-- File: AlpineCmdsImpl.mesa -- Last edited by: -- MBrown on March 16, 1983 5:19 pm -- Kolling on October 21, 1983 5:28 pm -- Last Edited by: Hauser, January 9, 1985 11:33:01 am PST DIRECTORY AlpFile USING[GetSize, Handle, ReadPages, ReadProperties, SetSize, WritePages, WriteProperties], AlpineCmds USING[Error, ErrorType], AlpineEnvironment USING[AccessList, AccessRights, ByteCount, bytesPerPage, FileStore, LockOption, nullVolumeGroupID, OwnerProperty, OwnerPropertyValuePair, Outcome, PageCount, Property, PropertyValuePair, RName, UniversalFile, wordsPerPage], AlpineDirectory USING[CreateOptions, Error, OpenFile], AlpDirectory, AlpineWalnutCmds, AlpInstance USING[Create, Handle], AlpTransaction USING[AssertAlpineWheel, Create, CreateOwner, DestroyOwner, Finish, GetNextVolumeGroup, Handle, ReadNextOwner, ReadOwnerProperties, ReorganizeOwnerDB, Unknown, WriteOwnerProperties], Basics USING[Comparison], BasicTime USING[GMT, nullGMT], FS USING[Close, Create, GetInfo, Open, OpenFile, PagesForBytes, Read, SetByteCountAndCreatedTime, Write], IO USING[PutFR, rope], List USING[Cons, Sort], Rope USING[Compare, Fetch, Find, IsEmpty, Match, ROPE, SkipTo, Substr], VM USING[AddressForPageNumber, Allocate, Free, Interval]; AlpineCmdsImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS AlpF: AlpFile, AlpineCmds, AlpineDirectory, AlpDirectory, AlpI: AlpInstance, AlpT: AlpTransaction, FS, IO, Lists: List, Rope, VM EXPORTS AlpineCmds, AlpineWalnutCmds = BEGIN OPEN AE: AlpineEnvironment; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; CreateOptions: TYPE = AlpineDirectory.CreateOptions; ByteCount: TYPE = AE.ByteCount; bytesPerPage: INT = AE.bytesPerPage; PageCount: TYPE = AE.PageCount; PropertyValuePair: TYPE = AE.PropertyValuePair; UniversalFile: TYPE = AE.UniversalFile; wordsPerPage: INT = AE.wordsPerPage; PagesForBytes: PROC [byteLength: ByteCount] RETURNS [pageCount: PageCount] = { RETURN [(byteLength+bytesPerPage-1)/bytesPerPage]; }; Copy: PUBLIC PROC [to: ROPE, from: ROPE] = BEGIN KernelCopy[to: to, from: from, enableWheel: FALSE, expunging: FALSE, excessBytes: 0] END; WheelCopy: PUBLIC PROC [to: ROPE, from: ROPE, enableWheel: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN KernelCopy[to: to, from: from, enableWheel: enableWheel, expunging: FALSE, excessBytes: 0] END; CopyForExpunge: PUBLIC PROC [to: ROPE, from: ROPE, excessBytes: ByteCount] = BEGIN IF excessBytes < 0 THEN ERROR; KernelCopy[to: to, from: from, enableWheel: FALSE, expunging: TRUE, excessBytes: excessBytes] END; -- excessBytes is only used if expunging = TRUE. KernelCopy: PROC [to: ROPE, from: ROPE, enableWheel: BOOLEAN, expunging: BOOLEAN, excessBytes: ByteCount] = { transHandle: AlpT.Handle _ NIL; FileStateObject: TYPE = RECORD [ SELECT type: {alpine, nucleus} FROM alpine => [fileHandle: AlpF.Handle], nucleus => [openFile: FS.OpenFile], ENDCASE]; AlpineFileStateObject: TYPE = FileStateObject.alpine; NucleusFileStateObject: TYPE = FileStateObject.nucleus; FileState: TYPE = REF FileStateObject; AlpineFileState: TYPE = REF AlpineFileStateObject; NucleusFileState: TYPE = REF NucleusFileStateObject; CreateFileState: PROC [file: ROPE, createOptions: CreateOptions, createLength: INT _ 0] RETURNS [FileState] = { IF file.Fetch[0] = '[ THEN { alpineFileState: AlpineFileState; rightSquareBracket: INT _ file.Find["]", 1]; IF rightSquareBracket IN [-1..1] THEN BEGIN IF expunging THEN ERROR IllegalFileName ELSE ERROR AlpineCmds.Error[illegalFileName]; END; IF transHandle = NIL THEN BEGIN transHandle _ AlpT.Create[instHandle: AlpI.Create[fileStore: file.Substr[start: 1, len: rightSquareBracket - 1]], createLocalWorker: TRUE]; IF enableWheel THEN transHandle.AssertAlpineWheel[TRUE]; END; alpineFileState _ NEW[AlpineFileStateObject _ [alpine[fileHandle: AlpineDirectory.OpenFile[trans: transHandle, name: file, access: IF createOptions = oldOnly THEN readOnly ELSE readWrite, lock: [IF createOptions = oldOnly THEN read ELSE write, wait], recoveryOption: log, referencePattern: sequential].openFileID]]]; IF createOptions # oldOnly -- this is the "to" file. THEN BEGIN IF (expunging) THEN BEGIN alpineFileState.fileHandle.WriteProperties[LIST[[highWaterMark[0]]]]; IF (transHandle.Finish[requestedOutcome: commit, continue: TRUE] # commit) THEN ERROR; END; alpineFileState.fileHandle.SetSize[PagesForBytes[createLength + (IF expunging THEN excessBytes ELSE 0)]]; END; RETURN [alpineFileState]; } ELSE { nucleusFileState: NucleusFileState; openFile: FS.OpenFile; openFile _ IF createOptions = oldOnly THEN FS.Open[name: file, lock: $read, wantedCreatedTime: BasicTime.nullGMT, remoteCheck: TRUE, wDir: NIL] ELSE FS.Create[name: file, setPages: TRUE, pages: FS.PagesForBytes[createLength], wDir: NIL]; nucleusFileState _ NEW[NucleusFileStateObject _ [nucleus[openFile: openFile]]]; RETURN [nucleusFileState]; }; }; CloseFile: PROC[fileState: FileState] = BEGIN WITH fileState SELECT FROM alpineFileState: AlpineFileState => NULL; nucleusFileState: NucleusFileState => FS.Close[nucleusFileState.openFile]; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; AlpineFileType: PROC[fileState: FileState] RETURNS[alpineFile: BOOLEAN]= BEGIN WITH fileState SELECT FROM alpineFileState: AlpineFileState => RETURN[TRUE]; nucleusFileState: NucleusFileState => RETURN[FALSE]; ENDCASE => ERROR; END; GetFileProperties: PROC [fileState: FileState] RETURNS [ byteLength: ByteCount, createTime: BasicTime.GMT] = { WITH fileState SELECT FROM alpineFileState: AlpineFileState => { fileProperties: LIST OF PropertyValuePair = alpineFileState.fileHandle.ReadProperties[[byteLength: TRUE, createTime: TRUE]]; byteLength _ NARROW[ fileProperties.first, PropertyValuePair.byteLength].byteLength; createTime _ NARROW[ fileProperties.rest.first, PropertyValuePair.createTime].createTime; }; nucleusFileState: NucleusFileState => { BEGIN [, , byteLength, createTime, ] _ FS.GetInfo[file: nucleusFileState.openFile]; END}; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; SetFileProperties: PROC [fileState: FileState, byteLength: ByteCount, createTime: BasicTime.GMT] = { WITH fileState SELECT FROM alpineFileState: AlpineFileState => { alpineFileState.fileHandle.WriteProperties[LIST[[byteLength[byteLength]], [createTime[createTime]]]]; }; nucleusFileState: NucleusFileState => { FS.SetByteCountAndCreatedTime[file: nucleusFileState.openFile, bytes: byteLength, created: createTime]; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; bufferPtr: LONG POINTER; pagesCopied: INT; FillBuffer: PROC [fromFile: FileState, pagesToMove: CARDINAL] = { WITH fromFile SELECT FROM alpineFileState: AlpineFileState => { TRUSTED BEGIN alpineFileState.fileHandle.ReadPages[ pageRun: [firstPage: pagesCopied, count: pagesToMove], pageBuffer: DESCRIPTOR [ bufferPtr, pagesToMove*wordsPerPage]]; END; }; nucleusFileState: NucleusFileState => { TRUSTED BEGIN FS.Read[file: nucleusFileState.openFile, from: pagesCopied, nPages: pagesToMove, to: bufferPtr]; END; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; EmptyBuffer: PROC [toFile: FileState, pagesToMove: CARDINAL] = { WITH toFile SELECT FROM alpineFileState: AlpineFileState => { TRUSTED BEGIN alpineFileState.fileHandle.WritePages[ pageRun: [firstPage: pagesCopied, count: pagesToMove], pageBuffer: DESCRIPTOR [ bufferPtr, pagesToMove*wordsPerPage]]; END; }; nucleusFileState: NucleusFileState => { TRUSTED BEGIN FS.Write[file: nucleusFileState.openFile, to: pagesCopied, nPages: pagesToMove, from: bufferPtr]; END; }; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; toFile, fromFile: FileState; byteLength: ByteCount; createTime: BasicTime.GMT; fromFile _ CreateFileState[file: from, createOptions: oldOnly]; [byteLength, createTime] _ GetFileProperties[fromFile]; toFile _ CreateFileState[file: to, createOptions: none, createLength: byteLength! UNWIND => CloseFile[fromFile];]; BEGIN BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => BEGIN CloseFile[toFile]; CloseFile[fromFile]; END; pageCount: PageCount = PagesForBytes[byteLength]; bufferLen: CARDINAL = 12; bufferInterval: VM.Interval _ VM.Allocate[count: bufferLen]; TRUSTED BEGIN bufferPtr _ VM.AddressForPageNumber[bufferInterval.page]; END; pagesCopied _ 0; UNTIL pagesCopied = pageCount DO pagesLeft: CARDINAL _ pageCount-pagesCopied; pagesToMove: CARDINAL _ MIN [bufferLen, pagesLeft]; FillBuffer[fromFile, pagesToMove]; EmptyBuffer[toFile, pagesToMove]; pagesCopied _ pagesCopied + pagesToMove; ENDLOOP; TRUSTED BEGIN VM.Free[bufferInterval]; END; SetFileProperties[toFile, byteLength, createTime]; END; CloseFile[toFile]; CloseFile[fromFile]; IF ((transHandle.Finish[requestedOutcome: commit, continue: FALSE] # commit) AND (AlpineFileType[toFile])) THEN ERROR; END; }; Delete: PUBLIC PROC [file: ROPE] RETURNS[fileFound: BOOLEAN] = { fileFound _ TRUE; [] _ AlpDirectory.DeleteFile[ name: file ! AlpDirectory.Error => IF type = fileNotFound THEN GOTO noFile]; EXITS noFile => fileFound _ FALSE }; GetCreateTime: PUBLIC PROC [file: ROPE] RETURNS [fileFound: BOOL, createTime: BasicTime.GMT] = { [fileFound, createTime] _ WheelGetCreateTime[file, FALSE]; }; WheelGetCreateTime: PUBLIC PROC [file: ROPE, enableWheel: BOOLEAN] RETURNS [fileFound: BOOL, createTime: BasicTime.GMT] = { transHandle: AlpT.Handle; fileHandle: AlpF.Handle; fileProperties: LIST OF PropertyValuePair; [fileFound, transHandle, fileHandle] _ FromOldFileGetHandles[file, readOnly, [read, wait], enableWheel]; IF NOT fileFound THEN RETURN [FALSE, BasicTime.nullGMT]; fileProperties _ fileHandle.ReadProperties[[createTime: TRUE]]; [] _ transHandle.Finish[commit, FALSE]; createTime _ NARROW[fileProperties.first, PropertyValuePair.createTime].createTime; }; GetSize: PUBLIC PROC [file: ROPE] RETURNS [fileFound: BOOL, size: PageCount] = { transHandle: AlpT.Handle; fileHandle: AlpF.Handle; [fileFound, transHandle, fileHandle] _ FromOldFileGetHandles[file, readOnly, [read, wait], FALSE]; IF NOT fileFound THEN RETURN [FALSE, 0]; size _ fileHandle.GetSize[]; [] _ transHandle.Finish[commit, FALSE]; }; -- this does not truncate to before the byteLength, if asked to it will instead truncate to PagesForBytes[byteLength]. SetSize: PUBLIC PROC [file: ROPE, size: PageCount] RETURNS [fileFound: BOOL, newSize: PageCount] = { transHandle: AlpT.Handle; fileHandle: AlpF.Handle; fileProperties: LIST OF PropertyValuePair; oldSize: PageCount; [fileFound, transHandle, fileHandle] _ FromOldFileGetHandles[file, readWrite, [write, wait], FALSE]; IF NOT fileFound THEN RETURN [FALSE, 0]; fileProperties _ fileHandle.ReadProperties[[byteLength: TRUE]]; oldSize _ PagesForBytes[NARROW[fileProperties.first, PropertyValuePair.byteLength].byteLength]; newSize _ MAX[size, oldSize]; fileHandle.SetSize[newSize]; IF transHandle.Finish[commit, FALSE] # commit THEN ERROR; }; GetReadAccess: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[file: ROPE] RETURNS[fileFound: BOOLEAN, accessList: LIST OF REF ANY] = BEGIN [fileFound, accessList] _ GetFileAccess[file, readAccess]; END; GetModifyAccess: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[file: ROPE] RETURNS[fileFound: BOOLEAN, accessList: LIST OF REF ANY] = BEGIN [fileFound, accessList] _ GetFileAccess[file, modifyAccess]; END; GetFileAccess: PROCEDURE[file: ROPE, accessProp: AE.Property] RETURNS[fileFound: BOOLEAN, accessList: LIST OF REF ANY] = BEGIN transHandle: AlpT.Handle; fileHandle: AlpF.Handle; resultAccessList: AE.AccessList; fileProperty: AE.PropertyValuePair; [fileFound, transHandle, fileHandle] _ FromOldFileGetHandles[file: file, access: readOnly, lock: [read, wait], enableWheel: FALSE]; IF NOT fileFound THEN RETURN[FALSE, NIL]; TRUSTED BEGIN fileProperty _ fileHandle.ReadProperties[[readAccess: (accessProp = readAccess), modifyAccess: (accessProp = modifyAccess)]].first; END; [] _ transHandle.Finish[commit, FALSE]; resultAccessList _ (SELECT accessProp FROM readAccess => NARROW[fileProperty, PropertyValuePair.readAccess].readAccess, modifyAccess => NARROW[fileProperty, PropertyValuePair.modifyAccess].modifyAccess, ENDCASE => ERROR); TRUSTED BEGIN accessList _ Lists.Sort[LOOPHOLE[resultAccessList, LIST OF REF ANY], CompareProc]; END; END; SetReadAccess: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[file: ROPE, list: LIST OF REF ANY] RETURNS[fileFound: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN fileFound _ SetFileAccess[file, list, readAccess]; END; SetModifyAccess: PUBLIC PROCEDURE[file: ROPE, list: LIST OF REF ANY] RETURNS[fileFound: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN fileFound _ SetFileAccess[file, list, modifyAccess]; END; SetFileAccess: PROCEDURE[file: ROPE, list: LIST OF REF ANY, accessProp: AE.Property] RETURNS[fileFound: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN transHandle: AlpT.Handle; fileHandle: AlpF.Handle; accessList: AE.AccessList _ MakeListOfRefAnyAnAccessList[list]; fileProperties: LIST OF AE.PropertyValuePair _ (SELECT accessProp FROM readAccess => LIST[[readAccess[accessList]]], modifyAccess => LIST[[modifyAccess[accessList]]], ENDCASE => ERROR); [fileFound, transHandle, fileHandle] _ FromOldFileGetHandles[file: file, access: readOnly, lock: [read, wait], enableWheel: FALSE]; IF NOT fileFound THEN RETURN; fileHandle.WriteProperties[properties: fileProperties, lock: [write, wait]]; IF (transHandle.Finish[requestedOutcome: commit, continue: FALSE] # commit) THEN ERROR; END; MakeListOfRefAnyAnAccessList: PROCEDURE[inList: LIST OF REF ANY] RETURNS[outList: AE.AccessList] = BEGIN FOR myList: LIST OF REF ANY _ inList, myList.rest UNTIL myList = NIL DO outList _ CONS[NARROW[myList.first, AE.RName], outList]; ENDLOOP; END; FromOldFileGetHandles: PROCEDURE[file: ROPE, access: AE.AccessRights, lock: AE.LockOption, enableWheel: BOOLEAN] RETURNS[fileFound: BOOLEAN, transHandle: AlpT.Handle, fileHandle: AlpF.Handle] = BEGIN rightSquareBracket: INT; IF file.Fetch[0] # '[ THEN ERROR AlpineCmds.Error[illegalFileName]; rightSquareBracket _ file.Find["]", 1]; IF rightSquareBracket IN [-1..1] THEN ERROR AlpineCmds.Error[illegalFileName]; fileFound _ TRUE; transHandle _ AlpT.Create[instHandle: AlpI.Create[fileStore: file.Substr[start: 1, len: rightSquareBracket - 1]], createLocalWorker: TRUE]; IF enableWheel THEN transHandle.AssertAlpineWheel[TRUE]; fileHandle _ AlpineDirectory.OpenFile[ trans: transHandle, name: file, access: access, lock: lock ! AlpineDirectory.Error => IF type = fileNotFound THEN BEGIN fileFound _ FALSE; CONTINUE; END;].openFileID; IF NOT fileFound THEN BEGIN [] _ transHandle.Finish[requestedOutcome: abort, continue: FALSE]; RETURN[FALSE, NIL, NIL]; END; END; CompareProc: SAFE PROC [ref1, ref2: REF ANY] RETURNS [Basics.Comparison] = CHECKED { RETURN [Rope.Compare[NARROW[ref1], NARROW[ref2], FALSE]]; }; EnumProc: TYPE = PROC [ fileName: ROPE, universalFile: AE.UniversalFile ] RETURNS [ quit: BOOL ]; EnumeratePattern: PROC [ pattern: ROPE, enumProc: EnumProc] = { file: AE.UniversalFile; fullPathName, link: ROPE; [file, fullPathName, link] _ AlpDirectory.Enumerate[ pattern: pattern, previousFile: NIL]; WHILE fullPathName # NIL DO [] _ enumProc[ fullPathName, file ]; [file, fullPathName, link] _ AlpDirectory.Enumerate[ pattern: pattern, previousFile: fullPathName]; ENDLOOP; }; List: PUBLIC PROC [pattern: ROPE] RETURNS [LIST OF REF ANY] = { resultList: LIST OF REF ANY _ NIL; EnumProc: PROC [fileName: ROPE, universalFile: UniversalFile] RETURNS [quit: BOOL] = { resultRope: ROPE _ IO.PutFR["%g", IO.rope[fileName]]; resultList _ CONS[first: resultRope, rest: resultList]; RETURN [quit: FALSE]; }; resultRope: ROPE _ NIL; EnumeratePattern[ pattern: pattern, enumProc: EnumProc]; resultList _ Lists.Sort[resultList, CompareProc]; RETURN [resultList]; }; IllegalFileName: PUBLIC ERROR = CODE; -- AlpineWalnutCmds error, for stability in interface, only errored from CopyForExpunge. Error: PUBLIC ERROR [what: AlpineCmds.ErrorType] = CODE; OwnerPropertyValuePair: TYPE = AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair; OwnerPropertyValuePairList: TYPE = LIST OF OwnerPropertyValuePair; CreateOwner: PUBLIC PROC [directory: ROPE, pageLimit: PageCount] = { p: REF OwnerPropertyValuePair = NEW[ OwnerPropertyValuePair _ [quota[quota: pageLimit]]]; -- crock to make it compile properties: OwnerPropertyValuePairList = LIST[[quota[pageLimit]]]; transHandle: AlpT.Handle; owner: ROPE; [transHandle, owner] _ FromDirectoryGetTransHandleAndOwner[directory: directory, assertWheel: TRUE]; [] _ transHandle.CreateOwner[ volumeGroupID: transHandle.GetNextVolumeGroup[previousGroup: AE.nullVolumeGroupID, lock: [none, wait]], owner: owner, properties: properties]; IF (transHandle.Finish[requestedOutcome: commit, continue: FALSE] # commit) THEN ERROR; }; DestroyOwner: PUBLIC PROC [directory: ROPE] = BEGIN transHandle: AlpT.Handle; owner: ROPE; [transHandle, owner] _ FromDirectoryGetTransHandleAndOwner[directory: directory, assertWheel: TRUE]; [] _ transHandle.DestroyOwner[ volumeGroupID: transHandle.GetNextVolumeGroup[previousGroup: AE.nullVolumeGroupID, lock: [none, wait]], owner: owner]; IF (transHandle.Finish[requestedOutcome: commit, continue: FALSE] # commit) THEN ERROR; END; GetOwnerCreateAccess: PUBLIC PROC [directory: ROPE] RETURNS [ownerFound: BOOLEAN, ownerAccessList: LIST OF REF ANY] = BEGIN [ownerFound, ownerAccessList] _ GetOwnerAccess[directory, createAccessList]; END; GetOwnerModifyAccess: PUBLIC PROC [directory: ROPE] RETURNS [ownerFound: BOOLEAN, ownerAccessList: LIST OF REF ANY] = BEGIN [ownerFound, ownerAccessList] _ GetOwnerAccess[directory, modifyAccessList]; END; GetOwnerAccess: PROC [directory: ROPE, ownerAccessProp: AE.OwnerProperty] RETURNS[ownerFound: BOOLEAN, ownerAccessList: LIST OF REF ANY] = BEGIN transHandle: AlpT.Handle; owner: ROPE; resultOwnerAccessList: AE.AccessList; ownerProperty: AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair; [transHandle, owner] _ FromDirectoryGetTransHandleAndOwner[directory: directory, assertWheel: FALSE]; ownerFound _ TRUE; TRUSTED BEGIN ownerProperty _ transHandle.ReadOwnerProperties[volumeGroupID: transHandle.GetNextVolumeGroup[previousGroup: AE.nullVolumeGroupID, lock: [none, wait]], owner: owner, desiredProperties: [createAccessList: (ownerAccessProp = createAccessList), modifyAccessList: (ownerAccessProp = modifyAccessList)] ! AlpT.Unknown => IF what = owner THEN BEGIN ownerFound _ FALSE; CONTINUE; END;].first; END; [] _ transHandle.Finish[requestedOutcome: (IF ownerFound THEN commit ELSE abort), continue: FALSE]; IF NOT ownerFound THEN RETURN[FALSE, NIL]; resultOwnerAccessList _ (SELECT ownerAccessProp FROM createAccessList => NARROW[ownerProperty, OwnerPropertyValuePair.createAccessList].createAccessList, modifyAccessList => NARROW[ownerProperty, OwnerPropertyValuePair.modifyAccessList].modifyAccessList, ENDCASE => ERROR); TRUSTED BEGIN ownerAccessList _ Lists.Sort[LOOPHOLE[resultOwnerAccessList, LIST OF REF ANY], CompareProc]; END; END; SetOwnerCreateAccess: PUBLIC PROC [directory: ROPE, list: LIST OF REF ANY] RETURNS [ownerFound: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN RETURN[SetOwnerAccess[directory, list, createAccessList]]; END; SetOwnerModifyAccess: PUBLIC PROC [directory: ROPE, list: LIST OF REF ANY] RETURNS [ownerFound: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN RETURN[SetOwnerAccess[directory, list, modifyAccessList]]; END; SetOwnerAccess: PROC [directory: ROPE, list: LIST OF REF ANY, ownerAccessProp: AE.OwnerProperty] RETURNS [ownerFound: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN transHandle: AlpT.Handle; owner: ROPE; ownerAccessList: AE.AccessList _ MakeListOfRefAnyAnAccessList[list]; ownerProperties: LIST OF AE.OwnerPropertyValuePair _ (SELECT ownerAccessProp FROM createAccessList => LIST[[createAccessList[ownerAccessList]]], modifyAccessList => LIST[[modifyAccessList[ownerAccessList]]], ENDCASE => ERROR); [transHandle, owner] _ FromDirectoryGetTransHandleAndOwner[directory: directory, assertWheel: TRUE]; ownerFound _ TRUE; transHandle.WriteOwnerProperties[volumeGroupID: transHandle.GetNextVolumeGroup[previousGroup: AE.nullVolumeGroupID, lock: [none, wait]], owner: owner, overCommitQuotasIfNeeded: TRUE, properties: ownerProperties ! AlpT.Unknown => IF what = owner THEN BEGIN ownerFound _ FALSE; CONTINUE; END;]; IF ownerFound THEN BEGIN IF transHandle.Finish[requestedOutcome: commit, continue: FALSE] # commit THEN ERROR; END ELSE [] _ transHandle.Finish[requestedOutcome: abort, continue: FALSE]; END; FromDirectoryGetTransHandleAndOwner: PROC [directory: ROPE, assertWheel: BOOLEAN] RETURNS [transHandle: AlpT.Handle, owner: ROPE] = { rightSquareBracket, rightAngleBracket: INT; fileStore, restOfFileName: ROPE; IF NOT Rope.Match[pattern: "[*]<*>*", object: directory, case: FALSE] THEN ERROR AlpineCmds.Error[illegalFileName]; rightSquareBracket _ directory.SkipTo[1, "]"]; fileStore _ directory.Substr[start: 1, len: rightSquareBracket-1]; rightAngleBracket _ directory.SkipTo[1, ">"]; owner _ directory.Substr[ start: rightSquareBracket+2, len: rightAngleBracket-rightSquareBracket-2]; restOfFileName _ directory.Substr[start: rightAngleBracket+1]; IF fileStore.IsEmpty[] OR owner.IsEmpty[] OR NOT restOfFileName.IsEmpty[] THEN ERROR AlpineCmds.Error[illegalFileName]; transHandle _ AlpT.Create[instHandle: AlpI.Create[fileStore: fileStore], createLocalWorker: TRUE]; IF assertWheel THEN transHandle.AssertAlpineWheel[TRUE]; }; ReadQuota: PUBLIC PROC [directory: ROPE] RETURNS [pageLimit, spaceInUse: PageCount] = { properties: OwnerPropertyValuePairList; transHandle: AlpT.Handle; owner: ROPE; [transHandle, owner] _ FromDirectoryGetTransHandleAndOwner[directory: directory, assertWheel: FALSE]; properties _ transHandle.ReadOwnerProperties[ volumeGroupID: transHandle.GetNextVolumeGroup[previousGroup: AE.nullVolumeGroupID, lock: [none, wait]], owner: owner, desiredProperties: [quota: TRUE, spaceInUse: TRUE]]; [] _ transHandle.Finish[requestedOutcome: commit, continue: FALSE]; UNTIL properties = NIL DO -- because ReadOwnerProperties does not sort them yet ... WITH properties.first SELECT FROM q: OwnerPropertyValuePair.quota => pageLimit _ q.quota; s: OwnerPropertyValuePair.spaceInUse => spaceInUse _ s.spaceInUse; ENDCASE => ERROR; properties _ properties.rest; ENDLOOP; }; WriteQuota: PUBLIC PROC [directory: ROPE, pageLimit: PageCount] = { properties: OwnerPropertyValuePairList = LIST[[quota[pageLimit]]]; transHandle: AlpT.Handle; owner: ROPE; [transHandle, owner] _ FromDirectoryGetTransHandleAndOwner[directory: directory, assertWheel: TRUE]; transHandle.WriteOwnerProperties[ volumeGroupID: transHandle.GetNextVolumeGroup[previousGroup: AE.nullVolumeGroupID, lock: [none, wait]], owner: owner, properties: properties]; IF (transHandle.Finish[requestedOutcome: commit, continue: FALSE]) # commit THEN ERROR; }; ListOwners: PUBLIC PROC [fileStore: ROPE] RETURNS [LIST OF REF ANY] = { result: LIST OF REF ANY _ NIL; owner: ROPE; transHandle: AlpT.Handle _ AlpT.Create[instHandle: AlpI.Create[fileStore: fileStore], createLocalWorker: TRUE]; transHandle.AssertAlpineWheel[TRUE]; owner _ NIL; DO [owner, ] _ transHandle.ReadNextOwner[ volumeGroupID: transHandle.GetNextVolumeGroup[previousGroup: AE.nullVolumeGroupID, lock: [none, wait]], previousOwner: owner, desiredProperties: ALL [FALSE]]; IF owner = NIL THEN EXIT; result _ Lists.Cons[owner, result]; ENDLOOP; [] _ transHandle.Finish[requestedOutcome: commit, continue: FALSE]; RETURN [Lists.Sort[result, CompareProc]]; }; ReorganizeOwnerDB: PUBLIC PROC [fileStore: ROPE, nEntries: NAT] = { transHandle: AlpT.Handle _ AlpT.Create[instHandle: AlpI.Create[fileStore: fileStore], createLocalWorker: TRUE]; transHandle.AssertAlpineWheel[TRUE]; [] _ transHandle.ReorganizeOwnerDB[ volumeGroupID: transHandle.GetNextVolumeGroup[previousGroup: AE.nullVolumeGroupID, lock: [none, wait]], nEntries: nEntries]; IF (transHandle.Finish[requestedOutcome: commit, continue: FALSE] # commit) THEN ERROR; }; SpecialReorganizeOwnerDB: PROC [fileStore: ROPE, nEntries: NAT] = { result, resultList: LIST OF REF ANY _ NIL; owner: ROPE; transHandle: AlpT.Handle _ AlpT.Create[instHandle: AlpI.Create[fileStore: fileStore], createLocalWorker: TRUE]; transHandle.AssertAlpineWheel[TRUE]; owner _ NIL; DO [owner, ] _ transHandle.ReadNextOwner[ volumeGroupID: transHandle.GetNextVolumeGroup[previousGroup: AE.nullVolumeGroupID, lock: [none, wait]], previousOwner: owner, desiredProperties: ALL [FALSE]]; IF owner = NIL THEN EXIT; result _ Lists.Cons[owner, result]; ENDLOOP; resultList _ Lists.Sort[result, CompareProc]; [] _ transHandle.ReorganizeOwnerDB[ volumeGroupID: transHandle.GetNextVolumeGroup[previousGroup: AE.nullVolumeGroupID, lock: [none, wait]], nEntries: nEntries]; owner _ NIL; result _ NIL; DO [owner, ] _ transHandle.ReadNextOwner[ volumeGroupID: transHandle.GetNextVolumeGroup[previousGroup: AE.nullVolumeGroupID, lock: [none, wait]], previousOwner: owner, desiredProperties: ALL [FALSE]]; IF owner = NIL THEN EXIT; result _ Lists.Cons[owner, result]; ENDLOOP; resultList _ Lists.Sort[result, CompareProc]; IF (transHandle.Finish[requestedOutcome: commit, continue: FALSE] # commit) THEN ERROR; }; END.