// Standard PRESS file definitions // William Newman 4-24-75 manifest [ PressPasswd=27183 // Press password ] // Structures // DDV used to access PRddir -- PR file document directory structure DDV: [ Passwd word // password=27183 nRecs word // total no of records in PR file nParts word // no of parts pdStart word // where part directory begins pdRecs word // no of records Backp word // back pointer date word 2 fCopy word // first copy to print lCopy word // last copy to print fPage word lPage word SoftScan word //$s or $S if SoftScan requested (no ORbit) spare3 word 115 //To close out first 128 words FileStr word 26 //File name string CreatStr word 16 //Creator string DateStr word 20 //Date string ] // PE is used to read part entries structure PE: [ Type word //Various types pStart word //Record number where begins pRecs word // number of Records in this part Padding word //Padding amounts ] manifest [ PETypeFile=2 //directory of other files needed PETypeFont=1 PETypePage=0 //Part type codes. ] // FE used to read Font Directory entries structure FE: [ length word // length of entry set bit 8 fno bit 8 destm bit 8 // first char code destn bit 8 // last fam word 10 // name string face bit 8 source bit 8 // first char siz word rotn word ] manifest [ FElen=size FE/16 ] // EH used to access Entity Header (now called Trailer) structure EH: [ Type bit 8 // entity type Fontset bit 8 // font set Dstart word 2 // byte address of data Dlength word 2 // byte length of data Xe word // origin x Ye word // y Xleft word // lh corner Ybottom word Width word Height word Length word // length in words of entity ] manifest [ // Entity (EL) command defs EShowShort=0 ESkipShort=#40 EShowSkip=#100 ESpaceXShort=#140 ESpaceYShort=#150 EFont=#160 EShortMax=#177 //Max code with short encoding ESkipControlImmediate=#353 EAlternative=#354 EOnlyOnCopy=#355 ESetX=#356 ESetY=#357 EShow=#360 ESkip=#361 ESkipControl=#362 EShowImmediate=#363 ESpaceX=#364 ESpaceY=#365 EResetSpace=#366 ESpace=#367 ESetBright=#370 ESetHue=#371 ESetSat=#372 EShowObject=#373 EShowDots=#374 EShowDotsOpaque=#375 EShowRectangle=#376 ENop=#377 //DL command definitions DDotCode=#400 //Dots operators DDotWindow=1 DDotMode=#1000 DDotSize=2 DDotsFollow=3 DDotsFromFile=4 DDotsFromPressFile=5 DSampleProps=6 SSPInputIntensity=0 SSPOutputIntensity=1 SSPScreen=2 SSPDot=3 DMoveTo=0 //Graphics operators DDrawTo=1 DDrawCurve=2 ]