-- File: NetworkBindingClient.mesa - last edit: -- AOF 2-Sep-87 9:32:00 -- kam 23-Jun-86 15:24:38 -- Copyright (C) 1986, 1987 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. DIRECTORY ByteBlt USING [ByteBlt], Courier USING [ Description, DeserializeParameters, NoteSize, NotesObject, SerializeParameters], CourierProtocol USING [ExchWords, Protocol3Body], Driver USING [Glitch], Environment USING [Block, bytesPerWord], Heap USING [systemZone], Inline USING [LongCOPY], MemoryStream USING [Create, IndexOutOfRange], NetworkBinding USING [ defaultHops, NoBinding, nullPredicate, Predicate, PredicateRecord, RemoteProgram, Responses, ResponseSequence, DataTooLarge], NetworkBindingInternal USING [ CallMessage, ClientInfo, fixedBytesInLocateCall, Hosts, HostsSubList, InitialHostsList, initialLocateStartIndex, initialLocateStopIndex, ReturnMessage, SetSequenceLength, ThreeCardinals], NetworkBindingProtocol USING [ ClientInfo, clientType, clientVersionHigh, clientVersionLow, HostsRecord, maxHostsPerLocate, Procedure, program, socket, Cookie, baseWaitTime, timePerHop], NSBuffer USING [Body, Buffer], NSTypes USING [ ExchangeClientType, ExchangeID, maxDataBytesPerExchange], Process USING [ Detach, DisableTimeout, EnableAborts, InitializeCondition, SecondsToTicks, SetTimeout, Ticks], QuickSort USING [CompareProc, Sort, SwapProc], Router USING [ endEnumeration, EnumerateRoutingTable, FillRoutingTable, FindMyHostID, GetDelayToNet, NoTableEntryForNet, startEnumeration], Socket USING [ ChannelHandle, Create, Delete, GetPacket, GetSendBuffer, PutPacket, ReturnBuffer, SetPacketBytes, SetWaitTime, SocketNumber, TimeOut], Stream USING [Handle], System USING [ broadcastHostNumber, GetClockPulses, HostNumber, NetworkAddress, NetworkNumber, nullHostNumber, nullNetworkNumber, nullSocketNumber, SocketNumber]; NetworkBindingClient: MONITOR IMPORTS ByteBlt, Courier, CourierProtocol, Driver, Heap, Inline, MemoryStream, NetworkBinding, NetworkBindingInternal, Process, QuickSort, Router, Socket, System EXPORTS NetworkBinding, NetworkBindingInternal = BEGIN Bug: ERROR = CODE; --for glithes allocateAdjustment: NATURAL = 30; versionAdjustmentAllowed: BOOLEAN ← TRUE; bpw: NATURAL = Environment.bytesPerWord; myZone: UNCOUNTED ZONE = Heap.systemZone; RecursionData: TYPE = RECORD[ sH: Socket.ChannelHandle, reqB: NSBuffer.Buffer, userData: Environment.Block, zone: UNCOUNTED ZONE, responseDescription: Courier.Description, size, length, maxHostList: NATURAL, isback: BOOLEAN, requeued: CONDITION]; Request: TYPE = LONG POINTER TO RequestObject; RequestObject: TYPE = RECORD[ sH: Socket.ChannelHandle, objective: {takeFirst, takeAll, exit, dally} ← takeFirst, b: NSBuffer.Buffer ← NIL, condition: CONDITION]; broadcastingCount: NATURAL = 3; me: System.HostNumber = Router.FindMyHostID[]; null: System.HostNumber = System.nullHostNumber; all: System.HostNumber = System.broadcastHostNumber; Sizer: PROC[h: LONG POINTER TO RecursionData] = BEGIN BailOut: PRIVATE ERROR = CODE; --in a local frame yet SizeTrapper: Courier.NoteSize = {h.size ← h.size + size; ERROR BailOut}; notes: Courier.NotesObject ← [ zone: h.zone, operation: free, noteSize: SizeTrapper, noteLongCardinal: NIL, noteLongInteger: NIL, noteParameters: NIL, noteChoice: NIL, noteDeadSpace: NIL, noteString: NIL, noteSpace: NIL, noteArrayDescriptor: NIL, noteDisjointData: NIL, noteBlock: NIL]; IF h.responseDescription # NIL THEN h.responseDescription[@notes ! BailOut => CONTINUE]; --sleeeeeze END; --Sizer AppendResponse: PROC[ data: LONG POINTER TO RecursionData, b: NSBuffer.Buffer, responses: LONG POINTER TO NetworkBinding.Responses] = BEGIN reply: LONG POINTER; element: LONG POINTER TO ElementObject; ElementObject: TYPE = RECORD[ responder: System.NetworkAddress, response: ARRAY[0..0) OF WORD]; length: NATURAL = IF responses↑ = NIL THEN 0 ELSE responses↑.elementCount; IF data.length < length THEN Driver.Glitch[Bug]; IF data.length = length THEN BEGIN a3: NetworkBinding.Responses; data.length ← data.length + allocateAdjustment; a3 ← data.zone.NEW[ NetworkBinding.ResponseSequence[data.size * data.length] ← [ elementSize: data.size, elementCount: length, element: ]]; IF responses↑ # NIL THEN Inline.LongCOPY[ to: @a3[0], from: @responses↑[0], nwords: data.size * length]; data.zone.FREE[responses]; responses↑ ← a3; END; responses↑.elementCount ← SUCC[length]; --we're adding one element ← LOOPHOLE[@responses[0] + data.size * length]; [element.responder, reply] ← ExtractResponse[ b, data.responseDescription, myZone]; IF reply # NIL THEN BEGIN Inline.LongCOPY[to: @element.response, from: reply, nwords: data.size]; myZone.FREE[@reply]; --then get rid of that END; END; --AppendResponse BindToAllNearby: PUBLIC <<NetworkBindingInternal>> PROC[ predicate: NetworkBinding.PredicateRecord ← NetworkBinding.nullPredicate, responseDescription: Courier.Description ← NIL, maxHops: CARDINAL ← NetworkBinding.defaultHops, zone: UNCOUNTED ZONE ← NIL] RETURNS [responses: NetworkBinding.Responses ← NIL] = BEGIN << Use this with descretion. Don't (and I mean DON'T) ask for every workstation within a radius of 16 hops. Probably you not should use this procedure with 'maxHops' greater than 3 or 4. The result will be returned as a concatenation of answers that would have been returned with successive calls to BindToAllOnNet using a expanding ring broadcast (i.e., sorted by hop-count--processorid). >> Concat: PROC[append: NetworkBinding.Responses] = BEGIN l1, l2, s1, s2: NATURAL; a3: NetworkBinding.Responses; SELECT TRUE FROM (responses = NIL) AND (append = NIL) => RETURN; --real simple (responses = NIL) AND (append # NIL) => a3 ← append; --some simpler (responses # NIL) AND (append = NIL) => a3 ← responses; --almost as easy ENDCASE => --but this is hard and mostly UGLY! BEGIN l1 ← responses.elementCount; l2 ← append.elementCount; s1 ← l1 * responses.elementSize; s2 ← l2 * append.elementSize; a3 ← zone.NEW[NetworkBinding.ResponseSequence[l1 + l2] ← [ elementSize: append.elementSize, elementCount: l1 + l2, element:]]; IF l1 # 0 THEN Inline.LongCOPY[to: @a3[0], from: @responses[0], nwords: s1]; IF l2 # 0 THEN Inline.LongCOPY[to: @a3[0] + s1, from: @append[0], nwords: s2]; zone.FREE[@responses]; zone.FREE[@append]; --gun the old versions END; responses ← a3; append ← NIL; --and the result of our efforts END; --Concat processCount: NATURAL; --number of parallel processes we are using filled: BOOLEAN ← FALSE; --keep track of whether we loaded router net: System.NetworkNumber; --and this is a network of current interest ProcessLimit: TYPE = NATURAL[0..10); --number of parallel processes to use process: ARRAY ProcessLimit OF Binders ← ALL[NIL]; --working data base Binders: TYPE = PROCESS RETURNS[NetworkBinding.Responses]; IF zone = NIL THEN zone ← myZone; FOR delay: NATURAL IN[0..maxHops) DO IF delay = 1 THEN {Router.FillRoutingTable[maxHops]; filled ← TRUE}; net ← Router.startEnumeration; --set initial value processCount ← 0; --initialize number of processes we have --FOR each net with hops = delay-- DO net ← Router.EnumerateRoutingTable[net, delay]; SELECT TRUE FROM (net = Router.endEnumeration) => --this is end of this ring BEGIN FOR i: NATURAL IN[0..processCount) DO Concat[JOIN process[i]]; --append answer to list processCount ← PRED[processCount]; --and manage the count ENDLOOP; GOTO exitRing; --finished with this ring, go to next delay value END; ((processCount ← SUCC[processCount]) = LAST[ProcessLimit]) => BEGIN temp: NetworkBinding.Responses ← BindToAllOnNet[ predicate, responseDescription, net, zone]; processCount ← PRED[processCount]; --last one isn't in the list FOR i: NATURAL IN[0..processCount) DO Concat[JOIN process[i]]; process[i] ← NIL; ENDLOOP; Concat[temp]; --it really is logically last processCount ← 0; --reset counter END; ENDCASE => process[processCount - 1] ← FORK BindToAllOnNet[ predicate, responseDescription, net, zone]; REPEAT exitRing => NULL; --just going to next layer of expanding ring ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; IF filled THEN Router.FillRoutingTable[0]; --close down routing table END; --BindToAllNearby BindToFirstOnNet: PUBLIC <<NetworkBinding>> PROC[ predicate: NetworkBinding.PredicateRecord ← NetworkBinding.nullPredicate, responseDescription: Courier.Description ← NIL, net: System.NetworkNumber ← System.nullNetworkNumber, zone: UNCOUNTED ZONE ← NIL] RETURNS [responder: System.NetworkAddress, response: LONG POINTER] = --REPORTS ERROR NoBinding; BEGIN RequeueProc: ENTRY PROC[b: NSBuffer.Buffer] = {reqB ← b; NOTIFY requeued}; DequeueProc: ENTRY PROC[] = {UNTIL reqB # NIL DO WAIT requeued; ENDLOOP}; WaitAnswer: ENTRY PROC[] = {ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; WAIT request.condition}; requeued: CONDITION; reqBody: NSBuffer.Body; reqB: NSBuffer.Buffer ← NIL; broadcastTimout: LONG CARDINAL; broadcastingInterval: Process.Ticks; request: Request ← myZone.NEW[RequestObject ← [ sH: Socket.Create[socket: System.nullSocketNumber, receive: 1]]]; [broadcastTimout, broadcastingInterval] ← ComputeIntervals[net]; Socket.SetWaitTime[request.sH, broadcastTimout]; --how long socket'll wait Process.SetTimeout[@request.condition, broadcastingInterval]; Process.EnableAborts[@request.condition]; --so we can be gunned reqBody ← (reqB ← BuildLocateRequest[ request.sH, predicate, responseDescription].b).ns; reqBody.destination ← [ net, System.broadcastHostNumber, NetworkBindingProtocol.socket]; reqB.requeueProcedure ← RequeueProc; Process.Detach[FORK ReportFirstResponse[request, reqBody.exchangeID]]; THROUGH[0..broadcastingCount) UNTIL request.b # NIL DO ENABLE UNWIND => request.objective ← dally; b: NSBuffer.Buffer ← reqB; --get copy of the buffer reqB ← NIL; --make less local copy NIL Socket.PutPacket[request.sH, b]; --transmit DequeueProc[]; --wait for buffer to get back WaitAnswer[]; --wait some appropriate time | notification IF reqB = NIL THEN Driver.Glitch[Bug]; --this just can't happen! ENDLOOP; Socket.ReturnBuffer[reqB]; --get rid of our buffer request.objective ← dally; --tell process to self-destruct later IF request.b = NIL THEN RETURN WITH ERROR NetworkBinding.NoBinding; RETURN ExtractResponse[request.b, responseDescription, zone]; END; --BindToFirstOnNet BindToFirstNearby: PUBLIC <<NetworkBinding>> PROC[ predicate: NetworkBinding.PredicateRecord ← NetworkBinding.nullPredicate, responseDescription: Courier.Description ← NIL, maxHops: CARDINAL ← NetworkBinding.defaultHops, zone: UNCOUNTED ZONE ← NIL] RETURNS [responder: System.NetworkAddress, response: LONG POINTER] = --REPORTS ERROR NoBinding; BEGIN RequeueProc: ENTRY PROC[b: NSBuffer.Buffer] = {reqB ← b; NOTIFY requeued}; DequeueProc: ENTRY PROC[] = {UNTIL reqB # NIL DO WAIT requeued; ENDLOOP}; WaitAnswer: ENTRY PROC[] = {ENABLE UNWIND => NULL; WAIT request.condition}; requeued: CONDITION; reqBody: NSBuffer.Body; filled: BOOLEAN ← FALSE; net: System.NetworkNumber; reqB: NSBuffer.Buffer ← NIL; broadcastTimout: LONG CARDINAL; broadcastingInterval: Process.Ticks; request: Request ← myZone.NEW[RequestObject ← [ sH: Socket.Create[socket: System.nullSocketNumber, receive: 1]]]; Process.EnableAborts[@request.condition]; --so we can be gunned reqBody ← (reqB ← BuildLocateRequest[ request.sH, predicate, responseDescription].b).ns; reqB.requeueProcedure ← RequeueProc; Process.Detach[FORK ReportFirstResponse[request, reqBody.exchangeID]]; FOR delay: NATURAL IN[0..maxHops) WHILE request.b = NIL DO IF delay = 1 THEN {Router.FillRoutingTable[maxHops]; filled ← TRUE}; net ← Router.startEnumeration; --set initial value --FOR each net with hops = delay-- DO net ← Router.EnumerateRoutingTable[net, delay]; IF net = Router.endEnumeration THEN EXIT; --go to next delay reqBody.destination ← [ net, System.broadcastHostNumber, NetworkBindingProtocol.socket]; [broadcastTimout, broadcastingInterval] ← ComputeIntervals[net]; Socket.SetWaitTime[request.sH, broadcastTimout]; Process.SetTimeout[@request.condition, broadcastingInterval]; THROUGH[0..broadcastingCount) DO ENABLE UNWIND => request.objective ← dally; b: NSBuffer.Buffer ← reqB; --get copy of the buffer reqB ← NIL; --make less local copy NIL Socket.PutPacket[request.sH, b]; --transmit DequeueProc[]; --wait for buffer to get back ENDLOOP; ENDLOOP; --enumerate routing table WaitAnswer[]; --wait some appropriate time | notification ENDLOOP; --for each hop Socket.ReturnBuffer[reqB]; --get rid of our buffer request.objective ← dally; --tell process to self-destruct later IF filled THEN Router.FillRoutingTable[0]; --close down routing table IF request.b = NIL THEN RETURN WITH ERROR NetworkBinding.NoBinding; RETURN ExtractResponse[request.b, responseDescription, zone]; END; --BindToFirstNearby BindToAllOnNet: PUBLIC <<NetworkBinding>> PROC[ predicate: NetworkBinding.PredicateRecord ← NetworkBinding.nullPredicate, responseDescription: Courier.Description ← NIL, net: System.NetworkNumber ← System.nullNetworkNumber, zone: UNCOUNTED ZONE ← NIL] RETURNS [responses: NetworkBinding.Responses ← NIL] = --REPORTS ERROR NoBinding; BEGIN << Try to locate all the hosts that meet the predicate specified. Since there would be too many responses to the question posed in the large, then we're going to break the field into smaller, more managable groups. >> b: NSBuffer.Buffer; userData: Environment.Block; broadcastTimout: LONG CARDINAL; data: LONG POINTER TO RecursionData; list: NetworkBindingInternal.HostsSubList; initialList: NetworkBindingInternal.InitialHostsList ← []; IF zone = NIL THEN zone ← myZone; --default the value data ← zone.NEW[RecursionData]; --allocate the recursion record data.length ← 0; --there's no data yet data.size ← SIZE[System.NetworkAddress]; --this plus client's length data.sH ← Socket.Create[socket: System.nullSocketNumber, receive: 20]; [b, userData] ← BuildLocateRequest[data.sH, predicate, responseDescription]; data.reqB ← b; data.userData ← userData; data.zone ← zone; data.maxHostList ← MaxListSize[userData]; --max list we can handle data.responseDescription ← responseDescription; --he needs that Process.InitializeCondition[@data.requeued, 0]; Process.DisableTimeout[@data.requeued]; [broadcastTimout, ] ← ComputeIntervals[net]; --only need one of the two Socket.SetWaitTime[data.sH, broadcastTimout]; --how long socket'll wait b.ns.destination ← [ net, System.broadcastHostNumber, NetworkBindingProtocol.socket]; list ← [LOOPHOLE[LONG[@initialList]], 0, 2]; Sizer[data]; --find out the client's size BEGIN Freeup: PROC = BEGIN Socket.ReturnBuffer[b]; --don't dripple those buffers around Socket.Delete[data.sH]; --don't have to wait 'cause it already timed out zone.FREE[@data]; --get rid of primary data structure END; --Freeup Recurse[data, list, @responses ! --go do it UNWIND => Freeup[]]; --uncase we get blown away SortAndPrune[@responses, data]; --then clean them up Freeup[]; --and delete if we don't END; END; --BindToAllOnNet ExtractResponse: PROC[ b: NSBuffer.Buffer, how: Courier.Description, zone: UNCOUNTED ZONE] RETURNS[responder: System.NetworkAddress, response: LONG POINTER ← NIL] = BEGIN Describe: Courier.Description = {notes.noteDisjointData[notes.noteSize[SIZE[LONG POINTER]], how]}; body: NSBuffer.Body ← b.ns; --shorten route to interesting data return: NetworkBindingInternal.ReturnMessage = LOOPHOLE[@body.exchangeBody]; IF zone = NIL THEN zone ← myZone; IF (how # NIL) AND (return.body.response.length # 0) THEN BEGIN sH: Stream.Handle = MemoryStream.Create[[ LOOPHOLE[@return.body.response], SIZE[NetworkBindingProtocol.Cookie[0]] * bpw, SIZE[NetworkBindingProtocol.Cookie[return.body.response.length]] * bpw]]; Courier.DeserializeParameters[[@response, Describe], sH, zone ! UNWIND => {sH.delete[sH]; Socket.ReturnBuffer[b]}]; sH.delete[sH]; --get rid of memory stream END; responder ← [ --make complete network address out of response and packet body.source.net, return.body.responder, System.nullSocketNumber]; Socket.ReturnBuffer[b]; --give buffer back END; --ExtractResponse VerifyBinding: PUBLIC <<NetworkBinding>> PROC[ predicate: NetworkBinding.PredicateRecord ← NetworkBinding.nullPredicate, responseDescription: Courier.Description ← NIL, host: System.NetworkAddress, zone: UNCOUNTED ZONE ← NIL] RETURNS[response: LONG POINTER ← NIL] = BEGIN RequeueProc: ENTRY PROC[b: NSBuffer.Buffer] = {reqB ← b; NOTIFY requeued}; DequeueProc: ENTRY PROC = INLINE {UNTIL reqB # NIL DO WAIT requeued; ENDLOOP}; EnqueueProc: PROC RETURNS[b: NSBuffer.Buffer] = INLINE {b ← reqB; reqB ← NIL}; requeued: CONDITION; nobinding: BOOLEAN ← TRUE; requestTimout: LONG CARDINAL; reqBody, repBody: NSBuffer.Body; reqB, replyB: NSBuffer.Buffer ← NIL; return: NetworkBindingInternal.ReturnMessage; sH: Socket.ChannelHandle = Socket.Create[System.nullSocketNumber]; [requestTimout, ] ← ComputeIntervals[host.net]; Socket.SetWaitTime[sH, requestTimout]; --how long socket'll wait reqBody ← (reqB ← BuildLocateRequest[ sH, predicate, responseDescription].b).ns; reqB.requeueProcedure ← RequeueProc; --set up requeue host.socket ← NetworkBindingProtocol.socket; --assign our wellknown socket reqBody.destination ← host; --only talking to single machine THROUGH[0..broadcastingCount) DO ENABLE BEGIN Socket.TimeOut => CONTINUE; --stays in loop but resends packet UNWIND => Socket.ReturnBuffer[reqB]; --client aborted GetPacket? END; Socket.PutPacket[sH, EnqueueProc[]]; --send out the request packet DequeueProc[]; --this procedure is not abortable, but it's fast repBody ← (replyB ← Socket.GetPacket[sH]).ns; --try for an answer return ← LOOPHOLE[@repBody.exchangeBody]; nobinding ← SELECT TRUE FROM (repBody.packetType # packetExchange) => TRUE, --error packet? (repBody.exchangeID # reqBody.exchangeID) => TRUE, --not us (return.courierVers # [3, 3]) => TRUE, --can't talk his language (return.return.type # return) => TRUE, --don't understand ENDCASE => FALSE; --success comes to those that wait IF nobinding THEN Socket.ReturnBuffer[replyB] --ExtractResponse frees 'b' ELSE response ← ExtractResponse[replyB, responseDescription, zone].response; EXIT; --and we exit the loop in any case ENDLOOP; Socket.ReturnBuffer[reqB]; --give back the request buffer Socket.Delete[sH]; --get rid of the socket IF nobinding THEN RETURN WITH ERROR NetworkBinding.NoBinding; END; --VerifyBinding VersionAdjustmentAllowed: PUBLIC <<NetworkBindingInternal>> PROC[ allowed: BOOLEAN ← TRUE] = {versionAdjustmentAllowed ← allowed}; BuildLocateRequest: PROC[ cH: Socket.ChannelHandle, predicate: NetworkBinding.PredicateRecord, responseDescription: Courier.Description] RETURNS[b: NSBuffer.Buffer, userData: Environment.Block] = BEGIN << Compute the maximum space needed to hold the predicate. What's left over is available to store the HOSTS list. When we put in the that list, BLT the predicate to butt up against its tail. If the HOSTS list is too large, break it up. The predicate has to go in this packet. >> sH: Stream.Handle; body: NSBuffer.Body; clientInfo: NetworkBindingInternal.ClientInfo; locate: NetworkBindingInternal.CallMessage; callMessage: call CourierProtocol.Protocol3Body = [call[ transaction: 0, program: CourierProtocol.ExchWords[NetworkBindingProtocol.program], version: GetProtocolVersion[responseDescription = NIL], procedure: NetworkBindingProtocol.Procedure[locate].ORD]]; body ← (b ← Socket.GetSendBuffer[cH]).ns; --everybody wants one of these body.packetType ← packetExchange; --anyhow we look like one body.exchangeID ← LOOPHOLE[System.GetClockPulses[]]; body.exchangeType ← NetworkBindingProtocol.clientType; locate ← LOOPHOLE[@body.exchangeBody]; locate.courierVers ← [3, 3]; locate.call ← callMessage; locate.body.hosts[0] ← null; locate.body.hosts[1] ← all; NetworkBindingInternal.SetSequenceLength[@locate.body.hosts, 2]; clientInfo ← @locate.body.clientInfo + --using two sequences in one record SIZE[NetworkBindingProtocol.HostsRecord[2]] - --that Mesa doesn't like SIZE[NetworkBindingProtocol.HostsRecord[0]]; -- us to do clientInfo.remoteProgram ← [ CourierProtocol.ExchWords[ predicate.pred.program.programNumber], predicate.pred.program.version]; clientInfo.conjunct ← [CourierProtocol.ExchWords[predicate.pred.conjunct]]; userData ← [blockPointer: LOOPHOLE[clientInfo], startIndex: NetworkBindingInternal.initialLocateStartIndex, stopIndexPlusOne: NetworkBindingInternal.initialLocateStopIndex]; IF predicate.param.description # NIL THEN BEGIN DescribeParam: Courier.Description = {notes.noteDisjointData[ notes.noteSize[SIZE[LONG POINTER]], predicate.param.description]}; sH ← MemoryStream.Create[userData]; --set up stream for serialize Courier.SerializeParameters[ --move param directly into packet [@predicate.param.location, DescribeParam], sH ! MemoryStream.IndexOutOfRange => GOTO badParam]; --too many bytes userData.stopIndexPlusOne ← CARDINAL[sH.getPosition[sH]]; sH.delete[sH]; --the delete the stream END ELSE userData.stopIndexPlusOne ← userData.startIndex; --just the length NetworkBindingInternal.SetSequenceLength[ @clientInfo.param, (userData.stopIndexPlusOne - userData.startIndex) / bpw]; Socket.SetPacketBytes[b, NetworkBindingInternal.fixedBytesInLocateCall + (SIZE[NetworkBindingProtocol.HostsRecord[2]] * bpw) + (SIZE[NetworkBindingProtocol.Cookie[clientInfo.param.length]] * bpw)]; userData.startIndex ← 0; --data between start and stop has to be moved EXITS badParam => RETURN WITH ERROR NetworkBinding.DataTooLarge; END; --BuildLocateRequest ComputeIntervals: PROC[net: System.NetworkNumber] RETURNS[ broadcastTimout: LONG CARDINAL, broadcastingInterval: Process.Ticks] = BEGIN --broadcastTimout is in milliseconds --broadcastingInterval is in Ticks hops: NATURAL ← 6; --just a guess hops ← Router.GetDelayToNet[net ! Router.NoTableEntryForNet => CONTINUE]; broadcastTimout ← (NetworkBindingProtocol.baseWaitTime + (NetworkBindingProtocol.timePerHop * hops)); broadcastingInterval ← Process.SecondsToTicks[CARDINAL[broadcastTimout/250]]; broadcastTimout ← broadcastTimout; END; GetProtocolVersion: PROC[nilResponse: BOOLEAN] RETURNS[NATURAL] = INLINE {RETURN[ IF nilResponse AND versionAdjustmentAllowed THEN NetworkBindingProtocol.clientVersionLow ELSE NetworkBindingProtocol.clientVersionHigh]}; ReportFirstResponse: <<DETACHED>> PROC[ request: Request, exchangeID: NSTypes.ExchangeID] = BEGIN RecordAnswerAndNotify: ENTRY PROC[] = INLINE BEGIN request.b ← repB; --record packet containing answer NOTIFY request.condition; --notify process waiting END; --RecordAnswerAndNotify return: NetworkBindingInternal.ReturnMessage; body: NSBuffer.Body; repB: NSBuffer.Buffer; UNTIL request.objective = exit DO ENABLE Socket.TimeOut => IF request.objective = dally THEN EXIT ELSE CONTINUE; body ← (repB ← Socket.GetPacket[request.sH]).ns; return ← LOOPHOLE[@body.exchangeBody]; SELECT TRUE FROM (request.objective = dally) => NULL; --just marking time (body.exchangeID # exchangeID) => NULL; --not for us (return.courierVers # [3, 3]) => NULL; --busted (return.return.type # return) => NULL; --only interested in success (request.b = NIL) => {RecordAnswerAndNotify[]; LOOP}; ENDCASE; Socket.ReturnBuffer[repB]; --give buffer back ENDLOOP; Socket.Delete[request.sH]; --he created, we delete myZone.FREE[@request]; --he created, we delete END; --ReportFirstResponse RippleExpand: PROC[ b: NSBuffer.Buffer, answer: NetworkBindingInternal.Hosts, userData: Environment.Block, current: NATURAL] RETURNS[to: Environment.Block] = BEGIN body: NSBuffer.Body = b.ns; ripple: INTEGER = bpw * (SIZE[NetworkBindingProtocol.HostsRecord[current]] - SIZE[NetworkBindingProtocol.HostsRecord[2]]) - userData.startIndex; --more relative where it is now locate: NetworkBindingInternal.CallMessage = LOOPHOLE[@body.exchangeBody]; clientInfo: NetworkBindingInternal.ClientInfo = @locate.body.clientInfo + SIZE[NetworkBindingProtocol.HostsRecord[current]] - SIZE[NetworkBindingProtocol.HostsRecord[0]]; << Possibly expand the packet. Move the 'userData' out just beyond the space that the current 'answer' will occupy. There should be no danger in doing that as long as the current length of 'answer' is less than the maximum number we computed. And always copy the current answer into to packet. >> to ← [ blockPointer: userData.blockPointer, startIndex: CARDINAL[userData.startIndex + ripple], stopIndexPlusOne: CARDINAL[userData.stopIndexPlusOne + ripple]]; [] ← ByteBlt.ByteBlt[to, userData, move]; Socket.SetPacketBytes[b, NetworkBindingInternal.fixedBytesInLocateCall + (SIZE[NetworkBindingProtocol.HostsRecord[current]] * bpw) + (SIZE[NetworkBindingProtocol.Cookie[clientInfo.param.length]] * bpw)]; Inline.LongCOPY[ --copy in the current sequence including length to: @locate.body.hosts, from: answer, nwords: SIZE[NetworkBindingProtocol.HostsRecord[current]]]; END; --RippleExpand Recurse: <<RECURSIVE>> PROC[ data: LONG POINTER TO RecursionData, sublist: NetworkBindingInternal.HostsSubList, responses: LONG POINTER TO NetworkBinding.Responses] = BEGIN RequeueProc: ENTRY PROC[b: NSBuffer.Buffer] = {data.isback ← TRUE; NOTIFY data.requeued}; DequeueProc: ENTRY PROC = INLINE {UNTIL data.isback DO WAIT data.requeued; ENDLOOP}; SubdivisionNeeded: PROC RETURNS[BOOLEAN] = BEGIN << 'hosts' is the entire "matches" record. Its initial value is [nul;,all]. 'sublist' is the first version of 'hosts'. We're trying to build up 'hosts' by broadcasting a message that includes the current 'hosts'. If the length of 'hosts' gets larger than permitted (MaxListSize[]), then bail out of the procedure with a FALSE value. >> timeouts: NATURAL ← 0; --number of times we timed out current: NATURAL ← sublist.stopIndexPlusOne - sublist.startIndex; hosts ← data.zone.NEW[ NetworkBindingProtocol.HostsRecord[data.maxHostList]]; Inline.LongCOPY[ --blt the current sublist into the hosts from: @sublist.pointer[sublist.startIndex], to: @hosts[0], nwords: SIZE[NetworkBindingProtocol.HostsRecord[current]] - SIZE[NetworkBindingProtocol.HostsRecord[0]]]; NetworkBindingInternal.SetSequenceLength[hosts, current]; --Now we no longer should reference 'sublist' WHILE timeouts < broadcastingCount DO << Broadcast 'broadcastingCount' times with each packet. Collect all the responses and merge them into 'hosts'. If we get no responses in 'broadcastingCount' tries, we're done. If we continue to get responses, then sort them, expand the packet and try again. >> replies: NATURAL ← 0; --to count the replies to the broadcast data.userData ← RippleExpand[ data.reqB, hosts, data.userData, current]; data.isback ← FALSE; --set flag for detecting requeue Socket.PutPacket[data.sH, data.reqB]; --one little packet out DequeueProc[]; --wait for the buffer to come back WHILE current < data.maxHostList --UNTIL Socket.TimeOut-- DO ENABLE Socket.TimeOut => {timeouts ← SUCC[timeouts]; EXIT}; return: NetworkBindingInternal.ReturnMessage; repBody: NSBuffer.Body; replyB: NSBuffer.Buffer; repBody ← (replyB ← Socket.GetPacket[data.sH]).ns; --collect hosts return ← LOOPHOLE[@repBody.exchangeBody]; SELECT TRUE FROM (repBody.exchangeID # data.reqB.ns.exchangeID) => NULL; (return.courierVers # [3, 3]) => NULL; --not speaking to us (return.return.type = return) => --only interested in success BEGIN timeouts ← 0; --reset this so we stay in loop hosts[current] ← return.body.responder; --responder (unsorted) AppendResponse[data, replyB, responses]; --record the hosts replies ← SUCC[replies]; --count the number of replies current ← SUCC[current]; --and lengthen the table LOOP; --buffer was returned by AppendResponse END; ENDCASE; Socket.ReturnBuffer[replyB]; --return the buffer received ENDLOOP; IF replies = 0 THEN LOOP; --no replies - maybe rebroadcast SortHosts[hosts, current]; --now sort it and make it right NetworkBindingInternal.SetSequenceLength[hosts, current]; IF current = data.maxHostList THEN RETURN[TRUE]; --subdivide ENDLOOP; RETURN[FALSE]; --if we exited, we're satisfied with the answer END; --SubdivisionNeeded hosts: NetworkBindingInternal.Hosts ← NIL; --working data area data.reqB.requeueProcedure ← RequeueProc; --so we can reclaim the buffer IF SubdivisionNeeded[ ! UNWIND => data.zone.FREE[@hosts]] THEN BEGIN length: NATURAL = (hosts.count + 1) / 2; l1: NetworkBindingInternal.HostsSubList = [hosts, 0, length]; l2: NetworkBindingInternal.HostsSubList = [hosts, length, hosts.count]; Recurse[data, l1, responses]; Recurse[data, l2, responses]; END; data.zone.FREE[@hosts]; END; --Recurse SortHosts: PROC[list: NetworkBindingInternal.Hosts, length: NATURAL] = BEGIN Compare: QuickSort.CompareProc = BEGIN OPEN list: NARROW[data, NetworkBindingInternal.Hosts]; a: NetworkBindingInternal.ThreeCardinals = LOOPHOLE[list[one]]; b: NetworkBindingInternal.ThreeCardinals = LOOPHOLE[list[two]]; RETURN[SELECT TRUE FROM (a.one > b.one) => bigger, (a.one < b.one) => smaller, (a.two > b.two) => bigger, (a.two < b.two) => smaller, (a.three > b.three) => bigger, (a.three < b.three) => smaller, ENDCASE => same]; END; --Compare Swap: QuickSort.SwapProc = BEGIN OPEN list: NARROW[data, NetworkBindingInternal.Hosts]; c: System.HostNumber = list[one]; list[one] ← list[two]; list[two] ← c; END; --Swap QuickSort.Sort[0, INTEGER[PRED[length]], Compare, Swap, list]; NetworkBindingInternal.SetSequenceLength[list, length]; END; --SortHosts SortResponses: PROC[ responses: NetworkBinding.Responses, zone: UNCOUNTED ZONE] = BEGIN Compare: QuickSort.CompareProc = BEGIN OPEN c: NARROW[data, NetworkBinding.Responses]; uno, dou: NetworkBindingInternal.ThreeCardinals; p: LONG POINTER TO NetworkBindingInternal.ThreeCardinals ← LOOPHOLE[data + SIZE[NetworkBinding.ResponseSequence] + SIZE[System.NetworkNumber]]; uno ← (p + (c.elementSize * one))↑; dou ← (p + (c.elementSize * two))↑; RETURN[SELECT TRUE FROM (uno.one > dou.one) => bigger, (uno.one < dou.one) => smaller, (uno.two > dou.two) => bigger, (uno.two < dou.two) => smaller, (uno.three > dou.three) => bigger, (uno.three < dou.three) => smaller, ENDCASE => same]; END; --Compare Swap: QuickSort.SwapProc = BEGIN a, b: LONG POINTER; size: NATURAL = NARROW[data, NetworkBinding.Responses].elementSize; a ← data + (one * size) + SIZE[NetworkBinding.ResponseSequence]; b ← data + (two * size) + SIZE[NetworkBinding.ResponseSequence]; Inline.LongCOPY[to: temp, from: a, nwords: size]; Inline.LongCOPY[to: a, from: b, nwords: size]; Inline.LongCOPY[to: b, from: temp, nwords: size]; END; --Swap DataBlock: TYPE = RECORD[SEQUENCE COMPUTED NATURAL OF WORD]; temp: LONG POINTER ← zone.NEW[DataBlock[responses.elementSize]]; QuickSort.Sort[ 0, INTEGER[PRED[responses.elementCount]], Compare, Swap, responses]; zone.FREE[@temp]; END; --SortResponses SortAndPrune: PROC[ responses: LONG POINTER TO NetworkBinding.Responses, data: LONG POINTER TO RecursionData] = BEGIN << Sort the list, pruning out the entries with the host field equal to either 'all' or 'null' or duplicate. The list will be shorter than that since it started with a 'null' at the head and an 'all' at the end. >> PNA: TYPE = LONG POINTER TO System.NetworkAddress; size, length: NATURAL ← 0; in, out: PNA; --pointers for pruning IF (responses↑ = NIL) THEN RETURN; --real simple SortResponses[responses↑, data.zone]; --gag!@ size ← responses↑.elementSize; --get a local copy in ← out ← LOOPHOLE[@responses↑[0], PNA]; --beginning addresses THROUGH[0..responses↑.elementCount) DO SELECT in.host FROM null, all, NARROW[(in + size), PNA].host => NULL; --ignore ENDCASE => BEGIN length ← SUCC[length]; --keep track of how many survive Inline.LongCOPY[to: out, from: in, nwords: size]; out ← out + size; --to next slot in output END; in ← in + size; --go to next input slot ENDLOOP; responses↑.elementCount ← length; --assign final pruned length END; --SortAndPrune MaxListSize: PROC[userData: Environment.Block] RETURNS[max: NATURAL] = BEGIN << This doesn't quite give the right answer, but its close >> maxBytesAvailable: NATURAL = NSTypes.maxDataBytesPerExchange - userData.stopIndexPlusOne + userData.startIndex - NetworkBindingInternal.fixedBytesInLocateCall; max ← ((maxBytesAvailable / bpw) - SIZE[NetworkBindingProtocol.HostsRecord[0]]) / SIZE[System.HostNumber]; RETURN[MIN[max, NetworkBindingProtocol.maxHostsPerLocate]]; END; --MaxListSize END... 1-Sep-87 18:13:05 AOF Fix glitch in VerifyBinding