<<[Indigo]2.6>Rosemary.DF=>TransesImpl.Mesa>> <> DIRECTORY IO, RoseCreate, RoseRun, RoseTypes, SimRead, SwitchTypes, Transes; TransesImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS IO, RoseCreate, RoseRun, RoseTypes, SwitchTypes EXPORTS Transes = BEGIN OPEN SwitchTypes, RoseRun, RoseCreate, RoseTypes; invert: ARRAY Level OF Level = [H, X, L]; TransIORef: TYPE = REF TransIORec; TransIORec: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT RECORD [ <> gate(0:16-bitsPerSwitchVal..15): SwitchVal, <> ch1(1:16-bitsPerSwitchVal..15): SwitchVal, <> ch2(2:16-bitsPerSwitchVal..15): SwitchVal]; TransStateRef: TYPE = REF TransStateRec; TransStateRec: TYPE = RECORD [ td: TransDataRep, conductance: Level]; TransData: TYPE = REF TransDataRep; TransDataRep: TYPE = RECORD [ strength: Strength, positive, sensitive, unidirectional: BOOL]; TransIOCreator: IOCreator--PROC [cell: Cell, initData: REF ANY]-- = BEGIN cell.realCellStuff.oldIO _ NEW [TransIORec]; cell.realCellStuff.newIO _ NEW [TransIORec]; cell.realCellStuff.switchIO _ NEW [TransIORec]; END; TransInitializer: PROCEDURE [cell: Cell, leafily: BOOLEAN] --Initializer-- = BEGIN IF leafily THEN BEGIN td: TransData _ NARROW[cell.type.typeData]; cell.realCellStuff.state _ NEW [TransStateRec _ [td^, X]]; END; END; SensitiveTransValsChanged: PROC [cell: Cell] --CellProc-- = BEGIN io: TransIORef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.switchIO]; state: TransStateRef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.state]; BEGIN OPEN state, io; newConductance: Level _ IF td.positive THEN gate.val ELSE invert[gate.val]; IF newConductance # conductance THEN {conductance _ newConductance; IF NOT td.unidirectional THEN PerturbPort[cell, 1]; PerturbPort[cell, 2]}; END; END; TransFindVicinity: PROC [cell: Cell, index: CARDINAL] = BEGIN state: TransStateRef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.state]; SELECT index FROM 0 => NULL; 1, 2 => IF state.conductance # L THEN FindExteriorVicinity[cell, 3-index]; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; DirTransFindVicinity: PROC [cell: Cell, index: CARDINAL] = BEGIN state: TransStateRef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.state]; SELECT index FROM 0 => NULL; 1 => IF state.conductance # L THEN FindExteriorVicinity[cell, 3-index]; 2 => ERROR; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; TransPropQ: CellProc--PROC [cell: Cell]-- = BEGIN io: TransIORef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.switchIO]; state: TransStateRef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.state]; BEGIN OPEN state, io; IF conductance = H THEN { ch1.s[q] _ MAX[ch1.s[q], MIN[td.strength, ch2.s[q]]]; ch2.s[q] _ MAX[ch2.s[q], MIN[td.strength, ch1.s[q]]]; }; END; END; DirTransPropQ: CellProc--PROC [cell: Cell]-- = BEGIN io: TransIORef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.switchIO]; state: TransStateRef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.state]; BEGIN OPEN state, io; IF conductance = H THEN { IF ch1.s[q] < MIN[td.strength, ch2.s[q]] THEN ERROR Error["Backward flow across unidirectional transistor!", cell]; ch2.s[q] _ MAX[ch2.s[q], MIN[td.strength, ch1.s[q]]]; }; END; END; TransPropUD: CellProc--PROC [cell: Cell]-- = BEGIN io: TransIORef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.switchIO]; state: TransStateRef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.state]; BEGIN OPEN state, io; IF conductance # L THEN BEGIN ch1.s[u] _ MAX[ch1.s[u], MIN[td.strength, ch2.s[u]]]; ch2.s[u] _ MAX[ch2.s[u], MIN[td.strength, ch1.s[u]]]; ch1.s[d] _ MAX[ch1.s[d], MIN[td.strength, ch2.s[d]]]; ch2.s[d] _ MAX[ch2.s[d], MIN[td.strength, ch1.s[d]]]; END; END; END; DirTransPropUD: CellProc--PROC [cell: Cell]-- = BEGIN io: TransIORef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.switchIO]; state: TransStateRef _ NARROW[cell.realCellStuff.state]; BEGIN OPEN state, io; IF conductance # L THEN BEGIN IF ch1.s[u] < Block[MIN[td.strength, ch2.s[u]], ch1.s[q]] THEN ERROR Error["Backward flow across unidirectional transistor!", cell]; ch2.s[u] _ MAX[ch2.s[u], MIN[td.strength, ch1.s[u]]]; IF ch1.s[d] < Block[MIN[td.strength, ch2.s[d]], ch1.s[q]] THEN ERROR Error["Backward flow across unidirectional transistor!", cell]; ch2.s[d] _ MAX[ch2.s[d], MIN[td.strength, ch1.s[d]]]; END; END; END; MakeType: PROC [strength: Strength, positive, sensitive, unidirectional: BOOL] RETURNS [ct: CellType] = BEGIN ports: Ports _ NEW [PortsRep[3]]; name: ROPE _ IO.PutFR["Transistor[%g,%g,%g,%g]", IO.int[ORD[strength]], IO.bool[positive], IO.bool[sensitive], IO.bool[unidirectional]]; td: TransData _ NEW [TransDataRep _ [ strength: strength, positive: positive, sensitive: sensitive, unidirectional: unidirectional]]; ports[0] _ [0, 1, "gate", bitType, TRUE, FALSE]; IF unidirectional THEN { ports[1] _ [1, 1, "in", bitType, TRUE, FALSE]; ports[2] _ [2, 1, "out", bitType, FALSE, TRUE]; } ELSE { ports[1] _ [1, 1, "ch1", bitType, TRUE, TRUE]; ports[2] _ [2, 1, "ch2", bitType, TRUE, TRUE]; }; ct _ RegisterCellType[ name: name, ioCreator: TransIOCreator, initializer: TransInitializer, evals: [ ValsChanged: IF sensitive THEN SensitiveTransValsChanged ELSE NIL, FindVicinity: IF unidirectional THEN DirTransFindVicinity ELSE TransFindVicinity, PropQ: IF unidirectional THEN DirTransPropQ ELSE TransPropQ, PropUD: IF unidirectional THEN DirTransPropUD ELSE TransPropUD], ports: ports, typeData: td]; END; transTypes: ARRAY Strength OF ARRAY BOOL OF ARRAY BOOL OF ARRAY BOOL OF CellType _ ALL[ALL[ALL[ALL[NIL]]]]; GetTransType: PUBLIC PROC [strength: Strength, positive, sensitive, unidirectional: BOOL _ FALSE] RETURNS [ct: RoseTypes.CellType] = {IF (ct _ transTypes[strength][positive][sensitive][unidirectional]) = NIL THEN transTypes[strength][positive][sensitive][unidirectional] _ ct _ MakeType[strength, positive, sensitive, unidirectional]}; END.