Spreitzer, July 26, 1985 4:26:30 pm PDT
DIRECTORY AMTypes, Asserting, Basics, Core, CoreRecordCells, IO, Rope, RedBlackTree, RoseEvents;
This module defines the data types used in Rosemary circuit representations, as well as the data types used by the Rosemary simulator.
Error: ERROR [msg: ROPE, data: REF ANYNIL];
Warning: SIGNAL [msg: ROPE, data: REF ANYNIL];
Stop: SIGNAL [msg: ROPE, data: REF ANYNIL];
TV: TYPE = AMTypes.TV;
Assertion: TYPE = Asserting.Assertion;
Assertions: TYPE = Asserting.Assertions;
SymbolTable: TYPE = RedBlackTree.Table;
WatcherList: TYPE = RoseEvents.WatcherList;
Watcher: TYPE = RoseEvents.Watcher;
Wire: TYPE = Core.Wire;
CellType: TYPE = Core.CellType;
CellInstance: TYPE = CoreRecordCells.Instance;
Ptr: TYPE = PrincOps.BitAddress;
nilPtr: Ptr = [word: NIL, bit: 0];
Field: TYPE = RECORD [
wordOffset: CARDINAL,
bitOffset: BitOffset,
bitCount: CARDINAL];
BitOffset: TYPE = [0 .. Basics.bitsPerWord);
noField: Field = [LAST[CARDINAL], LAST[BitOffset], LAST[CARDINAL]];
wireType: ATOM; --to get the RoseWireType from a Core.Wire
RoseWireType: TYPE = REF RoseWireTypeRec;
RoseWireTypeRec: TYPE = RECORD [
class: RoseWireTypeClass,
typeData: REF ANY,
other: Assertions ← NIL];
RoseWireTypeClass: TYPE = REF RoseWireTypeClassRec;
RoseWireTypeClassRec: TYPE = RECORD [
UserDescription: PROC [RoseWireType] RETURNS [ROPE],
ListFormats: PROC [RoseWireType] RETURNS [LOR],
GetFormat: PROC [RoseWireType, ROPE] RETURNS [Format],
MesaForSelf: PROC [RoseWireType] RETURNS [Mesa],
a Mesa expression that evaluates to this RoseWireType
SelectorOffset: PROC [RoseWireType, Selector] RETURNS [NAT] ← NIL,
Offset, in bits, from begin of interesting data (not container) to begin of selected data.
SubType: PROC [RoseWireType, Selector] RETURNS [RoseWireType] ← NIL,
Bits: PROC [RoseWireType] RETURNS [container, data, leftPad: INT],
The number of bits occupied by the MesaRepresentation is returned in `container'; the number of interesting bits is returned in `data'; the number of bits in the container in front of the interesting bits is returned in `leftPad'.
MesaRepresentation: PROC [RoseWireType] RETURNS [Mesa],
the Mesa type of the representation
MesaRepAux: PROC [RoseWireType] RETURNS [Mesa] ← NIL,
Mesa code (e.g. declaration) to establish mesa type
simple: BOOLTRUE,
Equivalent: PROC [self, other: RoseWireType] RETURNS [BOOL] ← NIL,
Says whether we can freely copy bits between them.
SwitchEquivalent: PROC [RoseWireType] RETURNS [RoseWireType] ← NIL,
Gives the type to transduce to, when necessary.
SimpleEquivalent: PROC [RoseWireType] RETURNS [RoseWireType] ← NIL,
For a switch-level type, gives a simple type that can transduce to it.
Transduce: PROC [fromS: Strength, fromT, toT: RoseWireType, fromP, toP: Ptr] ← NIL,
InitWire: PROC [wire: Wire, steady: BOOL] ← NIL,
If steady, initialize for steady-state work; otherwise, for initialization work.
InitPort: PROC [Wire, Ptr] ← NIL,
InitQ, InitUD: PROC [Wire] ← NIL,
NewVal: PROC [Wire] RETURNS [delay: BOOL] ← NIL,
CopyVal: PROC [nt: RoseWireType, from, to: Ptr] ← NIL,
NewQ, NewUD: PROC [Wire, Ptr] RETURNS [BOOL] ← NIL,
QFromWire, UDFromWire, ValFromWire, SetWire: PROC [Wire, Ptr] ← NIL,
CompareUD: PROC [nt: RoseWireType, p1, p2: Ptr] RETURNS [BOOL] ← NIL
Mesa: TYPE = RECORD [mesa: ROPE, directory, imports: LORNIL];
Selector: TYPE = RECORD [variant: SELECT kind: * FROM
whole => [],
number, field => [index: INT],
range, fields => [first, count: INT, up: BOOL],
Strength: TYPE = DriveLevel[ignore .. input];
DriveLevel: TYPE = {
test,--for TestProcs to say "test it for me"
see,--for TestProcs to say "I'll test it"
ignore,--from a TestProc it means neither driven nor tested; in simulation it means no strength at all
chargeWeak, chargeMediumWeak,
chargeMediumStrong, chargeStrong, chargeVeryStrong,
driveWeak, driveMediumWeak,
driveMediumStrong, driveStrong, driveVeryStrong,
input--the strongest drive level: how circuit inputs are driven
Drive: TYPE = REF DriveRep;
The layout of a drive record should correspond to this.
DriveRep: TYPE = RECORD [
tag: DriveTagType,
tag is not meaningful; it only provides space for CellTypes that need it.
drives: PACKED SEQUENCE COMPUTED NAT--portIndex-- OF DriveLevel];
DriveTagType: TYPE = CARDINAL;
Format: TYPE = REF FormatRep;
FormatRep: TYPE = RECORD [
FormatValue: PROC [RoseWireType, Format, Ptr] RETURNS [ROPE],
ParseValue: PROC [RoseWireType, Format, Ptr, STREAM] RETURNS [BOOLEAN],
FormatTest: PROC [RoseWireType, Format, WireTest] RETURNS [ROPE],
ParseTest: PROC [RoseWireType, Format, STREAM] RETURNS [BOOLEAN, WireTest],
MaxWidth: PROC [RoseWireType, Format, VFonts.Font] RETURNS [INT],
formatData: REF ANYNIL,
key: ROPE
WireTest: TYPE = RECORD [proc: WireTestProc, data: REF ANY];
WireTestProc: TYPE = PROC
where: Ptr,
testData: REF ANY,
roseWireType: RoseWireType]
RoseWire: TYPE = REF RoseWireRep;
RoseWireRep: TYPE = RECORD [
core: Wire,
type: RoseWireType,
valPtr: Ptr ← nilPtr,
Pointer to the interesting data.
A fromDesign roseWire keeps a copy of its entire value;
An implOnly roseWire keeps here a pointer into one of its parents.
ctnPtr: Ptr ← nilPtr,
Pointer to the container of the data, for a fromDesign roseWire.
bitCount: INT ← 0,
Size of value.
strength: Strength ← charge,
A roseWire has an intrinsic strength (its capacitance).
currentStrength: Strength ← charge,
For simple wires, the strength of the strongest drivers.
cap: REAL ← 0,
Some jokers may want to accumulate strength here.
cellIn: Cell ← NIL,
A fromDesign roseWire tells who created it;
an implOnly roseWire notes lowest common ancestor of contributing fromDesign wires.
strIn: Structure,
switchConnections: SlotList ← NIL,
byStrength: ARRAY Strength OF StrengthRingHead ← ALL[emptyHead],
found, XPhobic, isInput: BOOLEANFALSE,
The RoseWireType is responsible for maintaining "isInput".
nextPerturbed, nextAffected, nextDelayed, prevDelayed: RoseWire ← NIL--compiler can't handle: notInWireList--,
watchers: ARRAY Priority OF WatcherList ← ALL[NIL],
significances: WireSignificances,
designNext: RoseWire ← NIL--compiler can't handle: notInWireList--,
For a fromDesign roseWire, link in order of def.
implNext: RoseWire ← NIL--compiler can't handle: notInWireList--,
For an inImpl roseWire, link to others in strIn.
parentPieces: PieceList ← NIL,
For a implOnly roseWire, the containing designOnly wires, and pointers into their values;
for a NOT fromDesign roseWire during creation, the breaking toward design wires.
childPieces: PieceList ← NIL,
For a designOnly roseWire, the breaking into implOnly wires;
for a NOT inImpl roseWire during creation, the breaking toward impl wires.
other: Assertions ← NIL];
NodeSignificances: TYPE = ARRAY NodeSignificance OF BOOL;
NodeSignificance: TYPE = {fromDesign, inImpl};
designOnly: NodeSignificances = [TRUE, FALSE];
implOnly: NodeSignificances = [FALSE, TRUE];
A fromDesign node appears in the designer's model; it comes from an ExpandProc.
An inImpl node is used by the simulator for communicating values.
An implOnly node is used by some client code to implement something (e.g, split/joiners); it corresponds to a piece of a fromDesign node (or nodes).
A designOnly node is used to relate the designer's model to what the simulator is doing.
A [TRUE, TRUE] node is that happy coincidence between the designer's model and what the simulator is doing.
A [FALSE, FALSE] node was an implOnly node that got further decomposed.
notInWireList: RoseWire;
SlotList: TYPE = LIST OF Slot;
cell: Cell,
effectivePortIndex: EffectivePortIndex
nilSlot: Slot = [NIL, nilEffectivePortIndex];
StrengthRingHead: TYPE = RECORD [first, last: Slot];
emptyHead: StrengthRingHead = [head, head];
head: Slot --don't look:-- = nilSlot;
StrengthRingElement: TYPE = REF StrengthRingElementRep;
StrengthRingElementRep: TYPE = RECORD [
next, prev: StrengthRingElement,
slot: Slot];
PieceList: TYPE = LIST OF Piece;
Piece: TYPE = RECORD [
twardDesign, twardImpl: Wire,
reln: Selector
RoseCellInstance: TYPE = REF RoseCellInstanceRep;
RoseCellInstanceRep: TYPE = RECORD [
core: CellInstance,
nextInstance: RoseCellInstance,
sim: Simulation,
parent, leftChild, rightSibling: RoseCellInstance,
firstInternalNode: Node,
internalNodes, components: SymbolTable,
interfaceNodes: NodeS,
other: Assertions,
substantiality: CellSubstantiality,
expansion: ExpandDecision,
realCellStuff: RealCellStuff -- non-NIL only for Real Cells
notInCellList: RoseCellInstance;
RealCellStuff: TYPE = REF RealCellStuffRep;
RealCellStuffRep: TYPE = RECORD [
effectivePorts: EffectivePorts,
implNodes: NodeS,
schedNext, nextNeeded, nextNoted: RoseCellInstance ← NIL--notInCellList--,
newIO, oldIO, switchIO, newDriveAsAny, oldDriveAsAny: REF ANY,
newIOAsWP, oldIOAsWP, switchIOAsWP: WordPtr,
newDrive, oldDrive: Drive,
hasTransducedPort: BOOLFALSE,
affectedFlags: AffectedFlags ← ALL[FALSE],
initQed, propQed, initUDed, propUDed: BOOLEANFALSE,
state: REF ANY,
evals: EvalProcs,
schedWatchers, evalWatchers: WatcherList ← NIL];
AffectedFlags: TYPE = ARRAY Speciality OF BOOLEAN;
Speciality: TYPE = {transducedToSwitch, modeledAsSwitch};