// FONTPASS Definitions.... // modified by PolleZ and Swinehart, August 27, 1984 3:27 PM, // FPREQ.sn field enlarged -- version 5.1. structure PRESSFE: [ //Font entry set byte //Font set font byte //Font number [ m byte //Beginning char code n byte ] //Ending char code = mn word famly word //Font family name famcontd word 9 [ face byte //Font face code source byte ] // Use chars m+source to n+source from font = facesource word siz word //Size (-=micas;+=points) rotation word //Rotation, minutes ] structure SET: [ font^0,15 word //Table of FONTs in the Font Set. ] structure FONT: [ segments word //List of FPREQ's sharable bit //True if font can be shared. indirect bit //True if indirect pointer (auxset) spare bit 14 [ @FDES ] //Font set block for file. = [ fs word (size FDES/16) ] ] structure REQHeader: [ //FPREQ and CPREQ have them next word //To chain on a list... type byte //Type of piece request score bit 7 //Goodness of match named bit //True if rfam installed. [ rm byte //"Requested" m,n (analogs of bc,ec) rn byte ] = rmn word ] structure FPREQ: [ //Font piece request (similar to IX) @REQHeader //Joint stuff. rfam byte //"Requested" parameters blank byte sn word //"serial number" of characters found rfamly word 10 [ rface byte rsource byte ] = rfacesource word rsiz word rrotation word @IX //Closest match ] structure CREQ: [ //"Character" request (FontPartCharacter) @REQHeader len word //Length of encoding. pos: @FPOS //File position of encoding. widths: @CharWidth //Width information ] manifest [ //"Types" for FPREQ and CREQ FontPartCharacter=12 //For FPREQ.type // others are IXTypeChars and IXTypeSplines Standard=13 //Chars or splines, but unassigned. Converted=14 //Has been scan-converted.. ]