DIRECTORY BasicTime, DFUtilities, IO, OrderedSymbolTableRef, Rope, ViewerClasses; FileCmds: CEDAR DEFINITIONS ={ LORA: TYPE = LIST OF REF ANY; ROPE: TYPE = Rope.ROPE; Viewer: TYPE = ViewerClasses.Viewer; STREAM: TYPE = IO.STREAM; GMT: TYPE = BasicTime.GMT; noGMT: GMT = BasicTime.nullGMT; Error: ERROR [message: ROPE]; Miss: SIGNAL [name: ROPE, created: GMT]; FileNote: TYPE = REF FileNoteRep; FileNoteRep: TYPE = RECORD [ name: ROPE, created: GMT _ noGMT, primaryVolume, backupVolume: ROPE _ NIL, createTried: BOOL _ FALSE]; FileSet: TYPE = REF FileSetRep; FileSetRep: TYPE = RECORD [ elts: OrderedSymbolTableRef.Table, summary: ROPE]; FileConsumer: TYPE = PROC [fn: FileNote]; ArchiveWhich: TYPE = {archive, online}; DFWhich: TYPE = {remote, local}; IdentificationScheme: TYPE = {longWithVersion, shortAndCreate, askFS}; GetCreated: PROC[fn: FileNote] RETURNS [created: GMT]; Eval: PROC [ra: REF ANY, ids: IdentificationScheme] RETURNS [fs: FileSet]; EnumSet: PROC [fs: FileSet, to: FileConsumer]; Lookup: PROC [fs: FileSet, fn: FileNote] RETURNS [found: FileNote]; Delete: PROC [fs: FileSet, fn: FileNote] RETURNS [found: FileNote]; Size: PROC [fs: FileSet] RETURNS [numberOfFiles: INT]; EnumArchiveMsg: PROC [date: GMT, to: FileConsumer, which: ArchiveWhich, ids: IdentificationScheme]; EnumDF: PROC [dfName: ROPE, date: DFUtilities.Date _ [], to: FileConsumer, filter: DFUtilities.Filter, which: DFWhich, ids: IdentificationScheme]; }. PFileCmds.Mesa Copyright c 1984 by Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved. Last Edited by: Spreitzer, December 6, 1984 8:34:25 pm PST For syntax errors and such. Informational signal: Couldn't identify. may return noGMT. ra is what you get when you call IO.GetRefAny to parse a fileSetExpression as defined in FileCmdsDoc.Tioga Κ‚˜Icode™ Kšœ Οmœ1™