ThingsToDoToRosemary: Control Panel Breakpoints conditioned on events. Maybe partly done? Easier ways to deal with breakpoints. (Includes simply stopping on random events.) Reset. (And maybe eventual EvalProc replacement). Done: Open Control Panel with only useful part showing. Done: Test procedures. Runtime Done: Procedural interface to (multiple) clock generators. Done: Check that port directions strictly obeyed. Browser and Display Done: Record Viewers on state records. Done: Order display by Create Time. Adjust size of Display components when packing. Done: Zero pad numbers to the left. Done: Return in Display invokes NoticeEdits. Done: Display nodes with no writers. Browser: Lying about visibility. Maybe done: Excessive white space. Cut down on white space in Display. Maybe explained: Packing bug (many state records => each Pack cmd fixes only one) Multiple-displayer bugs Done: Use new ViewRec Debugging style ViewRec Done: Useful error message when try to examine state of nonleaf, or eliminate state button if no state to open. Type hierarchy and multiple ways to display. Translator Done: null cell definitions should translate and compile Done: Optimize code generated for OPENs. Done: Test procedures.  JJ J"JJRJJ1JJ1JJJJ4JJ+JJ JJJJ/JJJJ&JJJJ JJJ#JJ@JJJJJJJJiJJ,J JJ2JJ"JJJ