SleepPeekDoc.tioga Created by Michael Plass, April 11, 1984 10:35:40 am PST Last Edited by Rick Beach, October 9, 1984 8:54:30 pm PDT DF file: SleepPeek.df Maintainer: Plass Package catalog entry: Provides a sleep button that allows any portion of the screen to be displayed during idle. Usage: Type SleepPeek to an executive. This makes a button labeled "Sleep" at the top of the screen. Left-click it and select a portion of the screen by depressing the left mouse button while sliding the cursor along the diagonal of the desired rectangle. The machine will then go into idle mode with the selected part of the screen showing instead of the usual "Type Key" message. The display will be updated, so this may be used to monitor the progress of a running program or display a clock, etc. Once you have defined a region of the screen, right- or middle-clicking the Sleep button will put your machine into idle mode.