A list of all the ATOMs that are used in Rosemary, and where and why. (Don't believe this is really exhaustive; see module list at end.) RoseDisplayInsides.nodeDisplaysProp = MakeAtom["Spreitzer January 6, 1984 9:24 pm" on a Node, gives a RoseDisplayInsides.NodeDisplayList of the displays of that node. RoseDisplayInsides.cellStateDisplayProp = MakeAtom["January 6, 1984 9:24 pm Spreitzer"] on a Cell, gives a HierarchicalDisplays.Leaf containing the display of that cell's state. RoseDisplayInsides.typeDataDisplayProp = MakeAtom["January 19, 1985 1:43:43 pm PST Spreitzer"] on a Cell, gives a HierarchicalDisplays.Leaf containing the display of that cell's type's typeData. RoseDisplayInsides.leafProp = MakeAtom["January 6, 1984 9:19 pm Spreitzer"] on a Viewer, gives the HierarchicalDisplays.Leaf ?containing that viewer. $ExpandDeciderClosure on a cell, gives a RoseCreate.ExpandDeciderClosure $SimpleChanged, $SwitchChanged RoseEvents, watched: NIL, arg: ActivityReport, NO LONGER raised by simulator. $ChangeEarly, $ChangeLate, $Perturbed, $Found, $NewNodeQ, $NewNodeUD RoseEvents, watched: Node, arg: SlotRef, raised by simulator. Seen by display. $Settled RoseEvent, raised by simulator; watched = simulation, arg = NIL Seen by SwitcTypesImpl $Interrupt, $Start, $Stop RoseEvents, raised by display and RoseClocks, seen by the display; watched = arg = NIL $EndOfClockCycle RoseEvent, raised by RoseClocks; watched = root cell, arg = NIL $NewFormat RoseEvent in display, watched: Node, watcherData: HierarchicalDisplays.Leaf, arg = NIL $Schedule RoseEvent, raised by simulator, watched: Cell, seen by display, watcherData: HierarchicalDisplays.Child $Eval RoseEvent, raised by simulator, watched: Cell RoseTesting.cthKey = $cthKey gives the CellTestHandle for a Simulation RoseEventsImpl.watchersKey = MakeAtom["Spreitzer January 6, 1984 8:07 pm"] used by RoseEventsImpl. The watchersKey property of an event ATOM is the list of watchers. $EC Asserting.Term for the equivalence class relation; used by Transistors for ports and cell types. Understood by RoseCaptureImpl. RoseCreateImpl.bogosityKey = $bogosityKey RoseCreateImpl Asserts (bogosityKey $T) on split/joiners and transducers. $NewSim RoseEvent, raised by RoseCreateImpl when a new simulation is created; arg is the sim. $Capture Asserting.Term used on Cells by RoseCaptureImpl. $Wire Asserting.Term used on Nodes by RoseCaptureImpl. $N, $I, $L used in RoseDeciders RoseDeciders.decisionProp = MakeAtom["Spreitzer January 6, 1984 8:33 pm"] property put on $N, $I, and $L to give ExpandDecision $Text ViewerFlavor imported by RoseDisplayBrowsing $BlackOnWhite, $WhiteOnBlack, $BlackOnGrey Button display styles used by RoseDisplayOps $InsertLineBreak What RoseDisplayOps thinks is in Tioga's TIP table for RETURN MakeAtom[formatName] formatName includes at least "short", "long", "QUD", "2", "8", "16", "". Such an atom's SwitchTypes.switchFmtKey property gives a Format. $PlusPower, $ZeroPower Passed as initData in an ERClass.NodeInstance or NodeProcs.InitNode call, to signify the node is a top-level power supply. $Input, $Output Passed as initData in an ERClass.NodeInstance or NodeProcs.InitNode call, to signify the node is a top-level input or output. Modules examined: Create Date File Name 03-Sep-84 14:47:13 PDT RoseTypes.Mesa 30-Apr-85 14:19:54 PDT RoseRun.Mesa 03-Sep-84 14:27:58 PDT RoseCreate.Mesa 02-Sep-84 13:08:49 PDT RoseCapture.Mesa 09-Feb-84 15:13:55 PST NumTypes.Mesa 02-Jul-84 14:20:12 PDT SwitchTypes.Mesa 18-Aug-84 21:18:09 PDT SwitchTypesPrivate.Mesa 16-Dec-83 22:22:49 PST Mnemonics.Mesa 07-Mar-84 18:21:46 PST EnumTypes.mesa 02-Jul-84 15:50:14 PDT BiasTypes.Mesa 24-Jun-84 15:37:26 PDT RoseClocks.Mesa 24-Jun-84 16:59:40 PDT RoseClocksImpl.Mesa 15-Sep-84 20:01:05 PDT RoseReadSim.Mesa 02-Oct-84 20:24:10 PDT Transistors.Rose 12-Apr-84 14:19:15 PST BitOps.mesa 12-Apr-84 19:59:44 PST BitSwOps.mesa 30-Apr-85 14:36:44 PDT RoseRunImpl.Mesa 06-Sep-84 15:26:31 PDT RoseEventsImpl.Mesa 06-Sep-84 15:26:02 PDT RoseCreateImpl.Mesa 02-Oct-84 20:33:40 PDT RoseCaptureImpl.Mesa 06-Sep-84 15:32:28 PDT RoseDeciders.Mesa 06-Sep-84 15:18:56 PDT RoseDisplayBrowsing.Mesa 06-Sep-84 15:17:55 PDT RoseDisplayOps.Mesa 6-Oct-84 16:12:17 PDT SwitchTypesImpl.Mesa NRosemary.Atoms Last Edited by: Spreitzer, April 30, 1985 2:37:11 pm PDT Ê1˜J™J™8J˜J˜EJ˜BJ˜šœR˜RJšœS˜S—J˜šœW˜WJšœY˜Y—J˜šœ^˜^Jšœc˜c—J˜šœK˜KJšœI˜I—J˜˜J˜2—J˜˜JšœM˜M—J˜šœD˜DJšœ=˜=Jšœ˜—J˜šœ˜˜?J˜——J˜šœ˜J˜V—J˜šœ˜J˜?—J˜šœ ˜ JšœV˜V—J˜šœ ˜ Jšœg˜g—J˜šœ˜Jšœ-˜-—J˜šœ˜J˜)—J˜šœJ˜JJšœ[˜[—J˜˜J˜€—J˜šœ)˜)JšœI˜I—J˜šœ˜J˜U—J˜šœ˜J˜0—J˜šœ˜J˜0—J˜˜ J˜—J˜šœI˜IJ˜5—J˜˜Jšœ,˜,—J˜šœ*˜*J˜,—J˜˜J˜=—J˜˜J˜HJ˜@—J˜˜Jšœz˜z—J˜˜Jšœ}˜}—J˜˜J˜J˜&Jšœ$˜$J˜'J˜(J˜%J˜(J˜.J˜&J˜&J˜&J˜'J˜+J˜(J˜(J˜#J˜%Jšœ(˜(J˜+J˜+J˜,J˜)J˜0J˜+Jšœ+˜+——…—ÊI