-- Copyright (C) 1981, 1982  by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. 
-- SlaFormat.mesa, HGM,  1-Nov-81 16:50:55

  Environment USING [Byte],
  PupWireFormat USING [BcplLongNumber];


  LineState: TYPE = {
    down, up, loopedBack, missing, halfUp, passwordOk, needPassword, badPassword};
  RoutingTableEntry: TYPE = RECORD [hops, line: Environment.Byte];

  -- Statistics info for GateControl or whatever...
  slaStatsReply: WORD = 4;

  -- The second word of the reply is the version number.  The third word is the number of hosts in the routing table, then comes the routing table itself.  (Don't forget to skip host 0.)  The next word is the highest line number, and it is followed by an array of info for each line.

  slaVersion: WORD = 1;

  SlaStatsEntry: TYPE = RECORD [
    packetsSent: PupWireFormat.BcplLongNumber,
    packetsRecv: PupWireFormat.BcplLongNumber,
    bytesSent: PupWireFormat.BcplLongNumber,
    bytesRecv: PupWireFormat.BcplLongNumber,
    syncErrors: CARDINAL,
    badCrc: CARDINAL,
    controlError: CARDINAL,
    state: LineState];
