Spreitzer, October 2, 1985 4:20:24 pm PDT
Barth, August 16, 1985 4:55:42 pm PDT
DIRECTORY Core, CoreFlatten, RoseSimTypes, RoseWireTypes;
This module defines the data types used by the Rosemary simulator.
BEGIN OPEN RoseWireTypes, RoseSimTypes;
WireBehaviorKind: TYPE = {simple, switch, mixed, unspecified};
GetWBK: PROC [wire: Wire] RETURNS [wbk: WireBehaviorKind];
GetWireGroup: PROC [wire: Wire] RETURNS [wg: WireGroup];
GetInternalParent: PROC [wire: Wire] RETURNS [parent: Wire];
GetTestRootType: PROC [testeeType: CellType] RETURNS [rootType: CellType];
FinishTestInstantiation: PROC [sim: Simulation, rootCellType: CellType];
InitSimulator: PROC [sim: Simulation, steady: BOOL];
ScheduleCell: PROC [cell: RoseCellInstance];
PerturbWire: PROC [rw: RoseWire, agitator: ModelSlot, evenIfInput: BOOL];
StepType: TYPE = {noStep, switchStep, otherStep};
StepSim: PROC [sim: Simulation] RETURNS [stepType: StepType];
InstanceSource: TYPE = CoreFlatten.InstanceSource;
LookupCI: PROC [sim: Simulation, is: InstanceSource] RETURNS [rci: RoseCellInstance--NIL if not found--];
GetRoseCellType: PROC [ct: CellType, details, privates: BOOL] RETURNS [rct: RoseCellType];