<<-- TapeStreamsImpl.mesa>> <<-- last edited by Tim Diebert: April 29, 1985 12:40:07 pm PDT>> <<-- Copyright © 1984, Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.>> <> DIRECTORY IO USING [CreateStream, CreateStreamProcs, EndOfStream, Error, STREAM, StreamProcs], IOUtils USING [StoreProc, LookupProc], PrincOpsUtils USING [ByteBlt], Rope USING [ROPE], TapeOps USING [BackSpaceFile, ErrorCode, GetStatus, maxBufferLength, ReadRecord, TapeHandle, TapeStatus, TapeOpsError, Unload, WriteFileMark, WriteRecord], TapeStreams; TapeStreamsImpl: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS IO, IOUtils, PrincOpsUtils, TapeOps EXPORTS TapeStreams SHARES IO = BEGIN OPEN TapeStreams; ROPE: TYPE ~ Rope.ROPE; STREAM: TYPE ~ IO.STREAM; defaultProc: PUBLIC TapeRecordProc = {RETURN}; Error: PUBLIC ERROR [error: ErrorDesc] = CODE; StreamOpen: PUBLIC PROC [tape: TapeOps.TapeHandle, access: AccessOptions _ read, blocking: NAT _ 80, padding: FillBlockOptions _ blanks, conversions: ConversionList _ NIL, tapeRecordProc: TapeRecordProc _ NIL, clientData: REF ANY _ NIL] RETURNS[stream: IO.STREAM] = BEGIN ENABLE TapeOps.TapeOpsError => ProduceError[ec, code]; streamProcs: REF IO.StreamProcs; s: TapeStreamState _ NEW[TapeStreamStateRec]; IF blocking >= TapeOps.maxBufferLength THEN ERROR Error[ [user, "A blocking has been specified larger than the tape server can handle"]]; IF access = write THEN BEGIN status: TapeOps.TapeStatus _ tape.GetStatus[]; IF status[FPT] THEN ERROR Error[[user, "Tape is write protected!"]]; END; s.padding _ padding; s.blockSize _ blocking; s.tapeRecordProc _ tapeRecordProc; s.clientData _ clientData; s.access _ access; s.tapeHandle _ tape; s.index _ 0; s.lastBufferIndexPlusOne _ s.blockSize; s.buffer _ NEW[TEXT[TapeOps.maxBufferLength]]; s.eof _ FALSE; SELECT s.access FROM read => streamProcs _ IO.CreateStreamProcs[class: $TapeStream, variety: input, getChar: GetChar, getBlock: GetBlock, endOf: EndOf, close: Close]; write => BEGIN streamProcs _ IO.CreateStreamProcs[class: $TapeStream, variety: output, putChar: PutChar, putBlock: PutBlock, flush: Flush, close: Close]; IOUtils.StoreProc[streamProcs, $FlushBlock, NEW[FlushBlockProc _ FlushBlock]]; END; ENDCASE => ERROR; stream _ IO.CreateStream[streamProcs, s]; FOR c: TapeStreams.ConversionList _ conversions, c.rest WHILE c#NIL DO p: Conversion = c.first^.proc; ra: REF ANY = c.first^.clientData; stream _ p[stream, ra]; SELECT s.access FROM read => IF stream.streamProcs.variety = output THEN ERROR IO.Error[NotImplementedForThisStream, stream]; write => IF stream.streamProcs.variety = input THEN ERROR IO.Error[NotImplementedForThisStream, stream]; ENDCASE => NULL; ENDLOOP; END; <> PutChar: PROC[self: IO.STREAM, char: CHAR] = BEGIN s: TapeStreamState _ NARROW[self.streamData]; s.writing _ TRUE; IF s.index >= s.lastBufferIndexPlusOne THEN StoreBuffer[s]; s.buffer[s.index] _ char; s.index _ s.index + 1; END; -- of PutTapeChar PutBlock: PROC [self: IO.STREAM, block: REF READONLY TEXT, startIndex: NAT _ 0, count: NAT _ LAST[NAT]] = BEGIN s: TapeStreamState _ NARROW[self.streamData]; count _ MIN[count, block.length]; s.writing _ TRUE; UNTIL count = 0 DO bufferChars, bytesToPut: CARDINAL; IF s.index >= s.lastBufferIndexPlusOne THEN StoreBuffer[s]; bufferChars _ s.lastBufferIndexPlusOne - s.index; bytesToPut _ MIN[count, bufferChars]; TRUSTED BEGIN [] _ PrincOpsUtils.ByteBlt[ to: [ (LOOPHOLE[s.buffer, LONG POINTER] + SIZE[TEXT[0]]), s.index, s.index + bytesToPut ], from: [ (LOOPHOLE[block, LONG POINTER] + SIZE[TEXT[0]]), startIndex, startIndex+bytesToPut ] ]; END; s.index _ s.index + bytesToPut; count _ count - bytesToPut; startIndex _ startIndex + bytesToPut; ENDLOOP; END; -- of PutTapeBlock GetChar: PROC[self: IO.STREAM] RETURNS [char: CHAR] = BEGIN s: TapeStreamState _ NARROW[self.streamData]; IF NOT s.firstRecordRead THEN BEGIN [s.eof, s.buffer] _ s.tapeHandle.ReadRecord[s.buffer ! TapeOps.TapeOpsError => ProduceError[ec, code]]; s.lastBufferIndexPlusOne _ s.buffer.length; s.firstRecordRead _ TRUE; END; IF s.eof THEN ERROR IO.EndOfStream[self]; char _ s.buffer[s.index]; s.index _ s.index + 1; IF s.index >= s.lastBufferIndexPlusOne THEN BEGIN LoadBuffer[s]; IF s.index = -1 THEN s.eof _ TRUE; END; RETURN[char]; END; -- of GetTapeChar GetBlock: PROC [self: IO.STREAM, block: REF TEXT, startIndex: NAT _ 0, count: NAT _ LAST[NAT]] RETURNS[nBytesRead: NAT] = BEGIN s: TapeStreamState _ NARROW[self.streamData]; IF NOT s.firstRecordRead THEN BEGIN [s.eof, s.buffer] _ s.tapeHandle.ReadRecord[s.buffer ! TapeOps.TapeOpsError => ProduceError[ec, code]]; s.lastBufferIndexPlusOne _ s.buffer.length; s.firstRecordRead _ TRUE; END; IF s.eof THEN RETURN [0]; count _ MIN[count, block.maxLength - startIndex]; nBytesRead _ 0; UNTIL count = 0 DO bufferChars, bytesToGet: CARDINAL; IF s.index >= s.lastBufferIndexPlusOne THEN BEGIN LoadBuffer[s]; IF s.index = -1 THEN { s.eof _ TRUE; RETURN [nBytesRead]; }; END; bufferChars _ s.lastBufferIndexPlusOne - s.index; bytesToGet _ MIN[count, bufferChars]; TRUSTED BEGIN [] _ PrincOpsUtils.ByteBlt[ to: [ (LOOPHOLE[block, LONG POINTER] + SIZE[TEXT[0]]), startIndex, startIndex+bytesToGet ], from: [ (LOOPHOLE[s.buffer, LONG POINTER] + SIZE[TEXT[0]]), s.index, s.index + bytesToGet ] ]; END; s.index _ s.index + bytesToGet; count _ count - bytesToGet; startIndex _ startIndex + bytesToGet; nBytesRead _ nBytesRead + bytesToGet; ENDLOOP; END; -- of GetTapeBlock Close: PROC[self: IO.STREAM, abort: BOOL _ FALSE] = BEGIN s: TapeStreamState _ NARROW[self.streamData]; IF self.streamProcs = NIL THEN RETURN; IF s.writing THEN BEGIN Flush[self]; s.status _ s.tapeHandle.WriteFileMark[ ! TapeOps.TapeOpsError => ProduceError[ec, code]]; IF s.tapeRecordProc # NIL THEN s.tapeRecordProc[s.clientData]; s.status _ s.tapeHandle.WriteFileMark[ ! TapeOps.TapeOpsError => ProduceError[ec, code]]; s.status _ s.tapeHandle.BackSpaceFile[ ! TapeOps.TapeOpsError => ProduceError[ec, code]]; END; IF abort THEN s.status _ s.tapeHandle.Unload[ ! TapeOps.TapeOpsError => ProduceError[ec, code]]; s.clientData _ NIL; END; -- of Close EndOf: PUBLIC PROC[self: IO.STREAM] RETURNS [BOOL] = BEGIN s: TapeStreamState _ NARROW[self.streamData]; IF NOT s.firstRecordRead THEN BEGIN [s.eof, s.buffer, s.status] _ s.tapeHandle.ReadRecord[s.buffer ! TapeOps.TapeOpsError => ProduceError[ec, code]]; s.lastBufferIndexPlusOne _ s.buffer.length; s.firstRecordRead _ TRUE; END; RETURN [s.eof]; END; Flush: PUBLIC PROC [ self: IO.STREAM ] = BEGIN s: TapeStreamState = NARROW[self.streamData]; fb: FlushBlockProc = NARROW[IOUtils.LookupProc[self, $FlushBlock], REF FlushBlockProc]^; fb[self: self, padChar: (IF s.padding = blanks THEN ' ELSE '\000), truncate: s.padding = truncate]; END; FlushBlock: PROC [ self: IO.STREAM, padChar: CHAR _ '\000, bytesRequired: INT _ LAST[INT], truncate: BOOL _ FALSE ] -- TapeStreams.FlushBlockProc -- = BEGIN s: TapeStreamState _ NARROW[self.streamData]; IF s.writing AND s.index # 0 AND (bytesRequired = LAST[INT] -- to catch overflow -- OR s.index+bytesRequired>s.lastBufferIndexPlusOne) THEN BEGIN IF ~truncate THEN BEGIN FOR i: INT IN [s.index .. s.lastBufferIndexPlusOne) DO s.buffer[i] _ padChar; ENDLOOP; s.index _ s.lastBufferIndexPlusOne; END; s.buffer.length _ s.index; s.status _ s.tapeHandle.WriteRecord[s.buffer ! TapeOps.TapeOpsError => ProduceError[ec, code]]; IF s.tapeRecordProc # NIL THEN s.tapeRecordProc[s.clientData]; s.index _ 0; END; END; <> ProduceError: PROC [ec: ROPE, code: TapeOps.ErrorCode] = BEGIN ERROR Error[ [(SELECT code FROM DataError => environment, NameLookUpError => user, ServerControlStreamAbort => environment, ServerProtocolError => bug, TapeOperationError => environment, TapeUserError => user, ENDCASE => ERROR), ec] ]; END; StoreBuffer: PROC [s: TapeStreamState] = BEGIN s.buffer.length _ s.index; s.status _ s.tapeHandle.WriteRecord[s.buffer ! TapeOps.TapeOpsError => ProduceError[ec, code]]; s.index _ 0; IF s.tapeRecordProc # NIL THEN s.tapeRecordProc[s.clientData]; END; LoadBuffer: PROC [s: TapeStreamState] = BEGIN fmk: BOOL _ FALSE; [fmk, s.buffer, s.status] _ s.tapeHandle.ReadRecord[s.buffer ! TapeOps.TapeOpsError => ProduceError[ec, code]]; IF fmk THEN s.index _ -1 ELSE s.index _ 0; s.lastBufferIndexPlusOne _ s.buffer.length; IF s.tapeRecordProc # NIL THEN s.tapeRecordProc[s.clientData]; END; END. -- of TapeStreamsImpl