Release as [Indigo]<Cedar®>Documentation>ReferToSquirrelHackDoc.Tioga
Written by Rick Beach, August 6, 1984 1:25:05 pm PDT
© Copyright 1984 Xerox Corporation. All rights reserved.
Abstract: The ReferToSquirrelHack command converts bibliographic citations in the UNIX refer format and stores them in a Squirrel database.
XEROX Xerox Corporation
Palo Alto Research Center
3333 Coyote Hill Road
Palo Alto, California 94304
For Internal Xerox Use Only
ReferToSquirrelHack Command
The ReferToSquirrelHack command converts bibliographic citations in the UNIX refer format and stores them in a Squirrel database. The refer format described below is simple enough that to enter a moderate number of bibliographic database entries into a Squirrel database you might use this command on a newly typed file.
The Squirrel segment is taken from the UserProfile entry for "Squirrel.Segment". The current login name and password authentications are used. The Squirrel database scheme expected is outlined below. Note that this command will not generate the schema or an entirely new database. Use Squirrel to load a personal database before using ReferToSquirrelHack.
Command Syntax
ReferToSquirrelHack {-check} <refer-filename>
the refer-filename is a filename accessible to Cedar FS and contains the refer format bibliographic entries.
the -check option aborts the Squirrel transaction after performing all the conversions, consistency checks and database entries.
A log is produced of the citations encountered and comments on the database updates. Use the command tool redirection or separate execution options to save this log. For example:
ReferToSquirrelHack -check SIGGRAPH.refer &
will produce a separate viewer to observe the execution of the check phase, and
ReferToSquirrelHack SIGGRAPH.refer > SIGGRAPH.log
Some cautions
ReferToSquirrelHack makes several consistency checks to eliminate problem citations. Use the -check option of the command before trusting it! The consistency checks are the following:
only one Book, City, Date, Institution, Journal, Number, Pages, Report, Title, Vol refer entry
either Book or Journal but not both
either Report or Number but not both
if City then there must be an Institution
either Book or Title must be present
if Editor then there must be a Book or Journal
Author names are handled differently in my Squirrel database. I prefer <surname>, <initials> while refer uses <initials> <surname>. ReferToSquirrelHack uses an ad hoc rule for rearranging the name parts.
Author names often appear differently on different documents. I added an "alias of: Person is: Person" relation to my Squirrel database for this purpose.
Documents with both an author(s) and an editor(s) or translator(s) are not handled in the Squirrel database schema.
Refer Format for Bibliographic entries
A refer entry is a succession of single line entries (although the UNIX refer permits entries to cascade onto following lines, the simple parser in ReferToSquirrelHack insists that there be no imbedded newline characters) followed by an empty line. Each part of the entry begins a new line with a "%" character and a single capital letter:
%A - author, generally <initials> <surname>
%B - book title of an edited work containing the document or of a book
%C - city or location of the publisher (not of a conference!)
%D - publication date of the document or of the journal issue
%E - editor of an edited work containing the document
%I - instituion publishing the document or journal
%J - journal name
%K - keyword for subject areas
%N - issue number of journal containing the document
%O - other information
%P - pages in the journal containing the document
%R - report number, report series name may be in %J field
%T - document title (although %B might suffice)
%V - volume number of the journal containing the document
Some sample entries:
%T Graphical Style — Towards High Quality Illustrations
%A Richard J. Beach
%A Maureen Stone
%J Computer Graphics
%V 17
%N 3
%P 127-135
%D July 1983
%T Human Problem Solving
%A A. Newell
%A H.A. Simon
%I Prentice-Hall
%C Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
%D 1972
%A E.L. Newport
%A U. Bellugi
%T Linguistic Expresion of Category Levels in a Visual-Gestural Language: A Flower is a Flower is a Flower
%E E. Rosch
%E B. Lloyd
%B Cognition and Categorization
%I Lawrence Erlbaum
%C New York
%D 1978
%T Curved Nonconforming Elements for Plate Problems
%A Robert E. Barnhill
%A James H. Brown
%R Numerical Analysis Report No. 8
%I University of Dundee
%D Aug. 1975
%K curves and surfaces
%K design and modeling
%K engineering
%T The Beta-Spline: A Local Representation Based on Shape Parameters and Fundamental Geometric Measures
%A Brian A. Barsky
%R PhD thesis
%I University of Utah
%C Salt Lake City, Utah
%D 1981
%K splines
%K curves and surfaces
%K design and modeling
%K differential geometry
%K algorithms
Squirrel Schema
Document - subType of WrittenWork
Collection - subType of WrittenWork
Organization - subType of LegalEntity
Place - subType of LegalEntity
author of: Document is: Person
paper-source of: Document is: Collection vol: ROPE issue: ROPE pages: ROPE date: ROPE
physical-source of: WrittenWork is: LegalEntity
publisher of: WrittenWork is Organization
reference of: Document is: Document
subject-area of: WrittenWork is: Subject
publication-date of: WrittenWork is: ROPE
editor of: Collection is: Person
location of: LegalEntity is: Place
note of: AnyDomainType is: ROPE