// BcplFiles.d -- Bcpl-related file formats
// Copyright Xerox Corporation 1979
// Last modified December 21, 1978  4:07 AM by Boggs

structure BLV:		// layout vector passed to the program on startup
overlayAddress ↑ 0, 25 word
startOfStatics word	// address of first static
endOfStatics word	// address of last static
startOfCode word	// address of first word of code
afterLastCodeWord word	// 1 + largest address at which code is
			// loaded (normally endCode is the
			// same, and the system treats that
			// value as the end of the program)
endCode word		// first location which may be used for 
			// data; used by the system to set
			// EndCode
relPairTable word	// /I switch -address in code
			// area for table
manifest lBLV = size BLV/16

structure SV:		// format of an Alto RUN (save) file
   [			// header
   startingAddress word	// initial value for PC. Loader sets 
			// this to SV.BLV.startOfCode
   length word		// # full pages up to afterLastCodeWord
   type word		// should be 0 for an ordinary
			// save file
   nStaticLinks word	// # static links after afterLastCodeWord
   blank ↑ 2, 11 word
BLV @BLV		// Bcpl layout vector
page0 ↑ 0, #277 word	// The first #16 words are 
			// ignored; the rest are used to set	
			// words #16 to #277 of memory
statics ↑ 0, 0 word	// actually there are (BLV.endOfStatics-
			// BLV.startOfStatics + 1) words here
code ↑ 0, 0 word	// actually there are (BLV.endCode- 
			// BLV.startOfCode) words here
end word
structure BBHeader:	// header of .BB overlay file or file segment
codeLoc word		// PC of first code word, controlled by /P
codeLength word		// # code words in overlay
type word		// 0 for /A, 1 for /B
relPairTable word	// FILE word location of relocation table
fileLength word		// file or segment length, in words
overlayPage word	// (alto page #)-1 of this disk page
blank↑#6,#17 word	// reserved
manifest lBBHeader = size BBHeader/16

structure SYmsHeader:	// header of .SYMS file
version word 1		// version of BLDR that loaded
fileLength word 1	// in words
namesAddr word		// file word location of name strings
symsAddr word		// location of static symbol descriptions
brFilesAddr word	// location of .BR file descriptions
binFilesAddr word	// location of .RUN and .BB file descrips
blank↑#6,#17 word	// reserved
manifest lSYmsHeader = size SYmsHeader/16