<SchemeViewing.Mesa>> <> DIRECTORY Basics, BiScrollers, Graphics, InputFocus, IO, OrderedSymbolTableRef, Rope, SchemeRep, SchemeEditing, TIPUser, ViewerClasses, ViewerOps, ViewRec; SchemeViewing: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS BiScrollers, Graphics, InputFocus, IO, OrderedSymbolTableRef, Rope, SchemeEditing, TIPUser, ViewerOps, ViewRec EXPORTS SchemeEditing = BEGIN OPEN SchemeRep, SchemeEditing; editorClasses: PUBLIC ARRAY SubjectClass OF BiScrollers.BiScrollerClass _ [ BiScrollers.NewBiScrollerClass[ flavor: $SchemeIconEditor, extrema: PicExtrema, notify: NotifyScheme, paint: PaintScheme, destroy: DestroyEditor, tipTable: TIPUser.InstantiateNewTIPTable["SchemeIcon.TIP"]], BiScrollers.NewBiScrollerClass[ flavor: $SchemeExpansionEditor, extrema: PicExtrema, notify: NotifyScheme, paint: PaintScheme, destroy: DestroyEditor, tipTable: TIPUser.InstantiateNewTIPTable["SchemeExpansion.TIP"]] ]; PicExtrema: BiScrollers.ExtremaProc --PROC [clientData: REF ANY, direction: Vec] RETURNS [min, max: Geom2D.Vec]-- = {editor: Editor _ NARROW[clientData]; smallestX:Coord _ PikCoord[editor.subjectPic.coordsByValue[X].LookupSmallest[]]; smallestY:Coord _ PikCoord[editor.subjectPic.coordsByValue[Y].LookupSmallest[]]; largestX: Coord _ PikCoord[editor.subjectPic.coordsByValue[X].LookupLargest[]]; largestY: Coord _ PikCoord[editor.subjectPic.coordsByValue[Y].LookupLargest[]]; min _ [ IF smallestX # NIL THEN smallestX.z ELSE -10, IF smallestY # NIL THEN smallestY.z ELSE -10]; max _ [ IF largestX # NIL THEN largestX.z ELSE 10, IF largestY # NIL THEN largestY.z ELSE 10]; }; PikCoord: PROC [any: REF ANY] RETURNS [coord: Coord] = { coord _ IF any # NIL THEN WITH any SELECT FROM c: Coord => c, cl: LORA => NARROW[cl.first], ENDCASE => ERROR ELSE NIL}; PaintScheme: ViewerClasses.PaintProc --PROC [self: Viewer, context: Graphics.Context, whatChanged: REF ANY, clear: BOOL]-- = BEGIN editor: Editor _ NARROW[BiScrollers.QuaBiScroller[self].ClientDataOf[]]; [] _ Graphics.SetPaintMode[context, invert]; IF whatChanged = NIL THEN { DrawPic[editor.subjectPic, context, [0, 0]]; SetBack[editor.primary]; DrawBack[editor.primary, context]; SetBack[editor.secondary]; DrawBack[editor.secondary, context]} ELSE WITH whatChanged SELECT FROM la: LORA => UpdateWhatever[la, context]; coord: Coord => UpdateCoord[coord, context]; pb: PointBack => IF pb.x # pb.sx OR pb.y # pb.sy THEN {DrawBack[pb, context]; SetBack[pb]; DrawBack[pb, context]}; line: Line => {SetLine[line]; DrawLine[line, context]}; text: Text => {SetText[text]; DrawText[text, context]}; pi: PictureInstance => {SetInstance[pi]; DrawPic[pi.of, context, pi.s]}; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; SetInstance: PROC [pi: PictureInstance] = {pi.s[X] _ pi.org.c[X].z; pi.s[Y] _ pi.org.c[Y].z}; DrawPic: PROC [pic: PictureDef, context: Graphics.Context, at: VertexReals] = BEGIN DrawObject: PROC [any: REF ANY] RETURNS [stop: BOOLEAN] = {stop _ FALSE; WITH any SELECT FROM line: Line => {SetLine[line]; DrawLine[line, context]}; text: Text => {SetText[text]; DrawText[text, context]}; pi: PictureInstance => {IF pi.in # pic THEN ERROR; SetInstance[pi]; DrawPic[pi.of, context, pi.s]}; ENDCASE => ERROR}; org: Graphics.Mark _ Graphics.Save[context]; Graphics.Translate[self: context, tx: at[X], ty: at[Y]]; pic.objects.EnumerateIncreasing[DrawObject]; Graphics.Restore[context, org]; END; UpdateWhatever: PROC [l: LORA, context: Graphics.Context] = BEGIN WITH l.first SELECT FROM a: ATOM => SELECT a FROM $Labels => FOR ll: LORA _ l.rest, ll.rest WHILE ll # NIL DO text: Text _ NARROW[ll.first]; IF text.sxy#[text.org.c[X].z, text.org.c[Y].z] OR NOT text.sr.Equal[text.rope] THEN {DrawText[text, context]; SetText[text]; DrawText[text, context]}; ENDLOOP; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; UpdateCoord: PROC [coord: Coord, context: Graphics.Context] = BEGIN UpdatePIC: PROC [any: REF ANY] RETURNS [stop: BOOLEAN] = {c2: Coord _ NARROW[any]; stop _ FALSE; IF c2.axis = coord.axis THEN UpdateCoord[c2, context]}; coord.z _ coord.dz + Org[coord]; IF coord.z = coord.sz THEN RETURN; coord.sz _ coord.z; FOR dl: LORA _ coord.dependents, dl.rest WHILE dl # NIL DO WITH dl.first SELECT FROM c2: Coord => UpdateCoord[c2, context]; pt: Point => FOR l: LORA _ pt.dependents, l.rest WHILE l # NIL DO WITH l.first SELECT FROM line: Line => IF line.sa # [line.a.c[X].z, line.a.c[Y].z] OR line.sb # [line.b.c[X].z, line.b.c[Y].z] THEN {DrawLine[line, context]; SetLine[line]; DrawLine[line, context]}; text: Text => IF text.sxy # [text.org.c[X].z, text.org.c[Y].z] THEN {DrawText[text, context]; SetText[text]; DrawText[text, context]}; pi: PictureInstance => IF pi.s # [pi.org.c[X].z, pi.org.c[Y].z] THEN { DrawPic[pi.of, context, pi.s]; SetInstance[pi]; DrawPic[pi.of, context, pi.s]; pi.coords.EnumerateIncreasing[UpdatePIC]}; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP; END; Org: PROC [coord: Coord] RETURNS [z: REAL] = {z _ IF coord.parent = NIL THEN 0 ELSE WITH coord.parent SELECT FROM c2: Coord => c2.z, pi: PictureInstance => pi.org.c[coord.axis].z, ENDCASE => ERROR}; SetLine: PROC [line: Line] = { line.sa _ [line.a.c[X].z, line.a.c[Y].z]; line.sb _ [line.b.c[X].z, line.b.c[Y].z]}; DrawLine: PROC [line: Line, context: Graphics.Context] = BEGIN Graphics.SetCP[context, line.sa[X], line.sa[Y]]; Graphics.DrawTo[context, line.sb[X], line.sb[Y]]; END; SetText: PROC [text: Text] = {text.sxy _ [text.org.c[X].z, text.org.c[Y].z]; text.sr _ text.rope}; DrawText: PROC [text: Text, context: Graphics.Context] = BEGIN Graphics.SetCP[context, text.sxy[X], text.sxy[Y]]; Graphics.DrawRope[context, text.sr]; END; SetBack: PROC [back: PointBack] = {back.sx _ back.x; back.sy _ back.y}; DrawBack: PROC [back: PointBack, context: Graphics.Context] = BEGIN org: Graphics.Mark _ Graphics.Save[context]; Graphics.Translate[self: context, tx: back.sx, ty: back.sy]; IF back.primary THEN Graphics.DrawStroke[self: context, path: primaryPath] ELSE Graphics.DrawBox[context, [-1.5, -1.5, 1.5, 1.5]]; Graphics.Restore[context, org]; END; gray: CARDINAL = 257*18*5; primaryPath: Graphics.Path _ Graphics.NewPath[]; NotifyScheme: ViewerClasses.NotifyProc --PROC [self: Viewer, input: LIST OF REF ANY]-- = BEGIN editor: Editor _ NARROW[BiScrollers.QuaBiScroller[self].ClientDataOf[]]; WHILE input # NIL DO WITH input.first SELECT FROM a: ATOM => SELECT a FROM $StartSelect => input _ StartSelect[editor, FALSE, input]; $TrackSelect => input _ TrackSelect[editor, FALSE, input]; $FinalSelect => input _ FinalSelect[editor, FALSE, input]; $StartDraw => input _ StartSelect[editor, TRUE, input]; $TrackDraw => input _ TrackSelect[editor, TRUE, input]; $FinalDraw => input _ FinalSelect[editor, TRUE, input]; $Move => input _ Move[editor, input]; $EndMove => {EndMove[editor]; input _ input.rest}; $SetGoal => {editor.strandGoal _ editor.primary.point; input _ input.rest}; $FinishWire => {NewStrand[editor, TRUE]; input _ input.rest}; $BreakWire => input _ BreakWire[editor, input]; $JoinWire => input _ JoinWire[editor, input]; $DownShift => {editor.oldHor _ FALSE; input _ input.rest}; $DownCtrl => {editor.oldHor _ TRUE; input _ input.rest}; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP; END; SetBackToPoint: PUBLIC PROC [editor: Editor, pb: PointBack, p: Point] = BEGIN pb.point _ p; pb.x _ p.c[X].z; pb.y _ p.c[Y].z; NotifyBack[pb, editor]; END; NotifyBack: PROC [pb: PointBack, editor: Editor] = {ViewerOps.PaintViewer[viewer: editor.v, hint: client, clearClient: FALSE, whatChanged: pb]}; EndMove: PROC [editor: Editor] = BEGIN IF editor.moveSubject[X] # NIL THEN {RestoreCoords[editor.subjectPic, editor.moveSubject[X]]; editor.moveSubject[X] _ NIL}; IF editor.moveSubject[Y] # NIL THEN {RestoreCoords[editor.subjectPic, editor.moveSubject[Y]]; editor.moveSubject[Y] _ NIL}; END; Move: PROC [editor: Editor, input: LORA] RETURNS [output: LORA] = BEGIN rawCoords: BiScrollers.ClientCoords = NARROW[input.rest.first]; moveX: BOOLEAN = DecodeBool[$NoShift, $Shift, input.rest.rest.first]; moveY: BOOLEAN = DecodeBool[$NoCtrl, $Ctrl, input.rest.rest.rest.first]; output _ input.rest.rest.rest.rest; editor.session.mostRecentEditor _ editor; IF editor.moveSubject # [editor.primary.cx, editor.primary.cy] THEN { EndMove[editor]; editor.moveSubject _ [editor.primary.cx, editor.primary.cy]; UntableCoords[editor.subjectPic, editor.moveSubject[X]]; UntableCoords[editor.subjectPic, editor.moveSubject[Y]]; }; IF moveX THEN SetZ[editor, X, rawCoords.x]; IF moveY THEN SetZ[editor, Y, rawCoords.y]; END; SetZ: PROC [editor: Editor, axis: Axis, z: REAL] = BEGIN c: Coord _ editor.moveSubject[axis]; IF c.parent # NIL AND ISTYPE[c.parent, PictureInstance] THEN {Complain[editor, IO.PutFR[" can't move in %g axis", IO.rope[axisNames[axis]]]]; RETURN}; c.z _ z; c.dz _ z - Org[c]; NotifyCoord[c, editor]; END; NotifyCoord: PUBLIC PROC [coord: Coord, editor: Editor] = BEGIN ViewerOps.PaintViewer[viewer: editor.v, hint: client, clearClient: FALSE, whatChanged: coord]; END; UntableCoords: PROC [pic: PictureDef, root: Coord] = BEGIN UntablePIC: PROC [any: REF ANY] RETURNS [stop: BOOLEAN] = {c2: Coord _ NARROW[any]; stop _ FALSE; IF c2.axis = root.axis THEN UntableCoords[pic, c2]}; UntableCoord[pic.coordsByValue[root.axis], root]; FOR l: LORA _ root.dependents, l.rest WHILE l # NIL DO WITH l.first SELECT FROM c: Coord => UntableCoords[pic, c]; p: Point => FOR dl: LORA _ p.dependents, dl.rest WHILE dl # NIL DO WITH dl.first SELECT FROM pi: PictureInstance => pi.coords.EnumerateIncreasing[UntablePIC]; x: Line => NULL; x: Text => NULL; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP; END; UntableCoord: PROC [table: Table, coord: Coord] = BEGIN found: REF ANY _ table.Lookup[coord]; IF found = coord THEN {IF table.Delete[coord] # coord THEN ERROR} ELSE {cl: LORA _ NARROW[found]; cl2: LORA _ Filter[cl, coord]; IF cl2.rest = NIL THEN {IF table.Delete[coord] # cl THEN ERROR; table.Insert[cl2.first]} ELSE IF cl2 # cl THEN {IF table.Delete[coord] # cl THEN ERROR; table.Insert[cl2]} }; END; Filter: PUBLIC PROC [list: LORA, elt: REF ANY] RETURNS [filtered: LORA] = BEGIN IF list.first = elt THEN RETURN [list.rest]; filtered _ list; FOR list _ list, list.rest WHILE list.rest # NIL DO IF list.rest.first = elt THEN {list.rest _ list.rest.rest; RETURN}; ENDLOOP; ERROR; END; EntableCoord: PUBLIC PROC [table: Table, coord: Coord] = BEGIN old: REF ANY; old _ table.Lookup[coord]; IF old # NIL THEN WITH old SELECT FROM c: Coord => {IF table.Delete[coord] # c THEN ERROR; table.Insert[LIST[c, coord]]}; l: LORA => l.rest _ CONS[coord, l.rest]; ENDCASE => ERROR ELSE table.Insert[coord]; END; RestoreCoords: PROC [pic: PictureDef, root: Coord] = BEGIN EntablePIC: PROC [any: REF ANY] RETURNS [stop: BOOLEAN] = {c2: Coord _ NARROW[any]; stop _ FALSE; IF c2.axis = root.axis THEN RestoreCoords[pic, c2]}; EntableCoord[pic.coordsByValue[root.axis], root]; FOR l: LORA _ root.dependents, l.rest WHILE l # NIL DO WITH l.first SELECT FROM c: Coord => RestoreCoords[pic, c]; p: Point => FOR dl: LORA _ p.dependents, dl.rest WHILE dl # NIL DO WITH dl.first SELECT FROM pi: PictureInstance => pi.coords.EnumerateIncreasing[EntablePIC]; x: Line => NULL; x: Text => NULL; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP; END; StartSelect: PROC [editor: Editor, drawing: BOOLEAN, input: LORA] RETURNS [output: LORA] = BEGIN editor.session.ctlRV.DisplayMessage[ViewRec.clearMessagePlace]; PushSelection[editor]; output _ TrackSelect[editor, drawing, input] END; PushSelection: PROC [editor: Editor] = BEGIN editor.secondary.x _ editor.primary.x; editor.secondary.y _ editor.primary.y; editor.secondary.cx _ editor.primary.cx; editor.secondary.cy _ editor.primary.cy; editor.secondary.point _ editor.primary.point; NotifyBack[editor.secondary, editor]; END; TrackSelect: PROC [editor: Editor, drawing: BOOLEAN, input: LORA] RETURNS [output: LORA] = BEGIN rawCoords: BiScrollers.ClientCoords = NARROW[input.rest.first]; snapX: BOOLEAN = DecodeBool[$NoShift, $Shift, input.rest.rest.first]; snapY: BOOLEAN = DecodeBool[$NoCtrl, $Ctrl, input.rest.rest.rest.first]; ctl: CtlPanel _ editor.session.ctlPanel; output _ input.rest.rest.rest.rest; editor.session.mostRecentEditor _ editor; IF drawing AND editor.subjectClass = expansion AND ctl.expansionAction = strand AND ctl.action = create THEN --strange snapping SnapWire[editor, snapX, snapY, rawCoords] ELSE IF (editor.subjectClass = expansion AND NOT drawing) OR ctl.action = delete THEN --snap to point SnapToPoint[editor, rawCoords, editor.primary] ELSE BEGIN IF snapX THEN [editor.primary.x, editor.primary.cx] _ SnapToCoord[rawCoords.x, editor.subjectPic.coordsByValue[X]] ELSE {editor.primary.x _ rawCoords.x; editor.primary.cx _ NIL}; IF snapY THEN [editor.primary.y, editor.primary.cy] _ SnapToCoord[rawCoords.y, editor.subjectPic.coordsByValue[Y]] ELSE {editor.primary.y _ rawCoords.y; editor.primary.cy _ NIL}; END; NotifyBack[editor.primary, editor]; END; SnapWire: PROC [editor: Editor, snapX, snapY: BOOLEAN, rawCoords: BiScrollers.ClientCoords] = BEGIN IF editor.secondary.cx = NIL OR editor.secondary.cy = NIL THEN {Complain[editor, " no secondary coordinates!"]; RETURN}; IF snapX AND snapY THEN { IF editor.strandGoal = NIL THEN SnapToPoint[editor, rawCoords, editor.primary] ELSE IF editor.oldHor THEN { editor.primary.x _ (editor.primary.cx _ editor.secondary.cx).z; editor.primary.y _ (editor.primary.cy _ editor.strandGoal.c[Y]).z} ELSE { editor.primary.x _ (editor.primary.cx _ editor.strandGoal.c[X]).z; editor.primary.y _ (editor.primary.cy _ editor.secondary.cy).z}} ELSE IF snapX THEN { editor.primary.x _ (editor.primary.cx _ editor.secondary.cx).z; editor.primary.y _ rawCoords.y; editor.primary.cy _ NIL} ELSE IF snapY THEN { editor.primary.x _ rawCoords.x; editor.primary.cx _ NIL; editor.primary.y _ (editor.primary.cy _ editor.secondary.cy).z} ELSE { editor.primary.x _ rawCoords.x; editor.primary.cx _ NIL; editor.primary.y _ rawCoords.y; editor.primary.cy _ NIL}; END; SnapToPoint: PROC [editor: Editor, rawCoords: BiScrollers.ClientCoords, back: PointBack] = BEGIN Nearest: PROC [raw: REF ANY, r: REF REAL] RETURNS [p: Point, d: REAL] = BEGIN Account: PROC [deps: LORA] = BEGIN FOR deps _ deps, deps.rest WHILE deps # NIL DO WITH deps.first SELECT FROM point: Point => {dx, dy, d2: REAL; dx _ point.c[X].z - rawCoords.x; dy _ point.c[Y].z - rawCoords.y; d2 _ dx*dx + dy*dy; IF p = NIL OR d2 < d THEN {p _ point; d _ d2}}; c: Coord => NULL; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDLOOP; END; p _ NIL; d _ 0; WITH raw SELECT FROM c: Coord => {IF r # NIL THEN r^ _ c.z; Account[c.dependents]}; la: LORA => { c: Coord; FOR l: LORA _ la, l.rest WHILE l # NIL DO c _ NARROW[l.first]; Account[c.dependents]; ENDLOOP; IF r # NIL THEN r^ _ c.z}; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; rawHi, rawLo: REF ANY; ans: Point _ NIL; rr^ _ rl^ _ rawCoords.x; IF (rawHi _ editor.subjectPic.coordsByValue[X].Lookup[rr]) # NIL THEN [ans,] _ Nearest[rawHi, NIL]; WHILE ans = NIL DO ansLo, ansHi: Point _ NIL; dl, dr: REAL; rawLo _ editor.subjectPic.coordsByValue[X].LookupNextSmaller[rl]; rawHi _ editor.subjectPic.coordsByValue[X].LookupNextLarger[rr]; IF rawLo = NIL AND rawHi = NIL THEN {Complain[editor, " no points!"]; RETURN}; IF rawLo # NIL THEN [ansLo, dl] _ Nearest[rawLo, rl]; IF rawHi # NIL THEN [ansHi, dr] _ Nearest[rawHi, rr]; IF ansLo # NIL AND ansHi = NIL THEN ans _ ansLo ELSE IF ansLo = NIL AND ansHi # NIL THEN ans _ ansHi ELSE IF ansLo # NIL AND ansHi # NIL THEN ans _ IF dl < dr THEN ansLo ELSE ansHi; ENDLOOP; back.x _ (back.cx _ ans.c[X]).z; back.y _ (back.cy _ ans.c[Y]).z; END; DecodeBool: PROC [false, true: ATOM, any: REF ANY] RETURNS [BOOL] = { IF any = false THEN RETURN [FALSE]; IF any = true THEN RETURN [TRUE]; ERROR}; rl: REF REAL _ NEW [REAL _ 86]; rr: REF REAL _ NEW [REAL _ 47]; SnapToCoord: PROC [raw: REAL, table: Table] RETURNS [nearest: REAL, coord: Coord] = BEGIN l, m, h: REF ANY; low, high: Coord; rr^ _ raw; [l, m, h] _ table.Lookup3[rr]; IF m # NIL THEN {coord _ PikCoord[m]; RETURN [coord.z, coord]} ELSE IF l = NIL AND h = NIL THEN RETURN [0, NIL]; low _ PikCoord[l]; high _ PikCoord[h]; IF low = NIL THEN coord _ high ELSE IF high = NIL THEN coord _ low ELSE IF raw-low.z < high.z-raw THEN coord _ low ELSE coord _ high; nearest _ coord.z; END; FinalSelect: PROC [editor: Editor, drawing: BOOLEAN, input: LORA] RETURNS [output: LORA] = BEGIN output _ TrackSelect[editor, drawing, input]; IF editor.primary.cx = NIL THEN editor.primary.cx _ NewCoord[X, editor.primary.x, editor.subjectPic]; IF editor.primary.cy = NIL THEN editor.primary.cy _ NewCoord[Y, editor.primary.y, editor.subjectPic]; editor.primary.point _ MakePoint[editor.subjectPic, [editor.primary.cx, editor.primary.cy]]; IF drawing THEN Draw[editor]; InputFocus.SetInputFocus[self: editor.v]; END; Draw: PROC [editor: Editor] = BEGIN SELECT editor.session.ctlPanel.action FROM create => SELECT editor.subjectClass FROM icon => SELECT editor.session.ctlPanel.iconAction FROM line => [] _ NewLine[editor.subjectPic, editor.secondary.point, editor.primary.point]; text => NewText[editor.subjectPic, editor.primary.point, editor.session.ctlPanel.name]; instance => NewInstance[editor.subjectPic, editor.primary.point, editor.session.ctlPanel.cellType, editor.session.ctlPanel.icon]; ENDCASE => ERROR; expansion => SELECT editor.session.ctlPanel.expansionAction FROM component => NewComponent[editor]; port => NewPort[editor]; strand => NewStrand[editor, FALSE]; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDCASE => ERROR; delete => SELECT editor.subjectClass FROM icon => SELECT editor.session.ctlPanel.iconAction FROM line => [] _ DeleteLine[editor.subjectPic, editor.secondary.point, editor.primary.point]; text => DeleteText[editor.subjectPic, editor.primary.point]; instance => DeleteInstance[editor.subjectPic, editor.primary.point, NIL]; ENDCASE => ERROR; expansion => SELECT editor.session.ctlPanel.expansionAction FROM component => DeleteComponent[editor]; port => DeletePort[editor]; strand => DeleteStrand[editor]; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDCASE => ERROR; IF editor.subjectClass = expansion THEN CheckObjects[editor.subjectPic]; IF editor.primary.point # NIL AND editor.primary.point.deleted THEN editor.primary.point _ NIL; IF editor.secondary.point # NIL AND editor.secondary.point.deleted THEN editor.secondary.point _ NIL; END; CheckObjects: PROC [pic: PictureDef] = {Check: PROC [any: REF ANY] RETURNS [stop: BOOLEAN] = {stop _ FALSE; WITH any SELECT FROM l: Line => IF NOT Member[l, l.net.stuff] THEN ERROR; t: Text => NULL; pi: PictureInstance => NULL; ENDCASE => ERROR}; pic.objects.EnumerateIncreasing[Check]}; Member: PROC [elt: REF ANY, list: LORA] RETURNS [found: BOOLEAN] = {found _ FALSE; FOR list _ list, list.rest WHILE list # NIL DO IF list.first = elt THEN RETURN [TRUE]; ENDLOOP; found _ FALSE}; Start: PROC = BEGIN Graphics.MoveTo[primaryPath, -5, 5, TRUE]; Graphics.LineTo[primaryPath, 5, -5]; Graphics.MoveTo[primaryPath, -5, -5, FALSE]; Graphics.LineTo[primaryPath, 5, 5]; END; Start[]; END.