DIRECTORY BitTwiddling, IO, Rope, RoseTypes; RoseTypesImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS BitTwiddling, IO, Rope EXPORTS RoseTypes = BEGIN OPEN BitTwiddling, RoseTypes; Error: PUBLIC ERROR [msg: ROPE, data: REF ANY _ NIL] = CODE; Warning: PUBLIC SIGNAL [msg: ROPE, data: REF ANY _ NIL] = CODE; Stop: PUBLIC SIGNAL [msg: ROPE, data: REF ANY _ NIL] = CODE; UpToInt: ARRAY BOOL OF INT = [FALSE: -1, TRUE: 1]; Conforming: PUBLIC PROC [t1, t2: NodeType] RETURNS [c: BOOL] = { An: PROC [nt: NodeType] RETURNS [flavor: ATOM, length: INTEGER] = { WITH nt SELECT FROM x: AtomNodeType => {flavor _ x.flavor; length _ 1}; x: ArrayNodeType => {flavor _ x.element.flavor; length _ x.length}; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; c _ An[t1] = An[t2]; }; Equivalent: PUBLIC PROC [nt1, nt2: NodeType] RETURNS [eq: BOOL] = { eq _ nt1 = nt2; IF nt1.procs.Equivalent # NIL AND NOT eq THEN eq _ nt1.procs.Equivalent[nt1, nt2]; IF nt2.procs.Equivalent # NIL AND NOT eq THEN eq _ nt2.procs.Equivalent[nt2, nt1]; }; TransduceNeeded: PUBLIC PROC [nt1, nt2: NodeType] RETURNS [needed: BOOL] = { IF NOT Conforming[nt1, nt2] THEN ERROR --you shouldn't even be asking--; needed _ NOT Equivalent[nt1, nt2]; IF needed AND nt1.simple = nt2.simple THEN ERROR; }; BothTypes: PUBLIC PROC [nt: NodeType] RETURNS [simple, switch: NodeType] = { Get: PROC [get: PROC [NodeType] RETURNS [NodeType]] RETURNS [ont: NodeType] = {ont _ IF get # NIL THEN get[nt] ELSE NIL}; IF nt.simple THEN {simple _ nt; switch _ Get[nt.procs.SwitchEquivalent]} ELSE {switch _ nt; simple _ Get[nt.procs.SimpleEquivalent]}; IF simple # NIL AND switch # NIL AND NOT Conforming[simple, switch] THEN ERROR; }; SelectorToRope: PUBLIC PROC [s: Selector] RETURNS [r: ROPE] = { r _ WITH s SELECT FROM whole => ".whole", number => IO.PutFR["[%g]",[index]], range => SELECT count FROM <1 => ERROR, =1 => IO.PutFR["[%g]",[first]], >1 => IO.PutFR["[%g..%g]",[first],[first+(count-1)*UpToInt[up]]], ENDCASE => ERROR, ENDCASE => ERROR; }; SlotToPtr: PUBLIC PROC [s: Slot, useBryant: BOOL _ FALSE] RETURNS [p: Ptr] = TRUSTED BEGIN p _ IF useBryant THEN WPField[s.cell.realCellStuff.switchIOAsWP, s.cell.realCellStuff.effectivePorts[s.effectivePortIndex].switch] ELSE WPField[s.cell.realCellStuff.newIOAsWP, s.cell.realCellStuff.effectivePorts[s.effectivePortIndex].simple]; END; GetIndex: PUBLIC PROC [ports: REF ANY, key: ROPE] RETURNS [index: CARDINAL] = { WITH ports SELECT FROM p: Ports => { FOR i: PortIndex IN [0 .. p.length) DO IF key.Equal[p[i].name] THEN RETURN [i]; ENDLOOP; }; ep: EffectivePorts => { FOR i: EffectivePortIndex IN [0 .. ep.length) DO IF key.Equal[ep[i].name] THEN RETURN [i]; ENDLOOP; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; RETURN [notFound]; }; END. r[Indigo]r>Rosemary.DF=>RoseTypesImpl.Mesa Last Edited by: Spreitzer, July 11, 1985 6:56:25 pm PDT Κz– "cedar" style˜IcodešœΟmœ ™3K™7K˜KšΟk œžœ˜,K˜šΠbx œžœž˜Kšžœžœ˜Kšžœ ˜—K˜Kšžœžœ˜#K˜KšΠblœžœžœžœžœžœžœžœ˜