-- Copyright (C) 1981, 1982, 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. -- GateDMT.mesa, HGM, 1-Dec-84 18:51:34 -- From DMT.mesa of 7-Aug-81 17:33:38, updated to DMT of 24-Nov-82 8:20:42 -- Updated to DMT of 26-May-83 10:51:55 DIRECTORY Display USING [Black, Block, MeasureBlock, replaceFlags, Text, White], Environment USING [Block], Exec USING [AddCommand, ExecProc], Inline USING [LowHalf], MouseFace USING [Point, position, SetPosition], Process USING [ Abort, Detach, EnableAborts, priorityNormal, SecondsToTicks, SetPriority, Pause], String USING [AppendChar], System USING [GetClockPulses, GreenwichMeanTime], Time USING [Current, Unpack, Unpacked], ToolFont USING [StringWidth], ToolWindow USING [ Activate, AdjustProcType, Create, CreateSubwindow, Deactivate, DisplayProcType, Show, TransitionProcType], UserInput USING [ AttentionProcType, ClearInputFocusOnMatch, SetAttention, SetInputFocus], UserTerminal USING [ Background, hasBorder, screenHeight, screenWidth, SetBackground, SetBorder], Window USING [ Box, Dims, GetParent, Handle, SetDisplayProc, Slide, ValidateTree], WindowFont USING [defaultFont, FontHeight, Handle]; GateDMT: MONITOR IMPORTS Display, Exec, Inline, MouseFace, Process, String, System, Time, ToolFont, ToolWindow, UserInput, UserTerminal, Window, WindowFont = BEGIN seed: CARDINAL; Random: PROCEDURE [low, high: CARDINAL ¬ 0] RETURNS [val: CARDINAL] = BEGIN seed ¬ seed + Inline.LowHalf[System.GetClockPulses[]]; RETURN[IF high = 0 THEN seed ELSE ((seed MOD (high-low+1)) + low)]; END; margin: CARDINAL = 4 + 4 + 4; separation: CARDINAL = 2; toolWindow, subWindow: Window.Handle ¬ NIL; swBox: Window.Box; running: BOOLEAN ¬ FALSE; wait: CONDITION ¬ [timeout: Process.SecondsToTicks[5]]; bouncer: PROCESS; Run: ENTRY PROCEDURE = BEGIN ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; oldBackground: UserTerminal.Background ¬ UserTerminal.SetBackground[white]; IF UserTerminal.hasBorder THEN UserTerminal.SetBorder[377B, 377B]; DO ENABLE ABORTED => EXIT; WAIT wait; PaintTime[Time.Current[], FALSE]; IF Random[high: 2] # 0 THEN LOOP; Window.Slide[ subWindow, swBox.place ¬ [ x: Random[high: UserTerminal.screenWidth-swBox.dims.w], y: Random[high: UserTerminal.screenHeight-swBox.dims.h]]]; [] ¬ Window.SetDisplayProc[subWindow, InternalDisplay]; Window.ValidateTree[]; [] ¬ Window.SetDisplayProc[subWindow, EntryDisplay]; ENDLOOP; running ¬ FALSE; [] ¬ UserTerminal.SetBackground[oldBackground]; IF UserTerminal.hasBorder THEN UserTerminal.SetBorder[210B, 42B]; END; EntryDisplay: ENTRY ToolWindow.DisplayProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; PaintTime[Time.Current[], TRUE]}; InternalDisplay: INTERNAL ToolWindow.DisplayProcType = { PaintTime[Time.Current[], TRUE]}; -- Time Painting displayed: RECORD [seconds: [0..60), weekday: [0..7)]; PaintTime: INTERNAL PROCEDURE [time: System.GreenwichMeanTime, all: BOOLEAN] = BEGIN OPEN ToolFont; font: WindowFont.Handle ¬ WindowFont.defaultFont; timeWidth: CARDINAL; unp: Time.Unpacked ¬ Time.Unpack[time]; s: STRING ¬ [8]; AppendDec2: PROCEDURE [n: CARDINAL] = BEGIN String.AppendChar[s, '0 + n/10]; String.AppendChar[s, '0 + n MOD 10]; END; AppendDec2[unp.hour]; String.AppendChar[s, ':]; AppendDec2[unp.minute]; String.AppendChar[s, ':]; AppendDec2[unp.second]; timeWidth ¬ StringWidth[s, font]; IF all OR displayed.weekday # unp.weekday THEN BEGIN weekdays: STRING = "MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday"L; offsets: ARRAY [0..7] OF CARDINAL = [0, 6, 13, 22, 30, 36, 44, 50]; day: CARDINAL = unp.weekday; one: CARDINAL ¬ margin/3; two: CARDINAL = 2*one; dayBlock: Environment.Block = [ LOOPHOLE[LONG[@weekdays.text]], offsets[day], offsets[day+1]]; dayWidth: CARDINAL = Display.MeasureBlock[ window: subWindow, block: dayBlock, place: [0,0]].newPlace.x; Display.White[subWindow, [[0, 0], swBox.dims]]; Display.Black[ subWindow, [[one, one], [swBox.dims.w - 2*one, swBox.dims.h - 2*one]]]; Display.White[ subWindow, [[two, two], [swBox.dims.w - 2*two, swBox.dims.h - 2*two]]]; [] ¬ Display.Block[ window: subWindow, block: dayBlock, place: [x: (swBox.dims.w-dayWidth)/2, y: margin], flags: Display.replaceFlags]; END; [] ¬ Display.Text[ window: subWindow, string: s, place: [ x: (swBox.dims.w - timeWidth)/2, y: WindowFont.FontHeight[font] + margin + separation], font: font, flags: Display.replaceFlags]; displayed ¬ [unp.second, unp.weekday]; RETURN END; AdjustProc: ENTRY ToolWindow.AdjustProcType = {}; AttentionProc: ENTRY UserInput.AttentionProcType = { Process.Detach[FORK StopRunning[toolWindow]]}; StopRunning: PROCEDURE [w: Window.Handle] = { Process.SetPriority[Process.priorityNormal]; [] ¬ ToolWindow.Deactivate[w]}; StartRunning: ENTRY PROC [window: Window.Handle] = { IF running THEN RETURN; IF subWindow = NIL THEN subWindow ¬ ToolWindow.CreateSubwindow[ parent: window, display: EntryDisplay, box: swBox]; UserInput.SetInputFocus[subWindow, NIL, FALSE]; UserInput.SetAttention[subWindow.GetParent[], AttentionProc]; UserInput.SetAttention[subWindow, AttentionProc]; bouncer ¬ FORK Run; running ¬ TRUE}; TransitionProc: ToolWindow.TransitionProcType = { ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; SELECT new FROM inactive, tiny => { IF old = active THEN { UserInput.ClearInputFocusOnMatch[subWindow]; Process.Abort[bouncer]; JOIN bouncer}; IF new = inactive THEN subWindow ¬ NIL}; active => IF old # active THEN StartRunning[window]; ENDCASE}; DMTCommand: Exec.ExecProc = {ToolWindow.Activate[toolWindow]}; Init: PROCEDURE = BEGIN OPEN ToolFont; swBox.dims.w ¬ StringWidth["Wednesday"L, WindowFont.defaultFont] + 2*margin; swBox.dims.h ¬ 2*WindowFont.FontHeight[WindowFont.defaultFont] + 2*margin + 2; swBox.place ¬ [0,0]; toolWindow ¬ ToolWindow.Create[ name: "GateDMT"L, adjust: AdjustProc, transition: TransitionProc, box: [place: [0,0], dims: [w: UserTerminal.screenWidth, h: UserTerminal.screenHeight]], initialState: active, named: FALSE]; TransitionProc[window: toolWindow, old: inactive, new: active]; ToolWindow.Show[toolWindow]; Exec.AddCommand["DMT.~"L, DMTCommand]; Process.EnableAborts[@wait]; END; KillCopyright: PROCEDURE = BEGIN initialPosition: MouseFace.Point ¬ MouseFace.position­; Process.Pause[Process.SecondsToTicks[10*60]]; IF initialPosition # MouseFace.position­ THEN RETURN; FOR i: CARDINAL IN [100..500) DO MouseFace.SetPosition[[i, i]]; Process.Pause[1]; ENDLOOP; END; Init[]; Process.Detach[FORK KillCopyright[]]; END...