-- Copyright (C) 1982  by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. 
-- PupTimeServerFormat.Mesa, HGM,  1-Mar-82 20:24:21

  PupWireFormat USING [BcplLongNumber],
  PupTypes USING [PupAddress, PupType];

PupTimeServerFormat: DEFINITIONS =

  WestEast: TYPE = MACHINE DEPENDENT{west(0), east(1)};
  PupTimeFormat: TYPE = RECORD [
    time: PupWireFormat.BcplLongNumber,  -- word 0 and 1
    zoneS: WestEast,  -- start of word 2
    zoneH: [0..177B],
    zoneM: [0..377B],  -- end of word 2
    beginDST: WORD,  -- word 3
    endDST: WORD];  -- word 4

  TimeStatsEntry: TYPE = RECORD [
    version: WORD,
    tenexRequests: PupWireFormat.BcplLongNumber,
    stringRequests: PupWireFormat.BcplLongNumber,
    altoRequests: PupWireFormat.BcplLongNumber,
    correction: INTEGER,
    resetAddress: PupTypes.PupAddress];
  version: WORD = 2;

  dateTextRequest: PupTypes.PupType = LOOPHOLE[200B];
  dateTextIs: PupTypes.PupType = LOOPHOLE[201B];
  dateTenexRequest: PupTypes.PupType = LOOPHOLE[202B];
  dateTenexIs: PupTypes.PupType = LOOPHOLE[203B];
  -- 204+205 were old Alto format
  dateAltoRequest: PupTypes.PupType = LOOPHOLE[205B];
  dateAltoIs: PupTypes.PupType = LOOPHOLE[206B];

  lockTimeRequest: PupTypes.PupType = LOOPHOLE[217B];
  lockTimeReply: PupTypes.PupType = LOOPHOLE[227B];
  resetTimeRequest: PupTypes.PupType = LOOPHOLE[255B];
  resetTimeReply: PupTypes.PupType = LOOPHOLE[256B];
  timeStatsRequest: PupTypes.PupType = LOOPHOLE[215B];
  timeStatsReply: PupTypes.PupType = LOOPHOLE[216B];