-- File: TCPIP.config - last edit: -- AOF 1-Mar-88 15:14:36 -- JAV 24-Aug-87 14:15:13 -- SMA 23-Jun-86 17:18:56 -- Copyright (C) 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. -- Binder [symbols: TCPIP, bcd: TCPIP] ¬ TCPIP/cs PACK Arpa10MBitImpl, ArpaRouterImpl, ArpaRoutingTableImpl, ArpaPortImpl, ArpaStatsImpl, TcpMgr, TcpImpl, TcpUtilImpl, ArpaEchoServerImpl; TCPIP: CONFIGURATION LINKS: CODE IMPORTS ArpaInit, ArpaPortInternal, Arpa10MBit, ArpaRoutingTable, ArpaRouter, Buffer, ByteBlt, CommHeap, CommunicationInternal, CommUtil, Driver, Frame, Inline, Process, ProcessorFace, Protocol1, Runtime, Space, SpecialSystem, System, TcpStreamInternal EXPORTS ALL CONTROL Network, Transport = BEGIN Network: CONFIGURATION LINKS: CODE IMPORTS ArpaInit, ArpaPortInternal, ArpaRouter, ArpaStats, Buffer, ByteBlt, CommHeap, CommunicationInternal, Driver, Inline, Process, ProcessorFace, Protocol1, SpecialSystem, System, TcpStreamInternal, CommUtil EXPORTS ALL CONTROL ArpaRouterImpl, ArpaPortImpl, ArpaRoutingTableImpl, ArpaStatsImpl = BEGIN Arpa10MBitImpl; ArpaRouterImpl; ArpaRoutingTableImpl; ArpaPortImpl; ArpaStatsImpl; END; Transport: CONFIGURATION LINKS: CODE IMPORTS ArpaPortInternal, ArpaPort, ArpaRouter, ArpaStats, Buffer, ByteBlt, CommHeap, CommUtil, Driver, Process, Protocol1, Runtime, Space, System, TcpPort, TcpStream, TcpStreamInternal EXPORTS ALL CONTROL TcpMgr, ArpaEchoServerImpl = BEGIN TcpMgr; TcpImpl; TcpUtilImpl; ArpaEchoServerImpl; END; Network; Transport; END.... UnpackedArpa.config LOG 7-Feb-85 14:54:42 SMA Created file 11-Mar-87 16:05:44 AOF Merge network and transport layers. 12-Mar-87 10:04:46 AOF Changed name of config.