<> <> DIRECTORY AMBridge, AMTypes, BBUrpEval, Commander, CommandExtras, CommandTool, EvalQuote, InterpreterOps, IO, List, PPTree, PPTreeOps, PrintTV, ProcessProps, Rope, StatementInterpreter, StructuredStreams, SymTab; EQT: CEDAR PROGRAM IMPORTS AMBridge, AMTypes, BBUrpEval, Commander, CommandExtras, CommandTool, EvalQuote, InterpreterOps, IO, List, PPTreeOps, PrintTV, ProcessProps, Rope, StatementInterpreter, StructuredStreams = BEGIN ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; Type: TYPE = AMTypes.Type; TV: TYPE = AMTypes.TV; SymbolTable: TYPE = SymTab.Ref; Tree: TYPE = InterpreterOps.Tree; EvalHead: TYPE = InterpreterOps.EvalHead; nullType: Type = AMTypes.nullType; empty: TV _ AMTypes.GetEmptyTV[]; ShowModuleParseTree: PROC [cmd: Commander.Handle] RETURNS [result: REF _ NIL, msg: ROPE _ NIL] --Commander.CommandProc-- = { blockAsRope: ROPE _ cmd.commandLine; len: INT _ blockAsRope.Length[]; errorStream: IO.STREAM _ IO.ROS[]; body: Tree; IF len < 1 THEN RETURN; IF blockAsRope.Fetch[len-1] = '\n THEN blockAsRope _ blockAsRope.Substr[len: len - 1]; body _ StatementInterpreter.ParseModule[blockAsRope, errorStream]; msg _ IO.RopeFromROS[errorStream]; IF msg.Length[] > 0 THEN result _ $Failure ELSE { out: IO.STREAM _ StructuredStreams.Create[cmd.out]; PrettyPrintTree[out, body, 57]; out.PutRope["\n"]; out.Close[]; }; }; ShowBlockParseTree: PROC [cmd: Commander.Handle] RETURNS [result: REF _ NIL, msg: ROPE _ NIL] --Commander.CommandProc-- = { blockAsRope: ROPE _ Rope.Cat["{", cmd.commandLine]; len: INT _ blockAsRope.Length[]; errorStream: IO.STREAM _ IO.ROS[]; body: Tree; IF len < 1 THEN RETURN; IF blockAsRope.Fetch[len-1] = '\n THEN blockAsRope _ blockAsRope.Substr[len: len - 1]; body _ StatementInterpreter.ParseBlock[blockAsRope, errorStream]; msg _ IO.RopeFromROS[errorStream]; IF msg.Length[] > 0 THEN result _ $Failure ELSE { out: IO.STREAM _ StructuredStreams.Create[cmd.out]; PrettyPrintTree[out, body, 57]; out.PutRope["\n"]; out.Close[]; }; }; GetStream: PROC RETURNS [IO.STREAM] = { WITH List.Assoc[$CommanderHandle, ProcessProps.GetPropList[]] SELECT FROM cmd: Commander.Handle => RETURN [cmd.out]; ENDCASE => RETURN [NIL]; }; Cons: PROC [head: EvalHead, tree: Tree, target: Type _ nullType, data: REF _ NIL] RETURNS [return: TV] -- EvalQuote.EvalQuoteProc -- = BEGIN last: Tree _ NIL; tail: TV; listType, consType, carType: Type; tailIndex: NAT; FOR tailIndex _ 1, tailIndex+1 DO t: Tree _ InterpreterOps.GetArg[tree, tailIndex]; IF t = NIL THEN EXIT; last _ t; ENDLOOP; tailIndex _ tailIndex - 1; tail _ InterpreterOps.Eval[tree: last, head: head, target: target]; listType _ AMTypes.TVType[tail]; IF AMTypes.UnderClass[listType] # list THEN ERROR; consType _ AMTypes.Range[listType]; IF AMTypes.TypeClass[consType] # structure THEN ERROR; carType _ AMTypes.IndexToType[consType, 1]; FOR i: NAT DECREASING IN [1 .. tailIndex) DO elTree: Tree _ InterpreterOps.GetArg[tree, i]; elt: TV _ InterpreterOps.Eval[tree: elTree, head: head, target: carType]; cons: TV _ AMTypes.New[consType]; car: TV _ AMTypes.IndexToTV[cons, 1]; cdr: TV _ AMTypes.IndexToTV[cons, 2]; tailRef: REF ANY; AMTypes.Assign[car, elt]; AMTypes.Assign[cdr, tail]; TRUSTED { tailRef _ AMBridge.RefFromTV[cons]; tail _ AMBridge.TVForReferent[NEW [REF ANY _ tailRef]]}; tail _ AMTypes.Coerce[tail, listType]; ENDLOOP; return _ tail; END; MakeExplicitlyTypedList: PROC [head: EvalHead, tree: Tree, target: Type _ nullType, data: REF _ NIL] RETURNS [return: TV] -- EvalQuote.EvalQuoteProc -- = BEGIN typeTree: Tree _ InterpreterOps.GetArg[tree, 1]; listType: Type _ ForceType[InterpreterOps.Eval[typeTree, head, typeType], head, typeTree]; consType, carType: Type; nilIndex: NAT; tail: TV; IF AMTypes.UnderClass[listType] # list THEN ERROR; consType _ AMTypes.Range[listType]; carType _ AMTypes.IndexToType[consType, 1]; tail _ AMTypes.New[listType]; AMTypes.Assign[tail, nil]; FOR nilIndex _ 2, nilIndex + 1 DO t: Tree _ InterpreterOps.GetArg[tree, nilIndex]; IF t = NIL THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; FOR i: NAT DECREASING IN (1 .. nilIndex) DO elTree: Tree _ InterpreterOps.GetArg[tree, i]; elt: TV _ InterpreterOps.Eval[tree: elTree, head: head, target: carType]; cons: TV _ AMTypes.New[consType]; car: TV _ AMTypes.IndexToTV[cons, 1]; cdr: TV _ AMTypes.IndexToTV[cons, 2]; tailRef: REF ANY; AMTypes.Assign[car, elt]; AMTypes.Assign[cdr, tail]; TRUSTED { tailRef _ AMBridge.RefFromTV[cons]; tail _ AMBridge.TVForReferent[NEW [REF ANY _ tailRef]]}; tail _ AMTypes.Coerce[tail, listType]; ENDLOOP; return _ tail; END; loraType: Type _ AMTypes.UnderType[CODE[LIST OF REF ANY]]; MakeImplicitlyTypedList: PROC [head: EvalHead, tree: Tree, target: Type _ nullType, data: REF _ NIL] RETURNS [return: TV] -- EvalQuote.EvalQuoteProc -- = BEGIN listType: Type _ IF target # nullType THEN target ELSE loraType; consType, carType: Type; nilIndex: NAT; tail: TV; IF AMTypes.UnderClass[listType] # list THEN ERROR; consType _ AMTypes.Range[listType]; carType _ AMTypes.IndexToType[consType, 1]; tail _ AMTypes.New[listType]; AMTypes.Assign[tail, nil]; FOR nilIndex _ 1, nilIndex + 1 DO t: Tree _ InterpreterOps.GetArg[tree, nilIndex]; IF t = NIL THEN EXIT; ENDLOOP; FOR i: NAT DECREASING IN (0 .. nilIndex) DO elTree: Tree _ InterpreterOps.GetArg[tree, i]; elt: TV _ InterpreterOps.Eval[tree: elTree, head: head, target: carType]; cons: TV _ AMTypes.New[consType]; car: TV _ AMTypes.IndexToTV[cons, 1]; cdr: TV _ AMTypes.IndexToTV[cons, 2]; tailRef: REF ANY; AMTypes.Assign[car, elt]; AMTypes.Assign[cdr, tail]; TRUSTED { tailRef _ AMBridge.RefFromTV[cons]; tail _ AMBridge.TVForReferent[NEW [REF ANY _ tailRef]]}; tail _ AMTypes.Coerce[tail, listType]; ENDLOOP; return _ tail; END; typeType: Type; underType: Type _ AMTypes.UnderType[CODE[Type]]; nil: TV; ForceType: PROC [tv: TV, head: EvalHead, parent: Tree] RETURNS [Type] = TRUSTED { rtn: TV _ tv; DO <> ut: Type = AMTypes.UnderType[AMTypes.TVType[rtn]]; IF ut = underType THEN RETURN [AMTypes.TVToType[rtn]]; IF AMTypes.TypeClass[ut] = type THEN RETURN [AMTypes.TVToType[rtn]]; rtn _ BBUrpEval.UrpWrongType[head, parent, rtn, underType, "not Type"] ENDLOOP }; Print: PROC [head: EvalHead, tree: Tree, target: Type _ nullType, data: REF _ NIL] RETURNS [return: TV] -- EvalQuote.EvalQuoteProc -- = BEGIN out: IO.STREAM _ GetStream[]; args: Tree _ PPTreeOps.NthSon[tree, 2]; IF out # NIL THEN out _ StructuredStreams.Create[out]; IF args # NIL AND ISTYPE[args, REF PPTree.Node] AND NARROW[args, REF PPTree.Node].name = list THEN { FOR i: NAT IN [1 .. PPTreeOps.NSons[args]] DO son: Tree _ PPTreeOps.NthSon[args, i]; return _ InterpreterOps.Eval[tree: son, head: head, target: target]; PrintTV.Print[return, out]; ENDLOOP} ELSE { return _ InterpreterOps.Eval[tree: args, head: head, target: target]; PrintTV.Print[return, out]}; IF out = NIL THEN RETURN; out.PutChar['\n]; out.Close[]; END; Reflection: TYPE = RECORD [head: EvalHead, tree: Tree, target: Type]; Reflect: PROC [head: EvalHead, tree: Tree, target: Type _ nullType, data: REF _ NIL] RETURNS [return: TV] -- EvalQuote.EvalQuoteProc -- = BEGIN TRUSTED {return _ AMBridge.TVForReferent[NEW[Reflection _ latest _ [head, tree, target]]]}; END; Up: PROC [head: EvalHead, tree: Tree, target: Type _ nullType, data: REF _ NIL] RETURNS [return: TV] -- EvalQuote.EvalQuoteProc -- = BEGIN args: Tree _ PPTreeOps.NthSon[tree, 2]; arg: TV _ InterpreterOps.Eval[tree: args, head: head]; TRUSTED {return _ AMBridge.TVForReferent[NEW [TV _ arg]]}; END; downBitch: TV; Down: PROC [head: EvalHead, tree: Tree, target: Type _ nullType, data: REF _ NIL] RETURNS [return: TV] -- EvalQuote.EvalQuoteProc -- = BEGIN args: Tree _ PPTreeOps.NthSon[tree, 2]; arg: TV _ InterpreterOps.Eval[tree: args, head: head]; SELECT AMTypes.TypeClass[AMTypes.UnderType[AMTypes.TVType[arg]]] FROM ref => { ra: REF ANY; TRUSTED {ra _ AMBridge.TVToRef[arg]}; WITH ra SELECT FROM tv: TV => RETURN [tv]; ENDCASE; }; ENDCASE; return _ downBitch; END; EnType: PROC [head: EvalHead, tree: Tree, target: Type _ nullType, data: REF _ NIL] RETURNS [return: TV] -- EvalQuote.EvalQuoteProc -- = BEGIN args: Tree _ PPTreeOps.NthSon[tree, 2]; arg: TV _ InterpreterOps.Eval[tree: args, head: head, target: typeType]; type: Type _ ForceType[arg, head, tree]; TRUSTED {return _ AMBridge.TVForType[type]}; END; latest: Reflection; Snarf: PROC [head: EvalHead, tree: Tree, target: Type _ nullType, data: REF _ NIL] RETURNS [return: TV] -- EvalQuote.EvalQuoteProc -- = BEGIN latest _ [head, tree, target]; return _ empty; END; PrettyPrintTree: PROC [to: IO.STREAM, t: Tree, margin: NAT _ 69] = { realTo: IO.STREAM; IF to = NIL THEN to _ GetStream[]; realTo _ StructuredStreams.Create[to, margin]; PrintWork[realTo, t]; realTo.Close[]; }; PrintWork: PROC [to: IO.STREAM, t: Tree] = { WITH t SELECT FROM n: REF PPTree.Node => { to.PutRope[nodeNames[n.name]]; IF n.attr # ALL[FALSE] THEN FOR a: PPTree.AttrId IN PPTree.AttrId DO to.PutChar[IF n.attr[a] THEN 'T ELSE 'F]; ENDLOOP; IF n.info # 0 THEN to.PutF["%g", IO.card[n.info]]; to.PutRope["["]; StructuredStreams.Begin[to]; FOR i: NAT IN [1 .. n.sonLimit) DO StructuredStreams.Bp[to, FALSE, 0]; PrintWork[to, n.son[i]]; IF i+1 < n.sonLimit THEN to.PutRope[", "]; ENDLOOP; to.PutRope["]"]; StructuredStreams.End[to]; }; ra: REF ANY => to.Put[IO.refAny[ra]]; ENDCASE => ERROR; }; nodeNames: ARRAY PPTree.NodeName OF ROPE; Start: PROC = { rnn: REF PPTree.NodeName _ NEW [PPTree.NodeName]; tvnn: TV; TRUSTED { typeType _ AMTypes.TVType[AMBridge.TVForType[CODE[BOOL]]]; nil _ AMBridge.TVForReferent[NEW [REF ANY _ NIL]]; tvnn _ AMBridge.TVForReferent[rnn]; downBitch _ AMBridge.TVForReferent[NEW [ROPE _ "Not a TypedVariable"]]; }; FOR nn: PPTree.NodeName IN PPTree.NodeName DO rnn^ _ nn; nodeNames[nn] _ AMTypes.TVToName[tvnn]; ENDLOOP; EvalQuote.Register["&reflect", Reflect, NIL]; EvalQuote.Register["&up", Up, NIL]; EvalQuote.Register["&down", Down, NIL]; EvalQuote.Register["&type", EnType, NIL]; EvalQuote.Register["&snarf", Snarf, NIL]; EvalQuote.Register["&print", Print, NIL]; EvalQuote.Register["&cons", Cons, NIL]; EvalQuote.Register["&tlist", MakeExplicitlyTypedList, NIL]; EvalQuote.Register["&list", MakeImplicitlyTypedList, NIL]; Commander.Register["d{", ShowBlockParseTree, "PrettyPrints statement parse tree"]; CommandExtras.MakeUninterpreted[ Commander.Lookup[ CommandTool.CurrentWorkingDirectory[].Cat["d{"]]]; Commander.Register["dm", ShowModuleParseTree, "PrettyPrints module parse tree"]; CommandExtras.MakeUninterpreted[ Commander.Lookup[ CommandTool.CurrentWorkingDirectory[].Cat["dm"]]]; }; Start[]; END.