<> <> DIRECTORY Basics, CompareDataStructure, CompareOps, CompareTransforms, CompareTransformsPrivate, DFUtilities, FS, IO, List, OrderedSymbolTableRef, RefTab, Rope, TextReplace, ViewerIO; CompareSpecialTransforms: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS CompareOps, CompareTransforms, CompareTransformsPrivate, OrderedSymbolTableRef, RefTab, Rope, TextReplace EXPORTS CompareTransforms, CompareOps, CompareTransformsPrivate = BEGIN OPEN CompareDataStructure, CompareTransforms, CompareOps, CompareTransformsPrivate; Special: TYPE = REF SpecialRep; SpecialRep: TYPE = RECORD [ra: REF ANY]; all: PUBLIC REF ANY _ NEW [SpecialRep _ [$all]]; ExpandVertex: PUBLIC PROC [design: Design, childA: REF ANY] = BEGIN child: Vertex _ ToVertex[design, childA]; parentType: CellType _ child.parent; childType: CellType _ child.type; [] _ ExpandVertexWork[child]; NoteChange[parentType]; CheckType[parentType, ignore, ignore]; CheckType[childType, ignore, ignore]; END; igig: LORA _ LIST[$ignore, $ignore]; ExpandChildren: PUBLIC PROC [design: Design, parentTypeA: REF ANY, flatten: BOOL _ FALSE] = BEGIN parentType: CellType _ ToType[design, parentTypeA]; childTypes: RefTab.Ref _ RefTab.Create[]; children: RefTab.Ref _ RefTab.Create[]; NoteOldChild: PROC [ra: REF ANY] RETURNS [stop: BOOL] = { v: Vertex _ NARROW[AntiAlias[ra]]; [] _ children.Insert[v, $T]; stop _ FALSE}; ExpandOldChild: PROC [key, val: REF ANY] RETURNS [quit: BOOL] = { v: Vertex _ NARROW[key]; quit _ FALSE; SELECT v.class FROM cell => { childType: CellType _ v.type; EnsureParts[childType]; IF ExpansionKnown[childType] THEN { sibs: VertexList _ ExpandVertexWork[v]; [] _ childTypes.Insert[childType, igig]; IF flatten THEN { FOR sibs _ sibs, sibs.rest WHILE sibs # NIL DO [] _ ExpandOldChild[sibs.first, NIL]; ENDLOOP; }; }; }; net => NULL; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; EnsureParts[parentType]; IF NOT ExpansionKnown[parentType] THEN ERROR; parentType.parts.EnumerateIncreasing[NoteOldChild]; [] _ children.Pairs[ExpandOldChild]; NoteChange[parentType]; CheckType[parentType, ignore, ignore]; [] _ childTypes.Pairs[CheckPerType]; END; ExpandVertexWork: PROC [childCell: Vertex] RETURNS [newSibs: VertexList] = BEGIN parentType: CellType _ childCell.parent; childType: CellType _ childCell.type; NILEquiv: PROC [ra: REF ANY] RETURNS [stop: BOOL] = { v: Vertex _ NARROW[AntiAlias[ra]]; stop _ FALSE; v.equiv _ NIL}; SetPortedNetEquivs: PROC = { innerEdge: Edge _ childType.mirror.firstEdge; outerEdge: Edge _ childCell.firstEdge; FOR portIndex: NAT IN [0 .. childType.ports.length) DO IF innerEdge.portIndex # portIndex THEN ERROR; IF outerEdge.portIndex # portIndex THEN ERROR; IF innerEdge.sides[cell].v # childType.mirror THEN ERROR; IF outerEdge.sides[cell].v # childCell THEN ERROR; innerEdge.sides[net].v.equiv _ outerEdge.sides[net].v; innerEdge _ innerEdge.sides[cell].next; outerEdge _ outerEdge.sides[cell].next; ENDLOOP; IF innerEdge # NIL OR outerEdge # NIL THEN ERROR}; Copy: PROC [ra: REF ANY] RETURNS [stop: BOOL] = { v: Vertex _ NARROW[AntiAlias[ra]]; stop _ FALSE; [] _ CopyWork[v]}; CopyWork: PROC [gc: Vertex] RETURNS [newChild: Vertex] = { IF gc.equiv # NIL THEN RETURN [gc.equiv]; gc.equiv _ newChild _ NEW [VertexRep _ [names: JoinNames[childCell.names, gc.names], type: gc.type, parent: parentType, class: gc.class, other: gc.other]]; AddVertex[newChild]; IF newChild.class = net THEN RETURN; LinkInstance[newChild]; FOR oldE: Edge _ gc.firstEdge, oldE.sides[cell].next WHILE oldE # NIL DO newNet: Vertex _ CopyWork[oldE.sides[net].v]; IF oldE.sides[cell].v # gc THEN ERROR; AddEdge[newChild, newNet]; ENDLOOP; newSibs _ CONS[newChild, newSibs]; }; newSibs _ NIL; EnsureParts[childType]; IF NOT ExpansionKnown[childType] THEN ERROR; childType.mirror.equiv _ NIL; childType.parts.EnumerateIncreasing[NILEquiv]; childType.mirror.equiv _ childCell; SetPortedNetEquivs[]; childType.parts.EnumerateIncreasing[Copy]; DeleteVertex[childCell]; childType.mirror.equiv _ NIL; childType.parts.EnumerateIncreasing[NILEquiv]; CheckType[parentType, ignore, ignore, TRUE]; END; Group: PUBLIC PROC [design: Design, parentTypeA, childrenA: REF ANY, childNames, childTypeNames: Names, newPortNamer: NewPortNamer] RETURNS [newChild: Vertex, newGrandchildren: VertexS] = BEGIN parentType: CellType _ ToType[design, parentTypeA]; oldChildren: VertexS _ ToVertexS[parentType, childrenA]; newChildType: CellType _ NewEmptyCellType[design, childTypeNames]; newChild _ CreateEmpty[design: design, childNames: childNames, childType: newChildType, parentType: parentType]; [gcs: newGrandchildren] _ LowerChildren[design: design, childTypeA: newChildType, gcNamesl: ListNames[oldChildren], sibber: OneMap[newChild, oldChildren], newPortNamer: newPortNamer]; END; NameNewPortFromAnyOldPort: PUBLIC PROC [ data: REF ANY, first: BOOL, ct: CellType, ports: PortS, portIndex: PortIndex, oldNet: Vertex, oldConnections: EdgeList] RETURNS [names: Names, equivClass: EquivClass] = { from: Vertex _ oldConnections.first.sides[cell].v; index: PortIndex _ oldConnections.first.portIndex; names _ from.type.ports[index].names; equivClass _ from.type.ports[index].equivClass}; NameNewPortFromAnyOldPortInstance: PUBLIC PROC [ data: REF ANY, first: BOOL, ct: CellType, ports: PortS, portIndex: PortIndex, oldNet: Vertex, oldConnections: EdgeList] RETURNS [names: Names, equivClass: EquivClass] = { from: Vertex _ oldConnections.first.sides[cell].v; index: PortIndex _ oldConnections.first.portIndex; names _ from.type.ports[index].names; IF NOT first THEN names _ JoinNames[from.names, names, FALSE]; equivClass _ from.type.ports[index].equivClass; IF NOT first THEN equivClass _ QualifyEquivClass[from.names, equivClass, FALSE]; }; NameNewPortFromOldNet: PUBLIC PROC [ data: REF ANY, first: BOOL, ct: CellType, ports: PortS, portIndex: PortIndex, oldNet: Vertex, oldConnections: EdgeList] RETURNS [names: Names, equivClass: EquivClass] = { names _ oldNet.names; equivClass _ implicitClass}; DontNameNewPort: PUBLIC PROC [ data: REF ANY, first: BOOL, ct: CellType, ports: PortS, portIndex: PortIndex, oldNet: Vertex, oldConnections: EdgeList] RETURNS [names: Names, equivClass: EquivClass] = {ERROR}; FavorSimpleNames: PUBLIC PROC [data: REF ANY, oldNames: Names, oldEquiv: EquivClass] RETURNS [newNames: Names, newEquiv: EquivClass] = { newNames _ oldNames; newEquiv _ oldEquiv; IF newNames.progged = NIL OR newNames.progged.rest = NIL THEN RETURN; FOR rl: RopeList _ newNames.progged, rl.rest WHILE rl # NIL DO class: CARDINAL _ 0; seeingGen: BOOL _ FALSE; <> lastWasGen, lastWasDash, lastWasAlpha, nextLastWasAlpha: BOOL _ FALSE; FOR i: INT IN [0 .. rl.first.Length[]) DO c: CHAR _ rl.first.Fetch[i]; SELECT c FROM '., '- => IF seeingGen THEN class _ class + 1; ENDCASE; SELECT c FROM '. => {class _ class + 1; seeingGen _ FALSE}; IN ['0 .. '9] => { IF lastWasDash THEN {class _ class + 1; IF seeingGen THEN ERROR}; IF lastWasGen AND NOT nextLastWasAlpha THEN seeingGen _ TRUE; }; ENDCASE => seeingGen _ FALSE; nextLastWasAlpha _ lastWasAlpha; SELECT c FROM '., '- => lastWasAlpha _ FALSE; ENDCASE => lastWasAlpha _ TRUE; SELECT c FROM 'n, 'C, 'Q => {lastWasGen _ TRUE; lastWasDash _ FALSE}; '- => {lastWasGen _ FALSE; lastWasDash _ TRUE}; ENDCASE => lastWasGen _ lastWasDash _ FALSE; ENDLOOP; IF seeingGen THEN class _ class + 1; classes[MIN[WorstClass, class]].Insert[rl.first]; ENDLOOP; newNames.progged _ NIL; FOR c: CARDINAL IN [0 .. WorstClass] DO name: ROPE _ NARROW[classes[c].LookupLargest[]]; IF name = NIL THEN LOOP; WHILE name # NIL DO newNames.progged _ CONS[name, newNames.progged]; name _ NARROW[classes[c].LookupNextSmaller[name]]; ENDLOOP; FOR d: CARDINAL IN [c .. WorstClass] DO classes[d].DeleteAllItems[] ENDLOOP; EXIT; ENDLOOP; IF newNames.progged = NIL THEN ERROR; }; WorstClass: CARDINAL ~ 8; classes: ARRAY [0 .. WorstClass] OF SymbolTable; CompareRopes: PROC [r1, r2: REF ANY] RETURNS [c: Basics.Comparison] = { c _ NARROW[r1, ROPE].Compare[NARROW[r2]]; }; InitClasses: PROC = { FOR c: CARDINAL IN [0 .. WorstClass] DO classes[c] _ OrderedSymbolTableRef.CreateTable[CompareRopes] ENDLOOP; }; ReNameByName: PUBLIC PROC [rm: RopeMap] RETURNS [r: Renamer] = { r _ [rm, RenameByName]; }; RenameByName: PROC [data: REF ANY, oldNames: Names, oldEquiv: EquivClass] RETURNS [newNames: Names, newEquiv: EquivClass] = { rm: RopeMap _ NARROW[data]; diff: BOOL _ FALSE; RenameRope: PROC [old: ROPE] RETURNS [new: ROPE] = { new _ rm.Apply[old]; diff _ diff OR NOT new.Equal[old]; }; RenameList: PROC [old: RopeList] RETURNS [new: RopeList] = { newTail: RopeList _ new _ NIL; FOR old _ old, old.rest WHILE old # NIL DO [new, newTail] _ RopeListCat[RenameRope[old.first], new, newTail]; ENDLOOP; }; newEquiv _ RenameRope[oldEquiv]; newNames.designed _ RenameList[oldNames.designed]; newNames.unknown _ RenameList[oldNames.unknown]; newNames.progged _ RenameList[oldNames.progged]; IF NOT diff THEN RETURN [oldNames, oldEquiv]; }; MapRopePairs: PUBLIC PROC [pairs: RopePairList] RETURNS [rm: RopeMap] = { st: SymbolTableHolder _ NEW [SymbolTable _ OrderedSymbolTableRef.CreateTable[ComparePairs]]; FOR pairs _ pairs, pairs.rest WHILE pairs # NIL DO st^.Insert[pairs]; ENDLOOP; rm _ NEW [TextReplace.RopeMapRep _ [MapByPairs, st]]; }; ComparePairs: PROC [r1, r2: REF ANY] RETURNS [c: Basics.Comparison] = { Key: PROC [ra: REF ANY] RETURNS [k: ROPE] = { IF ra = NIL THEN k _ NIL ELSE WITH ra SELECT FROM r: ROPE => k _ r; p: RopePairList => k _ p.first.old; ENDCASE => ERROR}; c _ Key[r1].Compare[Key[r2]]; }; MapByPairs: PROC [data: REF ANY, old: ROPE] RETURNS [new: ROPE] = { st: SymbolTableHolder _ NARROW[data]; p: RopePairList _ NARROW[st^.Lookup[old]]; new _ IF p # NIL THEN p.first.new ELSE old; }; RenamePairs: PUBLIC PROC [pairs: RopePairList] RETURNS [r: Renamer] = { r _ ReNameByName[MapRopePairs[pairs]]; }; Setter: TYPE = REF SetterRep; SetterRep: TYPE = RECORD [names: Names, equivClass: EquivClass]; useOldNames: PUBLIC Names _ [LIST["use old designed"], LIST["use old unknown"], LIST["use old progged"]]; useOldEquivClass: PUBLIC ROPE _ "use old equiv class"; SetNames: PUBLIC PROC [names: Names _ useOldNames, equivClass: EquivClass _ useOldEquivClass] RETURNS [r: Renamer] = { r _ [NEW [SetterRep _ [names, equivClass]], DoSetNames]; }; DoSetNames: PROC [data: REF ANY, oldNames: Names, oldEquiv: EquivClass] RETURNS [newNames: Names, newEquiv: EquivClass] = { s: Setter _ NARROW[data]; newNames _ IF s.names = useOldNames THEN oldNames ELSE s.names; newEquiv _ IF s.equivClass = useOldEquivClass THEN oldEquiv ELSE s.equivClass; }; RopeListCat: PROC [rope: ROPE, oldHead, oldTail: RopeList] RETURNS [newHead, newTail: RopeList] = { newHead _ oldHead; newTail _ LIST[rope]; IF oldTail # NIL THEN oldTail.rest _ newTail ELSE newHead _ newTail; }; CellTypePair: TYPE = REF CellTypePairRep; CellTypePairRep: TYPE = RECORD [ct1, ct2: CellType]; ChildrenOfType: PUBLIC PROC [design: Design, parentTypeA, childTypeA: REF ANY] RETURNS [bag: Bag] = { parentType: CellType _ ToType[design, parentTypeA]; childType: CellType _ ToType[design, childTypeA]; bag _ NEW [BagRep _ [ data: NEW [CellTypePairRep _ [parentType, childType]], Enumerate: EnumerateTypedChildren ]]; }; ImplicitChildrenOfType: PUBLIC PROC [design: Design, childTypeA: REF ANY] RETURNS [bag: Bag] = { childType: CellType _ ToType[design, childTypeA]; bag _ NEW [BagRep _ [ data: NEW [CellTypePairRep _ [implicitType, childType]], Enumerate: EnumerateTypedChildren ]]; }; implicitType: CellType _ NEW [CellTypeRep _ [design: NIL, names: [designed: LIST["implicitType"]] ]]; EnumerateTypedChildren: PROC [context, data: REF ANY, to: PROC [REF ANY]] = { PerChild: PROC [ra: REF ANY] RETURNS [quit: BOOL] = { a: Alias _ NARROW[ra]; v: Vertex _ NARROW[AntiAlias[a]]; quit _ FALSE; IF a.name # PickAName[v.names] THEN RETURN; SELECT v.class FROM net => RETURN; cell => NULL; ENDCASE => ERROR; IF v.type = childType THEN to[v]; }; ctp: CellTypePair _ NARROW[data]; parentType: CellType _ IF ctp.ct1 # implicitType THEN ctp.ct1 ELSE NARROW[context]; childType: CellType _ ctp.ct2; parentType.parts.EnumerateIncreasing[PerChild]; }; FirstCellType: PUBLIC PROC [design: Design] RETURNS [ct: CellType] = { ct _ NARROW[design.cellTypesByAddress.LookupSmallest[]]; }; NextCellType: PUBLIC PROC [prev: CellType] RETURNS [next: CellType] = { next _ NARROW[prev.design.cellTypesByAddress.LookupNextLarger[prev]]; }; EnumerateCellTypes: PUBLIC PROC [design: Design, ra: REF ANY, consume: PROC [CellType]] = { EatAny: PROC [ra: REF ANY] = { ct: CellType _ NARROW[ra]; consume[ct]}; WITH ra SELECT FROM cl: LIST OF CellType => FOR l: LIST OF CellType _ cl, l.rest WHILE l # NIL DO consume[l.first] ENDLOOP; lora: LORA => FOR l: LORA _ lora, l.rest WHILE l # NIL DO consume[ToType[design, l.first]] ENDLOOP; bag: Bag => { bag.Enumerate[design, bag.data, EatAny]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR}; EnumerateParts: PUBLIC PROC [ct: CellType, consume: PROC [Vertex]] = { PerPart: PROC [ra: REF ANY] RETURNS [stop: BOOL] = { a: Alias _ NARROW[ra]; v: Vertex _ NARROW[AntiAlias[a]]; stop _ FALSE; IF a.name.Equal[PickAName[v.names]] THEN consume[v]; }; ct.parts.EnumerateIncreasing[PerPart]; }; EnumerateVertices: PUBLIC PROC [context, ra: REF ANY, consume: PROC [Vertex]] = { EatAny: PROC [ra: REF ANY] = { v: Vertex _ NARROW[ra]; consume[v]}; PerPart: PROC [ra: REF ANY] RETURNS [stop: BOOL] = { a: Alias _ NARROW[ra]; v: Vertex _ NARROW[AntiAlias[a]]; IF PickAName[v.names] = a.name THEN consume[v]; stop _ FALSE}; WITH ra SELECT FROM vl: VertexList => FOR l: VertexList _ vl, l.rest WHILE l # NIL DO consume[l.first] ENDLOOP; lora: LORA => FOR l: LORA _ lora, l.rest WHILE l # NIL DO consume[ToVertex[context, l.first]] ENDLOOP; bag: Bag => { bag.Enumerate[context, bag.data, EatAny]; }; s: Special => SELECT s.ra FROM $all => {ct: CellType _ NARROW[context]; EnsureParts[ct]; IF NOT ExpansionKnown[ct] THEN ERROR; ct.parts.EnumerateIncreasing[PerPart]}; ENDCASE => ERROR; ENDCASE => ERROR}; UnlinkInstance: PUBLIC PROC [v: Vertex] = { IF v.prevInstance # NIL THEN v.prevInstance.nextInstance _ v.nextInstance ELSE v.type.firstInstance _ v.nextInstance; IF v.nextInstance # NIL THEN v.nextInstance.prevInstance _ v.prevInstance ELSE v.type.lastInstance _ v.prevInstance; }; LinkInstance: PUBLIC PROC [v: Vertex] = { v.nextInstance _ NIL; v.prevInstance _ v.type.lastInstance; IF v.prevInstance # NIL THEN v.prevInstance.nextInstance _ v ELSE v.type.firstInstance _ v; IF v.nextInstance # NIL THEN v.nextInstance.prevInstance _ v ELSE v.type.lastInstance _ v; }; DeleteVertex: PUBLIC PROC [v: Vertex] = { v _ v; WHILE v.firstEdge # NIL DO RemoveEdge[v.firstEdge] ENDLOOP; Delete[v.parent.parts, v.names, v]; SELECT v.class FROM net => v.parent.netCount _ v.parent.netCount - 1; cell => {v.parent.cellCount _ v.parent.cellCount - 1; UnlinkInstance[v]}; ENDCASE => ERROR; v _ v}; RemoveEdge: PUBLIC PROC [e: Edge] = { UnlinkSide: PROC [side: VertexClass] = { head: Vertex _ e.sides[side].v; IF e.sides[side].next # NIL THEN e.sides[side].next.sides[side].prev _ e.sides[side].prev ELSE head.lastEdge _ e.sides[side].prev; IF e.sides[side].prev # NIL THEN e.sides[side].prev.sides[side].next _ e.sides[side].next ELSE head.firstEdge _ e.sides[side].next; e.sides[side].next _ e.sides[side].prev _ badEdge}; UnlinkSide[net]; UnlinkSide[cell]; }; badEdge: PUBLIC Edge _ NEW [EdgeRep _ [sides: [[NIL, NIL, NIL], [NIL, NIL, NIL]], color: 0, portIndex: NullPortIndex]]; InitClasses[]; END. g:   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ m: