-- Copyright (C) 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. -- NetDirBuilderControl.Mesa, HGM, 6-Nov-84 3:38:31 DIRECTORY Cursor USING [Defined, GetInfo, Set, Type], FileSW USING [IsEditable], FileWindow USING [ Create, Enumerate, EnumerateProcType, FileInWindow, LoadWindow], FileWindowOps USING [EditMCR], FormSW USING [ ClientItemsProcType, ProcType, AllocateItemDescriptor, newLine, Display, FindItem, BooleanItem, CommandItem, StringItem], MFile USING [Acquire, Delete, Error, GetProperties, Handle, maxNameLength], MStream USING [GetFile], Process USING [Detach, SetPriority], ProcessPriorities USING [priorityClientLow], Profile USING [GetUser], Put USING [Text, Line], Runtime USING [GetBcdTime], Stream USING [Handle], String USING [AppendChar, AppendDecimal, AppendString, EquivalentString], Time USING [Append, Unpack], Tool USING [Create, MakeSWsProc, MakeFormSW, MakeFileSW, UnusedLogName], UserInput USING [ CreateIndirectStringInOut, DestroyIndirectStringInOut, GetDefaultWindow, WaitForConfirmation], Window USING [Handle], Password USING [Status, ValidMemberOfGroup], NetDirBuilderOps USING [ Abort, BuildNewDirectory, BuildOldDirectory, debug, FindVersionNumber, Lock, log, SendOutDirectories, Unlock]; NetDirBuilderControl: PROGRAM IMPORTS Cursor, FileSW, FileWindow, FileWindowOps, FormSW, MFile, MStream, Process, Profile, Put, Runtime, String, Time, Tool, UserInput, Password, NetDirBuilderOps = BEGIN OPEN NetDirBuilderOps; form: Window.Handle; banzai: LONG STRING ← [20]; running: BOOLEAN ← FALSE; editWindowExists: BOOLEAN ← FALSE; LockProc: FormSW.ProcType = BEGIN IF ~CheckPassword[] THEN RETURN; IF Lock[] AND ~editWindowExists THEN BEGIN editWindowExists ← TRUE; CreateEditWindow[]; END; END; CreateEditWindow: PROCEDURE = BEGIN ew: Window.Handle ← FileWindow.Create[[[0, 0], [0, 0]]]; FileWindow.LoadWindow[fileName: "Pup-Network.txt", sw: ew]; [] ← FileWindowOps.EditMCR[ew]; END; AbortProc: FormSW.ProcType = BEGIN IF FileBeingEdited[] THEN RETURN; IF ~CheckPassword[] THEN RETURN; IF Abort[] THEN DeleteTheFiles[]; END; DeleteTheFiles: PROCEDURE = BEGIN MaybeDelete["Pup-Network.txt"]; MaybeDelete["Pup-Network.txt$"]; MaybeDelete["Pup-Network.txt$$"]; editWindowExists ← FALSE; END; MaybeDelete: PROCEDURE [fileName: STRING] = BEGIN handle: MFile.Handle ← NIL; handle ← MFile.Acquire[fileName, delete, [] ! MFile.Error => CONTINUE]; IF handle = NIL THEN RETURN; Put.Text[log, "Deleting "]; Put.Text[log, fileName]; Put.Text[log, ".."]; MFile.Delete[handle]; Put.Line[log, "ok."]; END; DoIt: FormSW.ProcType = BEGIN IF running THEN BEGIN Put.Line[log, "Already running...."L]; RETURN; END; IF FileBeingEdited[] THEN RETURN; IF ~CheckPassword[] THEN RETURN; running ← TRUE; Process.Detach[FORK MakeNewDirectory[]]; END; FileBeingEdited: PROCEDURE RETURNS [hit: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN CheckForEditing: FileWindow.EnumerateProcType = BEGIN name: LONG STRING = [MFile.maxNameLength]; s: Stream.Handle = FileWindow.FileInWindow[sw].s; IF s = NIL THEN RETURN[continue]; -- Empty Window [] ← MFile.GetProperties[MStream.GetFile[s], name]; IF String.EquivalentString[name, "Pup-Network.txt"] AND FileSW.IsEditable[sw] THEN BEGIN Message["Pup-Network.txt is still being edited. Please Save it first"]; hit ← TRUE; END; RETURN[IF hit THEN stop ELSE continue]; END; hit ← FALSE; FileWindow.Enumerate[CheckForEditing]; END; MakeNewDirectory: PROCEDURE = BEGIN IF ~FindVersionNumber[banzai] THEN BEGIN Put.Line[log, "*** I can't locate the current version number."L]; Put.Line[ log, "*** Put ""BANZAI"" into Banzai to create a new directory."L]; MakeBanzaiVisible[]; running ← FALSE; RETURN; END; Process.SetPriority[ProcessPriorities.priorityClientLow]; IF BuildOldDirectory[] AND BuildNewDirectory[] THEN SendOutDirectories[]; running ← FALSE; END; UnlockProc: FormSW.ProcType = BEGIN IF ~CheckPassword[] THEN RETURN; IF Unlock[] THEN DeleteTheFiles[]; END; Confirm: PROCEDURE RETURNS [okay: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN oldType: Cursor.Type = Cursor.GetInfo[].type; Cursor.Set[mouseRed]; okay ← UserInput.WaitForConfirmation[].okay; IF oldType IN Cursor.Defined THEN Cursor.Set[oldType]; END; -- BEWARE: There is an old up-arrow in here: -- User/password must be valid, AND user must be a member of Updaters↑.internet. backDoor: BOOLEAN ← FALSE; CheckPassword: PUBLIC PROCEDURE RETURNS [BOOLEAN] = BEGIN group: STRING = "Updaters↑.internet"L; person: STRING = [100]; pwd: STRING = [100]; status: Password.Status; SaveUserInfo: PROCEDURE [name, password: LONG STRING] = BEGIN String.AppendString[person, name]; String.AppendString[pwd, password]; END; IF backDoor THEN RETURN[TRUE]; Profile.GetUser[SaveUserInfo, registry]; status ← Password.ValidMemberOfGroup[person, pwd, group]; SELECT status FROM yes => NULL; nil => Message["Name or Password is NIL."L]; allDown => Message["All Grapevine servers appear to be down"L]; notFound => Message["Grapevine doesn't like your name"L]; badPwd => Message["Grapevine doesn't like your password"L]; group => Message["Grapevine thinks you are a group"L]; no => Message["You are not in "L, group]; notGroup => Message["Grapevine doesn't recognize "L, group]; error => Message["Error from GrapevineUser package"L]; ENDCASE => ERROR; RETURN[status = yes]; END; Message: PROCEDURE [one, two, three, four: STRING ← NIL] = BEGIN text: STRING = [100]; String.AppendString[text, one]; IF two # NIL THEN String.AppendString[text, two]; IF three # NIL THEN String.AppendString[text, three]; IF four # NIL THEN String.AppendString[text, four]; String.AppendChar[text, '.]; Put.Line[log, text]; END; MessageDecimal: PROCEDURE [one: STRING, two: UNSPECIFIED, three: STRING] = BEGIN text: STRING = [100]; String.AppendString[text, one]; String.AppendDecimal[text, two]; String.AppendString[text, three]; String.AppendChar[text, '.]; Put.Line[log, text]; END; MakeSWs: Tool.MakeSWsProc = BEGIN logFileName: STRING = [40]; Tool.UnusedLogName[logFileName, "NetDirBuilder.log"L]; form ← Tool.MakeFormSW[window: window, formProc: MakeForm]; log ← Tool.MakeFileSW[window: window, name: logFileName]; END; banzaiIX: CARDINAL = 5; MakeForm: FormSW.ClientItemsProcType = BEGIN nParams: CARDINAL = 6; items ← FormSW.AllocateItemDescriptor[nParams]; items[0] ← FormSW.CommandItem[ tag: "Lock"L, proc: LockProc, place: FormSW.newLine]; items[1] ← FormSW.CommandItem[tag: "Abort"L, proc: AbortProc]; items[2] ← FormSW.BooleanItem[tag: "Debug"L, switch: @debug]; items[3] ← FormSW.CommandItem[tag: "DoIt"L, proc: DoIt]; items[4] ← FormSW.CommandItem[tag: "Unlock"L, proc: UnlockProc]; items[5] ← FormSW.StringItem[ tag: "Banzai"L, string: @banzai, place: FormSW.newLine, invisible: TRUE]; RETURN[items, TRUE]; END; MakeBanzaiVisible: PROCEDURE = BEGIN FormSW.FindItem[form, banzaiIX].flags.invisible ← FALSE; FormSW.Display[form]; END; Init: PROCEDURE = BEGIN herald: STRING = [50]; defaultWindow: Window.Handle = UserInput.GetDefaultWindow[]; String.AppendString[herald, "NetDirBuilder of "L]; Time.Append[herald, Time.Unpack[Runtime.GetBcdTime[]]]; [] ← Tool.Create[ name: herald, makeSWsProc: MakeSWs, cmSection: "NetDirBuilder"L]; UserInput.DestroyIndirectStringInOut[defaultWindow]; UserInput.CreateIndirectStringInOut[from: defaultWindow, to: log]; END; Init[]; END.