IF t.name#decl THEN ERROR; ids ← NthSon[t, 1]; base ← t; IF OpName[ids] = list THEN {base ← ids; nsons ← NSons[ids]}; FOR i: NAT IN [1..nsons] DO PushTree[NthSon[base, i]]; PushNode[connectorcreate, 1] ENDLOOP; RETURN[nsons]}; IF t=Tree.Null THEN RETURN[0]; WITH t SELECT FROM u: Tree.Handle => IF u.name=list THEN { ret: NAT ← 0; FOR i: NAT IN [1..u.sonLimit) DO ret ← ret+PushNodeDecl[LOOPHOLE[u.son[i],Tree.Handle]] ENDLOOP; RETURN[ret]} ELSE RETURN[PushNodeDecl[u]]; ENDCASE => ERROR};--PushNodeDecls PushConnections: PROC [connections, components: Tree.Link] RETURNS [NAT] = { OPEN SakuraTreeOps; -- components are of the form -- a,b:t, c,d:s, ... -- connections are of the form -- a[n1, n2], b[n3, n4], .. -- The larger groups a,b:t is counted by pairloc and the small group a,b is counted --by comploc. compsum is the total number of elements declared id,sort: Tree.Link; compcount: CARDINAL; -- First, create the PROCESS declaration compcount ← 0; EnumerateComps[components]; DO [id, ] ← NextComps[]; IF id=Tree.Null THEN EXIT; compcount ← compcount + 1; PushTree[id]; ENDLOOP; PushProcessDecl[MakeList[compcount]]; -- Next, create SakuraRT.IncCurrent[] and FORK statement EnumerateComps[components]; DO [id,sort] ← NextComps[]; IF id=Tree.Null THEN EXIT; PushFork[id, sort, connections]; ENDLOOP; RETURN[compsum]}; PushJoins: PROC [t: Tree.Link] RETURNS [sum: NAT] = { OPEN SakuraTreeOps; PushJoin: PROC [x: Tree.Link] = { WITH x SELECT FROM v: Tree.Handle => { name: Tree.Link ← v.son[1]; WITH name SELECT FROM w: Tree.Handle => IF w.name=list THEN { FOR i: NAT IN [1..NSons[w]] DO PushTree[w.son[i]]; PushNode[connectorjoin,1] ENDLOOP; sum ← sum+NSons[w]} ELSE ERROR; ENDCASE => { PushTree[name]; PushNode[connectorjoin,1]; sum ← sum+1}; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; sum ← 0; WITH t SELECT FROM u: Tree.Handle => IF u.name=list THEN FOR i: NAT IN [1..NSons[u]] DO PushJoin[u.son[i]] ENDLOOP ELSE IF u.name=compitem THEN PushJoin[u] ELSE ERROR; ENDCASE => ERROR}; CatalogPorts: PROC [tree: Tree.Link] = { CatalogItem: PROC [tree: Tree.Link] = { WITH NthSon[tree, 1] SELECT FROM node: Tree.Handle => IF node.name=list THEN FOR j: NAT IN [1..node.sonLimit) DO CatalogName[NthSon[node,j],NthSon[tree,2]] ENDLOOP ELSE ERROR; u: HTIndex => CatalogName[NthSon[tree, 1], NthSon[tree, 2]]; ENDCASE => ERROR}; CatalogName: PROC [name, val: Tree.Link] = { SymbolTable.Add[symbolTable, NARROW[name, HTIndex].name, val, TRUE]}; IF tree=Tree.Null THEN RETURN; SELECT OpName[tree] FROM decl => CatalogItem[tree]; list => FOR i: NAT IN [1..NSons[tree]] DO CatalogItem[NthSon[tree,i]]; ENDLOOP; ENDCASE => ERROR}; ExpandNodeList: PROC [a: Tree.Link, public: BOOLEAN] RETURNS [nLists: CARDINAL] = { i: NAT; IF a=Tree.Null THEN RETURN[0]; IF OpName[a]#list THEN {PushTree[ChangeToNodeType[a, public]]; RETURN[1]}; nLists ← NSons[a]; FOR i IN [1..nLists] DO PushTree[ChangeToNodeType[NthSon[a,i], public]] ENDLOOP}; PushRewriteBody: PROC [body, in, out, representation: Tree.Link] = { new, decls, stmts: Tree.Link; [new, decls, stmts] ← RewriteBody[body, in, out, representation]; PushTree[AppendToBlock[decls, new, stmts]]};--PushRewriteBody AppendToBlock: PROC [decls,l,r: Tree.Link] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = { -- decls is a declaration list, l is a statement and r is a statement list. -- If l is a block, then decls is appended to the decls of l, --r is appended to the body of l; otherwise create a list body: Tree.Link; IF decls=Tree.Null THEN IF r=Tree.Null THEN RETURN[l] ELSE IF OpName[l]=block THEN { body ← NthSon[l, 2]; body ← Append[r, body]; NARROW[l, Tree.Handle].son[2] ← body; RETURN[l]} ELSE RETURN[Append[l, r]] ELSE IF OpName[l] = block THEN { PushTree[Append[NthSon[l,1], decls]]; PushTree[Append[r, NthSon[l,2]]]; RETURN[MakeNode[block, 2]]} ELSE { PushTree[decls]; PushTree[Append[r, l]]; RETURN[MakeNode[block, 2]]} }; complist: Tree.Link; compsum, pairloc, comploc: NAT; --These are used only by EnumerateComps and NextComps EnumerateComps: PROC [list: Tree.Link] = { complist ← list; compsum ← 0; pairloc ← 1; comploc ← 0; }; -- end of EnumerateComps NextComps: PROC RETURNS[id,sort: Tree.Link] = { component: Tree.Link; compsum ← compsum+1; comploc ← comploc+1; IF complist=Tree.Null THEN RETURN[Tree.Null,Tree.Null]; IF OpName[complist]=list THEN -- pairloc becomes larger than 1 IF pairloc>NSons[complist] THEN RETURN[Tree.Null,Tree.Null] ELSE component ← NthSon[complist, pairloc] ELSE IF pairloc>1 THEN RETURN[Tree.Null,Tree.Null] ELSE component ← complist; IF OpName[component]=compitem OR OpName[component]=decl THEN { name: Tree.Link ← NthSon[component,1]; thisSort: Tree.Link ← NthSon[component,2]; IF OpName[name]=list THEN { component ← name; IF comploc>NSons[component] THEN { pairloc ← pairloc+1; comploc ← 0; compsum ← compsum-1; [id, sort] ← NextComps[]} ELSE RETURN[NthSon[component, comploc], thisSort]} ELSE IF comploc>1 THEN { pairloc ← pairloc+1; comploc ← 0; compsum ← compsum-1; [id, sort] ← NextComps[]} ELSE RETURN[name,thisSort]} ELSE ERROR}; -- end of NextComps criticalSectionNum: CARDINAL ← 0; GensymCriticalSection: PROC RETURNS [ret: Rope.Ref] = { value: unsigned Convert.Value; criticalSectionNum ← criticalSectionNum+1; value ← [value: unsigned[criticalSectionNum]]; ret ← Rope.Concat["criticalSection", Convert.ValueToRope[value]]}; PushFork: PROC [id, sort, connections: Tree.Link] = { OPEN SakuraTreeOps; forkName, args, conn: Tree.Link; SearchForConn: PROC[id, connections: Tree.Link] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = { WITH connections SELECT FROM u: Tree.Handle => IF u.name=list THEN { FOR i: NAT IN [1..NSons[u]] DO WITH NthSon[u,i] SELECT FROM v: Tree.Handle => IF v.name=apply THEN { IF SakuraTreeOps.Eq[v.son[1],id] THEN RETURN[v]} ELSE ERROR; w: HTIndex => IF SakuraTreeOps.Eq[w,id] THEN RETURN[w]; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP; RETURN[Tree.Null]} ELSE IF u.name=apply AND SakuraTreeOps.Eq[u.son[1],id] THEN RETURN[u] ELSE RETURN[Tree.Null]; x: HTIndex => IF SakuraTreeOps.Eq[x,id] THEN RETURN[x] ELSE ERROR; ENDCASE => ERROR}; PushTree[id]; WITH sort SELECT FROM u: Tree.Handle => IF u.name=apply THEN {forkName ← u.son[1]; args ← u.son[2]} ELSE IF u.name=dot THEN {forkName ← u; args ← Tree.Null} ELSE ERROR; v: HTIndex => {forkName ← v; args ← Tree.Null}; ENDCASE => ERROR; conn ← SearchForConn[id, connections]; IF conn=Tree.Null THEN RETURN; WITH conn SELECT FROM u: Tree.Handle => IF u.name=apply THEN args ← Append[args,u.son[2]] ELSE ERROR; v: HTIndex => NULL; ENDCASE => ERROR; PushTree[forkName]; IF args#Tree.Null THEN {PushTree[args]; PushNode[apply,2]}; PushNode[connectorfork,2]}; ChangeToNodeType: PROC [tree: Tree.Link, public: BOOLEAN] RETURNS [Tree.Link] = { NARROW[tree, Tree.Handle].son[2] ← MakeDot["SakuraRT", "Handle"]; PushTree[tree]; SetAttr[2, public]; RETURN[PopTree[]] }; PrintTree: PROC [t: Tree.Link] = { out: IOStream.Handle ← IOStream.CreateFileStream["Sakura.log"]; Print: PROC [name: Rope.Ref] = { FOR i: LONG INTEGER IN [0..Rope.Size[name]) DO IOStream.PutChar[out, Rope.Fetch[name,i]] ENDLOOP; IOStream.PutChar[out, ' ]; IOStream.PutChar[out, ' ]}; PrintLI: PROC [i: LONG INTEGER] = { value: signed Convert.Value; value.signed ← i; Print[Convert.ValueToRope[value]]}; PrintCR: PROC = { IOStream.PutChar[out, CR]}; PrintTreeRecurse: PROC[t: Tree.Link, indent: NAT] = { Index[indent]; IF t=NIL THEN {Print["NIL"]; PrintCR[]; RETURN}; WITH t SELECT FROM hti: HTIndex => { PrintLI[hti.index]; Print[hti.name]; PrintCR[]}; lti: LTIndex => { PrintLI[lti.index]; Print[lti.literal]; PrintCR[]}; x: Tree.Handle => { Print[SakuraTreeOps.PrintName[x.name]]; PrintLI[x.info]; PrintCR[]; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [1..SakuraTreeOps.NSons[t]] DO PrintTreeRecurse[SakuraTreeOps.NthSon[t, i], indent+2] ENDLOOP}; ENDCASE => {Print["No printable node"]; PrintCR[]}}; Index: PROC [times: NAT] = { THROUGH [1..times] DO IOStream.PutChar[out, ' ] ENDLOOP}; IOStream.SetLength[out, 0]; PrintTreeRecurse[t, 0]; IOStream.Close[out]}; }.