// Disks.D -- Common definitions for Disk Objects
// These are implemented by, among others, the BFS and TFS packages.
// Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979
// Last modified July 13, 1979  3:42 PM by Taft

structure DSK:		// The structure for the disk object
// Note that the generic operations have various other things intermixed
// with them.  This is an historical artifact and can't be changed without
// invalidating a lot of existing programs.
// Generic operations:
ActOnDiskPages	word	// (disk, CAs, DAs, fp, firstPage, lastPage, action,
			//  lvNumChars, lastAction, fixedCA, cleanupRoutine,
			//  errorRtn)
WriteDiskPages	word	// (disk, CAs, DAs, fp, firstPage, lastPage,
			//  lastAction, lvNumChars, lastNumChars, fixedCA,
			//  nil, errorRtn)

CreateDiskFile	word	// (disk, name, fp, dirFp, word1, old)
DeleteDiskPages	word	// (disk, CA, firstDA, fp, firstPage)

AssignDiskPage	word	// (disk, virtualDA)
ReleaseDiskPage	word	// (disk, virtualDA)

VirtualDiskDA	word	// (disk, lvRealDA)
RealDiskDA	word	// (disk, virtualDA, lvRealDA)
fpSysDir	word	// -> FP for directory
InitializeDiskCBZ word	// (disk, cbz, firstPage, length, retry, errorRtn)
DoDiskCommand	word	// (disk, cb, ca, da, fp, page, action, nextCb)
fpWorkingDir	word	// -> FP for working directory
nameWorkingDir	word	// -> string name of working dir.
lnPageSize	word	// ln (base 2) of page size in words
GetDiskCb	word	// (disk, cbz, dontClear, returnIfNoCb)
CloseDisk	word	// (disk, dontFree)
blank		word	// spare for another operation
diskKd		word	// -> KD (header only)
fpDiskDescriptor word	// -> FP for disk descriptor
driveNumber	word	// which drive working on (0, 1, ...)
retryCount	word	// number of retries to attempt
totalErrors	word	// error count
lengthCBZ	word	// length of the fixed portion of a CBZ
lengthCB	word	// length of each CB
// Disk implementations put additional stuff here.
// CBZ: format of a zone used to transfer disk sectors -- manipulated by
// the InitializeDiskCBZ, DoDiskCommand, and GetDiskCb operations.
// *=initialized by InitializeCbStorage; everything else is zeroed.
structure CBZ:
length word		// *
disk word		// * -> DSK
client word = DAs word	// for client use (e.g., -> client data structure)
cleanupRoutine word	// * (disk, cb, cbz) set to Noop by InitializeDiskCBZ
currentPage word	// * set only by InitializeCbStorage
nextDA word =		// set by GetCb upon normal command completion
   errorDA word		// set by GetCb on error
errorRtn word		// *
retry word		// *
currentNumChars word
normalWakeups word
errorWakeups word
errorCount word
queueHead word		// * -> head for backward compatibility
head word		// * -> first CB on queue (0 = empty)
tail word		// * -> last CB on queue
// Disk implementations may put additional stuff here.
// CBs follow, but in an implementation-dependent manner.

// Virtual disk addresses with special meaning:
eofDA = -1			// End of file
fillInDA = -2			// Unknown DA

// Disk actions (all have some "magic" bits to avoid accidents):
diskMagic = 153000b		// High order bits.

// Fields not explicitly mentioned are "checked":
DCreadHLD = 0 + diskMagic	// Read header,label,data
DCreadLD = 1 + diskMagic	// Read label,data
DCreadD = 2 + diskMagic		// Read data

DCwriteHLD = 3 + diskMagic	// Write header,label,data
DCwriteLD = 4 + diskMagic	// Write label,data
DCwriteD = 5 + diskMagic	// Write data

DCseekOnly = 6 + diskMagic	// Just seek to spot
DCdoNothing = 7 + diskMagic	// No-op

// Some disks provide other (device dependent) commands too.