// PressParams.df -- Definitions of parameters for PRESS/3100 printer.
// modified by Ramshaw, January 30, 1982, upped nBandSegmentsMax to 150
// modified by Ramshaw, January 15, 1982, upped syncInfinity to 64K-2
// modified by Williams, April 21, 1981, upped nBandSegmentsMax from 60 to 100
// modified by Ramshaw, 4/6/81, upped nDotsRegionsB from 30 to 120

manifest [
//"Hard" decisions:
	BANDWidth=16		//If this changes, watch out!
	LogBANDWidth=4		//    ...

//Performance-related things:
	BANDInCoreSize=10000	//Size of core buffer during prescan
	nBandSegmentsMax=150	//Max number of disk buffers of above size
	nMaxMergeInputs=8	//Number of band disk buffers to merge at once
	nObjectIntersections=BANDWidth*100	//Max complexity of objects
	nCharsHash=256		//Char hash table: must be power of 2
	FontStoreSize=10000	//Core devoted to fonts during scan-conversion.
	ScanSpaceReclaim=10	// SSR/10 is amount of core to get above
				// and beyond what is needed for a char
	nWTCBSlots=6		//Max number of fonts in core at once.
	syncInfinity=-2  //value of synch for end of bands list for BEEndH

//Dots stuff during scan conversion
	nDotsRegionsB=120	//Max number of dots regions along scanline
	nDotsBuffers=4		//Max number of dots buffers in scan conversion
	lTempSL=1600		//Buffer for dots input data

//Press file things that are here to avoid reading pressfile.df incessantly
	PressRecordSize=256	//Definition of "record"

	MeterSw=false		//Do metering.
	ReportSw=true		//Reporting over Ethernet