last edited July 31, 1982 1:10 pm Sturgis
last edited May 23, 1983 5:44 pm Mitchell
last edited February 2, 1984 12:31 pm McCreight
Last Edited by: Greene, June 27, 1984 3:40:38 pm PDT
IO USING[STREAM, StreamVariety],
StreamOpen: PROC[ variety: IO.StreamVariety -- input, output -- , cipher: IO.STREAM, key: Rope.ROPE ] RETURNS [ plain: IO.STREAM ];
StreamOpenWithKey: PROC[ variety: IO.StreamVariety -- input, output -- , cipher: IO.STREAM, key: DESFace.Key ] RETURNS [ plain: IO.STREAM ];
BadEncryption: ERROR;
Trying to decrypt something that wasn't encrypted by Encrypt, or has been altered since. Generated during StreamOpen[variety: input, ...], or plain.GetChar[].
EncryptFile, DecryptFile: PROC [key, plain, cipher: Rope.ROPE];
The plain file is copied, encrypted/decrypted by key, to/from the cipher file. Can generate FS.Error.
EncryptFileWithKey, DecryptFileWithKey: PROC [key: DESFace.Key, plain, cipher: Rope.ROPE];
The plain file is copied, encrypted/decrypted by key, to/from the cipher file. Can generate FS.Error.
EncryptRope: PROC [plain, key: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [cipher: Rope.ROPE];
DecryptRope: PROC [cipher, key: Rope.ROPE] RETURNS [plain: Rope.ROPE];
EncryptRopeWithKey: PROC [plain: Rope.ROPE, key: DESFace.Key] RETURNS [cipher: Rope.ROPE];
DecryptRopeWithKey: PROC [cipher: Rope.ROPE, key: DESFace.Key] RETURNS [plain: Rope.ROPE];
Remark: 14-Mar-82 12:02:38: started EncryptedIOStream.Mesa
Remark: July 31, 1982 1:10 pm: convert to Cedar 3.2 (Rope.Ref => Rope.ROPE, IOStream.Handle => IO.STREAM)
Edited on May 23, 1983 5:43 pm, by Mitchell
changed name to EncryptedIO as part of basing on DES encryption and providing more general set of IO procedures
Edited on February 2, 1984 12:42 pm, by McCreight
changed name to Encrypt