<<[Indigo]3.0>Rosemary.df=>RoseCaptureImpl.Mesa>> <> DIRECTORY Asserting, AssertingIO, Convert, FS, GetMe, IO, PupDefs, RedBlackTree, RedBlackTreeExtras, Rope, RoseCapture, RoseCreate, RoseTypes, UserCredentials; RoseCaptureImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS Asserting, AssertingIO, Convert, FS, GetMe, IO, PupDefs, RedBlackTree, RedBlackTreeExtras, Rope, RoseCreate, RoseTypes, UserCredentials EXPORTS RoseCapture = BEGIN OPEN RoseTypes; LORA: TYPE = LIST OF REF ANY; DesignCapture: TYPE = REF DesignCaptureRep; DesignCaptureRep: TYPE = RECORD [ fileNameRoot: ROPE, dfOut: STREAM, genCount: INT _ 0 ]; CTCapture: TYPE = REF CTCaptureRep; CTCaptureRep: TYPE = RECORD [ dc: DesignCapture, cellOut: STREAM, cell: Cell ]; Wire: TYPE = REF WireRep; WireRep: TYPE = RECORD [name: ROPE, better: Wire _ NIL, worse: WireList _ NIL]; WireList: TYPE = LIST OF Wire; machineName: ROPE _ "??"; userName: ROPE _ "??"; capKey: ATOM _ $Capture; wireKey: ATOM _ $Wire; captureExpansion: ERClass _ NEW [ERClassRep _ [ CellInstance: CellInstance, NodeInstance: NodeInstance, Equivalence: Equivalence ]]; Log: PROC [format: ROPE, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5: IO.Value _ [null[]]] = BEGIN msg: ROPE _ IO.PutFR[format, v1, v2, v3, v4, v5]; SIGNAL Warning[msg]; END; CaptureDesign: PUBLIC PROC [directory, designName, topCellTypeName: ROPE] = BEGIN fileNameRoot: ROPE _ designName; dfName: ROPE _ fileNameRoot.Cat["-Str.DF"]; dc: DesignCapture _ NEW [DesignCaptureRep _ [fileNameRoot, FS.StreamOpen[dfName, create]]]; topCellType: CellType _ RoseCreate.GetCellType[topCellTypeName]; IF topCellType = NIL THEN {Log["No such cell type as %g", IO.refAny[topCellTypeName]]; RETURN}; machineName _ PupDefs.GetMyName[]; userName _ UserCredentials.Get[].name; dc.dfOut.PutF["-- (DesignName %g)\n", IO.refAny[designName]]; dc.dfOut.PutF["-- (CreatingUser %g)\n", IO.refAny[userName]]; dc.dfOut.PutF["-- (CreationTime \"%g\")\n", IO.time[]]; dc.dfOut.PutF["-- (CreationSite \"MilkyWay Sol III USA Xerox PARC ComputerResearch %q\")\n", IO.rope[machineName]]; dc.dfOut.PutF["-- (DerivingProgram \"Rosemary Structure Capturer\" %g)\n", IO.refAny[GetMe.StandardScrewyEncoding[GetMe.GetVersion[]]]]; dc.dfOut.PutF["\n\nDirectory %g\n %g\n", IO.rope[directory], IO.rope[dfName]]; CaptureCellType[dc, topCellType]; dc.dfOut.Close[]; END; CaptureCellType: PROC [dc: DesignCapture, cellType: CellType] = BEGIN cell: Cell _ NEW [CellRep _ [ name: Rope.Cat["An instance of ", cellType.name, ", which is being captured"], type: cellType, parent: NIL, internalNodes: RedBlackTree.Create[RoseCreate.GetNodeKey, RoseCreate.CompareNodes], components: RedBlackTree.Create[RoseCreate.GetComponentKey, RoseCreate.CompareComponents], interfaceNodes: NEW [NodeSR[cellType.ports.length]], substantiality: Shadow, expansion: Expand ]]; WriteNode: PROC [ra: REF ANY] RETURNS [stop: BOOL] = { WriteAliases: PROC [worse: WireList] = { FOR worse _ worse, worse.rest WHILE worse # NIL DO ctc.cellOut.PutF[" (%g (G P))", IO.refAny[worse.first.name]]; WriteAliases[worse.first.worse]; ENDLOOP}; WriteWires: PROC [type: NodeType, ra: REF ANY, other: Assertions] = { WITH type SELECT FROM ant: ArrayNodeType => {list: LORA _ NARROW[ra]; FOR i: INT IN [0 .. ant.length) DO WriteWires[ant.element, list.first, other]; list _ list.rest; ENDLOOP}; ant: AtomNodeType => {w: Wire _ NARROW[ra]; IF w.better = NIL THEN { ctc.cellOut.PutF["(N %g (G D)", IO.refAny[w.name]]; IF w.worse # NIL THEN { ctc.cellOut.PutRope[" (A"]; WriteAliases[w.worse]; ctc.cellOut.PutRope[")"]}; FOR ol: Assertions _ other, ol.rest WHILE ol # NIL DO ctc.cellOut.PutRope[" "]; AssertingIO.WriteAssn[ctc.cellOut, ol.first]; ENDLOOP; ctc.cellOut.PutRope[")\n"]; }; }; ENDCASE => ERROR}; n: Node _ NARROW[ra]; w: REF ANY _ Asserting.FnVal[fn: wireKey, from: n.other]; stop _ FALSE; WriteWires[n.type, w, Asserting.Filter[reln: wireKey, from: n.other].notAbout]; }; DestroyNode: PROC [ra: REF ANY] RETURNS [stop: BOOL] = { n: Node _ NARROW[ra]; stop _ FALSE; IF cell.internalNodes.Delete[n.name].data # n THEN ERROR; n.type _ NIL; n.cellIn _ NIL; IF n.nextPerturbed # notInNodeList OR n.nextAffected # notInNodeList OR n.nextDelayed # notInNodeList OR n.prevDelayed # notInNodeList THEN ERROR; n.watchers _ ALL[NIL]; n.designNext _ NIL; n.other _ NIL; }; WriteComponent: PROC [ra: REF ANY] RETURNS [stop: BOOL] = { WriteConnection: PROC [type: NodeType, portName: ROPE, ra: REF ANY] = {WITH type SELECT FROM ant: ArrayNodeType => {list: LORA _ NARROW[ra]; FOR i: INTEGER IN [0 .. ant.length) DO WriteConnection[ant.element, Sub[portName, i], list.first]; list _ list.rest; ENDLOOP}; ant: AtomNodeType => {w: Wire _ Best[ra]; ctc.cellOut.PutF["\n\t\t(%g %g)", IO.refAny[portName], IO.refAny[w.name]]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR}; c: Cell _ NARROW[ra]; prev: Cell _ NIL; stop _ FALSE; ctc.cellOut.PutF["(CI %g %g (G D)\n\t(CIC", IO.refAny[c.name], IO.refAny[c.type.name]]; FOR index: CARDINAL IN [0 .. c.type.ports.length) DO w: REF ANY_ Asserting.FnVal[fn: wireKey, from: c.interfaceNodes[index].other]; WriteConnection[c.type.ports[index].type, c.type.ports[index].name, w]; ENDLOOP; ctc.cellOut.PutRope[")"]; FOR ol: Assertions _ c.other, ol.rest WHILE ol # NIL DO ctc.cellOut.PutRope["\n\t"]; AssertingIO.WriteAssn[ctc.cellOut, ol.first]; ENDLOOP; ctc.cellOut.PutRope[")\n"]; SELECT Asserting.FnVal[fn: capKey, from: c.type.other] FROM ctc.dc => NULL; ENDCASE => CaptureCellType[ctc.dc, c.type]; IF cell.components.Delete[c.name].data # c THEN ERROR; IF c.realCellStuff # NIL THEN ERROR; c.other _ NIL; c.interfaceNodes _ NIL; c.internalNodes.DestroyTable[]; c.components.DestroyTable[]; c.internalNodes _ c.components _ NIL; IF c.firstInternalNode # NIL THEN ERROR; IF c.leftChild # NIL THEN ERROR; c.parent _ c.rightSibling _ NIL; c.sim _ NIL; c.nextInstance _ NIL; c.type _ NIL; }; cellFileName: ROPE _ CellTypeFileName[dc, cellType]; ctc: CTCapture _ NEW [CTCaptureRep _ [ dc: dc, cellOut: FS.StreamOpen[cellFileName, create], cell: cell ]]; cellType.other _ Asserting.AssertFn1[fn: capKey, val: dc, inAdditionTo: cellType.other]; dc.dfOut.PutF["\n-- (CellType %g)\n %g\n", IO.refAny[cellType.name], IO.rope[cellFileName]]; ctc.cellOut.PutF["(CellTypeName %g)\n", IO.refAny[cellType.name]]; ctc.cellOut.PutF["(CreationTime \"%g\")\n", IO.time[]]; ctc.cellOut.PutF["(CreatingUser %g)\n", IO.refAny[userName]]; ctc.cellOut.PutF["(CreationSite \"MilkyWay Sol III USA Xerox PARC ComputerResearch %q\")\n", IO.rope[machineName]]; ctc.cellOut.PutF["(DerivingProgram \"Rosemary Structure Capturer\" %g)\n", IO.refAny[GetMe.StandardScrewyEncoding[GetMe.GetVersion[]]]]; WritePorts[cellType, ctc.cellOut]; WriteAssertions[cellType.other, ctc.cellOut]; ctc.cellOut.PutRope["(PrivateFollows)\n"]; IF cellType.expand # NIL THEN { FOR pi: PortIndex IN [0 .. cellType.ports.length) DO port: Port _ cellType.ports[pi]; cell.interfaceNodes[pi] _ captureExpansion.NodeInstance[ctc, port.name, port.type]; ENDLOOP; cellType.expand[ctc.cell, [ctc, captureExpansion]]; cell.internalNodes.EnumerateIncreasing[WriteNode]; WritePortNets[cellType, ctc.cellOut, cell.interfaceNodes]; RedBlackTreeExtras.StatelessEnumerateIncreasing[cell.components, WriteComponent, RoseCreate.GetComponentKey]; RedBlackTreeExtras.StatelessEnumerateIncreasing[cell.internalNodes, DestroyNode, RoseCreate.GetNodeKey]; } ELSE ctc.cellOut.PutRope["(InsidesUnspecified)\n"]; ctc.cellOut.Close[]; END; CellTypeFileName: PROC [dc: DesignCapture, cellType: CellType] RETURNS [cellFileName: ROPE] = { fullCellFileName: ROPE; cp: FS.ComponentPositions; cellFileName _ NIL; [fullCellFileName, cp, ] _ FS.ExpandName[cellType.name !FS.Error => CONTINUE]; IF fullCellFileName # NIL AND fullCellFileName.Substr[start: cp.base.start, len: cp.base.length].Equal[cellType.name] THEN RETURN [cellType.name.Cat[".sch"]]; cellFileName _ IO.PutFR["%g-%g.sch", IO.rope[dc.fileNameRoot], IO.card[dc.genCount _ dc.genCount + 1]]; }; WriteAssertions: PROC [assertions: Assertions, to: IO.STREAM] = BEGIN FOR assertions _ assertions, assertions.rest WHILE assertions # NIL DO AssertingIO.WriteAssn[to: to, assertion: assertions.first]; to.PutRope["\n"]; <> < SELECT a FROM>> <<$Capture => LOOP;>> <> < ERROR;>> <> ENDLOOP; END; WritePorts: PROC [ct: CellType, to: IO.STREAM] = BEGIN dir: ROPE; other: Assertions; WritePort: PROC [type: NodeType, portName, ecName: ROPE] = { WITH type SELECT FROM ant: ArrayNodeType => { IF ecName # NIL THEN Log["undoable equivalence class (%g) for port %g of cell type %g", IO.refAny[ecName], IO.refAny[portName], IO.refAny[ct.name]]; FOR i: INTEGER IN [0 .. ant.length) DO WritePort[ant.element, Sub[portName, i], NIL]; ENDLOOP}; ant: AtomNodeType => { to.PutF["\n\t(%g (G D) (%g)", IO.refAny[portName], IO.rope[dir]]; IF (ecName # NIL) AND (NOT ecName.Equal[portName]) THEN to.PutF[" (EC \"Structure\" %g)", IO.refAny[ecName]]; FOR al: Assertions _ other, al.rest WHILE al # NIL DO to.PutChar[' ]; AssertingIO.WriteAssn[to, al.first]; ENDLOOP; to.PutRope[")"]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR}; to.PutRope["(Ports"]; FOR pi: CARDINAL IN [0 .. ct.ports.length) DO ec: ROPE _ NARROW[Asserting.FnVal[$EC, ct.ports[pi].other, LIST[NARROW["Structure", ROPE]]]]; dir _ IF ct.ports[pi].input THEN (IF ct.ports[pi].output THEN "BIDIR" ELSE "IN") ELSE IF ct.ports[pi].output THEN "OUT" ELSE ERROR; other _ Asserting.Filter[$EC, ct.ports[pi].other].notAbout; WritePort[ct.ports[pi].type, ct.ports[pi].name, ec]; ENDLOOP; to.PutRope[")\n"]; END; WritePortNets: PROC [ct: CellType, to: IO.STREAM, insideNodes: NodeS] = BEGIN WritePortNet: PROC [type: NodeType, portName: ROPE, node: REF ANY] = { WITH type SELECT FROM ant: ArrayNodeType => {l: LORA _ NARROW[node]; FOR i: INTEGER IN [0 .. ant.length) DO WritePortNet[ant.element, Sub[portName, i], l.first]; l _ l.rest; ENDLOOP; IF l # NIL THEN ERROR}; ant: AtomNodeType => to.PutF["(PN %g %g)\n", IO.refAny[portName], IO.refAny[Best[node].name]]; ENDCASE => ERROR}; FOR pi: CARDINAL IN [0 .. ct.ports.length) DO WritePortNet[ct.ports[pi].type, ct.ports[pi].name, Asserting.FnVal[fn: wireKey, from: insideNodes[pi].other]]; ENDLOOP; END; NodeInstance: PROC [erInstance: REF ANY, name: ROPE, type: NodeType, initialValue, initialValueFormat: ROPE _ NIL, initData: REF ANY _ NIL, other: Assertions _ NIL] RETURNS [node: Node] = BEGIN ctc: CTCapture _ NARROW[erInstance]; node _ NEW [NodeRep _ [ name: name, type: type, cellIn: ctc.cell, nextPerturbed: notInNodeList, nextAffected: notInNodeList, nextDelayed: notInNodeList, prevDelayed: notInNodeList, significances: designOnly, other: other]]; ctc.cell.internalNodes.Insert[node, node.name !RedBlackTree.DuplicateKey => {Log["Duplicated Node name: %g", IO.rope[name]]; CONTINUE}]; node.other _ Asserting.AssertFn1[fn: wireKey, val: CreateWires[type, name], inAdditionTo: node.other]; END; CreateWires: PROC [type: NodeType, name: ROPE] RETURNS [ra: REF ANY] = BEGIN WITH type SELECT FROM ant: ArrayNodeType => { list: LORA _ NIL; FOR i: INTEGER DECREASING IN [0 .. ant.length) DO list _ CONS[CreateWires[ant.element, Sub[name, i]], list]; ENDLOOP; ra _ list}; ant: AtomNodeType => ra _ NEW [WireRep _ [name: name]]; ENDCASE => ERROR END; CellInstance: PROC [erInstance: REF ANY, instanceName, typeName, interfaceNodes: ROPE, other: Assertions _ NIL] RETURNS [cell: Cell] = BEGIN ctc: CTCapture _ NARROW[erInstance]; type: CellType _ RoseCreate.GetCellType[typeName]; IF type = NIL THEN Log["No such cell type as %g", IO.refAny[typeName]] ELSE { cell _ NEW [CellRep _ [ name: instanceName, type: type, parent: ctc.cell, internalNodes: RedBlackTree.Create[RoseCreate.GetNodeKey, RoseCreate.CompareNodes], components: RedBlackTree.Create[RoseCreate.GetComponentKey, RoseCreate.CompareComponents], interfaceNodes: NEW [NodeSR[type.ports.length]], substantiality: Shadow, expansion: Expand, other: other ]]; RoseCreate.FillInInterfaceNodes[cell, interfaceNodes]; ctc.cell.components.Insert[cell, cell.name !RedBlackTree.DuplicateKey => {Log["Duplicated Cell name: %g", IO.rope[instanceName]]; CONTINUE}]; }; END; Equivalence: PROC [erInstance: REF ANY, a, b: NodeExpression] = BEGIN aWires: LORA _ Flatten[[NIL, NIL], a].head; bWires: LORA _ Flatten[[NIL, NIL], b].head; IF (a = NIL) # (b = NIL) THEN ERROR; IF a = NIL THEN RETURN; DO IF (aWires = NIL) # (bWires = NIL) THEN ERROR; IF aWires = NIL THEN EXIT; MergeWires[aWires.first, bWires.first]; aWires _ aWires.rest; bWires _ bWires.rest; ENDLOOP; END; TList: TYPE = RECORD [head, tail: LORA]; Flatten: PROC [prefix: TList, ne: NodeExpression] RETURNS [wtl: TList] = { WITH ne SELECT FROM x: PrimaryNE => { wl: LORA _ GetNodeWires[x.node]; wtl _ TLCat[prefix, WLSelect[wl, x.selector]]; }; x: UnnamedConsNE => { wtl _ prefix; FOR elts: LIST OF PrimaryNE _ x.elts, elts.rest WHILE elts # NIL DO wtl _ Flatten[wtl, elts.first]; ENDLOOP; }; x: CatenateNE => { wtl _ prefix; FOR pieces: LIST OF NodeExpression _ x.pieces, pieces.rest WHILE pieces # NIL DO wtl _ Flatten[wtl, pieces.first]; ENDLOOP; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; GetNodeWires: PROC [n: Node] RETURNS [wl: LORA] = { ra: REF ANY _ Asserting.FnVal[fn: wireKey, from: n.other]; WITH ra SELECT FROM w: Wire => RETURN [LIST[w]]; x: LORA => RETURN [x]; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; WLSelect: PROC [wl: LORA, s: Selector] RETURNS [wtl: TList] = { WITH s SELECT FROM whole => { wtl _ [NIL, NIL]; FOR wl _ wl, wl.rest WHILE wl # NIL DO wtl _ TLAppend[wtl, wl.first]; ENDLOOP; }; number => { FOR i: INT IN [0 .. index) DO wl _ wl.rest; ENDLOOP; wl _ LIST[wl.first]; wtl _ [wl, wl]; }; range => { min, max: INT; IF up THEN {min _ first; max _ first + count - 1} ELSE {min _ first + 1 - count; max _ first}; FOR i: INT IN [0 .. min) DO wl _ wl.rest ENDLOOP; wtl _ [NIL, NIL]; FOR i: INT IN [min .. max) DO wtl _ TLAppend[wtl, wl.first]; wl _ wl.rest; ENDLOOP; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; TLAppend: PROC [wtl: TList, r: REF ANY] RETURNS [wul: TList] = { this: LORA _ LIST[r]; wul _ wtl; IF wul.tail # NIL THEN wul.tail.rest _ this ELSE wul.head _ this; wul.tail _ this; }; TLCat: PROC [a, b: TList] RETURNS [c: TList] = { IF a = [NIL, NIL] THEN RETURN [b]; IF b = [NIL, NIL] THEN RETURN [a]; c _ [a.head, b.tail]; a.tail.rest _ b.head; }; MergeWires: PROC [a, b: REF ANY] = { wa: Wire _ Best[a]; wb: Wire _ Best[b]; IF wa # wb THEN {wb.better _ wa; wa.worse _ CONS[wb, wa.worse]} ELSE ERROR; }; Best: PROC [ra: REF ANY] RETURNS [w: Wire] = {w _ NARROW[ra]; WHILE w.better # NIL DO w _ w.better ENDLOOP}; Sub: PROC [name: ROPE, i: INTEGER] RETURNS [s: ROPE] = { s _ name.Cat["[", Convert.RopeFromInt[i], "]"]}; Setup: PROC = { AssertingIO.SetWriter[capKey, AssertingIO.DontWrite]; }; Setup[]; END.