<> <> DIRECTORY IO, LichenDataStructure; LichenOps: CEDAR DEFINITIONS = BEGIN OPEN LichenDataStructure; NotNormal: ERROR [msg: ROPE]; NotComparable: ERROR [msg: ROPE]; Source: TYPE = RECORD [stream: IO.STREAM _ NIL, name: ROPE _ NIL]; AssertionOp: TYPE = {ignore, report, check, establish}; MerelyCheckableAssertionOp: TYPE = AssertionOp [ignore .. check]; FailableAssertionOp: TYPE = AssertionOp [report .. check]; AssertionFamily: TYPE = {normal, comparable}; DimName: ARRAY Dim OF ROPE; EOName: ARRAY EO OF ROPE; EndName: ARRAY End OF ROPE; NamingNames: PROC [naming: Naming] RETURNS [names: Names]; EnumerateNames: PROC [names: Names, consume: PROC [name: ROPE, class: ATOM--UNION[$designed, $unknown, $progged]--]]; RopeListIncludes: PROC [rl: RopeList, r: ROPE] RETURNS [found: BOOL]; NamesInclude: PROC [names: Names, name: ROPE] RETURNS [BOOL]; FindPort: PROC [ports: PortS, name: ROPE] RETURNS [portIndex: NAT]; notFound: NAT = LAST[NAT]; Insert: PROC [st: SymbolTable, names: Names, val: REF ANY]; Delete: PROC [st: SymbolTable, names: Names, val: REF ANY]; Lookup: PROC [st: SymbolTable, key: ROPE] RETURNS [val: REF ANY]; AntiAlias: PROC [ra: REF ANY] RETURNS [val: REF ANY]; PickAName: PROC [names: Names] RETURNS [name: ROPE]; GlobalPortName: PROC [ct: CellType, portIndex: PortIndex] RETURNS [r: ROPE]; GlobalCellTypeName: PROC [ct: CellType] RETURNS [r: ROPE]; GlobalVertexName: PROC [v: Vertex] RETURNS [r: ROPE]; GlobalName: PROC [ra: REF ANY, soFar: Naming _ [NIL, NIL]] RETURNS [ROPE]; Naming: TYPE = RECORD [first: ROPE, designed, unknown, progged: RopeList _ NIL]; GetArrayPort: PROC [a: Array, index: ArrayIndex, eltPortIndex: PortIndex] RETURNS [arrayPortIndex: PortIndex]; ToVertex: PROC [context, ra: REF ANY] RETURNS [v: Vertex]; ToType: PROC [design: Design, ra: REF ANY] RETURNS [type: CellType]; KeepAll: PROC [REF ANY] RETURNS [BOOL]; Warn: PROC [source: Source, format: ROPE, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5: IO.Value _ [null[]]]; Err: PROC [source: Source, format: ROPE, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5: IO.Value _ [null[]]]; Log: PROC [format: ROPE, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5: IO.Value _ [null[]]]; Fail: PROC [af: AssertionFamily, ao: FailableAssertionOp, format: ROPE, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5: IO.Value _ [null[]]]; FlushLog: PROC; WriteAll: PROC [when: ROPE, a, b: CellType, hashTable: HashTable]; EnsureAllIn: PROC [design: Design]; EnsurePorts: PROC [CellType]; EnsureParts: PROC [CellType]; ExpansionKnown: PROC [CellType] RETURNS [BOOL]; <> GetInternalStyle: PROC [CellType] RETURNS [InternalStyle]; InternalStyle: TYPE = {graph, array}; NoteChange: PROC [CellType]; CheckType: PROC [ct: CellType, norm: AssertionOp, comparable: MerelyCheckableAssertionOp, ignoreInstances: BOOL _ FALSE]; CheckPerType: PROC [key, val: REF ANY] RETURNS [quit: BOOL]; <> <> <> AddCellType: PROC [ct: CellType]; AddVertex: PROC [v: Vertex]; DeleteVertex: PROC [v: Vertex]; Connect: PROC [cv, nv: Vertex, portIndex: PortIndex]; RemoveEdge: PROC [Edge]; AddWorld: PROC [ct: CellType]; IsMirror: PROC [v: Vertex] RETURNS [isMirror: BOOL]; UnlinkInstance: PROC [v: Vertex]; LinkInstance: PROC [v: Vertex]; AddNames: PROC [ra: REF ANY--UNION[Vertex, CellType]--, names: Names]; MergeNets: PROC [net1, net2: Vertex] RETURNS [merged, doomed: Vertex]; NewDetailedPorting: PROC [shape: ARRAY Dim OF Range] RETURNS [dp: DetailedPorting]; CompareGraphs: PROC [a, b: CellType, seeAllInstanceNames: BOOL] RETURNS [equiv: BOOL]; END.