-- ClientMap.mesa
-- Last edited by
--   Taft on 30-Jan-82 13:02:23
--   MBrown on October 8, 1982 2:56 pm

  AlpineEnvironment USING [Conversation, Principal];

  BEGIN OPEN AlpineEnvironment;

  Register: PROCEDURE [conversation: Conversation, principal: Principal];
    -- Attaches a Principal to a local conversation.  Noop if not local.

  Unregister: PROCEDURE [conversation: Conversation];
    -- Forgets the Principal attached to the local conversation.  Noop if not registered
    --or not local.

  GetName: PROCEDURE [conversation: Conversation] RETURNS [principal: Principal];
    -- Analogous to RPC.GetName, but works for both (registered) local and
    --remote conversations.  Returns NIL if conversation is local and no principal
    --name is registered for it.
