;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;78 14-MAY-83 15:44:50 EDIT BY TAFT ; Allow "AG" as synonym for "ArpaGateway" ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;77 31-JAN-83 08:33:08 EDIT BY TAFT ; If Sender property ends in ".ArpaGateway", strip it off ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;75 13-JAN-83 15:09:11 EDIT BY TAFT ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;74 13-JAN-83 14:50:35 EDIT BY TAFT ; Add code to handle new-style ARPA Internet recipient names ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;73 8-NOV-82 16:26:55 EDIT BY TAFT ; Fix bug in which result of expanding a MBEX string was later used as ; a template. If "%" appeared in the expanded string, havoc would ensue. ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;72 5-NOV-82 08:36:29 EDIT BY TAFT ; Rip out XNET stuff ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;71 7-JUL-81 10:43:34 EDIT BY TAFT ; Strip registry in MESSAGE.ARCHIVE code ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;70 2-JUN-81 10:37:50 EDIT BY TAFT ; Disable forwarding loop check if host qualification was stripped off. ; If PUPNM fails because no name lookup server responded, accept name ; as valid non-local registry rather than rejecting. ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;69 28-MAY-81 17:33:57 EDIT BY TAFT ; For recipient "@Parc-Maxc", strip off Arpanet host name and ; go around again. ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;68 18-MAY-81 15:19:59 EDIT BY TAFT ; Rip out code for calling MAILBOX program. ; Check Arpanet host names using GTHST jsys. ; In general, deal uniformly with fully-qualified recipient names. ; Simplify quoting conventions in [--UNDISTRIBUTED-MAIL--] file. ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;66 12-SEP-80 11:29:15 EDIT BY TAFT ; Increase max length of Sender property ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;65 1-SEP-80 16:38:29 EDIT BY TAFT ; Fix bug in RECPAS -- GS PASJFN, not LS PASJFN !! ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;64 1-SEP-80 15:53:43 EDIT BY TAFT ; Suppress duplicates in incoming recipient names. ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;63 30-AUG-80 15:38:42 EDIT BY TAFT ; Correctly compare recipient names even when one is qualified by registry ; and the other isn't. ; Add code to correctly handle PA registry after it moves to GV servers. ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;62 29-AUG-80 13:38:22 EDIT BY TAFT ; Detect forwarding loops by comparing host number, not host name. ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;61 15-AUG-80 16:37:55 EDIT BY TAFT ; Add password capturing hack ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;60 13-FEB-80 18:35:04 EDIT BY TAFT ; Permit retrieve to work even if Message.txt file is not permanent. ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;59 8-FEB-80 14:17:17 EDIT BY TAFT ; Change Pup types for Validate Recipient ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;58 2-FEB-80 17:38:20 EDIT BY TAFT ; Add Validate Recipient misc request ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;56 29-JAN-80 18:43:59 EDIT BY TAFT ; Fix bug causing authenticate to hang ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;55 20-JAN-80 17:41:55 EDIT BY TAFT ; Include mail-related misc services, formerly in PUPSRV.MAC. ; Accept optional registry qualification in Mail Check and Authenticate. ; Permit only true registry names (socket 7) in recipient names. ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;54 1-JAN-80 12:35:42 EDIT BY TAFT ; Quote sender name in same manner as recipient name when generating ; recipient list in queued message. ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;52 4-NOV-79 12:47:02 EDIT BY TAFT ; Fix another glitch in handling empty mailbox when over allocation ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;51 2-SEP-79 16:00:35 EDIT BY TAFT ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;50 29-JUL-79 15:33:14 EDIT BY TAFT ; Optionally append retrieved mail to Message.Archive also. ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;49 4-MAY-79 10:44:53 EDIT BY TAFT ; Bug fixes ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;48 3-MAY-79 19:35:11 EDIT BY TAFT ; Quote special characters in recipient names put into queue files ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;47 11-APR-79 17:10:31 EDIT BY TAFT ; Parse internally recipient names of the form "name.host" rather ; than passing them to the MAILBOX program. Recognize hosts ; belonging to the "local site" and treat such recipients as local. ; Expand mailbox-exception messages earlier and buffer the resulting text. ; Improve some of the mailbox-exception messages. ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;44 8-APR-79 16:10:09 EDIT BY TAFT ; Fix QUEREC so it doesn't rejuvenate a deleted [--UNDISTRIBUTED-MAIL--] file ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;43 18-MAR-79 19:35:14 EDIT BY TAFT ; Add Sender property parser ; Use bit 0 of <SYSTEM>MAILER.FLAGS to notify Mailer of undistributed mail ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;41 9-FEB-79 16:16:51 EDIT BY TAFT ; Rename [--UNSENT-MAIL--] to [--UNDISTRIBUTED-MAIL--] ; Filter out zero-length messages during retrieve ; Faster NAMCHK routine ; Misc bug fixes ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;40 18-JAN-79 17:12:30 EDIT BY TAFT ; Redo queueing mechanism for new Pup mail forwarding strategy. ; Queue even local recipients if more than 3 of them. ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;33 24-OCT-78 17:07:35 EDIT BY TAFT ; Add count of messages and bytes to mail retrieval log entry ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;32 9-OCT-78 18:32:52 EDIT BY TAFT ; Buffer the mailbox exception messages until the property list ; has been completely processed. Otherwise we get a deadlock! ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;30 4-JUL-78 16:48:10 EDIT BY TAFT ; Another special case in Retrieve-mail OPENF failure ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;29 17-APR-78 17:27:30 EDIT BY TAFT ; Correct error code for "No" reply in Retrieve-mail ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;28 5-APR-78 15:54:37 EDIT BY TAFT ; Disallow delivery to System ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;27 4-FEB-78 14:42:21 EDIT BY TAFT ; Read source file with PMAP in CPYFIL ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;26 3-FEB-78 19:55:10 EDIT BY TAFT ; Eliminate logging each mailbox delivered to, except when debugging. ; Eliminate unnecessary CLOSF/OPENF ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;24 10-JAN-78 12:13:57 EDIT BY TAFT ; Alternate handling if Retrieve-mail unable to open mailbox for writing ; due to user being over allocation ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;23 16-OCT-77 15:52:40 EDIT BY TAFT ; Fix bug in QUEMSG causing names of the form xx@XNET not to be terminated correctly ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;22 17-SEP-77 15:47:29 EDIT BY TAFT ; Revise handling of deleted or empty mailbox ; Fix Flush-mail to render mailbox empty in all respects ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;21 16-SEP-77 13:24:28 EDIT BY TAFT ; More bug fixes ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;19 15-SEP-77 18:17:32 EDIT BY TAFT ; Bug fixes ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;17 2-SEP-77 12:20:57 EDIT BY TAFT ; Bug fixes ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;16 1-SEP-77 17:07:13 EDIT BY TAFT ; Remove "Mail from host ..." line ; Mods to conform to revised Mail Transfer Protocol: ; - Multiple mailboxes now come in multiple property lists. ; - Maintain mailbox index for [Mailbox-exception] replies ; Add Retrieve-mail and Flush-mail commands. ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;15 3-JUN-77 13:09:22 EDIT BY TAFT ; Remove "Sender" and "Distribution" properties ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;14 12-APR-77 20:18:41 EDIT BY TAFT ; Add code in QUEMSG for Telenet kludge ;<PUP>PUPMLS.MAC;13 7-APR-77 17:16:10 EDIT BY TAFT ; Improve a few messages. ; Zero JFNs stored in memory when they are closed or released. ; Copyright 1979, 1980, 1981 by Xerox Corporation TITLE PUPMLS -- MAIL SERVER PORTION OF FTP SERVER SUBTTL E. A. Taft / March 1977 SEARCH PUPDEF,PSVDEF,STENEX USEVAR FTPVAR,FTPPVR LMBXTB==↑D2000 ; Length of MBXTAB -- max number of recipients LHSHTB==↑D251 ; Length of HSHTAB hash bucket table (should be prime) MAXLCL==3 ; Max number of messages delivered locally FWDLCF==RAISEF ; Flag controlling forwarding loop check ARPFLG==1B19 ; Working on ARPA name QUOTEF==1B20 ; Inside quotes (PRSPTH) ; "Store-Mail" C.SMAI::PUSHJ P,SAVE1## SETZM MBXTAB ; Zero out mailbox table MOVE A,[MBXTAB,,MBXTAB+1] BLT A,MBXTAB+LMBXTB-1 MOVEI A,MBXBUF ; Set pointer to name buffer MOVEM A,MBXFRE MOVSI P1,-LMBXTB ; Length of MBXTAB AOBJN P1,.+1 ; Start counting at 1 SETZM FILPRP## ; Clear out property list MOVE B,[FILPRP##,,FILPRP##+1] BLT B,FILPRP##+PLSIZE-1 MOVEI B,1 ; Init to Type text MOVEM B,FILPRP+P.TYPE MOVEI B,7 ; Byte size 7 MOVEM B,FILPRP+P.BYTE HRROI A,NETBUF## ; Set pointer to argument string ; Loop to collect mailbox property lists C.SMA0: HRRZM P1,MBXIDX ; Store current index MOVEI B,FILPRP## ; File property list PUSHJ P,SCNPRP## ; Scan property list POPJ P, ; Failed MOVE B,A ; Peek ahead in input ILDB C,B JUMPE C,.+3 ; Done if no more property lists AOBJN P1,C.SMA0 ; Repeat if room in table FTPM(NO,110,<Mailbox table full>,1) ; Count recipients and generate Mailbox-Exception responses. ; Also perform duplicate elimination at this time. SETZM NQUEUE ; Reset counts SETZM NDELIV SETZM NDUPLI PUSHJ P,INIHSH ; Init hash table MOVN P1,MBXIDX ; Init MBXTAB index HRLZ P1,P1 HRRI P1,1 GMBEX: MOVE A,MBXTAB(P1) ; Get entry TLNN A,(1B1) ; Mailbox exception? JRST GMBEX2 ; No, normal entry HRROI B,2(A) ; Where the text of the response is UFTPM 0(A) ; Yes, generate Mailbox-exception response SETZM MBXTAB(P1) ; Flush this entry JRST GMBEX1 ; On to next GMBEX2: PUSHJ P,INSHSH ; Insert name into hash table JRST [ SETZM MBXTAB(P1) ; Duplicate, delete from MBXTAB AOS NDUPLI JRST GMBEX1] SKIPL MBXTAB(P1) ; Normal entry, which kind? AOSA NDELIV ; Message for local delivery AOS NQUEUE ; Message to be queued GMBEX1: AOBJN P1,GMBEX ; Loop for all ; "Store-mail" (cont'd) ; See whether there were any valid mailboxes SKIPN A,NDELIV SKIPE NQUEUE CAIA FTPM(NO,40,<No valid mailbox in property list>,1) ; Set to queue all if more than MAXLCL local recipients or any non-local recipients SKIPN NQUEUE CAILE A,MAXLCL JRST [ ADDM A,NQUEUE ; Add local recipients to queue count SETZM NDELIV ; No local deliveries JRST .+1] ; Open a temporary file to receive the message GJINF ; Generate unique version number IMULI C,NFORKS ; = job#*NFORKS + fork# ADDI C,(FX) HRROI A,TEMP ; Make filename WRITE <PUPSRV.MAIL;%3D;P770000> MOVSI A,(1B0+1B5+1B8+1B17) ; Output, temp, ignore deleted HRROI B,TEMP GTJFN FTPM(NO,107,<Mail system malfunction: %1J>,1) MOVEM A,DSTJFN## ; Save JFN ; Note: open write-only now and re-open for read later, because if we ; open for read-write now, SOUT works inefficiently and writing the file ; is ~25 times more costly! This is a bad glitch in Tenex. MOVE B,[7B5+1B20] ; Open for write OPENF JRST [ FTPM(NO,107,<Mail system malfunction: %1J>) MOVE A,DSTJFN## RLJFN PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## SETZM DSTJFN## POPJ P,] ; Generate "Yes" reply and await "Here-is-file" command ; and file data FTPM(YES,0,<Ready for message>) C.SMA1: PUSHJ P,GETCMD ; Get next command JRST SMAEND ; End received CAIN A,MKFILE ; "Here-is-file"? JRST C.SMA3 ; Yes, go receive file CAIN A,MKNO ; "No"? (i.e. abort) JRST DELDST ; Flush output file and return MOVE C,MRKNAM##(A) ; No, get dispatch TLNN C,(OKSTOR) ; Command ok during "Store"? JRST [ HRRO C,MRKNAM##(A) ; No, make ptr to command name FTPM(NO,3,<Comand [%3S] out of sequence during Store-Mail>) JRST DELDST] ; Flush output file and return MOVE C,MRKDSP##(A) ; Ok, get dispatch PUSHJ P,0(C) ; Do the command JRST C.SMA1 ; Look for another ; "Store-Mail" (cont'd) ; Here when "Here-is-file" command encountered C.SMA3: HLRZ A,FRKJFN(FX) ; Source is net MOVEM A,SRCJFN## MOVEI A,FILPRP## ; Property list being used PUSHJ P,RECDAT## ; Receive the message JRST [ PUSHJ P,GETCMD## ; Failed, suck up next command JRST SMAEND ; End received HRRZ A,DSTJFN## ; Report failure LOG <Data error during Store-Mail %1F> FTPM(NO,103,<Data error during Store-Mail>) JRST DELDST] ; Flush output file and return PUSHJ P,GETCMD## ; Done, get next command JRST SMAEND ; End received CAIN A,MKNO ; Terminated by "No"? JRST [ FTPM(NO,106,<Store-Mail not completed>) JRST DELDST] ; Flush output file and return CAIE A,MKYES ; Terminated by "Yes"? JRST [ HRRO C,MRKNAM##(A) ; No, make ptr to command name FTPM(NO,3,<Command [%3S] out of sequence during Store-Mail>) JRST DELDST] ; Flush output file and return ; Mail received successfully ; Now deliver to mailboxes or queue for forwarding MOVE A,DSTJFN## ; Get current file position (= length) RFPTR PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## MOVEM B,MSGLEN ; Save length HRLI A,400000 ; Close but don't release JFN CLOSF PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## MOVE A,DSTJFN## ; Re-open for reading and writing MOVE B,[7B5+1B19+1B20] OPENF JRST [ FTPM(NO,107,<Mail system malfunction: %1J>) MOVE A,DSTJFN## RLJFN PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## POPJ P,] MOVN P1,MBXIDX ; Init table index HRLZ P1,P1 HRRI P1,1 ; Loop to deliver to each mailbox C.SMA5: PUSHJ P,SETWDT## ; Reset watchdog timer SKIPN MBXTAB(P1) ; Have mailbox to deliver to? JRST C.SMA7 ; No MOVE A,DSTJFN## ; Get temp file JFN HRRO B,MBXTAB(P1) ; String ptr to mailbox name MOVE C,MSGLEN ; Length of message SKIPE NDELIV ; Queueing all? SKIPGE MBXTAB(P1) ; Non-local recipient? JRST C.SMA6 ; Yes, queue PUSHJ P,SNDMSG ; No, try to append to mailbox JRST [ MOVSI A,(1B0) ; Failed, force queueing IORM A,MBXTAB(P1) SOS NDELIV ; Adjust counts AOS NQUEUE JRST C.SMA5] ; Try again HRRO A,MBXTAB(P1) TLNE F,(DEBUGF) ; Log only if debugging LOG <Mail delivered to %1S> JRST C.SMA7 ; "Store-Mail" (cont'd) ; Here if need to queue C.SMA6: PUSHJ P,QUEREC ; Add recipient name to queue JRST [ MOVEI A,0(P1) HRRO D,MBXTAB(P1) FTPM(MBEX,3,<%1D Unexpected failure to queue mail for %4S>) ELOG <QUEMSG failed for %4S> JRST C.SMA7] ; Give up on this mailbox HRRO A,MBXTAB(P1) TLNE F,(DEBUGF) ; Log only if debugging LOG <Mail queued for %1S> ; Here when done one mailbox C.SMA7: AOBJN P1,C.SMA5 ; Jump if any more MOVE A,DSTJFN## ; Get temp file JFN MOVE C,MSGLEN ; Length of message PUSHJ P,QUEMSG ; Finish queueing message if necessary PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## ; Can't happen at present FTPM(YES,0,<Mail delivery completed>) PUSHJ P,DELDST ; Close and delete temp file MOVE A,MSGLEN ; Log summary MOVE B,NDELIV MOVE C,NQUEUE MOVE D,NDUPLI LOG <Mail received, length: %1D; %2D copies delivered, %3D queued, %4D duplicate> POPJ P, ; Exit [Store-mail] command ; Here if End received in the middle of a Store-Mail SMAEND: PUSHJ P,DELDST ; Close and delete destination file SETZM MBXIDX JRST FTPEND## ; Handle EOF normally ; Close and delete DSTJFN DELDST: MOVE A,DSTJFN## DELF MOVE A,DSTJFN## CLOSF PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## SETZM DSTJFN## POPJ P, ; Send message to mailbox ; A/ JFN of file containing message ; B/ String ptr to name of recipient ; C/ Length of message in bytes ; Returns +1: unsuccessful ; +2: successful ; Clobbers A-D, TEMP buffer ; Does not close JFN SNDMSG: HRLM A,0(P) ; Save source JFN PUSH P,C ; Save byte count MOVSI A,(1B0+1B2+1B8+1B17) ; Output, old file, ignore deleted PUSHJ P,GTJMBX ; Get JFN for mailbox file JRST [ POP P,C ; Mailbox went away? POPJ P,] MOVE D,A ; Save JFN MOVEI C,5 ; Max number of retries SNDMS1: MOVE B,[7B5+1B22] ; Open for append OPENF JRST [ CAIN A,OPNX9 ; Failed, busy? SOJG C,[MOVEI A,↑D1000 ; Yes, wait a second DISMS MOVE A,D ; Try again JRST SNDMS1] MOVE A,D ; Other failure, release JFN RLJFN PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## POP P,C ; Discard byte count POPJ P,] ; Fail return ; Put special header on message for mail programs SETO B, ; Output current date and time MOVSI C,(1B13) ; Include time zone ODTIM POP P,C ; Recover length WRITE <,%3D;000000000000%/> ; Copy the message to the file PUSH P,D HLRZ A,-1(P) ; Source file MOVE B,D ; Destination file PUSHJ P,CPYFIL ; Do it (byte count in C) POP P,A ; Recover mailbox JFN CLOSF ; Close it PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## JRST SKPRET## ; Return +2 ; Message queueing ; This is a three-stage process: ; (1) The recipient list and message body are appended to file ; [--UNDISTRIBUTED-MAIL--] (distinguishing it from old-style queue files, ; which are [--UNSENT-MAIL--].user@host), and the Mailer is notified. ; Notification consists of setting bit 0 of word 0 in <SYSTEM>MAILER.FLAGS. ; This bit corresponds to directory number zero, which doesn't exist, ; and is checked more frequently than the bits corresponding to real ; directories. ; (2) The Mailer reads this file, distributes copies of messages to ; the Message.txt files of local recipients, and appends a recipient list ; and message body to file [--FORWARDED-MAIL--].host for each host that ; has one or more of the recipients' mailboxes. ; When an [--UNDISTRIBUTED-MAIL--] file has been completely processed, ; it is deleted. ; (3) The Mailer then enumerates the [--FORWARDED-MAIL--].host files. ; For each one, it attempts to contact the host and deliver all the ; messages queued in the file. When all messages have been delivered, ; the file is deleted. ; Syntax of queued message: ; *start*+nnnnnn,date,←sender,+recipient1,+recipient2, ... ,+recipientN <cr><lf> ; message body ; nnnnnn is length of queued message (recipient list + body). ; date is the date and time at which the message was received. ; Leading "+" means message pending; changed to "-" when entirely delivered. ; "+" before recipient name means delivery pending to that recipient; ; changed to "-" when delivery to recipient completed. ; "←" before name designates sender, if known. ; The characters comma and single quote must be quoted by preceding ; them with a single quote if they appear literally in a recipient name. ; The user-settable word (FDBUSW) of the FDB points to the start of ; the first message that is still pending. The file attributes are set ; to "nonexistent" when all messages have been delivered to all recipients. ; Undistributed messages are appended to file [--UNDISTRIBUTED-MAIL--].;99999. ; If that file is busy, successively lower versions are used. ; (Decreasing rather than increasing version numbers are used so as to ; correspond to Tenex directory order and thereby ensure messages are ; delivered in order.) ; Message queueing (cont'd) ; Begin queued message if necessary and insert recipient name. ; B/ String ptr to recipient name ; Returns +1: unsuccessful (shouldn't happen, error logged) ; +2: successful QUEREC: TLC B,-1 ; Turn -1 lh into byte ptr TLCN B,-1 HRLI B,(POINT 7) PUSH P,B ; Save string ptr to recipient name SKIPE A,QUEJFN ; Already have file open? JRST QUERE4 ; Yes MOVEI C,↑D99999 ; Version to use if no queue file exists MOVE A,[1B2+1B17+<0,,-2>] ; Find oldest existing version HRROI B,[ASCIZ /[--UNDISTRIBUTED-MAIL--]./] GTJFN JRST QUERE1 ; No existing version, use 99999 MOVE B,[1,,7] ; Found one, get its version number MOVEI C,C GTFDB HLRZ C,C JRST QUERE2 ; Go try to open it QUERE1: HRRZ A,C ; Try version (C), create if necessary HRLI A,(1B0+1B17) HRROI B,[ASCIZ /[--UNDISTRIBUTED-MAIL--].;P770000/] GTJFN JRST QUEFAI ; Failed! QUERE2: MOVEM A,QUEJFN MOVE B,[7B5+1B20] ; 7-bit byte, write only OPENF JRST [ PUSH P,A ; Failed, save error code MOVE A,QUEJFN ; Release JFN RLJFN PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## POP P,A CAIN A,OPNX9 ; File busy? SOJG C,QUERE1 ; Yes, try next lower version JRST QUEFAI] ; Other error, fail ; Position to current end-of-file. Must use FDBSIZ, not FILLEN, since ; Tenex zeroes FILLEN if you open write-only. We open write-only rather ; than read-write due to a Tenex performance problem that makes SOUT ; much (~25x) more expensive when the file is open read-write. ; I would have opened append-only, except if I had done that I wouldn't be ; allowed to execute SFPTR later to fix up the count in the stamp! SETZM QUEPTR ; Assume creating new file from scratch MOVE B,[1,,1] ; Read FDBCTL flags MOVEI C,C GTFDB TLNE C,(1B3+1B4) ; Was it nonexistent or deleted? JRST QUERE3 ; Yes, start writing at byte 0 SIZEF ; No, get existing file length PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## MOVEM B,QUEPTR ; This is where we start SFPTR ; Position to EOF PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## ; Append stamp for start of new message QUERE3: SETO B, ; Current date and time WRITE <*start*+00000000,%2T> SKIPN FILPRP+P.SNDR ; Sender known? JRST QUERE4 ; No WRITE <,←> MOVEI B,FILPRP+P.SNDR ; String ptr to sender HRLI B,(POINT 7) PUSHJ P,QRECNM ; Append name, quoting where necessary ; Message queueing (cont'd) ; Append new recipient name QUERE4: WRITE <,+> POP P,B ; String ptr to recipient name PUSHJ P,QRECNM ; Append name, quoting where necessary JRST SKPRET## ; Return +2 ; Here if failed to open queue file QUEFAI: POP P,B ELOG <Failed to queue mail for %2S%/ - %1J> POPJ P, ; Append recipient name, quoting where necessary. ; A/ JFN ; B/ String ptr to recipient name ; Returns +1 always ; Clobbers B-D QRECNM: MOVE C,B QRECN1: ILDB B,C ; Get a char JUMPE B,CPOPJ## ; Jump if done CAIE B,"," ; Comma? CAIN B,"'" ; Single quote? JRST [ MOVEI B,"'" ; Yes, quote it BOUT LDB B,C ; Recover original character JRST .+1] BOUT ; Append to recipient list JRST QRECN1 ; Message queueing (cont'd) ; Finish queueing message for background delivery, if necessary ; A/ JFN of file containing message ; C/ Length of message in bytes ; Returns +1: unsuccessful (no way this can happen at present) ; +2: successful ; Clobbers A-D, TEMP buffer ; Does not close JFN QUEMSG: SKIPN B,QUEJFN ; Is there a queue file? JRST SKPRET## ; No, return immediately WRITE B,<%/> ; Append crlf to stamp PUSHJ P,CPYFIL ; Append body of message MOVE A,QUEJFN RFPTR ; Read current position PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## MOVE D,B SUB D,QUEPTR ; Compute length of new message MOVE B,QUEPTR ; Position to start of message ADDI B,↑D8 ; + 8 chars for "*start*+" SFPTR PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## MOVE B,D ; Length of message MOVE C,[1B2+1B3+8B17+↑D10] ; Leading 0's, 8 columns, decimal NOUT ; Put length in stamp PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## CLOSF ; Close queue file PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## SETZM QUEJFN MOVSI A,(1B0) ; Notify mailer of undistributed mail IORM A,MFLAGS JRST SKPRET## ; Return +2 ; Copy a file (7-bit ASCII) ; A/ Source JFN ; B/ Destination JFN ; C/ Number of bytes to copy ; Reads the specified number of bytes from the source file starting ; at the beginning, and appends them to the destination file. ; Returns +1 always ; Clobbers A-D, TEMP buffer; does not close JFNs CPYFIL: MOVE D,C ; Save byte count PUSH P,B ; Save destination JFN HRLZ A,A ; Make source JFN,,page designator CPYFI1: MOVEI B,TEMP ; Where to map source page LSH B,-9 ; Convert to page number HRLI B,400000 ; This fork MOVSI C,(1B2) ; Read access JUMPLE D,CPYFI2 ; Jump if no more bytes left PMAP ; Map the page EXCH A,0(P) ; Save source designator, get destination HRROI B,TEMP ; Where the data is MOVNI C,5000 ; Number of bytes assuming full page CAIGE D,5000 ; Full page remaining? MOVN C,D ; No, cut down to actual amount SOUT ; Write to destination EXCH A,0(P) ; Save destination, get back source SUBI D,5000 ; Decrement byte count AOJA A,CPYFI1 ; Increment page number and repeat ; Here when no more bytes left, B and C set up for PMAP CPYFI2: SETO A, ; Unmap source page PMAP POP P,A ; Flush stack and return POPJ P, ; "Retrieve-mail" C.RMAI::SETZM FILPRP ; Clear out property list MOVE A,[FILPRP,,FILPRP+1] BLT A,FILPRP+PLSIZE-1 MOVEI A,1 ; Init to Type text, byte size 7 MOVEM A,FILPRP+P.TYPE MOVEI A,7 MOVEM A,FILPRP+P.BYTE SETZM MBXTAB ; Zero out mailbox table MOVE A,[MBXTAB,,MBXTAB+1] BLT A,MBXTAB+LMBXTB-1 MOVEI A,MBXBUF ; Where to put mailbox property MOVEM A,MBXFRE HRROI A,1 ; Table index to use (negative => Retrieve) MOVEM A,MBXIDX HRROI A,NETBUF ; Set pointer to argument string MOVEI B,FILPRP PUSHJ P,SCNPRP## ; Scan property list POPJ P, ; Failed SKIPN MBXTAB+1 ; Make sure a mailbox was specified FTPM(NO,40,<No mailbox in property list>) MOVEI A,FILPRP PUSHJ P,LOGCHK## ; Check login/connect parameters POPJ P, ; Failed ; Open mail file SETZM MBXLEN ; Zero length in case open fails SETZM NDELIV ; No messages processed yet MOVSI A,(1B2+1B8+1B17) ; Old file, ign deleted, name from string HRROI B,MBXBUF PUSHJ P,GTJMBX ; Get JFN for mailbox file JRST RGJFER## ; Not found MOVEM A,SRCJFN## ; Ok, store it MOVEI C,5 ; Max number of retries MOVE B,[7B5+1B19+1B20] ; Open for read and write C.RMA2: MOVE A,SRCJFN## OPENF JRST [ CAIN A,OPNX9 ; Failed, busy? SOJG C,[MOVEI A,↑D1000 ; Yes, wait a second DISMS JRST C.RMA2] ; Try again CAIN A,OPNX10 ; Over allocation? SOJG C,[TRZ B,1B20 ; Yes, abandon trying to write JRST C.RMA2] CAIN A,OPNX2 ; File doesn't exist? JRST C.RMA8 ; Yes, behave as if it exists but is empty PUSHJ P,ROPNER## ; Other problem, report it and fail MOVE A,SRCJFN## ; Release JFN RLJFN PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## SETZM SRCJFN## POPJ P,] ; Set up for mail transfer. Read from mail file using local PMAPs, ; but send to net using normal mechanism. MOVE B,[1,,1] ; Get FDBCTL MOVEI C,C GTFDB SETZ B, ; In case empty file TLNE C,(1B3) ; Deleted? JRST .+3 ; Yes, treat as empty SIZEF ; Get file length PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## MOVEM B,MBXLEN ; Save it MOVEI A,MBXDTE ; Enable for data error in mailbox file MOVEM A,SRCDSP## MOVEM P,ERRPDP## SETOM MBXPGN ; Don't have input file mapped yet SETZ A, ; Position to first byte PUSHJ P,POSMBX JRST C.RMA8 ; Mailbox is empty ; "Retrieve-mail" (cont'd) ; Loop to send each message to user. ; First, read and interpret the stamp. C.RMA4: PUSHJ P,SETWDT## ; Reset watchdog timer HRRZ A,FRKJFN(FX) ; Destination is net MOVEM A,DSTJFN## MOVEI A,NETBUF## ; Buffer to use for sending MOVEM A,DSTIBP## MOVEI A,8 ; Byte size 8 PUSHJ P,SETOUT## ; Setup for output MOVE D,[POINT 7,TEMP] ; Buffer stamp here C.RMA5: SOSGE MBXCNT ; Read up to line feed JRST [ PUSHJ P,FIXMBX JRST C.RMA8 ; Eof, done JRST C.RMA5] ILDB A,MBXBYT ; Copy byte IDPB A,D CAIE A,12 ; Line feed? JRST C.RMA5 ; No, continue HRROI A,TEMP ; Read date received MOVSI B,(1B8) IDTIM JRST MBXBAD ; Bad format MOVEM B,DATREC MOVEI C,↑D10 ; Decimal NIN ; Get message length JRST MBXBAD ; Bad format MOVEM B,MSGLEN MOVEI C,10 ; Octal NIN ; Get flags JRST MBXBAD MOVEM B,MSGFLG ; Store flags ; Now one pass over the message to determine length after LFs stripped PUSHJ P,FIXMBX ; Get where we are now JRST MBXBAD ; Bad format if eof PUSH P,A ; Save it MOVE D,MSGLEN ; Nominal length MOVEM D,TEMP C.RMA6: SOSGE MBXCNT ; Decrement and test count JRST [ PUSHJ P,FIXMBX ; No more, get next buffer JRST [ POP P,A ; Bad mailbox if hit eof JRST MBXBAD] JRST C.RMA6] ILDB A,MBXBYT ; Get byte CAIN A,12 ; Line feed? SOS TEMP ; Yes, do not include in count SOJG D,C.RMA6 ; Repeat for all bytes in message SKIPN TEMP ; Zero-length message? JRST C.RMA4 ; Yes, filter out AOS NDELIV ; Count messages ; Send property list MOVE A,MSGFLG ; Get flags SETZB C,D TRNE A,1B35 ; Message already read? HRROI C,[ASCIZ /(Opened Yes)/] TRNE A,1B34 ; Deleted? HRROI D,[ASCIZ /(Deleted Yes)/] MOVE A,TEMP ; Length not including LFs MOVE B,DATREC ; Date of receipt FTPM(PLST,,<((Length %1D)(Date-received %2T)%3S%4S)>) ; "Retrieve-mail" (cont'd) ; Send the message MOVEI A,MKFILE ; "Here-is-file" SETZ B, PUSHJ P,BEGCMD## POP P,A ; Recover starting position PUSHJ P,POSMBX ; Reposition file PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## C.RMA7: SOSGE MBXCNT ; Decrement and test count JRST [ PUSHJ P,FIXMBX ; No more, get next buffer PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## JRST C.RMA7] ILDB A,MBXBYT ; Get byte CAIN A,12 ; Line feed? JRST C.RM7A ; Yes, ignore SOSGE DSTCNT## ; Decrement and test destination count PUSHJ P,PUTNPG## ; Dump buffer, return .-1 IDPB A,DSTBYT## ; Store byte C.RM7A: SOSLE MSGLEN ; Repeat for entire message JRST C.RMA7 PUSHJ P,PUTLPG## ; Send last partial page JRST C.RMA4 ; On to next message ; Here when done C.RMA8: FTPM(YES,0,<Mail retrieval completed>) PUSHJ P,UNMAP## ; Unmap file page SETOM MBXPGN ; Don't know where we are now MOVE A,SRCJFN## ; Log mailbox filename and length MOVE B,NDELIV MOVE C,MBXLEN LOG <Retrieve mailbox %1F, %2D messages, %3D bytes> C.RMA9: PUSHJ P,GETCMD## ; Get next command JRST FTPEND## MOVE P1,MRKDSP##(A) ; Get dispatch CAIE A,MKCOMM ; Comment? CAIN A,MKEOC ; EOC? JRST [ PUSHJ P,0(P1) ; Yes, execute and stay in this context JRST C.RMA9] CAIN A,MKFMAI ; Flush-mail? JRST FLMAIL ; Yes, do it PUSHJ P,CLZMAI ; Something else, close mail file JRST 0(P1) ; Execute command, return to main loop ; Here when Flush-Mail command received. FLMAIL: MOVE A,SRCJFN## GTSTS JUMPGE B,FLMAI1 ; Just release JFN if never got the file open ; "Retrieve-mail" (cont'd) ; First, append retrieved messages to Message.Archive, if such a file exists. SKIPN MBXLEN ; Were there any messages? JRST NOARC ; No, forget it MOVE A,[POINT 7,TEMP] ; Build file name here MOVEI C,"<" MOVE B,[POINT 7,MBXBUF] ; Where Mailbox property value is ARCMS0: IDPB C,A ; Copy name thru "." or null ILDB C,B CAIE C,"." JUMPN C,ARCMS0 UWRITE A,[ASCIZ />MESSAGE.ARCHIVE/] MOVSI A,(1B2+1B17) ; Old file, name from string HRROI B,TEMP GTJFN JRST NOARC ; No such file MOVEM A,ARCJFN ; Save JFN MOVE B,[7B5+1B22] ; Open for append OPENF JRST [ MOVE A,ARCJFN ; Failed, forget it RLJFN PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## JRST NOARC1] SETZ A, ; Position mailbox to start of first message PUSHJ P,POSMBX JRST ARCMS5 ARCMS1: MOVE A,ARCJFN ; Destination file MOVE B,MBXBYT ; Source byte ptr MOVN C,MBXCNT ; Byte count JUMPE C,ARCMS5 ; Jump if none SOUT SETZM MBXCNT ; Say all bytes consumed PUSHJ P,FIXMBX ; Advance to next page JRST ARCMS5 ; EOF JRST ARCMS1 ; Continue copying ; Here when reach EOF ARCMS5: PUSHJ P,UNMAP## ; Unmap mailbox file page MOVE A,ARCJFN ; Close archive file CLOSF PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## NOARC1: SETZM ARCJFN ; Now really flush the mailbox. NOARC: MOVE A,SRCJFN## GTSTS TLNE B,(1B2) ; Do we have mailbox open for writing? PUSHJ P,DELPGS## ; Yes, delete all pages in file MOVE A,SRCJFN## ; Reset EOF pointer to zero HRLI A,12 SETO B, SETZ C, CHFDB MOVE A,SRCJFN## ; Delete file DELF PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## FLMAI1: FTPM(YES,0,<Flush-mail completed successfully>) CLZMAI: MOVE A,SRCJFN## CLOSF JRST [ MOVE A,SRCJFN## ; If it fails, it can be only because the RLJFN ; file isn't open to begin with PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## JRST .+1] SETZM SRCJFN## POPJ P, ; Here if discover bad format in message file MBXBAD: PUSHJ P,UNMAP## FTPM(NO,103,<Mailbox is malformed>) JRST CLZMAI ; Here if encounter data error in message file MBXDTE: PUSHJ P,UNMAP## FTPM(NO,103,<Disk error in mailbox file>) JRST CLZMAI ; Retrieve-mail subroutines ; Fix up mailbox byte count, and read next page if necessary. ; Expects MBXCNT to reflect number of bytes read. ; Returns +1: EOF ; +2: normal, A/ current byte position ; Clobbers A-C FIXMBX: MOVE A,MBXPGN ; Get current page ADDI A,1 ; Advance to next IMULI A,5000 ; Convert to byte number CAML A,MBXLEN ; Past end? MOVE A,MBXLEN ; Yes, limit SKIPL MBXCNT ; Compensate for extra SOS SUB A,MBXCNT ; Subtract bytes remaining ; Fall into POSMBX ; Position mailbox file to specified byte and set up byte count ; A/ byte position ; Returns +1: EOF ; +2: normal, A/ byte position ; Clobbers A-C POSMBX: CAML A,MBXLEN ; Past end? POPJ P, ; Yes, don't do anything MOVE B,MBXLEN ; Compute remaining bytes SUB B,A MOVEM B,MBXCNT ; Store temporarily PUSH P,A IDIVI A,5000 ; Compute page number and byte in page MOVEI C,5000 ; Compute remaining bytes in page SUBI C,(B) CAMGE C,MBXCNT ; Less than rest of file? MOVEM C,MBXCNT ; Yes, limit IDIVI B,5 ; Compute byte pointer ADD B,BPTAB(C) MOVEM B,MBXBYT CAMN A,MBXPGN ; Already at desired page? JRST POSMB1 ; Yes, done MOVEM A,MBXPGN HRL A,SRCJFN## ; No, map the page MOVEI B,FILBUF## LSH B,-9 HRLI B,400000 MOVSI C,(1B2) HRROS SRCDSP## ; Enable data error dispatch PMAP SKIP FILBUF## ; Data error will happen here HRRZS SRCDSP## POSMB1: POP P,A ; Recover current position JRST SKPRET## BPTAB: POINT 7,FILBUF POINT 7,FILBUF,6 POINT 7,FILBUF,13 POINT 7,FILBUF,20 POINT 7,FILBUF,27 ; "Flush-mail" -- should never be received at top-level C.FMAI::FTPM(NO,3,<Incorrect context for Flush-mail command>,1) C.MBEX::FTPM(NO,3,<Unexpected command>,1) ; Property value processing routines specific to the mail server ; (Mailbox <name>) ; The following macro queues up a Mailbox-exception reply. ; It must be executed at top level, and the text is interpreted ; as for FTPM except that arguments may be in B-D only. DEFINE MBEX(CODE,TEXT) < JRST [ JSP A,DOMBEX FTPM(MBEX,CODE,<%1D TEXT>) ] > PPMLBX::PUSHJ P,SAVE2## SKIPN D,MBXIDX ; Get mailbox table index FTPM(NO,10,<Mailbox property out of context>,1) HRRO B,MBXFRE ; Where to put property value HRRZM B,MBXTAB(D) MOVEI C,500 PUSHJ P,GTPVAL## ; Get property value string FTPM(NO,10,<Malformed Mailbox property>,1) MOVEI P1,1(B) ; Update free pointer, get start EXCH P1,MBXFRE TRO F,FWDLCF ; Do forwarding loop check unless cancelled ; First see what kind of mailbox HRLI P1,(POINT 7) PUSH P,A ; Save source string ptr PPMLB1: MOVE A,P1 SETZ P2, TRZ F,ARPFLG ; Not known to be an ARPA name yet FNDSEP: ILDB C,A ; Search for last "@" or "." in name CAIN C,"@" TROA F,ARPFLG ; Remember this is an ARPA name CAIN C,"." MOVE P2,A ; Found ".", remember where it was JUMPN C,FNDSEP JUMPN P2,HAVREG ; If found one, go see what it is ; Name has no "@" or "." in it -- append local registry name before proceeding MOVE P2,A ; Start of registry ADD A,[7B5] ; Back up over terminator HRROI B,LCLREG WRITE <.%2S> IBP A ; Update free pointer MOVEI A,1(A) MOVEM A,MBXFRE ; Now P1/ string ptr to entire recipient name, P2/ string ptr to registry or host. ; See what kind of registry/host. HAVREG: LDB C,P2 ; Get separator character CAIN C,"@" JRST CHKARP ; Arpanet host ; "." separator -- Pup registry. MOVE C,ARPRGS ; Check table of ArpaGateway aliases HAVRE1: MOVE A,P2 MOVE B,0(C) PUSHJ P,NAMCHK ; Skip if match AOBJN C,HAVRE1 JUMPL C,REGARP ; Jump if any matched: strip ".ArpaGateway" and process TRNE F,ARPFLG ; Were there any "@"s? JRST CHKARP ; Yes, treat entire string as ARPA name ; Treat as Pup registry name MOVE A,P2 PUSHJ P,CHKREG ; Check registry name MBEX(1,<Invalid registry name "%11S">) JRST NOTLCL ; Not local ; Check for existence of local mailbox MOVE B,P1 PUSHJ P,CKLMBX ; Check for existence of local mailbox JRST [ HRROI A,FWDHST ; Not present, get host we will forward to JRST NOTLC1] ; Go do loop detection and queueing JRST MLBXOK ; Ok to deliver to local user ; Mailbox property list parser (cont'd) ; Non-local Pup registry name, or local registry but no such mailbox. ; Make some minimal checks to prevent infinite forwarding loops. NOTLCL: MOVE A,P2 ; Registry to look up for loop detection NOTLC1: SKIPG MBXIDX ; Stop here if context is "Retrieve-mail" FTPM(NO,41,<No such mailbox as %10S>,2) TRNN F,FWDLCF ; Want to check for forwarding loops? JRST MBXFWD ; No, just accept for forwarding MOVE B,[1B0+100B17+TEMP] PUPNM ; Convert registry to address(es) JRST MBXFWD ; Huh? accept TLC B,-1 ; LH B has address vector length ADD B,[1,,0] ; Make AOBJN ptr MOVE A,FRNHAD## ; Net,,host of guy we're connected to CAMN A,0(B) JRST MFWDLP ; Same as forwarding host, reject ADDI B,1 AOBJN B,.-3 ; Ok, accept this recipient for forwarding MBXFWD: MOVSI A,(1B0) ; Mark entry for queueing MOVE B,MBXIDX IORM A,MBXTAB(B) MLBXOK: POP P,A ; Restore source string ptr JRST SKPRET## ; Return +2 ; Seems to be forwarding in a loop--reject. MFWDLP: HRROI B,LCLHNM## HRROI C,FRNHNM## MBEX(4,<Cannot locate mailbox for %10S on either %2S or %3S.>) ; Registry is ArpaGateway. Flush registry name and process as ARPA name. REGARP: SETZ B, DPB B,P2 ; Arpanet host. Check it and queue for forwarding. CHKARP: MOVE A,P1 MOVE D,[POINT 7,TEMP] PUSHJ P,PRSPTH MBEX(1,<Syntax error in ARPA recipient name "%10S">) MOVEM A,LCLPRT MOVEM B,DOMAIN MOVEM C,SRCROU SKIPN A,DOMAIN ; Domain must be present MBEX(1,<Domain missing in ARPA recipient name "%10S">) SKIPE B,SRCROU ; Source-route present? JRST [ IBP B ; Yes, see if it is the same as the domain PUSHJ P,NAMCHK JRST .+1 ; No, continue SETZM SRCROU ; Yes, flush source-route JRST .+1] SKIPN A,SRCROU ; Try to parse the source-route if present SKIPA A,DOMAIN ; Else parse domain IBP A ; Skip leading "@" in source-route PUSHJ P,PRSDMN ; Parse domain string JRST [ SKIPN B,SRCROU MOVE B,DOMAIN MBEX(1,<Syntax error in ARPA domain expression "%2S">)] JRST [ SKIPN B,SRCROU MOVE B,DOMAIN MBEX(1,<Sorry, I never heard of an ARPA domain named "%2S">)] CAMN C,LHOSTN ; Ok, is it really me? JRST [ MOVE A,P1 ; Yes, copy out just the local-part MOVE B,LCLPRT WRITE <%2S> IBP A ; Adjust free storage pointer MOVEI A,1(A) MOVEM A,MBXFRE TRZ F,FWDLCF ; Disable forwarding loop check JRST PPMLB1] ; Go around again JRST MBXFWD ; Accept for forwarding ; Mailbox property list parser (cont'd) ; Here to buffer up a Mailbox-exception response (MBEX macro). ; A points to an FTPM instruction. Copy its control word and ; expand its text into the MBXFRE area, and put a pointer to that ; into the MBXTAB entry. B-D, P1, P2 may contain arguments to be used in ; the expansion. DOMBEX: PUSH P,P3 PUSH P,P4 HRRZ P4,0(A) ; Get pointer to FTPM argument MOVE P3,MBXFRE ; Buffer FTPM control word here MOVE A,0(P4) MOVEM A,0(P3) MOVE A,[ASCIZ /%2S/] ; Template to use when message is ultimately sent MOVEM A,1(P3) ; (avoids problems if message contains "%" !) HRROI P3,2(P3) ; Expand message here HRRZ A,MBXIDX ; Index to be included in message UWRITE P3,1(P4) IBP P3 ; Update free storage pointer MOVEI P3,1(P3) EXCH P3,MBXFRE ; Get start of resulting FTPM argument HRLI P3,(1B1) ; Mark as mailbox-exception MOVEM P3,MBXTAB(A) ; Put in table POP P,P4 POP P,P3 JRST MLBXOK ; Go give normal return ; (Sender <name>) ; We make no attempt to parse or validate the sender name, except if it ; ends in ".ArpaGateway" we strip that off. PPSNDR::HRROI B,P.SNDR(P1) ; Where to put string MOVEI C,SNDSTL ; Max # of characters PUSHJ P,GTPVAL## ; Collect and store string FTPM(NO,42,<Malformed Sender property>,1) PUSH P,A MOVE A,[POINT 7,P.SNDR(P1)] SETZ D, PPSND1: ILDB B,A ; Search for last "." CAIN B,"." MOVE D,A JUMPN B,PPSND1 JUMPE D,PPSND3 ; Jump if no "." MOVE C,ARPRGS ; Check table of ArpaGateway aliases PPSND2: MOVE A,0(C) MOVE B,D PUSHJ P,NAMCHK ; Skip if matched AOBJN C,PPSND2 JUMPGE C,PPSND3 ; Jump if none matched SETZ B, ; Matched, overwrite "." with null DPB B,D PPSND3: POP P,A JRST SKPRET## ; Parse mailbox path ; A/ string ptr to path ; D/ string ptr to start of storage in which to put result text ; Returns +1: syntax error ; +2: normal: ; A/ string ptr to local-part ; B/ string ptr to domain (0 if none) ; C/ string ptr to source-route (0 if none) ; D/ updated to last byte of storage used ; Strips out quotes (" or \) ; Clobbers A-D PRSPTH: PUSH P,D ; Potential start of local-part PUSH P,[0] ; Domain not seen yet PUSH P,[0] ; Source-route not seen yet TRZ F,QUOTEF ; Not inside quotes ILDB B,A ; Get first char CAIE B,"@" ; Start of source-route? JRST PRSPT2 SETZM -2(P) ; Yes, zero start of local-part MOVEM D,0(P) ; And set start of source-route instead JRST PRSPT2 PRSPT1: ILDB B,A PRSPT2: JUMPE B,PRSPT9 ; Done on null CAIN B,42 JRST [ TRC F,QUOTEF ; Double quote, flip flag JRST PRSPT1] CAIN B,"\" JRST [ ILDB B,A ; Take char after "\" literally JRST PRSPT3] TRNE F,QUOTEF JRST PRSPT3 ; Take chars inside "" literally CAIN B,"@" JRST PRSPT4 ; Start of domain CAIN B,":" JRST PRSPT5 ; End of source-route ; ********** ; Crock to cope with senders who think the source-route ends with comma instead of colon: CAIN B,"," ; Comma SKIPE -2(P) ; And source-route in progress? JRST PRSPT3 ; No, treat as ordinary char PUSH P,A ILDB B,A ; Get char after comma POP P,A CAIE B,"@" ; Start of another domain? JRST PRSPT5 ; No, end of source-route MOVEI B,"," ; Yes, continue with source-route ; ********** PRSPT3: IDPB B,D ; Nothing special. Append to current dest string JRST PRSPT1 ; "@" could be either the start of the mailbox domain or a component of the source-route. PRSPT4: SKIPN -2(P) ; Begun local-part yet? JRST PRSPT3 ; No, still in source-route; continue IDPB B,D ; Yes, put "@" between local-part and domain ; Note that this will remember the position of the last "@" in the mailbox name, which ; will be zapped with null when we are done. This allows for "@" to appear in the ; local-part, even though that's not strictly legal according to the protocol. MOVEM D,-1(P) ; Begin domain JRST PRSPT1 ; ":" terminates the source-route and begins the local-part. PRSPT5: SKIPE -2(P) ; Already have local-part? JRST PRSPTE ; Yes, syntax error SETZ B, ; No, terminate source-route IDPB B,D MOVEM D,-2(P) ; Set start of local-part JRST PRSPT1 ; Here at end of path PRSPT9: SKIPE -2(P) ; Local-part begun yet? TRNE F,QUOTEF ; Outside quotes? JRST PRSPTE ; No, syntax error SETZ B, IDPB B,D ; Terminate destination string SKIPE -1(P) ; Domain begun yet? DPB B,-1(P) ; Yes, terminate local-part by overwriting "@" AOS -3(P) ; Preset skip return PRSPTE: POP P,C ; Return source-route POP P,B ; Return domain POP P,A ; Return local-part POPJ P, ; Parse domain expression ; A/ string ptr to domain expression, terminated by null, comma, or colon ; Returns +1: Syntax error ; +2: Name not found or different root domain from ourselves ; +3: Normal, A/ host number of principal domain element (immediately below root) ; Clobbers A-D ; Parsing rules are as follows (these admit all legal domain expressions, and also ; some illegal ones which nevertheless are quite common): ; If there is precisely one element, or the last element is a domain literal instead ; of a name, then that is the element of interest and is assumed to belong to the ; local root domain. Otherwise (more than one element and the last one is a name), ; if the last element is the local root domain then the next-to-last element is looked ; up as a host name. If the last element is not the local root domain then it is ; looked up as a host name; if this succeeds then the last element is considered to ; be the one of interest and is assumed to belong to the local root domain. PRSDMN: PUSH P,[0] ; No name scanned yet PUSH P,[0] ; No host number corresponding to it PUSH P,A ; Save start of string currently being considered ; Here to consider next domain element ; -2(P) string ptr to start of preceding element, if one exists and is a name (0 = none) ; -1(P) host number from preceding element if it was a domain literal (0 = none) ; 0(p) string ptr to start of next element PRSD00: MOVE A,0(P) ILDB C,A ; Get first char CAIN C,"[" JRST PRSD10 ; Domain literal of form "[a.b.c.d]" CAIN C,"#" JRST PRSD20 ; Domain literal of form "#n" JRST PRSD02 ; Start of name ; Domain name PRSD01: ILDB C,A ; Scan for end PRSD02: CAIN C,"." ; End of element (with more to come)? JRST [ EXCH A,0(P) ; Yes, save new start MOVEM A,-2(P) ; Save start of element just scanned SETZM -1(P) ; Previous domain literal no longer relevant JRST PRSD00] ; Consider next element CAIE C,"," ; End of entire domain? CAIN C,":" CAIA ; Yes JUMPN C,PRSD01 ; No, continue ; Reached end of domain expression, and final (or only) element was a name. SKIPN -2(P) ; Was there a previous element (name or literal)? SKIPE -1(P) JRST PRSD04 ; Yes EXCH A,0(P) ; No, save current point and get start of this element MOVEM A,-2(P) ; Say this is the one of interest JRST PRSD06 ; Bypass local root domain check ; Assume element just scanned is the root domain. See if it is the local root domain PRSD04: PUSH P,A ; Save position PUSH P,C ; Save terminator SETZ C, ; Temporarily zap with null DPB C,A MOVE A,-2(P) ; See if it is the local root domain HRROI B,ROTDMN PUSHJ P,NAMCHK TDZA B,B ; No SETO B, ; Yes POP P,C POP P,A DPB C,A ; Restore terminator JUMPN B,PRSD06 ; If local root domain, look up previous element as host name ; Last element is not the local root domain. Look it up as a host name; if this ; succeeds then it is the host name of interest. EXCH A,0(P) ; Save current position, get start of name just scanned MOVEM A,-2(P) ; Put it in position to be looked up SETZM -1(P) ; Previous literal no longer relevant ; Look up previous element as host name of interest. PRSD06: SKIPE -1(P) ; Was it a domain literal? JRST PRSD93 ; Yes, done LDB C,0(P) ; Save terminator PUSH P,C SETZ C, ; Temporarily zap with null DPB C,-1(P) MOVEI A,.GTHSN ; Translate name to number MOVE B,-3(P) GTHST SETZ C, ; Failed POP P,B ; Restore terminator DPB B,0(P) MOVEM C,-1(P) ; Save result JRST PRSD93 ; Return +3 if succeeded, +2 if failed ; Parse domain literal of form "[a.b.c.d]" PRSD10: SETZ D, PRSD11: MOVEI C,↑D10 NIN JRST PRSD91 ; Syntax error, return +1 CAIL B,0 CAIL B,↑D256 JRST PRSD91 LSH D,↑D8 IORI D,0(B) LDB B,A CAIN B,"." JRST PRSD11 CAIN B,"]" TLNE D,(17B3) JRST PRSD91 ILDB B,A ; Skip over "]" JRST PRSD30 ; Parse domain literal of form "#n" PRSD20: MOVEI C,↑D10 NIN JRST PRSD91 MOVE D,B TLNE D,(17B3) JRST PRSD91 ; End of domain literal; current string ptr in A, host number in D. PRSD30: JUMPE D,PRSD91 ; Zero is illegal MOVEM D,-1(P) ; Save host number SETZM -2(P) ; No previous string MOVEM A,0(P) ; Current point LDB C,A ; Get terminator JUMPE C,PRSD93 ; Jump if end of string CAIE C,"," CAIN C,":" JRST PRSD93 ; End of string, success JRST PRSD00 ; Back around to parse next element PRSD93: SKIPE A,-1(P) ; Get answer AOS -3(P) ; Return +3 PRSD92: AOS -3(P) ; Return +2 PRSD91: SUB P,[3,,3] POPJ P, ; Check for existence of local mailbox ; B/ String ptr to recipient name ; Returns +1: Doesn't exist ; +2: Exists ; Clobbers A-C, TEMP buffer CKLMBX: MOVSI A,(1B0+1B2+1B8+1B17) ; Output, old file, ign deleted PUSHJ P,GTJMBX ; Get JFN for mailbox POPJ P, MOVE B,[1,,1] ; Is alleged mailbox permanent? MOVEI C,C GTFDB RLJFN PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## SKIPL MBXIDX ; Is context Retrieve? TLNE C,(1B1) ; No, is alleged mailbox permanent? JRST SKPRET## ; Yes or yes, allow POPJ P, ; No, disallow delivery of new mail ; Get JFN for local mailbox ; A/ GTJFN flags ; B/ String ptr to recipient name ; Returns +1: Doesn't exist, A/ error code ; +2: Exists, A/ JFN ; Clobbers A-C, TEMP buffer GTJMBX: HLLM A,0(P) ; Save GTJFN flags TLC B,-1 TLCN B,-1 HRLI B,(POINT 7) MOVE A,[POINT 7,TEMP] ; Make mailbox filename MOVEI C,"<" GTJMB1: IDPB C,A ILDB C,B ; Copy recipient name thru "." or null CAIE C,"." JUMPN C,GTJMB1 PUSH P,A SETZ C, IDPB C,A HRROI A,TEMP ; Disallow System HRROI B,[ASCIZ /<SYSTEM/] PUSHJ P,NAMCHK CAIA JRST [MOVEI A,GJFX24 ; Fake error code SUB P,[1,,1] POPJ P,] POP P,A UWRITE A,[ASCIZ />MESSAGE.TXT;1/] HLLZ A,0(P) ; Recover GTJFN flags HRROI B,TEMP GTJFN ; See if it exists POPJ P, ; No JRST SKPRET## ; Yes ; Check registry name ; A/ string ptr to registry name ; Returns +1: Error, illegal registry ; +2: Non-local registry ; +3: Local registry ; Clobbers A-D CHKREG: TLC A,-1 TLCN A,-1 HRLI A,(POINT 7) PUSH P,A ; Save start of registry name HRROI B,LCLREG ; Is it the local registry? PUSHJ P,NAMCHK JRST CHKRE3 ; No POP P,A ; Yes, return +3 JRST SK2RET## CHKRE3: POP P,A MOVE B,[1B0+2B17+C] ; Try to parse tail as Pup address expression PUPNM JRST [ CAIN A,PUPNX7 ; Failed, because no name lookup server responded? JRST SKPRET## ; Yes, accept as non-local registry name POPJ P,] ; No, reject TRNE C,-1 ; Real host address? CAIE D,7 ; Real mail registry (socket 7)? POPJ P, ; No, illegal MOVE B,LCLHPT## ; Yes, compare with local host address(es) CAMN C,0(B) JRST SK2RET## ; Local registry, return +3 AOBJN B,.-2 JRST SKPRET## ; Non-local registry, return +2 ; Compare names ; A/ one string pointer ; B/ another string pointer ; Returns +1: not equal ; +2: equal ; Case differences are ignored ; In not equal case, A and B point to first non-matching characters. ; In equal case, A and B point to trailing nulls. NAMCHK: PUSH P,C PUSH P,D TLC A,-1 ; Convert -1 lh to string ptr TLCN A,-1 HRLI A,(POINT 7) TLC B,-1 TLCN B,-1 HRLI B,(POINT 7) NAMCH1: ILDB C,A ; Get chars to compare ILDB D,B CAIE C,(D) ; Try exact match first JRST [ XORI C,40 ; Not equal, try flipping case CAIE C,(D) ; Now equal? JRST NAMCH2 ; No, definitely a mismatch TRZ C,40 ; Maybe, see if alphabetic CAIL C,"A" CAILE C,"Z" JRST NAMCH2 ; No, fail JRST NAMCH1] ; Yes, continue JUMPN C,NAMCH1 ; Exact match, end? AOS -2(P) ; Yes, preset skip return NAMCH2: POP P,D POP P,C POPJ P, ; Initialize hash table ; Returns +1 ; Clobbers A INIHSH: SETZM HSHTAB MOVE A,[HSHTAB,,HSHTAB+1] BLT A,HSHTAB+LHSHTB-1 MOVEI A,HOVTAB MOVEM A,HOVFRE POPJ P, ; Insert string into hash table ; A/ pointer to name (ASCIZ, starts at word boundary) ; Returns +1: Duplicate name ; +2: Normal (not duplicate) ; Note: upon +2 return, hash table retains pointer to string passed in A, ; so caller must not modify it thereafter. ; Clobbers A-D INSHSH: HRLM A,0(P) ; Save name ptr HRLI A,(POINT 7) SETZ B, INSHS1: ILDB C,A ; Hash all characters of name JUMPE C,INSHS2 ANDCMI C,40 ; Hash function insensitive to case ADDI B,0(C) ; Add and cycle ROT B,1 JRST INSHS1 INSHS2: TLZ B,(1B0) ; Hash done, make sure positive IDIVI B,LHSHTB ; Remainder is HSHTAB probe MOVEI C,HSHTAB(C) SKIPN 0(C) ; Check HSHTAB entry JRST INSHS4 ; Empty, insert new name here ; Non-empty hash table entry. Compare our name with all names in list. INSHS3: HLRO A,0(P) ; Our name HLRO B,0(C) ; Name from list PUSHJ P,NAMCHK ; Compare name strings SKIPA D,C ; Not equal POPJ P, ; Return +1: duplicate HRRZ C,0(C) ; Next entry in list JUMPN C,INSHS3 ; Jump if there is one ; Did not match any name in list. Append new name to end. ; D points to last existing entry in list. MOVE C,HOVFRE ; Allocate cell in overflow table AOS HOVFRE HRRM C,0(D) ; Append cell to last entry INSHS4: HLRZ A,0(P) ; Put pointer to name in new cell HRLZM A,0(C) JRST SKPRET## ; Return +2: normal ; Miscellaneous server routines called from top fork in PUPSRV.MAC ; Mail check MAICHK::HRLM A,0(P) ; Save request type HRROI A,TEMP+100 ; Where to put name string MOVEI B,PBCONT(PB) ; Where to get it from HRLI B,(POINT 8) LDB C,PUPLEN ; Compute # of Pup content bytes MOVNI C,-MNPLEN(C) JUMPE C,MAICHF SOUT HRROI A,TEMP+100 ; Check for local registry PUSHJ P,CKLREG JRST MAICHF ; Not local, fail HRROI B,TEMP+100 ; Where to get user name from MOVSI A,(1B2+1B17) ; Old file, name from string PUSHJ P,GTJMBX ; Get JFN for mailbox file JRST [ CAIL A,GJFX18 ; Not there, see why CAILE A,GJFX21 CAIN A,GJFX24 JRST NOMAIL ; File not found error, just say no new mail JRST MAICHF] ; Syntax error or no such dir, complain MOVE B,[25,,0] ; Ok, read the FDB MOVEI C,TEMP GTFDB RLJFN ; Get rid of the JFN PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## HLRZ A,0(P) ; Get request type CAIN A,214 ; Laurel variant? JRST [ SKIPN TEMP+12 ; Yes, just check for non-emptiness JRST NOMAIL MOVEI B,MNPLEN ; Don't do time/user stuff -- DPB B,PUPLEN ; just send empty reply Pup JRST OKMAI1] MOVE B,TEMP+14 ; Msg variant, get write date/time CAMG B,TEMP+15 ; Written later than read? JRST NOMAIL ; No ; New mail exists OKMAIL: MOVEI A,PBCONT(PB) ; Init byte ptr into packet HRLI A,(POINT 8) HLRZ C,TEMP+6 ; Get last writer dir # WRITE <%2T %3U> ; Write date/time and user into Pup PUSHJ P,ENDPUP## ; Compute and store length OKMAI1: PUSHJ P,SWPPRT## ; Swap source and destination MOVEI A,211 ; Reply Pup Type JRST MAICH2 ; Join common code ; Here if no mail NOMAIL: MOVEI A,MNPLEN ; Minimum length DPB A,PUPLEN PUSHJ P,SWPPRT## ; Swap source and destination MOVEI A,212 ; Pup Type for reply MAICH2: PUSHJ P,SNDPUP## ; Send it out POPJ P, ; Failed HRROI B,TEMP+100 ; Ok, recover user name string TLNE F,(DEBUGF) ; Log only if debugging LOG <Mail Check "%2S" for %1P> POPJ P, ; Here if failed to find mailbox MAICHF: LOG <Mail check "%C" failed for %2P> MOVEI A,213 ; Pup type for Mail Check error HRROI B,[ASCIZ /No such mailbox exists/] JRST REPSTR## ; Send the reply and return ; Authenticate User request ; Pup contains user name and password as two Mesa strings (!!) AUTHUS::PUSHJ P,SAVE1## HRROI A,TEMP ; Transfer user name to temp buffer MOVEI B,PBCONT(PB) HRLI B,(POINT 16) TRZ F,RAISEF PUSHJ P,GMESTR JRST ILLSTR MOVE P1,B ; Save source pointer HRROI A,TEMP ; Check and strip off local registry name PUSHJ P,CKLREG JRST ILLREG ; Illegal SETZ A, ; Convert string to dir number HRROI B,TEMP STDIR CAI ; No such user name JRST [ HRROI B,[ASCIZ /Illegal user name/] JRST AUFAIL] JUMPL A,[HRROI B,[ASCIZ /Files-only directory name not permitted/] JRST AUFAIL] HRLM A,0(P) ; Save dir number HRROI A,TEMP+100 ; Transfer password MOVE B,P1 TRO F,RAISEF ; Raise lower-case letters PUSHJ P,GMESTR JRST ILLSTR HLRZ A,0(P) ; Recover dir number HRLI A,(1B0) ; Just check password HRROI B,TEMP+100 ; Where the password is CNDIR JRST [ HRROI B,[ASCIZ /Incorrect password/] JRST AUFAIL] MOVEI A,MNPLEN ; Ok, set up reply DPB A,PUPLEN PUSHJ P,SWPPRT## MOVEI A,251 ; Positive response type PUSHJ P,SNDPUP## POPJ P, IFN RECPWF,< HLRZ A,0(P) ; Dir number HRROI B,TEMP+100 ; Password PUSHJ P,RECPAS > HRROI A,TEMP TLNE F,(DEBUGF) ; Log only if debugging LOG <Authenticate user "%1S"> POPJ P, ; Error conditions ILLSTR: ELOG <Malformed Mesa string in request Pup from %2P> POPJ P, ILLREG: HRROI B,[ASCIZ /Invalid registry name/] ; B/ string ptr to error message AUFAIL: HRROI A,TEMP LOG <Authenticate "%1S" failed for %2P%/ - %2S> MOVEI A,252 ; Negative response type JRST REPSTR## ; Append string and send Pup ; Validate Recipient request ; Pup contains recipient name as a Mesa string (!!) VALREC::HRROI A,TEMP ; Transfer user name to temp buffer MOVEI B,PBCONT(PB) HRLI B,(POINT 16) TRZ F,RAISEF PUSHJ P,GMESTR JRST ILLSTR HRROI A,TEMP ; Check and strip off local registry name PUSHJ P,CKLREG JRST VALRNO ; Illegal ; Answer "Yes" if recipient is a registered Maxc user -- but don't actually ; look for mailbox, since it could be on the other machine. SETZ A, ; Convert string to dir number HRROI B,TEMP STDIR CAI ; No such user name JRST VRFAIL VALROK: MOVEI A,267 ; Positive response type PUSHJ P,REPNUL## HRROI A,TEMP TLNE F,(DEBUGF) ; Log only if debugging LOG <Validate Recipient "%1S"> POPJ P, ; Here if not a registered Maxc user. Now look in forwarding data base. ; *** For now, punt and return "No" *** VRFAIL: ; Return "No" response VALRNO: HRROI A,TEMP LOG <Validate Recipient "%1S" failed for %2P> MOVEI A,270 ; Negative response type JRST REPNUL## ; Append string and send Pup ; Check recipient name for local registry ; A/ string ptr to recipient name, with optional ".registry" ; Returns +1: error, illegal registry ; +2: normal, ".registry" stripped off if present ; Clobbers A-D CKLREG: TLC A,-1 TLCN A,-1 HRLI A,(POINT 7) ILDB C,A JUMPE C,SKPRET## ; No registry, implicitly local CAIE C,"." JRST .-3 SETZ C, ; Smash with null DPB C,A PUSHJ P,CHKREG ; Ok, check registry name POPJ P, ; Illegal POPJ P, ; Legal but not local JRST SKPRET## ; Local ; Get Mesa string ; A/ Destination string pointer ; B/ 16-bit byte pointer to Mesa string structure ; RAISEF set in F iff lower-case letters are to be raised ; Returns +1: Error, string malformed ; +2: Successful: ; A/ Updated string pointer ; B/ Updated 16-bit byte pointer (advanced past end of Mesa string) ; Clobbers C, D GMESTR: TLC A,-1 ; Convert destination pointer if necessary TLCN A,-1 HRLI A,(POINT 7) ILDB C,B ; Get length CAIL C,0 ; Ensure in range CAILE C,↑D39 POPJ P, ILDB D,B ; Get maxLength TRNE D,1 ; Force it to be even ADDI D,1 CAIL D,0 ; Ensure in range CAILE D,↑D40 POPJ P, SUB D,C ; Compute maxLength-length JUMPL D,CPOPJ## ; Ensure length <= maxLength HRLM D,0(P) ; Save maxLength-length TLC B,(30B11) ; Convert source pointer to 8-bit bytes JUMPE C,GMEST2 ; In case empty string GMEST1: ILDB D,B ; Get a byte CAIL D,"a" ; Lower-case? CAILE D,"z" JRST .+3 ; No TRNE F,RAISEF ; Yes, want to raise it? SUBI D,40 ; Yes, do so IDPB D,A ; Store in destination string SOJG C,GMEST1 ; Repeat for all GMEST2: MOVE D,A ; Store null at end IDPB C,D HLRZ D,0(P) ; Recover maxLength-length JUMPE D,.+3 IBP B ; Advance source pointer to maxLength SOJG D,.-1 TLC B,(30B11) ; Convert back to 16-bit bytes JRST SKPRET## ; Return +2 IFN RECPWF,< ; Password-recording hack ; Initialize password-recording file ; Returns +1 ; Clobbers A, B ; Password file format: password for directory number i is stored ; as an ASCIZ string starting at byte position 40*i in the file. INIPAS: MOVSI A,(1B0+1B17) HRROI B,[ASCIZ /<SYSTEM>PUPSRV.PAS;1;P770000/] GTJFN POPJ P, MOVEM A,PASJFN MOVE B,[7B5+1B19+1B20+1B25] ; R+W, thawed OPENF JRST [ MOVE A,PASJFN RLJFN PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## SETZM PASJFN POPJ P,] POPJ P, ; Record password ; A/ directory number ; B/ string ptr to password ; Returns +1 always ; Clobbers A-C RECPAS::SKIPN PASJFN POPJ P, PUSH P,B MOVE B,A IMULI B,↑D40 MOVE A,PASJFN SFPTR PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## POP P,B SETZ C, SOUT POPJ P, GS PASJFN > ; End IFN RECPWF ; Initialize mail server ; Returns +1 INIMLS::MOVEI A,.GTHSZ ; Get local Arpanet host number GTHST SETZ D, MOVEM D,LHOSTN ; Remember it TLNN F,(ENABLF) ; Are we the system server? POPJ P, ; No, nothing to do MOVSI A,(1B2+1B17) ; Look for <SYSTEM>MAILER.FLAGS HRROI B,[ASCIZ /<SYSTEM>MAILER.FLAGS;1/] GTJFN JRST INIML9 ; Failed MOVE C,A MOVEI B,1B19+1B20+1B25 ; R+W, thawed OPENF JRST INIML8 ; Failed MOVSI A,0(A) ; JFN ,, page 0 MOVEI B,MFLAGS LSH B,-9 HRLI B,400000 ; This fork ,, page number MOVSI C,(1B2+1B3) ; R+W PMAP ; Map flag page into this fork INIMLX: IFN RECPWF,< PUSHJ P,INIPAS > POPJ P, ; Failures INIML8: EXCH A,C RLJFN PUSHJ P,SCREWUP## MOVE A,C INIML9: ELOG <Failed to open <SYSTEM>MAILER.FLAGS%/ - %1J> JRST INIMLX ; Local registry name -- Maxc is a repository for mailboxes in this registry, ; even though Maxc may not be a member of this registry according ; to the name lookup data base. LCLREG: ASCIZ /PA/ ; ARPA registry names (ArpaGateway and aliases) ARPRGS: -2 ,, .+1 POINT 7,[ASCIZ /ArpaGateway/] POINT 7,[ASCIZ /AG/] ; Mail forwarding host name (i.e., Grapevine) FWDHST: ASCIZ /GV/ ; Root of local ARPA Internet domain ROTDMN: ASCIZ /ARPA/ ; Storage LS MBXFRK ; Fork handle for mailbox finder LS MBXLEN ; Length of mailbox LS MBXPGN ; Current page number LS MBXCNT ; Byte count LS MBXBYT ; Byte pointer LS DATREC ; Date received LS MSGLEN ; Length of message in bytes LS MSGFLG ; Message flags in stamp LS NDELIV ; Number of copies delivered LS NQUEUE ; Number of copies queued LS NDUPLI ; Number of duplicate copies suppressed LS QUEJFN ; JFN for [--UNDISTRIBUTED-MAIL--] file LS QUEPTR ; File pointer to start of current message LS ARCJFN ; JFN for MESSAGE.ARCHIVE file ; Temps during recipient name parsing LS LCLPRT ; Local-prt LS DOMAIN ; Domain LS SRCROU ; Source-route GS LHOSTN ; Local Arpanet host number ; Mailbox (recipient) list: ; MBXTAB format: flags ,, pointer ; B0 => must queue message for this recipient ; B1 => mailbox exception ; RH: pointer to recipient name or mailbox exception text (ASCIZ string) LS MBXFRE ; -> first free word in MBXBUF LS MBXIDX ; Current mailbox index LS MBXTAB,LMBXTB ; Table of pointers to mailbox names LSP MBXBUF,<LMBXTB*20>/1000 ; Storage for names and Mailbox-exception text ; Hash table, for duplicate elimination: ; HSHTAB is primary table, HOVTAB is overflow table. ; HSHTAB or HOVTAB entry format: ; pointer to name string ,, pointer to (next) overflow entry (0 => none) LS HOVFRE ; -> first free entry in HOVTAB LS HSHTAB,LHSHTB ; Hash table LS HOVTAB,LMBXTB ; Hash overflow table GSP MFLAGS ; Page mapped into <SYSTEM>MAILER.FLAGS END