Dennis Arnon, June 6, 1986 4:15:42 pm PDT
Cedar Quantifier Elimination Software
Dennis Arnon
© Copyright 1986 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: .
Created by: Dennis Arnon
Maintained by: Dennis Arnon <Arnon.pa>
XEROX Xerox Corporation
Palo Alto Research Center
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, California 94304
For Internal Xerox Use Only
1. Introduction
1. The heart of it is a certain suite of SAC-2 and Macsyma software. Even though in our environment there is Cedar glue, we hope to have done a sufficiently good job of partitioning the "computational engine" from the "user interface" that anyone with SAC-2 and Macsyma available can at least use the software in a standard way.
2. Notes
1. General rule: all subfields of QE Objects should be Objects (e.g. use ASListStructure.List, and not LIST OF Object); this will facilitate offlining and onlining of these subfields.
2. Basic task for software: determine the different types of Objects to be manipulated; basically, each one is automatically offlined when created (but also left online).
3. In general, the software is able to guarantee that it only works with objects from the database for one qe problem at a time.
4. At top level, there is a computation manager who determines what tasks can be performed at the present time, gets them distributed out over Dorados (via ComputeServer) or Suns (?), and scans (or is notified of events in) the LB DB to determine when new tasks can be scheduled.
Should be able to give its state (e.g. "waiting for completion of 2-space cells") upon demand.