<> <> <> DIRECTORY AMTypes, AMBridge, Atom, Browsers, Buttons, List, ViewerClasses, ViewerTools, Labels, Rope, IO, OrderedSymbolTableRef, HierarchicalDisplays, MessageWindow, Process, Rosemary, RoseConditions, RoseDisplayInsides, RoseStateIO, TiogaOps, Trees, VFonts, ViewerHelp, ViewerOps, ViewRec; RoseDisplayOps: MONITOR IMPORTS AMTypes, AMBridge, Atom, Buttons, Rope, VT: ViewerTools, HD: HierarchicalDisplays, List, MessageWindow, OSTR: OrderedSymbolTableRef, Process, Rosemary, RC: RoseConditions, RoseDisplayInsides, RoseStateIO, TiogaOps, Trees, ViewerHelp, ViewerOps, VR: ViewRec EXPORTS RoseDisplayInsides = BEGIN OPEN RoseDisplayInsides; IncrementalCondition: TYPE = RoseConditions.IncrementalCondition; NamedCondition: TYPE = REF NamedConditionRep; NamedConditionRep: TYPE = RECORD [ name: ROPE, cond: Condition, ic: IncrementalCondition _ NIL, posted, postedIncrementally: BOOLEAN _ FALSE ]; leafProp: PUBLIC ATOM _ Atom.Gensym[]; treeHandler: VR.SimpleHandler _ NEW [VR.SimpleHandlerRep _ [ UnParse: UnParseTree, Max: MaxTree]]; treeNodeListHandler: VR.SimpleHandler _ NEW [VR.SimpleHandlerRep _ [ UnParse: UnParseTreeNodeList, Max: MaxTreeNodeList]]; stHandler: VR.SimpleHandler _ NEW [VR.SimpleHandlerRep _ [ UnParse: UnParseST, Max: MaxST]]; nodeAsNode: REF Node _ NEW [Node _ NIL]; nodeAsTV: AMTypes.TypedVariable _ AMBridge.TVForReferent[nodeAsNode]; treeAsTree: REF TreeNode _ NEW [TreeNode _ NIL]; treeAsTV: AMTypes.TypedVariable _ AMBridge.TVForReferent[treeAsTree]; tnlAsTNL: REF TreeNodeList _ NEW [TreeNodeList _ NIL]; tnlAsTV: AMTypes.TypedVariable _ AMBridge.TVForReferent[tnlAsTNL]; stAsST: REF SymbolTable _ NEW [SymbolTable _ NIL]; stAsTV: AMTypes.TypedVariable _ AMBridge.TVForReferent[stAsST]; UnParseTree: VR.UnParseProc = CHECKED BEGIN AMTypes.Assign[lhs: treeAsTV, rhs: tv]; asRope _ Trees.Format[who: treeAsTree^, style: Algebraic]; END; MaxTree: VR.MaxProc = CHECKED {RETURN [lines: 2, maxWidthNeeded: 1024]}; RecognizeTree: VR.Recognizer = CHECKED {RETURN [TRUE, treeHandler, NIL]}; UnParseTreeNodeList: VR.UnParseProc = CHECKED BEGIN AMTypes.Assign[lhs: tnlAsTV, rhs: tv]; asRope _ NIL; FOR tnl: TreeNodeList _ tnlAsTNL^, tnl.rest WHILE tnl # NIL DO this: ROPE _ Trees.Format[who: tnl.first, style: Algebraic]; asRope _ IF asRope = NIL THEN this ELSE asRope.Cat[", ", this]; ENDLOOP; asRope _ Rope.Cat["(", asRope, ")"]; END; MaxTreeNodeList: VR.MaxProc = CHECKED {RETURN [lines: 3, maxWidthNeeded: 1024]}; RecognizeTreeNodeList: VR.Recognizer = CHECKED {RETURN [TRUE, treeNodeListHandler, NIL]}; UnParseST: VR.UnParseProc = CHECKED BEGIN EatIt: SAFE PROC [asAny: REF ANY] RETURNS [abort: BOOLEAN] = CHECKED BEGIN nc: NamedCondition _ NARROW[asAny]; abort _ FALSE; IF asRope # NIL THEN asRope _ asRope.Concat["\n\n"]; asRope _ asRope.Cat[nc.name, "(", IF nc.posted THEN "p" ELSE ""].Cat[ IF nc.postedIncrementally THEN "i" ELSE "", "): ", Trees.Format[who: nc.cond, style: Algebraic]]; END; AMTypes.Assign[lhs: stAsTV, rhs: tv]; asRope _ NIL; stAsST^.EnumerateIncreasing[EatIt]; END; MaxST: VR.MaxProc = CHECKED {RETURN [lines: 10, maxWidthNeeded: 1024]}; RecognizeST: VR.Recognizer = CHECKED {RETURN [TRUE, stHandler, NIL]}; CompareNamedConditions: OSTR.CompareProc = CHECKED BEGIN k1, k2: ROPE; k1 _ WITH r1 SELECT FROM nc: NamedCondition => nc.name, r: ROPE => r, ENDCASE => ERROR; k2 _ WITH r2 SELECT FROM nc: NamedCondition => nc.name, r: ROPE => r, ENDCASE => ERROR; RETURN [k1.Compare[k2]]; END; Pack: PROC [display: Display] = {HD.Pack[display.rootDisplay]}; LookForChange: HD.ChildNotifyProc--PROC [child: Child]-- = TRUSTED BEGIN WITH child SELECT FROM leaf: HD.Leaf => IF ISTYPE[leaf.instanceData, NodeElt] THEN BEGIN ne: NodeElt _ NARROW[leaf.instanceData]; IF NOT ne.changed THEN RETURN; ne.changed _ FALSE; SELECT ne.parent.display.ctlPanel.mode FROM Value => BEGIN VT.SetContents[ leaf.value, ne.node.type.toRope[ where: ne.node.visible.SocketToWP[], typeData: ne.node.type.typeData]]; leaf.value.newVersion _ FALSE; IF ne.badString THEN BEGIN Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[button: leaf.nameButton, style: $BlackOnWhite]; ne.badString _ FALSE; END; END; Test => NULL; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; in: HD.InternalNode => BEGIN cb: CellBrowser _ NARROW[in.instanceData]; IF cb.changed THEN BEGIN Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[ child.nameButton, IF cb.cell.realCellStuff.schedNext = Rosemary.notInSchedule THEN $BlackOnWhite ELSE IF cb.cell = cb.cell.parent.CellToStr[].schedFirst THEN $WhiteOnBlack ELSE $BlackOnGrey]; cb.changed _ FALSE; END; END; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; LookForChanges: SAFE PROC [] = CHECKED BEGIN HD.EnumerateChildren[LookForChange]; END; longing: INTEGER _ 0; NoticeStart: ENTRY Rosemary.GlobalNotifyProc = CHECKED {IF (longing _ longing + 1) > 0 THEN trackChanges _ longIncremental}; NoticeStop: ENTRY Rosemary.GlobalNotifyProc = CHECKED {IF (longing _ longing - 1) < 1 AND NOT trackChanges THEN {LookForChanges[]; trackChanges _ TRUE}}; IncrNotify: ENTRY ViewRec.NotifyClientProc--PROC [clientData: REF ANY]-- = CHECKED BEGIN display: Display _ NARROW[clientData]; IF display.ctlPanel.incrementalDisplay = longIncremental THEN RETURN; longIncremental _ display.ctlPanel.incrementalDisplay; IF longing > 0 AND trackChanges # longIncremental THEN {IF (trackChanges _ longIncremental) THEN LookForChanges[]}; Rosemary.NotifyGlobalEvent[setIncrementalDisplay]; END; longIncremental: BOOLEAN _ FALSE; trackChanges: BOOLEAN _ TRUE; setIncrementalDisplay: ATOM _ Atom.Gensym[]; NoticeSetIncrementalDisplay: Rosemary.GlobalNotifyProc = CHECKED BEGIN display: Display _ NARROW[clientData]; display.ctlPanel.incrementalDisplay _ longIncremental; END; TiogaNoticeEdit: TiogaOps.CommandProc --PROC [viewer: Viewer _ NIL] RETURNS [recordAtom: BOOL _ TRUE, quit: BOOL _ FALSE]-- = TRUSTED BEGIN asAny: REF ANY _ ViewerOps.FetchProp[viewer: viewer, prop: leafProp]; IF (IF asAny = NIL THEN TRUE ELSE NOT ISTYPE[asAny, HD.Leaf]) THEN RETURN [recordAtom: FALSE, quit: FALSE]; recordAtom _ FALSE; quit _ TRUE; [] _ NoticeEdit[NARROW[asAny]]; END; NoticeEdit: PROC [leaf: HD.Leaf] RETURNS [success: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN ne: NodeElt _ NARROW[leaf.instanceData]; SELECT ne.parent.display.ctlPanel.mode FROM Value => BEGIN ModifyIt: Rosemary.ModifyProc = TRUSTED BEGIN wp _ ne.node.visible.SocketToWP[]; success _ ne.node.type.fromRope[rope: VT.GetContents[leaf.value], where: wp, typeData: ne.node.type.typeData]; END; wp: Rosemary.WordPtr; IF ne.node.visible.cell = NIL THEN ERROR; VT.InhibitUserEdits[leaf.value]; Rosemary.AllowToModify[cell: ne.node.visible.cell, modifier: ModifyIt]; Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[leaf.nameButton, IF success THEN $BlackOnWhite ELSE $WhiteOnBlack]; IF success THEN BEGIN leaf.value.newVersion _ FALSE; VT.SetContents[leaf.value, ne.node.type.toRope[where: wp, typeData: ne.node.type.typeData]]; END; VT.EnableUserEdits[leaf.value]; IF NOT success THEN leaf.value.newVersion _ TRUE; END; Test => BEGIN tp: Rosemary.TestProc; td: REF ANY; VT.InhibitUserEdits[leaf.value]; [success, tp, td] _ ne.node.type.parseTest[rope: VT.GetContents[leaf.value], typeData: ne.node.type.typeData]; Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[leaf.nameButton, IF success THEN $BlackOnWhite ELSE $WhiteOnBlack]; IF success THEN BEGIN ne.testData _ td; ne.testProc _ tp; VT.SetContents[leaf.value, ne.node.type.unParseTest[testProc: tp, testData: td, typeData: ne.node.type.typeData, subject: NIL]]; leaf.value.newVersion _ FALSE; END; VT.EnableUserEdits[leaf.value]; IF NOT success THEN leaf.value.newVersion _ TRUE; END; ENDCASE => ERROR; ne.badString _ NOT success; END; NoticeEdits: PROC [display: Display] RETURNS [AOK: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN Notice: HD.ChildNotifyProc = TRUSTED BEGIN IF NOT NoticeEdit[NARROW[child]] THEN AOK _ FALSE; END; AOK _ TRUE; HD.EnumerateChildren[to: Notice, internals: FALSE, changedOnly: TRUE]; END; Interrupt: PROC [display: Display] = {Rosemary.stop _ TRUE}; Proceed: ENTRY PROC [display: Display] = BEGIN display.stopResponse _ Resume; display.ctlPanel.status _ Normal; BROADCAST display.notice; END; Abort: ENTRY PROC [display: Display] = BEGIN display.stopResponse _ Abort; display.ctlPanel.status _ Normal; BROADCAST display.notice; END; GetStopResponse: SAFE PROC [display: Display, msg: ROPE, data: REF ANY] RETURNS [sr: StopResponse] = CHECKED BEGIN Rosemary.NotifyGlobalEvent[$Stop]; sr _ ReallyGetStopResponse[display, msg, data]; Rosemary.NotifyGlobalEvent[$Start]; END; ReallyGetStopResponse: ENTRY SAFE PROC [display: Display, msg: ROPE, data: REF ANY] RETURNS [sr: StopResponse] = CHECKED BEGIN display.ctlPanel.status _ Interrupted; display.rv.DisplayMessage[msg]; WHILE display.ctlPanel.status = Interrupted DO WAIT display.notice; ENDLOOP; Rosemary.stop _ FALSE; sr _ display.stopResponse; END; Run: PROC [display: Display] = BEGIN Rosemary.NotifyGlobalEvent[$Start]; Rosemary.Run[Rosemary.CellToStr[display.rootCell] !Rosemary.Stop => CHECKED BEGIN SELECT GetStopResponse[display, msg, data] FROM Resume => RESUME; Abort => ERROR ABORTED; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; UNWIND => Rosemary.NotifyGlobalEvent[$Stop]]; Rosemary.NotifyGlobalEvent[$Stop]; END; SingleStep: PROC [display: Display] = BEGIN Rosemary.NotifyGlobalEvent[$Start]; Rosemary.SingleStep[Rosemary.CellToStr[display.rootCell] !Rosemary.Stop => CHECKED BEGIN SELECT GetStopResponse[display, msg, data] FROM Resume => RESUME; Abort => ERROR ABORTED; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; UNWIND => Rosemary.NotifyGlobalEvent[$Stop]]; Rosemary.NotifyGlobalEvent[$Stop]; END; Test: PROC [display: Display, cellPathName: ROPE] = BEGIN Rosemary.NotifyGlobalEvent[$Start]; Rosemary.Test[Rosemary.LookupCell[from: display.rootCell, path: PathNameToPath[cellPathName]], display.parms !Rosemary.Stop => CHECKED BEGIN SELECT GetStopResponse[display, msg, data] FROM Resume => RESUME; Abort => ERROR ABORTED; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; UNWIND => Rosemary.NotifyGlobalEvent[$Stop]]; Rosemary.NotifyGlobalEvent[$Stop]; END; ListSchedule: PROC [display: Display] RETURNS [asRope: ROPE] = BEGIN Work: PROC [str: Rosemary.Structure] RETURNS [asRope: ROPE] = BEGIN asRope _ NIL; FOR sc: Cell _ str.schedFirst, sc.realCellStuff.schedNext WHILE sc # NIL DO IF asRope # NIL THEN asRope _ asRope.Cat[", "]; asRope _ asRope.Cat[CellPathName[sc]]; IF sc.realCellStuff.state # NIL AND ISTYPE[sc.realCellStuff.state, Rosemary.Structure] THEN asRope _ asRope.Cat["(", Work[NARROW[sc.realCellStuff.state]], ")"]; ENDLOOP; END; str: Rosemary.Structure _ Rosemary.CellToStr[display.rootCell]; asRope _ Work[str]; END; CellPathName: PROC [cell: Cell] RETURNS [cellPathName: ROPE] = BEGIN cellPathName _ cell.name; FOR cell _ cell.parent, cell.parent WHILE cell # NIL DO cellPathName _ cell.name.Cat[".", cellPathName]; ENDLOOP; END; PathNameToPath: PROC [pathName: ROPE] RETURNS [path: LIST OF ROPE] = BEGIN dotIndex: INT; last: LIST OF ROPE _ LIST[pathName]; path _ last; WHILE (dotIndex _ last.first.Find["."]) >= 0 DO last.rest _ LIST[last.first.Substr[dotIndex+1, last.first.Length[] - (dotIndex+1)]]; last.first _ last.first.Substr[0, dotIndex]; last _ last.rest; ENDLOOP; END; NoticeEditsAndRunIfOK: PROC [display: Display] RETURNS [AOK: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN IF (AOK _ NoticeEdits[display]) THEN Run[display]; END; SetMode: PROC [display: Display, mode: DisplayMode] = BEGIN SetValue: HD.ChildNotifyProc = TRUSTED BEGIN leaf: HD.Leaf _ NARROW[child]; WITH leaf.instanceData SELECT FROM ne: NodeElt => BEGIN val: ROPE _ ne.node.type.toRope[where: ne.node.visible.SocketToWP[], typeData: ne.node.type.typeData]; VT.InhibitUserEdits[leaf.value]; VT.SetContents[leaf.value, val]; leaf.value.newVersion _ FALSE; VT.EnableUserEdits[leaf.value]; Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[leaf.nameButton, $BlackOnWhite]; ne.badString _ FALSE; END; cs: CellState => NULL; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; SetTest: HD.ChildNotifyProc = TRUSTED BEGIN leaf: HD.Leaf _ NARROW[child]; WITH leaf.instanceData SELECT FROM ne: NodeElt => BEGIN val: ROPE _ ne.node.type.unParseTest[testProc: ne.testProc, testData: ne.testData, typeData: ne.node.type.typeData, subject: NIL]; VT.InhibitUserEdits[leaf.value]; VT.SetContents[leaf.value, val]; leaf.value.newVersion _ FALSE; VT.EnableUserEdits[leaf.value]; Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[leaf.nameButton, $BlackOnWhite]; ne.badString _ FALSE; END; cs: CellState => NULL; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; HD.EnumerateChildren[to: IF mode = Value THEN SetValue ELSE SetTest, internals: FALSE]; END; ModeNotify: VR.NotifyClientProc = TRUSTED {display: Display _ NARROW[clientData]; SetMode[display, display.ctlPanel.mode]}; ClearStack: PROC [display: Display] = {display.ctlPanel.conditionStack _ NIL}; ClearCondition: PROC [display: Display] = {display.ctlPanel.condition _ NIL}; GetCondition: PROC [display: Display] RETURNS [nc: NamedCondition] = BEGIN name: ROPE _ VT.GetSelectionContents[]; asAny: REF ANY; IF name.Length[] < 1 THEN RETURN [NIL]; asAny _ display.ctlPanel.conditions.Lookup[name]; nc _ NARROW[asAny]; END; PostCondition: PROC [display: Display] = BEGIN nc: NamedCondition _ GetCondition[display]; IF nc = NIL THEN {display.rv.DisplayMessage["Select a condition name"]; RETURN}; IF nc.posted THEN {display.rv.DisplayMessage["Already posted!"]; RETURN}; nc.posted _ TRUE; RC.PostOnCell[ cell: display.rootCell, condition: nc.cond]; VR.RedisplayElt[display.conditionsHandle]; END; RemoveCondition: PROC [display: Display] = BEGIN nc: NamedCondition _ GetCondition[display]; IF nc = NIL THEN {display.rv.DisplayMessage["Select a condition name"]; RETURN}; RC.UnPostOnCell[ cell: display.rootCell, condition: nc.cond]; nc.posted _ FALSE; VR.RedisplayElt[display.conditionsHandle]; END; PostIncremental: PROC [display: Display] = BEGIN nc: NamedCondition _ GetCondition[display]; IF nc = NIL THEN {display.rv.DisplayMessage["Select a condition name"]; RETURN}; IF nc.postedIncrementally THEN {display.rv.DisplayMessage["Already posted incrementally!"]; RETURN}; nc.postedIncrementally _ TRUE; nc.ic _ RC.PostIncrementally[nc.cond]; VR.RedisplayElt[display.conditionsHandle]; END; RemoveIncremental: PROC [display: Display] = BEGIN nc: NamedCondition _ GetCondition[display]; IF nc = NIL THEN {display.rv.DisplayMessage["Select a condition name"]; RETURN}; IF NOT nc.postedIncrementally THEN {display.rv.DisplayMessage["Not posted incrementally!"]; RETURN}; RC.UnPostIncrementally[nc.ic]; nc.ic _ NIL; nc.postedIncrementally _ FALSE; VR.RedisplayElt[display.conditionsHandle]; END; AddNamedCondition: PROC [display: Display, name: ROPE] = BEGIN nc: NamedCondition; nc _ NEW [NamedConditionRep _ [ name: name, cond: display.ctlPanel.condition]]; IF nc.cond = NIL THEN {display.rv.DisplayMessage["empty condition!"]; RETURN}; IF name.Length[] < 1 THEN {display.rv.DisplayMessage["empty name!"]; RETURN}; IF display.ctlPanel.conditions.Lookup[name] # NIL THEN {display.rv.DisplayMessage["already exists!"]; RETURN}; display.ctlPanel.conditions.Insert[nc]; display.ctlPanel.condition _ NIL; VR.RedisplayElt[display.conditionsHandle]; END; DeleteNamedCondition: PROC [display: Display, name: ROPE ] = BEGIN old: REF ANY; IF name.Length[] < 1 THEN {display.rv.DisplayMessage["empty name!"]; RETURN}; IF display.ctlPanel.conditions.Lookup[name] = NIL THEN {display.rv.DisplayMessage["not found"]; RETURN}; IF (old _ display.ctlPanel.conditions.Delete[name]) = NIL THEN ERROR; END; NewDisplay: PROC [cell: Cell, info: ViewerClasses.ViewerRec _ [], paint: BOOLEAN _ TRUE] RETURNS [display: Display] = BEGIN OtherStuff: VR.OtherStuffProc--PROC [in: Viewer] RETURNS [stuff: LIST OF Viewer]-- = CHECKED BEGIN stuff _ LIST[VR.RVQuaViewer[VR.ViewRef[ agg: display.parms _ NEW [Rosemary.TestParmsRep _ []], createOptions: [mayInitiateRelayout: FALSE, feedBackHeight: 0], viewerInit: [parent: in], paint: FALSE]]]; END; rvv: Viewer; ctlPanel: ControlPanel _ NEW [ControlPanelRep _ [ conditions: OSTR.CreateTable[CompareNamedConditions], incrementalDisplay: longIncremental, Pack: Pack, NoticeEdits: NoticeEdits, NoticeEditsAndRunIfOK: NoticeEditsAndRunIfOK, Run: Run, SingleStep: SingleStep, Test: Test, ListSchedule: ListSchedule, Interrupt: Interrupt, Proceed: Proceed, Abort: Abort, ClearStack: ClearStack, ClearCondition: ClearCondition, Or: Or, PostCondition: PostCondition, RemoveCondition: RemoveCondition, PostIncremental: PostIncremental, RemoveIncremental: RemoveIncremental, AddNamedCondition: AddNamedCondition, DeleteNamedCondition: DeleteNamedCondition, Save: Save, Restore: Restore]]; display _ NEW [DisplayRep _ [ rootCell: cell, ctlPanel: ctlPanel, conditionHandle: NIL, conditionsHandle: NIL, rootDisplay: HD.CreateRoot[ viewerInit: [ parent: NIL, iconic: FALSE, scrollable: TRUE, name: cell.name.Cat[".display"]], paint: paint], rv: NIL]]; display.rv _ VR.ViewRef[ agg: ctlPanel, specs: VR.BindingListAppend[ LIST[ ["mode", Notify[notify: ModeNotify, clientData: display]], ["incrementalDisplay", Notify[notify: IncrNotify, clientData: display]], ["conditionStack", TryRecognizer[RecognizeTreeNodeList]], ["condition", TryRecognizer[RecognizeTree]], ["conditions", TryRecognizer[RecognizeST]], ["status", Value[val: NIL, visible: TRUE, dontAssign: TRUE]] ] , VR.BindAllOfATypeFromRefs[rec: ctlPanel, handle: NEW [Display _ display]] ], otherStuff: OtherStuff, createOptions: [exclusiveProcs: FALSE], viewerInit: [parent: NIL, iconic: FALSE, scrollable: TRUE, name: cell.name.Cat[".ops"]], paint: paint]; rvv _ VR.RVQuaViewer[display.rv]; --Now a bad idea?:-- --ViewerOps.SetOpenHeight[viewer: rvv, clientHeight: 100];-- --ViewerOps.ComputeColumn[rvv.column];-- --[] _ rvv.class.scroll[self: rvv, op: up, amount: 200];-- display.conditionHandle _ display.rv.GetEltHandle[LIST["condition"]]; display.conditionsHandle _ display.rv.GetEltHandle[LIST["conditions"]]; Process.InitializeCondition[ condition: @display.notice, ticks: Process.SecondsToTicks[5]]; Rosemary.AddGlobalEventWatcher[setIncrementalDisplay, [NoticeSetIncrementalDisplay, display]]; ViewerHelp.AttachHelper[ helper: ViewerHelp.ShowNamedNodeInFile["Rosemary.doc"], to: display.rv.RVQuaViewer[], end: back]; END; cellClass: PUBLIC HD.ChildClass _ NEW [HD.ChildClassRep _ [ buttonProc: DullButtonProc, NotifyOnRemove: NoticeCellRemoval]]; nodeClass: PUBLIC HD.ChildClass _ NEW [HD.ChildClassRep _ [ buttonProc: DullButtonProc, NotifyOnRemove: NoticeNodeRemoval]]; DullButtonProc: Buttons.ButtonProc = TRUSTED BEGIN leaf: HD.Leaf; ne: NodeElt; IF (IF clientData = NIL THEN TRUE ELSE NOT ISTYPE[clientData, HD.Leaf]) THEN BEGIN MessageWindow.Append[message: "Don't do that", clearFirst: TRUE]; RETURN; END; leaf _ NARROW[clientData]; ne _ NARROW[leaf.instanceData]; SELECT mouseButton FROM red => VT.SetSelection[leaf.value]; yellow => AddAnd[ne, shift]; blue => AddOr[ne, shift]; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; AddOr: PROC [ne: NodeElt, invert: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN display: Display _ ne.org.display; nt: RC.NodeTest _ NEW [RC.NodeTestRep _ [ node: ne.node, nodeName: ne.name, cell: ne.org.cell, testData: ne.testData, testProc: ne.testProc]]; leaf: TreeNode _ Trees.Leaf[nt, RC.test]; IF nt.testProc = NIL THEN {display.rv.DisplayMessage["invalid test"]; RETURN}; IF invert THEN leaf _ Trees.Not[leaf]; Push[display, Pop[display].Or[display.ctlPanel.condition]]; display.ctlPanel.condition _ leaf; END; AddAnd: PROC [ne: NodeElt, invert: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN display: Display _ ne.org.display; nt: RC.NodeTest _ NEW [RC.NodeTestRep _ [ node: ne.node, nodeName: ne.name, cell: ne.org.cell, testData: ne.testData, testProc: ne.testProc]]; leaf: TreeNode _ Trees.Leaf[nt, RC.test]; IF nt.testProc = NIL THEN {display.rv.DisplayMessage["invalid test"]; RETURN}; IF invert THEN leaf _ Trees.Not[leaf]; display.ctlPanel.condition _ Trees.And[display.ctlPanel.condition, leaf]; VR.RedisplayElt[display.conditionHandle]; END; NoticeCellRemoval: HD.ChildNotifyProc = CHECKED BEGIN cb: CellBrowser _ NARROW[child.instanceData]; cb.cell.other _ List.PutAssoc[key: cb.display, val: NIL, aList: cb.cell.other]; IF cb.cell.type = Real THEN Rosemary.RemoveCellEventWatcher[cb.cell, $Schedule, [NotifyCellView, child]]; END; NoticeNodeRemoval: HD.ChildNotifyProc = TRUSTED BEGIN ne: NodeElt _ NARROW[child.instanceData]; displays: NodeDisplayList _ NARROW[List.Assoc[key: nodeDisplaysProp, aList: ne.node.other]]; nd: NodeDisplay; found: BOOLEAN; leaf: HD.Leaf _ NARROW[child]; [displays, nd, found] _ NDLSearch[ndl: displays, org: ne.org, remove: TRUE]; IF (IF found THEN nd.dc # child ELSE TRUE) THEN ERROR; ne.node.other _ List.PutAssoc[key: nodeDisplaysProp, val: displays, aList: ne.node.other]; Rosemary.RemoveNodeWatcher[node: ne.node, watcher: [NotifyNodeView, leaf], priority: 1]; END; NotifyNodeView: PUBLIC Rosemary.NodeNotifyProc = TRUSTED BEGIN leaf: HD.Leaf _ NARROW[clientData]; ne: NodeElt _ NARROW[leaf.instanceData]; v: Viewer _ leaf.value; val: ROPE; IF ne.org.display.ctlPanel.mode # Value THEN RETURN; IF NOT trackChanges THEN {ne.changed _ TRUE; RETURN}; IF ne.badString THEN BEGIN Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[button: leaf.nameButton, style: $BlackOnWhite]; ne.badString _ FALSE; END; val _ node.type.toRope[where: node.visible.SocketToWP[], typeData: node.type.typeData]; VT.SetContents[v, val]; END; NotifyCellView: PUBLIC Rosemary.CellNotifyProc = TRUSTED BEGIN dc: HD.Child _ NARROW[clientData]; IF trackChanges THEN Buttons.SetDisplayStyle[dc.nameButton, IF cell.realCellStuff.schedNext = Rosemary.notInSchedule THEN $BlackOnWhite ELSE IF cell = cell.parent.CellToStr[].schedFirst THEN $WhiteOnBlack ELSE $BlackOnGrey] ELSE NARROW[dc.instanceData, CellBrowser].changed _ TRUE; END; Or: PROC [display: Display] = {display.ctlPanel.condition _ Pop[display].Or[display.ctlPanel.condition]}; Push: PUBLIC PROC [display: Display, cond: Condition] = {display.ctlPanel.conditionStack _ CONS[cond, display.ctlPanel.conditionStack]}; Pop: PUBLIC PROC [display: Display] RETURNS [cond: Condition] = BEGIN IF display.ctlPanel.conditionStack = NIL THEN RETURN [NIL]; cond _ display.ctlPanel.conditionStack.first; display.ctlPanel.conditionStack _ display.ctlPanel.conditionStack.rest; END; Save: PROC [display: Display, fileName: ROPE] RETURNS [errMsg: ROPE] = {errMsg _ RoseStateIO.Save[display.rootCell, fileName]}; Restore: PROC [display: Display, fileName: ROPE] RETURNS [errMsg: ROPE] = {errMsg _ RoseStateIO.Restore[display.rootCell, fileName]}; Setup: PROC = BEGIN TiogaOps.RegisterCommand[name: $InsertLineBreak, proc: TiogaNoticeEdit]; Rosemary.AddGlobalEventWatcher[event: $Stop, watcher: [NoticeStop]]; Rosemary.AddGlobalEventWatcher[event: $Start, watcher: [NoticeStart]]; END; Setup[]; END.